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Messages - Monkey with a gun

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Suggestions / Re: We need a new Serious RP server!
« on: October 03, 2012, 06:43:18 PM »
cough Starship Troopers Roleplay cough

fuck yeah comic sans

General Discussion / Re: Mount and Blade victory tales
« on: September 26, 2012, 07:10:14 AM »
I get like 50 Swaidain Knights, then storm a castle of 150-200 and win, only losing a small number of my troops. They are very OP.

What level training do I need to make knights?

If i'm not mistaken the Swadian Knights are the cavalry line of the swadians. I believe it goes something along the lines of "Swadian Militia > Swadian Footman > Swadian Trained Footman > Whatever the first level of Swadian cavalry is called > Swadian Knight" I haven't started up Mount and Blade Warband in a couple of months though, so those ranks may be a little iffy, and the knight may be the first cavalry unit for the Swadians.

Accepted CWU Applications / Re: Ella Swire's Civil Worker Application
« on: September 23, 2012, 06:51:46 PM »
Accepted for interview

Please seek out a Organizer to conduct your interview for the Civil Worker's Union

Denied CWU Applications / Re: Estaban rogers\'s Civil Worker Application
« on: September 23, 2012, 06:45:47 PM »
Application Denied

Fairly self explanitory...

For those who do not realize: Applicant does not have required post count, grammar is poor, backstory is lacking in every way possible, applicant did not apply to the correct organization.

Denied CWU Applications / Re: kim gunndy's Civil Worker Application
« on: September 23, 2012, 06:39:30 PM »
Application Denied

Applicant is missing minimum required post-count.

Accepted CWU Applications / Re: Craig Grahm's Civil Worker Application
« on: September 23, 2012, 06:33:04 PM »
Accepted for interview

Congratulations! Please seek out a Organizer to conduct your interview as soon as possible.

All the contents within this thread are offically approved. If you have any questions regarding the specifics of each rule contact either Ryan Carter or myself. - James Tavener

Out of Character for OOC:

Authorization Accepted

Cyberrabbi has updated the thread and shown competency in OOC Medical Knowledge through not only her CWU Medical member, but in the application itself. I can't really think of what else would be required at this point, and the authorization requested is fair for the knowledge shown.
I would like you to keep it in mind that if you are going to perform complex operations that require extensive medical equipment (example: surgerys) that you get permission before doing so, aswell as explaining how you got the equipment to perform it.

Denied CWU Applications / Re: Howard Biggs's Civil Worker Application
« on: August 26, 2012, 03:06:55 PM »
Application Denied
Out of Character for OOC:
Apologies for the long delay. Your IC section on the application was fine, the only troubles I had was in the OOC Backstory section. To be more specific, the spaceship looking down at your character, the high IQ and particle physicist. Combined with the fact that the backstory somewhat ignores the entire invasion of xen aliens before the combine invasion (Somewhat voiding your entire search for aliens, really).

So for mainly those reasons, I am unfortantly going to have to deny this application. You may apply again within one week from the 14th of Augest.

Accepted CWU Applications / Re: Zach Zema's Civil Worker Application
« on: August 22, 2012, 11:45:09 PM »
Accepted For Interview

Please speak to your local Civil Workers Union Organizer to recieve your interview.

Civil Workers Union / Work Centre Logging Thread
« on: August 19, 2012, 10:16:57 PM »
Simply post below and follow the format provided. This should all be infomation that you have obtained while on the server inside your work centre. Failure to follow the format or failure to use the system at all will warrant punishments.

Code: [Select]
[b][size=18pt]Registered Citizen[/size][/b]
Citizen Name:
Citizen CID:
Light Physical Description of Citizen:

If you have awarded a citizen with a loyalist point please use the following format instead.

Code: [Select]
[b][size=18pt]Loyalist Point[/size][/b]
Citizen Name:
OOC: Estimated time that loyalist point was achieved. Please add your appropiate timezone:

Below is an example of how you should world your posts.

Registered Citizen
Citizen Name: John Doe
Citizen CID: 00000
Light Physical Description of Citizen: Tall, brown hair, green eyes, scar covering his right cheek

Registered Citizen
Citizen Name: Mary James
Citizen CID: 00000
Light Physical Description of Citizen: Short, petite figure, bright blue eyes, speaks with a hint of a welsh accent.

(You can add a line across your posts by typing into [hr ])

Loyalist Point
Citizen Name: John Doe
OOC: Estimated time that the loyalist point was achieved. Please add your appropiate timezone: 6AM GMT +1

Civil Workers Union / The Offical Civil Workers Union Work Centre Manual
« on: August 19, 2012, 10:08:35 PM »

The Work Center
Section I - What the Work Centre is and purpose
Section II - Guide to getting your center operational
Section III - Interview Process
Section IV - Rewards

Section I
The Worker Centre is a combination of ideas and input from the City Administration team and a number of official Workers. The goal of the Worker Centre is to provide citizens with daily interactions, along with aiding Civil Protection Units when it comes to who should receive loyalist points. Not only does the Work Centre allow for citizens to more reliantly gain access to loyalist points, it also provides them with a unique opportunity to benefit the city in exchange for monetary rewards.

In the picture below you will see the ideal construction of a Work Centre, and ideally the one you should use when you attempt to start up your own, unless you fall under a unique set of circumstances that will be explained in Section Two.
Spoiler for Hiden:
The most important part of this structure is the ability to maintain constant 360 degree awareness. This will be especially valuable if you are operating the Work Centre alone.

Please proceed to Section II if you are interested in starting up your own operation.

Section II

In this section you will find what the minimum requires of operating your own Work Centre is, along with multiple other aspects such as the official designs along with job listings.

Offical Design
The design of the Work Centre is to be similar to the picture shown in Section I. It must allow for you to have access to at least a view of the main plaza. A designated "front" is not required, but is recommended. This can be achieved by adding things such as railings to the side you wish citizens to gather at, or through the use of directional arrows on the floor. Please Refer back to Section I for a official image of the Work Centre design, the only exceptions to when you are allowed to break this design, is when the current materials required for the centre cannot be reached.
Out of Character for OOC:
What this means is if you lack CSS and need to use real tables, or a pre-built shop due to entity limits

Job Listings
After the construction and placement of your Work Centre has been decided and acted upon, you may begin choosing what job listings you are planning to offer the citizens. We will provide you with a few Jobs that we suggest you hand out [this list will grow bigger with time], but we also highly recommend that you take some time to work out possible jobs that you wish to hand out.

Low Pay Jobs:
Trash Cleaner, pay 15 centre points - Citizens will be employed to move around the city plaza and pick up any trash laying around and dispose of it.

Street Sweeper, pay 10 centre points - Citizens will be employed to sweep the streets and keep them immaculate

Window Washer, pay 10 centre points - Citizens will be employed to wash dirty windows from the surrounding windows

Medium Point Jobs

Shoe shiner, pay 25 centre points - Citizens will be supplied with appropriate shoe shining tools and will offer their services to passing units and citizens. They may keep any extra token tips they receive from either units or citizens.

Leaf Raking, pay 25 centre points - Citizens will be supplied with a small and harmless rake, they will proceed to move any leafs and converge them into a neat and out of the way pile.

High Point Jobs

Civil Workers Union Food Packaging, pay 50 centre points - Citizens will be moved to the Headquarter garage, where they will assist in the packaging of food (Under direct supervision).

High Point Jobs are to be handed out on rare occasion due to the requirement of [minimum of one] worker directly supervising the work, making sure that no supplies are stolen or eaten. After a lot of citizens have performed a low point job (such as street sweeping), the job may be temporarily blacklisted from use for a maximum of 30 minutes, at the discretion of the worker operating the store. The supervising worker may reward additional centre credits to all jobs, under the condition that the citizen has done more than what is asked of the average person. In exceptional cases the citizen may earn up to 20 extra reward points.
Out of Character for OOC:
You're allowed to reward an extra points to whose who /me exceptionally well

You may not add any additional High Point Jobs to your Work Centre without receiving permission from either a [CWU] Divisional Commander or Organizer.

Logging Loyalist Points and Citizens

As we near the end of Section II, we will touch on the subject of what to do once a citizen reaches 100 Centre Points and takes the decision to trade them in for a loyalist point rather than a token reward. You're first step of action should be to bring up your list of citizen names, cids and physical descriptions (This will be explained more in the interview process). Once you have identified the citizen, you will request your second worker on duty with you, or one who is free, to make his way to a Civil protection Unit and show him the citizens total Centre Point balance, and request that a loyalist point is officially added to their record.

Once the loyalist point has been officially added to the citizens record and reported back to you, the store owner, you may reset the citizens total centre point balance and send them away again. Citizens may only be eligible for one loyalist point per 24 Hours. Once the citizen has left, bring up your notebook and log down the citizens name, CID and physical features, along with the estimated time this interaction occurred at.

Section III

This section is information regarding the mandatory registration process and logging system. Failure to perform either of these duties while operating your Work Centre will result in serious punishment.

Mandatory Registration

When a new citizen approaches your Work Centre and is not registered on the official logging system, you are required to give them a brief explanation of the store, along with offering them the chance to register. In order to be officially register the citizen must provide you with their Name and CID, the CID must be presented in either official card-form or match up with the one printed onto their jumpsuit. After they have provided you with their name and CID you must write this done either on the official logging system, or jolt it down to a piece of paper to add once you close up the store.

The Logging System

You can find the official logging system by the following paper printed beside this [ ], simply follow the instructions posted on the paper and you'll be well under-way to registering new citizens for the Work Centre.

Section IV

This Section is the list of possible rewards that may be handed out in exchange for Centre Points. Purchasing these extras will use up the number of centre points required to purchase them.

Main Rewards
A standard token exchange for a rate of 2 Centre Points for one token.
5 Centre Points - Two potatoes and a Breen's Water
10 Centre Points - A CWU Banana and a bottle of lemonade
15 Centre Points - One Orange, a bottle of lemonade and two bananas
25 Centre Points - A single CWU Flashlight
50 Centre Points - A backpack, two bags and a doughnut.
100 Centre Points - One loyalist point, only achievable once per 24 hours.

Out of Character for OOC:
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
"Why do we have the ability to block out low point jobs for a maximum of 30 minutes?"The ability to blacklist jobs is a extremely important one. The goal of allowing workers to do this is to help combat the no-doubt going to occur abuse of this system, helping to prevent certain people from continually grinding washing a window for their one hundred points.

"Why do I need more than one worker to offer more than medium pay jobs?"The inclusion of this limitation was made by the fact that, practically all of the high paying jobs are going to need some sort of direct supervision, to make sure nothing illegal is going on. Unfortunately we can't exactly be in two places at once, and most people will not wish to shut down their centre to over watch a high pay job.

"Who came up with this idea?" The original credits of the idea go to Cyberrabbi. He brought the idea up to myself and Get.In.The.Van [Vice Consul House], we both agreed on the fact that the idea had potential     and we set out on bringing the project to reality.

Thank you to all of those who have read this guide, I hope you take the work centre and start it up on the server when you have the chance. The link to the logging system will be done for a short time while I prepare that thread and get it all sorted out. I apologize in advance for any possible mistakes in the thread.

The story of the resistance uniform? Wat.

If you're reffering to how some people have resistance uniforms on the outlands, sit down and let me tell ye' a grand tale. Of course, this is just how some people got theirs and is most definetely not the way everybody got them.

In a land far, far away, Statua was given permission by RolfWaffle to form a resistance group within the outlands, said resistance group would be given access to a number of vests (I believe the number was around 3-4), he chose the people he thought best suited for the job and set out upon an adventure. Back in the outlands infancy, on OuterCanals, the alliance flourished along with a few other resistance type groups.
One of the other groups to hold vests would be the owners of Easy Station. I'm a little empty on the facts, but I believe they had a truce or were friendly with The Alliance.

Eventually the other groups fell apart and people became in-active, one in particular being Easy Station (I don't know if they had an offical name, but that was their station name). After a few spouts of drama and some (In my opinion) poor descesions, such as the (from what i've been told) shoot on sight warning to any citizen not in The Alliance, if they came near their headquaters. I'm pretty sure nothing ever came from that, though, and it was a mere paper warning across a bridge from their HQ.

After a few months and lots of hard work on the new map by Statua (Inue_Pass), The Alliance rounded up everybody on the server at the time and we headed out to the mountains, in an attempt to avoid further OTA raids (That being the IC reason).
Switching to the new map, however, caused a moderate about of drama when The Alliance claimed the bunker (Not the current bunker in the map, but a much larger, expansive and detailed bunker) as their own, not allowing anybody other than themselfs inside, weither of not any of them were on the server at the time.

Quickly after the "front door" so to speak was opened up to the public, this new area was the main-hangout for practically everybody on the server, Belles Town and Beans Land (Before it became that, anyway) were pretty much ghost-towns, other than the occasional resistance group that would sprout up. Once again, more drama was caused due to people getting upset that The Alliance was holding this massively expansive underground bunker to themselfs (which was hardly ever used), while restricting everybody else into one, cramped room surrounded by fences and key-codes to keep them out.

Soon another area within the bunker was opened for the public. This area was still roughly the same size (If not smaller) than the previous main-area, the difference being this room actually had a sofa and items for which people could use. If you're wondering what reside on for this situation, I would say it was handled poorly and that the bunker should of been completely allowed to the public from the start.

As time went on the outlands population dwindled and The Alliance disbanded. My memory becomes a little fuzzy at this point, from what I recall a group named "Jury" took over the bunker, keeping the same rules as The Alliance had. That group too, quickly disbanded and fell apart.
And then we're left with what we have today, the remaining Alliance members and a few others wandering the outlands as loners. The rest either acheiving their resistance vest through donations, or special permissions.

That's about all I can remember, it's most likely chalk full of spelling errors and some mis-infomation, enjoy.

Edit: Pretty sure The Alliance disbanded because Leonard "died", actually.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: HL2RP Memes
« on: August 15, 2012, 02:08:41 PM »
He died an honourable death. Locked inside my closet.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: HL2RP Memes
« on: August 15, 2012, 12:10:24 PM »
Spoiler for Hiden:

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