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Messages - Journeyman H. [UK]

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Social Discussion / Re: Are you truly safe and free from fear?
« on: March 31, 2012, 05:43:04 AM »
What you need to understand is I am not directly attacking the police force, I am asking a question, does a question hurt?
Because you seem to act like I am out here to cause problems. You seem to think that I am directly attacking one nation, and therefore making a conclusion that I "Don't know about third world countries", I do, however there is no need to mention it, it's been slapped in our face constantly by the media, schools, and your friends, why should I ramble on about them?
I am far more interested in our country, and how we can improve society. It has to start somewhere, I can see that there are reasons why the problem happens and more importantly, give an idea on how to improve our world. I have not declared the United States or the United Kingdom being a police state, but I do feel that it's heading this way, whilst I have no direct evidence of it happening, so I base it under my observation.

I aim to make people ask questions more and look at every source you can stumble across.

Juggernaut, if my videos that I have given to you is biased or wrong. Then you have to give me evidence to claim otherwise. You've yet to prove me wrong. But then again, I am not saying I am right and the evidence is right. But you perceive that what I am saying is right and therefore have to act upon it by claiming I am biased. Of course my words are biased, it's how I view it.
You just declared my argument invalid, yet you've given me no evidence or source of information that argues against what I am saying.
You've also misread the entire thing, I am not aiming to attack the law enforcement, I am aiming for you all to question.

Once again, if you want to say that my "Argument is invalid" please do so.
But at your own risk, of course, seeing as you've provided me with no evidence and note that I am not claiming that I am right, also on top of that I claim that I am not on one side in particular.
It's a simple discussion. Oh, don't forget that I look at the mainstream media as well, though it is mainly on paper, even though I can't post that, seeing as they hush up about those problems or that I can't find it on the website.

Can you provide me proof of that story? Even though I wouldn't be surprised that they would do that, but I have not heard of it happening.

EDIT: Oh wait, you mean this

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Yeah, the man sure did get flattened by the tank.

Social Discussion / Re: Are you truly safe and free from fear?
« on: March 30, 2012, 05:07:19 PM »
Let's see. How should I answer these supposed "Well done you sure told Journeyman", even though I see no evidence backing it up. Well, apart from Renegade showing videos of Osama being killed and the WTC, which to be honest, shows that we use war to deal with the differences, and that bombing the country back is the right thing, somehow I find that it ruins more lives than it does fixing it.

I read and listen from all sources of info. My local media, the more independent media, and the U.S. media (Whilst it's not shown on television, I see some people sharing the story). How can looking at both sides, whilst gathering information and making a conclusion is clouded?
I identify the problem we face. I then find patterns that have been repeated before. I then look at the two sides. I then make my conclusion.
This thread, so far is me questioning the authority, if it seems to hurt you so badly, you are free to leave, because by the posts you are making, it seems that you're clearly agitated by it, for whatever reason, I will be fair and not make wild assumptions such as you, making wild claims that I am having a "Hissy fit", when it's just a simple observation.
You seem to have not read or have forgotten what I am trying to say, I am not making a direct attack I highlight problems, and draw a conclusion, does it hurt? Seems to be that it hurts you where it counts.
I am actually working into trying to make the world a better place. Starting by efficient standards of living, such as better quality housing using modern, sustainable methods, that will take time, but I am hoping to achieve that, but that is only a small part of a wide puzzle we have, I want people to have a secure future children and elderly, they should not be ruled by companies.
This, what I am doing is asking questions and making observations.

But of course, your response may be "Wow, big deal, hardly anything!". One man can do what he is limited to. But I definitely do not have a self centered goal. My goal is hoping to secure everyone's life for a better future.
Just an FYI, I am studying in Civil Engineering, and I am hoping to make the best of it.

So far, I seen your posts throughout the forum, shows you have nothing else of interest but war. I don't know what makes you think that war is the right thing to solve our differences. I have nothing else to say but all I can do, is question your behaviour on how you solve differences in real life. With your outrageous lies of claiming of being in the army and so on, makes me wonder about you.

"Haydn I don't know what the fuck is with you you've changed since I first met you on PEs GMR" You seem to repeat that line a lot, running out of ways to reason or talk? You have not spoken to me at all.
(Oh, don't forget the amount of times you got proven wrong by people in Orange Cosmos and have done nothing but heighten aggravation to everyone, whilst it is somewhat irrelevant in CG but you seem to be bringing up the past, so I will too.)
A police state in America? Sometimes I wonder, but where I currently stand, I believe that we are in a police state.
I also seem to make you very angry about my views, you're agitated because I question and make observations and spread my thoughts?

Now, you all seem to be mistaken about what I am saying, it does not matter where you live, it seems to be, everywhere, tyranny and fear lurks somewhere.
Now, we understand clearly that countries such as Africa and the middle east are definitely not humane when it comes to solving problems with the people. But I guarantee you, our world is hardly any different when it comes to patting down the people who speak out.
At the end of the day, no one is right. But it surely does not hurt to make observations or to share views, especially if it's backed by evidence they present.

So the question remains to you three;
Are you hurt by the threads I made? If so, leave.
Are you just here to prove me wrong or to help? If so, post, and if you can provide me evidence. Share your views, don't concentrate on the negatives I am saying.

Social Discussion / Re: loa
« on: March 30, 2012, 04:35:14 PM »
Please, do educate more and do your school work, it's absolutely vital. You'll never regret spending your time doing school work.
Always be diligent. It certainly pays off at present and the future.

Social Discussion / Re: Are you truly safe and free from fear?
« on: March 30, 2012, 11:33:43 AM »
I'll clear up some things about myself and what I am trying to get here.

The videos I presented is not me willing to directly attack the law enforcement, But rather, wanting us, as people to be aware that we're being limited in questioning the authority or standing up to what we believe in. What is right and what is wrong. What is free and what is tyranny. In short, we are losing our sense of what is right and wrong, and we are accepting filtered information.

The police are taught to do nothing but serve the higher up, do not see this video as me directly blaming or attacking the law enforcement, the videos I have placed in this thread is asking you guys to think and question about our system.

Referring to the post where someone claimed that "Anonymous is a bunch of really stupid people that claim police brutality on the spot." speaks as if Anonymous is a group. But one must understand that there are no official groups of anonymous, they are no one's friend, and they are you.
The majority who claim to be anonymous support freedom and knowledge.

It's about time we should stop looking at history and comparing it to modern day. It never justifies anything.
History gives evidence of a pattern we follow, we should only use history to prevent problems from reoccurring, history should not be used to boast who's mighty and who's noble. Since it creates prejudice and clouds your judgement on the issue we could face at this very moment.

I do not pledge my allegiance to one group or entity, keep that in mind. If anything, I pledge my allegiance to humanity and the natural laws we are bound to.
My questions and observations may seem unintelligible or just simply insane to many, especially if it seems to attack their way of life. However, when you think outside of the box, even if it's just a minute, look at it from both sides, looking at a bigger picture, and put your culture to one side.
You can truly be enlightened, your judgement will never be clouded, and you can find the truth inside the lies that you have witnessed.

I stand for freedom and happiness, not tyranny and fear.

Social Discussion / Re: The tragic death of Edd Gould (Eddsworld)
« on: March 29, 2012, 05:41:16 PM »
What a pity, I enjoyed the flash animations he made, shame he's gone.

Social Discussion / Are you truly safe and free from fear?
« on: March 29, 2012, 04:28:08 PM »
It has come to my attention, that the American citizens could very well be living in fear.

Based on the video recordings, namely this; (Text is below the video as well on my views.)

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
(Are you fucking joking?)

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

(Know that the videos are from someone who claims to be anonymous, however the footage contained in the video is real)

I feel that the world only seems to control us through the use of fear.
They make you feel that you're safe guarded by a fine, powerful, and professional military service, with the police to serve and protect the innocent citizens of the U.S of A, and show you who the villains are, and who are the noble using the mainstream media

But do you wonder, is your country making you feel truly safe?
Giving you liberty and rights to allow you to show what you believe in?
Do you feel that the government and the law enforcement are doing a good job in safeguarding you from the evil?
Do you believe that trading liberty for "Security" (Yeah, right) is the right choice for us as humans?

Share your thoughts, but more importantly, question the authority.

Added another video, even though it's George Bush, his words have given us the wrong mentality on how we should see the world, his words are detrimental to the people.
Another added, Iran is a state of threat (Yes old but still), building military bases near and around Iran and then claiming all the atrocities that they have done. Even though the U.S. are just as guilty in what they are (still) doing.

Agree'd, and having to PAY for a new ending is dissapointing itself, it really should be just put in a patch/update, i mean, come on, the players payed, they should not have to pay even more money, especially for a new ending that was probably screwed up, i myself have not bought it yet; as i buy games AFTER i read the reviews.

Worst case scenario would be that we have to pay 15 dollars for the new endings, and they would suck worse than the current ending which is just two three different colored explosions.

Fixed, and even though most people believe they would make you pay for the new endings, I reckon it'll acctually be free otherwise they will lose a fuck ton of people since nobody will want to pay just for some endings.

Would make sense, but they'd find ways to encourage you to buy even more DLC's from them or encourage you to buy something else.

For instance, after DAII came out, they decided to give ME2 for free to all players who owned DAII before the end of the month, with most of the DLC's there, and those DLCs were supposed to "change" the ME3 storyline, but with the lack of consequences I doubt they'll deliver.

But yeah, if (which I doubt, since they have milked DA and ME series so badly, that it ruined both of them) they are going to make a DLC for free, I will guarantee you that they will use that "free" DLC to encourage you to buy some other crap that relates to what you had for free.

General Discussion / Re: My dream custom gun
« on: March 26, 2012, 02:49:31 PM »

This very advanced weapon can allow you to assassinate people at an ease!

I, too, think Communism would be better for the world. Not the current impression of tyrannous rulers, but instead, more of how Marx envisioned it: a utopia, where there isn't a need for money.  Don't try and force your ideas on them, just explain  and maybe you'll win the argument. Just don't fuck yourself over while doing it.

I doubt Marx would envision a Utopia, if so, that'd be a major flaw in his writing, simply because there is never a "Utopia" because there is no perfect society.

True democracy never really exists, however hybrids like democratic-republics (or federal republics) do actually exist for countries like Canada and Mexico (even though the Mexican government is controlled by the drug lords, but that is another story) so yes there is a form of democracy in it, but the government is only the democracy while the people are the republic. However there is still corruption in democracy because in mob rule, the minority is not safe and can be killed by the mob. So a constitution can protect the minority from the majority, now if the founders of the nation made amendments for the original document of the constitution that cannot be changed which then lessens the corruption and the limitations of the government (leaving the people alone). However, I think this video explains a bit more of these basic forms of governments actually:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

I'm sorry, but there's 2 major problems with your statement.

First; Politicians use "politics" to solve problems, that does not work, for instance, if your computer broke down, would you want a politician to go to your house and use politics in order to fix the computer? No, you'd get a technician to take a look. (Somewhat unrelated, but ties in what I am trying to say.

Second, true democracy won't exist, of course, but it seems to be the fact that, anyone with financial backing seems to be that they get their say more than the people who don't, even if people are experts in such fields.

So, how do we solve this? We use experts who are not funded by corrupt privatised institutions. I actually wonder if any of the politicians in the U.S are actually educated in each field that is required.

For instance, if you have a disaster such as an earthquake in part of the U.S. having the president saying "Oh dear, that's a disaster", you have experts coming over and using their brains and technology to build houses that won't topple over if the area is likely to suffer another disaster.

Your video is near meaningless when it comes to the real problem of the government just listening to the financially backed people (bankers and oil companies.), this video is explaining how the current government works, but does not observe the major faults it suffers.
Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson have constantly said, over, and over (Well not literally said) were strongly against privatising the central bank, for that very reason, people would work under servitude and inevitable debt and exploitation of people in debt. (Also partly irrelevant, but top 1% people have more democracy and it only benefits the select few.)

In order to receive the closest thing to democracy, you need to not privatise institutions that people need to use, because once things get privatised, indirectly, democracy will be severely damaged, for the obvious reason that presidents are funded if they act as a puppet for a company, we need to rely on computers in transmitting and gathering information, therefore we can vote and bring in results at the speed of light.

The problem is cookie, to me, you seem to doubt the ability of what human beings can do. We can communicate at the speed of light, we have machines doing maths, estimations, hypothesis, transmit information faster than every single human brain combined.
But there is indeed 1 important thing to mention, no solution will be perfect, but it would always be improved.

Now I feel we're left with 2 answers;
1. Our way of "Democracy" is completely out of date and a new system is needed.
2. The "Democratic" system we have, is so corrupted and damaged beyond recognition, and we're in desperate need of replacing in order to prevent, or fully stop the corruption that lingers in the system.

Social Discussion / Re: Mongol-Combine Comparison
« on: March 25, 2012, 12:09:57 PM »
Well looking at the Half Life series at the moment, the rebels are winning, but they have not won yet. Hopefully a verdict would be made when EP3 (Or maybe Half Life 3) is made.
The combines did not bring stability in the world, since the majority of the animal life has been destroyed due to species being introduced into the world, the combines were probably far more crueller than than the Mongol empire.

Important question; Why do you make these controversial threads? Do you just want to make mad and stir the shit?

If you don't like me asking such questions, you're free to leave, no one is forcing you to read the thread.


I have learned quite a bit about Thomas Jefferson, he was indeed a very wise man and was more of a visionary for the people, wanting to make sure that the U.S. government and companies not have total control over the country.

Thomas Jefferson, in fact, defied central banks, and rightly so, as central banks can easily enslave the people and destroy markets, as they control the money.

Andrew Jackson too wanted to ensure that the citizens of the U.S were not enslaved by the government or rich people.

However, the 2 men who did support democracy and wanted to ensure the people had just as much say as the rich people had, just went down the sink, it was ignored and was possibly seen as crazy.

The problem is though, like I said, even if you had the freedom of voting, it still gives the "Illusion of freedom".

For instance, one way of putting down people is to have rich companies, funding politicians who serve nothing more as puppets, to just say "Vote me! We will change our system! <Insert false promises>"

It's the same pattern we see, and whenever people vote for the "Most honest politician" they seemed to have this great idea to just simply destroy their reputation and plunge a country to a grave that we will never dig out from.

Whilst I agree, it's good that we have the ability to vote for the government. But do we have the ability to vote for "Big decisions" that the governments would take? I'd be surprised if we get our say about the issue.

But then people would say "We have the media that can broadcast our word!", I seriously doubt it. The media always seems to follow the pattern of annoying the population, twisting/exaggerating stories, and sometimes misinform the people. But that's another thread worthy question.

Thank god I didn't buy ME3, especially after hearing all about the import loading hardly gives you a massive storyline change.

I find it depressing that their way of changing the ending has to be purchased through a DLC.
I am disappointed with Bioware, even more so than DAII. I raged so hard realising that importing the load from DA:O to DAII gave you hardly any storyline changes and an armour set.
I was hoping DAII was continuing the adventures for your DA:O character, but I receive a massive kick in the balls finding out that your DA:O character was meaningless.

I sometimes wonder, is there really democracy in today's world?

Before you answer saying "Of course! We can vote who can be the leader of the country!"

I mean real democracy. Not being given a few random individuals who make false promises before the election, which they turn out to be lying scum bags with their own hidden agenda - as always.

It came to my mind when I was looking back on who I voted for, and hoped he'll deliver the pledge of promise he made.
Did he fulfil them? No, oh well, if I was to really stretch it, maybe a few unnoticeable promises, that don't benefit us as the people.

I then made another question; Where is the democracy we have today?
Did I ever have my say in what direction the government should take? No.
Did I have a chance to vote whether we should and should not be in wars? No.
Did the country ask us whether it was right to go to bomb countries such as Libya? No.

Alright, it may be unreasonable for me to question on such issues, but then, what is the prime motivator for them doing the opposite of what we want?

Let's look at the Libyan war (Or much rather, rebellion) for instance. If the leader of the country went to war without asking us if it's the right thing to do, then what made them attack in the first place?

To spread democracy to the Libyan rebels? Maybe, but that seems more like a way to make ourselves look like we have noble intentions, after the rebellion we see the rebels brutally killing Gaddafi, yeah, I don't buy the fact that the rebellion did anything good for Libya but if we were doing it for good intentions, wouldn't they let us have our say?

Profit for the government and the companies backing it? Sounds realistic. Nearly, if not, all the countries we invaded has some form of valuable resource that foreign companies want to loot and profit from, whilst we're (still) facing constant tax rises due to the supposed oil scarcity.

Countries will claim that Libya was ruled by a tyrant and the protestors had no form of democracy, just by showing us a few clips of the cops (and eventually, the army) using unnecessary force against us

But when I look at the protests that we have in the "Democratic countries" I see police brutality, areas becoming a police state, you will see protesters being arrested for simply being at the protests. That really makes me question about our "Democratic world".

So I might also get a response "But people do have democracy! We can do demonstrations and protests if we don't like what the government are doing!", sure, but anything that they can profit from, they will not listen to you, not even if 75% of the country demonstrated of the wrong doings.

Don't believe me? Look at during the invasion of Iraq, worldwide people have protested against the Iraq war. Did they listen? Nope. They never even attempted to reconsider.
Alright, so there may not be police brutality, but even then, even if there was no force being used against the demonstrators, it would still be clear that democracy nearly absent for the people.

I find out further that, to be elected as a leader of the country, you have to have a lot of funding from a company to get a chance in succeeding, hell you can even become a brand, simply because you've been "funded" to become a leader of the country.

So I ask you the question; Is there really democracy? Did you take part in any programs or anything that we considered beneficial to us, as people? Everything that the government does, seems to always be beneficial for the select few and not for the majority of the people.

Tell them communism is just like america only we can't loose freedom of speech. Communism isn;t something i would want but it isn't evil....

Communism does not suppress freedom of speech.

Freedom of speech gives people the illusion that there is democracy, even though censorship is becoming more common in America, just an FYI.

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