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Messages - Constable Strelnikov

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General Discussion / Re: I moved into my college dorm room! Take a look!
« on: September 04, 2013, 08:50:34 PM »
Looks nice Deth. Hell, it's nicer than my bedroom! How much are you paying monthly for it?

General Discussion / Anyone here play TF2 regularly?
« on: September 04, 2013, 08:46:29 PM »

This content is hidden until further notice.

News and Announcements / Re: [September 1st] HRP Update
« on: September 02, 2013, 03:16:01 AM »
Looks great, assuming my ban gets lifted I'm gonna check it out.

News and Announcements / Re: OCRP New Map Beta !!!COMING SOON!!!
« on: September 01, 2013, 11:27:02 AM »
Probably wont be done by the end of the weekend :( I've been working 12hr shifts and Karma's busy both with HRP and IRL shit to focus on getting OCRP ready for the map. But nevertheless, the end of this project is VERY close :D
So is the whole "end of the weekend" thing still on, or... End of the weekend means today, so yeah.

General Discussion / Re: Server Joining Technicalities
« on: August 22, 2013, 04:06:32 PM »
you can join any other server you arent banned from, so if you are banned from HRP you can still join OCRP or any other server that isnt HRP

General Discussion / Server Joining Technicalities
« on: August 22, 2013, 03:59:33 PM »
Hello all,

   I was wondering, is joining a Catalyst server whilst banned from another considered Ban Evasion? Just wondering as I received a minor infraction ban on HarborRP earlier today and I wanted to play OCRP2.


Suggestions / Re: Fancy New Gamemode Overhaul Ideas
« on: July 24, 2013, 01:12:19 AM »
Nobody wants to be forced to do something.
Meh, fair enough. Perhaps an NPC of a Doctor, located at the hospital so that paramedics still have to transport victims instead of just healing a shotgun to the chest with a defibrillator? What I'm thinking is, they load the body/unconscious person into their ambulance, and then once they reach the hospital, they unload said corpse/unconscious person, drag them over to the Doctor and interact with him which will, in turn, bring up a menu requiring the paramedic to select an option like "heal this patient" or something. That, OR, assuming OCRP gets popular again, there will probably be a doctor at all times, so... Yeah. Also, on a side note, even if there's no doctor, the paramedic can still heal them slightly. COMPLETELY NEW IDEA: Paramedics can wake unconscious people up, but if they're dead, they require a doctor. This would go hand-in-hand with the "kidnapping" script I suggested earlier, because there's now no longer a wake-up timer. A paramedic can wake you up and heal you slightly, but if you die/are injured too much after being woken up, you need a doctor.

Suggestions / Re: Fancy New Gamemode Overhaul Ideas
« on: July 24, 2013, 12:16:10 AM »
Unfortunately, people dying must rely on the fact that there must now be both a paramedic and a doctor on to get revived. This is a good idea for RP, however it wont work unless the server is a MMO and there will always be a doctor.
If the pay is good... I would do it myself for one, I like passive rp like that.
Perhaps introduce a system of mandatory jobs, one of which being the Doctor?

Suggestions / Re: Fancy New Gamemode Overhaul Ideas
« on: July 23, 2013, 09:33:45 PM »
1. Working on a map. Dont worry about that.
2. I think we need more unique jobs rather then subjobs that can just e done through RP. People want more ways to make money but we dont need 80% of the server having some sort of police related job. See below for doctor opinion.
3. I dont quite understand this. Arte you basically saying people can transport dying friends to the hospital? Or do you mean when you knock someone unconscious, you can put them in your car?
4. Yes please
5. Meh... I dont recall randomly jerking side to side when I'm drunk. More of just kinda not there and stumbling over the place. I dont know how you could replicate that in a script other then induced lag lol...

The doctor script was denied because of one simple reason. Tow truck gets more action then a doctor would and the towtruck driver is a pretty rare job to see. If doctor was added, it would never be played because whoever was playing him/her would be standing alone in the hospital for a long time..

As for some of the other scripts though that were denied, yeah I don't know what to say.
1) Great, can't wait.

2) Good to have dev support, but I really want proper forensics and detective work.

3) Basically yes. Also, it would allow people to more easily kidnap people to create hostage situations which would brighten up gameplay instead of just camping in the suburbs and growing weed/shrooms.

4) Agreed, that's why I suggested it.

5) The jerking to the side would simulate stumbling.

The doctor I was envisioning would have the abilities of the current paramedic, so that paramedics work like actual paramedics: Instead of bringing back the dead, they have to stabilize them enough for transport to a hospital, at which point the doctor heals them fully. That way, paramedics get nerfed. Not enough that it has no incentive to play, just enough that the doctor has a use. Along with this, maybe the doctor and paramedics should get rewards and/or achievements associated with them?

Suggestions / Fancy New Gamemode Overhaul Ideas
« on: July 22, 2013, 11:37:26 PM »
Hello all,

   I recently read Statua's polling post about getting a "shiny new custom map" for OCRP. Along with this, I came up with a bunch of ideas I feel would enhance the gamemode by a large amount. Listed below is what I came up with:

1) A very large city with key areas (like the Car Dealership, Police Station, Nexus, Bank, gas station, etc.) located inside it, and then a slightly smaller but more wide open suburban area, with the Industrial Park/area being included as a district in the city. This would greatly help with management of the government, and would allow for more jobs and RP scenarios.

2) Some more government jobs (like a legitimate detective instead of just a Police rank, a forensic analyst, etc.) would also be nice, as well as a "doctor" job, so that Paramedics aren't the ultimate healer. A defibrillator won't bring you back from a gunshot to the chest and extensive blood loss, extensive surgery will. Along with this, maybe make a script that allows paramedics to transport injured people to a hospital (located within the aforementioned city) in their ambulances where said doctor will patch them up. Going somewhat along with this, stricter government laws to (at least kind of) prevent OOC authority abuse.

3) Using a modified version of the paramedic script I just suggested, allow people to kidnap other people by dragging an unconscious (NOT dead, only unconscious) person to their car and pressing a button with the unconscious corpse nearby. Of course, this would involve extending the Unconsciousness Timer, but... You win some, you lose some.

4) Completely overhaul weapons as a whole, and possibly switch the models, names and sounds to their CS:GO counterparts. The current, CS:S-based weapons kind of suck, and they're horridly inaccurate. I was thinking better weapon tier management, more realistic crafting, etc. Also, some more melee weapons (such as a tire iron, lead pipe, crowbar, etc.) would be nice, and a new lockpick model since it uses the crowbar one currently.

5) Alcohol, simply gives you a blurred vision-like screen overlay and makes you stumble when walking and swerve when driving.

   All of this goes with expanding the maximum number of players on the server, but it's been done before, so it isn't impossible. Also, if I've broken any posting rules or posted this in the wrong thread/section, feel free to move or remove it accordingly.

   With any luck, some (if not all) of these will be added, and with even more luck, it'll revive the gamemode.

   Thanks for your time,

Suggestions / Re: Joining Quiz
« on: July 21, 2013, 05:00:01 AM »
I don't see a problem with a quiz. Maybe a short 10 question quiz would do. Some example questions could be:

1. You are in a gunfight with another gang and you die, what do you do?
a. Go back and get revenge.
b. Wait until the situation is over until you return.
c. Become a cop and arrest the person who killed you.

2. You miss a red light and blow completely through it. A cop comes up behind you with his lights and sirens on, what do you do?
a. Pull over and pay the ticket.
b. Start a cop chase throughout EvoCity.
c. Disconnect.

3. A criminal is holding you at gun point and asking you for your money, what do you do?
a. Pull out your pistol and blow his brains out.
b. Call the cops and tell him to wait for them to show up.
c. Comply with his/her orders.
+Support, great questions reinforcing a great idea. Hell, the OCRP devs could probably just ask TOMASAS for the code that was used for the HRP joining quiz and modify it accordingly.

Bug Reports / Re: Bus
« on: June 04, 2013, 08:25:04 PM »
Judging by the bus' already existent handling, I'd just say that all the tires are flat. My solution is just to RP it like that.

Fixed Bugs / The Police Cruiser Acquisition Menu
« on: June 04, 2013, 08:21:54 PM »
What happened when the bug occurred? It says "I'll take the Vapid" instead of "I'll take the Crown Victoria" or something of the like.

What was supposed to happen? It should say "I'll take the Crown Victoria" or something of the like.

Picture/Console Errors:
Here's the text:

And then the model you get:

Just gonna say: 300C > PMP600. Replacement? Also, the Mazda RX8 would be a great addition, but the model should be flipped so that it drives on the right (no, not correct, right) side of the road.

Denied Suggestions / Re: New Police Car Models
« on: May 16, 2013, 10:07:47 PM »
Just gonna throw my input in here, I think that the Crown Victoria would make a great replacement for the Vapid. It looks better, it handles better (Note: The OCRP police car scripts need to be fixed.), and it actually exists. The Vapid is from GTAIV, the Crown Victoria is from the real world. It would fit in to OCRP better than the Vapid, and I mean, think about it: There are cars in OCRP that actually exist, ie, the Bugatti, the Rolls Royce, the Mini, etc. However, that said, most of them are ripped from GTAIV. I just think it would make a lot more sense to have some IRL cars in the gamemode.

Disclaimer: This is just my opinion, feel free to remove the post if I've broken any posting rules.

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