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Messages - LeoMarr

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General Discussion / Re: Combine vs. Skynet (Terminator)
« on: October 17, 2011, 03:08:29 PM »
And yet Humans still rape both Skynet and the Combine in the end.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« on: September 25, 2011, 12:34:05 AM »
Player Section

Steam Name: LeoMarr
Age: 25
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 12 Years.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 3 Years.

Character Section

Authorization(s): Vortigaunt Slave

Name: Tuu'Refar
Age: 252
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Vortigaunt Slave

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
The waking up period of Tuu'Refar was met with confusion. He was free, or so he had thought. He touched his kin, and felt them as he had before. Feeling in comfort, he felt as though he was together again. This feeling had been lost during the Dark Times. His planet was given the breath of life. Tuu'Refar walked with his kin for many days engaging in a great walk across a large continent. This walk was of spiritual nature, after the Dark Times this walk of prowess for those kinsmen who had been released into the Vortessence.

Waking Up in a strange environment Tuu'Refar was unknowing of what had transpired. Stuck in a large assembly line of other Vortigaunts, being processed. Strange devices were being placed on the Vortigaunts as they went through this line. Large, alien-like things were seen as Tuu'Refar was processed. He could hear others faintly however, his Vortessence was being blocked somehow. The device placed on him was fully placed. He felt... strangely alone... and a sense of panic overcame him as he felt so cut off from a kin he had not known.

Tuu'Refar was pushed into a side corridor and branded with strange letters (These are Combine dialect) C18.PLTCON.37953. Tuu'Refar was forced into a pod. This pod forced him into a hibernation-like state. He felt nothing, was nothing. Waking up in a large room with a man towering over him, Tuu'Refar did not speak. He was given a stick object and he was confused at it's use. Tuu'Refar was beaten and shown quickly of it's usage. He swept and swept while trying to speak to others. But he could not; he began to realize his situation, what had happened to him and his Kinfolk. He was alone, maybe, forever.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
Perks: Lots of exercise from being at work.
Defects: He's a fucking slave.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I want to try my luck with Vortigaunt Slaves. I believe I can adequately Roleplay with them in a timely manner.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Extra Notes (optional):
Accepted for Trial
If anyone witnesses unsatisfactory Roleplay, contact Roflwaffle, RTLK, Nicknero or SaoulZod

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Leomarr: No Hard Feelings
« on: September 22, 2011, 11:56:45 PM »
he shot leomarr's civ, then leomarr got on his unit and blackmarked him? if this is so then leomarr should lose his position and go back to rct so he can learn basic shit like that, that's abuse of position, plain and simple.

You're right. Zod should be removed from power aswell and demoted to a recruit so he can learn basic shit like that.
Because Zod Informed me to do so. I did NOT get on my Unit and do so, Fear you of all people should know the power of Mis-Information.
This was an OOC Issue. It was solved as such.

Hazard, you have to learn sooner or later, that Leomarr is... a bit... beh... He breaks rules himself, whether he realizes it or not. In fact he payed rofl EVE money for his admin status. -Sorry Leomarr, just saying. Not everyone can be perfect.

You're right Cpl Tray I did pay EVE money for my Admin Status. But Of course, Hiding information that is already in the public Eye is an excellent tactic for trying to turn those of ignorance against me. Of Course, I understand why you do such. You have said it yourself. You did not want to be in HELIX/New Nova because you didn't want to be commanded by Someone who joined Cycles After you. This grudge you hold against Me May be seen as a righteous one in your eyes, But what you do not understand is that I did not decide to take your Position. It was chosen for me.

Oh and Tray. Please Enlighten me upon.

He breaks rules himself,

The Decision has been made by Zod. This is not a Suggestion. Locked and Moved to the proper Section.

Creations / Re: Signatures and Logos. (Making avatars too)
« on: September 22, 2011, 07:41:42 PM »
I would like a Sig if you fancy.

Here are a few images i'd like included if you can.

Spoiler for Hiden:

Please, Do as you wish, I trust in your opinion. Please freestyle it. Thanks.

Introductions / Re: Duh erro!
« on: September 21, 2011, 10:08:49 PM »

Thank you for joining Catalyst-Gaming!

Below you can find information regarding all of our servers.  For more information about any of them, don't hesitate to ask.

Join our City server!
Join our Outlands server!

Half-Life 2 Roleplay Rules

Important information about Half-Life 2 Roleplay:
This is a roleplay gamemode based in the Half-Life 2 universe.  Instead of playing Gordon Freeman, you are a citizen who is just trying to keep himself alive in this system that the Combine and the Benefactors have instated.  You can work your way up to become a Loyalist, and from there choose to join the Combine Civil Authority or the Civil Workers Union, or you can choose to integrate yourself into the resistance style of play and work to help the citizens.

For more information, visit:
The Combine Overwiki (External Link) - The best resource to get most information about the Half-Life 2 universe.
HL2RP Character Creation - A guide by Statua providing the best resource for creating a character.
Guides Board - A listing of every guide that players have made for Catalyst-Gaming over time.

Click to join!

Orange Cosmos Roleplay Rules

Important information about Orange Cosmos Roleplay:
Orange Cosmos Roleplay is based in real life.  Amongst the things you can do are: set up shops, make friends, earn money by becoming government, get cars, and most importantly have fun.  Unlike Half-Life 2 Roleplay, in Orange Cosmos Roleplay you are able to become almost anything as there is nothing but what is legal and illegal to own in the game.  You can choose to be a businessman, a taxi driver, join a gang, etc.  The biggest thing is to have fun!

For more information, visit:
Guides Board - Guides members of Catalyst-Gaming have put together over time.
Organizations Board - Information regarding the different player-run organizations in the game.

Click to join!

Deathrun Rules

Important information about Deathrun:
Catalyst-Gaming's Deathrun is custom coded by a few of our members.  Like most deathrun servers it has the basics like a point shop to get trails, models, etc.  But what we also have is a fully customizable and modifiable system where we can do virtually anything as we have the coders who made it and we are still developing it.  So join today, play, and suggest features for the future!

For more information, visit:
Deathrun Boards - Here is all the Deathrun boards.  Any information you want can be found there.

Click to join!

Garry's Mod Racer Rules

Important information about Garry's Mod Racer:
Garry's Mod Racer is an old (but still very fun) racing gamemode made by Hunts and developed by multiple people over the past few years.  In it, you race to gain money, upgrade your car, and (on some maps) go full out deathmatch style.  Newer players, while at a slight disadvantage, will easily make their way up the upgrade ladder with some quick thinking.

For more information, visit:
Garry's Mod Racer Boards - Most information you could want is in these boards.  If it isn't, ask!

Catalyst-Gaming also offers two other servers:
Harbor Roleplay
This roleplaying gamemode is based around a ocean/harbor style play.  You can choose to become criminal and smuggle shipments, or become coast guard and catch the criminals.  For more information, visit the forums for Harbor Roleplay.

Sandbox (Wire Build)
Our sandbox server is just what is needed to build what you need, and nothing more that causes general derp.  We have Wire, Builder STools, and a good map.  Join and start building.  See anything we could add?  Visit the forums for Sandbox.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Leomarr: No Hard Feelings
« on: September 21, 2011, 12:33:29 AM »
The Problem I have with this is the fact that you already had had Three black marks in total before the two I gave you.
I was told to give you the black-marks because of your Past offenses.

Now, With Skeptik, I was obeying fearRP, He told me to get on a wall (With his Stunstick out) So I RPd running off. I was then shot in the leg, which I began to PainRP with, Before 350 ran up to me and shot me in the head.

Unsure of what to do, I gave chase, when I caught up to him at the edge of the D2 tunnel, I pulled my pistol and shot him.
If you were Unsure what to do, Why did you resort to Shooting me at first instinct?

Couldn't you have just respawned yourself and started  over before I shot you?  Not all learning experiences involve harsh punishments.

You are an 03, You had Two Blackmarks given as a recruit, and one as a 04.
You broke rules, you were punished.
You break more rules, you are punished harder.

CA Thread Archive / <::|| UNION Information Center ||::>
« on: September 20, 2011, 12:23:26 AM »

CA Thread Archive / snip
« on: September 20, 2011, 12:22:04 AM »

CA Thread Archive / Re: civil protection
« on: September 17, 2011, 12:21:17 AM »
Apply In the proper format/Post


Social Discussion / Re: I need help with a dream i had today.
« on: September 15, 2011, 05:26:23 PM »
It means your subconscious is perceiving information differently and trying to make ends meet. This sort of thing happens to everyone.

Social Discussion / Re: When you go out to a bar/pub/party;
« on: September 15, 2011, 05:25:24 PM »
Beer is an acquired taste.

I personally like Bicardi Vodka.

Then Again, I mix drinks myself.

Social Discussion / Re: So there is this girl
« on: September 15, 2011, 05:00:54 PM »
You could just tell her you want to wait until you have time for her, and then just never do such.

Accepted PK Appeals / Re: Mike Daring's Pk appeal
« on: September 15, 2011, 12:52:45 AM »
Character Unbanned. Moved to Accepted

IC Chat / Earthquake AfterAction Report
« on: September 13, 2011, 11:40:01 PM »
CLEARANCE:Divisional Leadership

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New File Opened: Earthquake After-Action Report
Send To: Universal
Subject: Earthquake After-Action Report

<::|| ASDF text ||::>

An Earthquake began, After reading testing rosters It appears..
[Section Deleted]

The Power in the Nexus began to fluctuate as the earthquake began to cause large scale destruction... The Nexus Bottom layer almost completely collapsed into the Basement area.. Causing massive power ruptures. Radios stopped functioning briefly, Unable to connect to each other, units were forced to act on voice alone.

One hour in Units were trapped outside and inside of the Nexus, Unable to communicate. Doors began to fluctuate and power in the city shut down completely. Gas ruptures flooded the Underside of the Nexus, Rupturing into the Plaza area. Citizens were given extinguishers to clean the fire, as units were busy.

Section Deleted
Saving File As: Earthquake After-Action Report
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting 252
Console Shut Down.

General Discussion / Re: 9/11 : Lest we never forget
« on: September 11, 2011, 01:41:13 PM »
It's called being Tactful Geemayn. Like Krystal and others have said previously.

Anyone who flames in the Thread, Will receive a 24 Hour ban and a 20% Warning.

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