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Messages - YankeeSamurai

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IC Chat / Re: The Fall of 211
« on: February 20, 2013, 06:43:26 PM »
Very well written. It made me feel sad inside. Glad she's back, though. It would be cool to see another piece written on the aftermath.

Don't tell me you actually went through with the clone bullshit

Section commanders should already have a decent idea of who's OOCly cut out to lead the division and who isn't.

In any case, trial periods of any sort are an inaccurate representation of a player's leadership potential. Any random d00d is going to be on his toes for the entire trial and do everything right - that's a given. Then once he gets the billet for real, he gets complacent or bored, dithers around, and becomes a problem.

More HC training might help a little, but you can only OOCly improve a player so much with Gmod. The best hl2rp leaders are going to already be leaders by virtue of their natural IRL personality. I don't think training courses in Gmod will affect hardcoded OOC character traits in any significant way.

By the way, one thing I still would like to be "reformed" in some form or another is the CCA handing over certain responsibilities to the CWU. This would allow the CWU to gradually assume more of a practical function on the server, as they currently don't do much.

 For starters, I think if the CCA handed off responsibility to the CWU for assigning loyalist points and assigning wipe-the-window tasks, we would see a positive change on the server. The CCA could concentrate on law enforcement-type stuff, and the CWU would be one step closer to playing a key role in the everyday lives of citizen characters.

Choosing high command should be similar to how we choose admins. Choose them based on their leadership qualities, not their skills in the trade.

Anyone else really digging this idea?

And don't promote people because "there's nobody else," this just causes more problems later.

"Ask Me Anything" / Re: Ask Misty ANYTHING
« on: February 20, 2013, 04:22:24 AM »
Outlands or city?

What sorts of characters are your favorite to roleplay?

How/where did you start roleplaying, and how did you get into gmod hl2rp?

"Ask Me Anything" / Re: Ask Misty ANYTHING
« on: February 19, 2013, 06:43:37 PM »

Back when I first got Commander, I was excited and said to myself "I'll do this, fix this, make this, this, this and this". Around about 3 weeks after that I tried to do the first thing on my list which was met with much denial. Once you get your first denial, you slowly begin to stop wanting to do things for the CCA. After around about being a CmD for 2 months, I was just sitting there doing nothing. You get a new SeC, you feel it's time for change, you repeat the process, eventually you're just sitting there again not feeling like you want to do anything. Happened 7 times for me. Once you reach the highest ranks, you feel like you must do more but then do nothing because you end up not caring anymore after some time has past.

That's why one lone individual at the tip of the pyramid doesn't work, you need to have layers-in-depth of intelligent, reasonable leaders

I actually quite like the CCA in its current state. In the past, we had a lot of problems with leaders who were didn't care, were lazy, bullheaded, etc, but I think the current leadership is a nice collection of the all-star pillars of the HL2RP community. They have the best balance of activity, experience, dedication, and reasonableness that I've ever seen in a group of online leaders for a game.

The key to having a well-running CCA (any organization actually) is to only promote people with
a) roleplay sense, obviously, but also
b) good OOC leadership skills

Promoting people simply because they've been around for X weeks only results in the important ranks, 02-01-OfC being dominated with bad/mediocre players. Ideally, as you go up the pyramid the quality of the people in an OOC sense will steadily get better. In that same vein, if you have an outstanding player who's stuck at 01 and can't move up because there aren't any OfC spots open, feel free to replace one of your OfCs if the 01 is a significantly better leader. A competitive atmosphere in the organization will help a lot to ensure that only the best people get to the top.

So basically, just make sure the best possible OOC personalities are in control of the CCA and they'll handle it just fine. The current CCA leadership fits the bill pretty decently so far as I can tell.

"Ask Me Anything" / Re: Ask Misty ANYTHING
« on: February 19, 2013, 05:14:47 PM »
Are you going to post proof?

General Discussion / Re: Apologies....
« on: February 19, 2013, 05:09:48 PM »
No need to be sorry man, the video was taken as a joke and a pretty damn funny one at that.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: CCA Feedback/CWU Feedback
« on: February 17, 2013, 10:42:12 PM »
How about

P1: all units all the time

P1 elevated access-ways: no recruits, maybe no 05s?

P2: no recruits, maybe no 05s?

P2 elevated access-ways: no recruits or 05s, patrols must be authorized by S0

P3: Patrols must be authorized by S0 and must contain at least 3 units. Suspects can be pursued into S3 if there are multiple pursuing units

Sanitation sub-system: No patrols at all, I'd rather there be no sweeps in the sewers either unless there's some outstanding and specific need to go down there

Social Discussion / Re: Question.
« on: February 17, 2013, 03:34:35 AM »
Alright I have many people telling me to use my gender as a way to attain stuff.

And also, don't tell me you're actually considering this...

Are you

Social Discussion / Re: Question.
« on: February 17, 2013, 03:07:38 AM »
Maybe unconsciously or subconsciously or something, I dunno that's way beyond me

In terms of important things, like roleplay decisions on the server for example, you're just the same as anybody else regardless of sex

"Ask Me Anything" / Re: ask that guy you all hate questions
« on: February 17, 2013, 02:54:35 AM »
One question remains unanswered.

 Why are you a asshole?

i just answered that in the last question? i can't help it that i'm blunt - i'd rather call someone fucking stupid and make it obvious they need to improve than just ignore it

Do you act like that eye are el or is it just an interwebz thing??

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: On the Map Change Event
« on: February 17, 2013, 01:34:59 AM »
I agree with raged in that we should've forced some long-term effects on characters that got killed or wounded. NRL is completely immersion-breaking and there has to be something at risk, otherwise there's very little stopping players once they realize they can go rambo and die in a blaze of CS:S glory with no consequences.

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