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Messages - [RRP-O] The Cyberrabbi

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Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: HL2RP Memes
« on: August 15, 2012, 02:31:52 AM »
Spoiler for Hiden:

More to come surely.

Second part:

Spoiler for Hiden:

Third part:

Spoiler for Hiden:

Thank you Mr. Biggs : ). It's inspired by my best friend whose name is Jonathon, so I'm sorry if it's weird : )

Hello sir, I hate to bother you but I was just thinking of a few questions for the interview process, since I'm eager to begin putting the center into action.

1) Name
2) CID
3) Age
4) Reasons for applying to the job center?
5) Are you mostly intending to forego payment in favor of service, or are you here for tokens?
6) Any job experience in manual labor?
7) How many Loyalist points do you currently have?
8) Do you have any questions about the program?

Personally I feel a well-trained CWU member can determine whether or not a citizen is worth hiring from these, but we could make it so an interview and it's results have to be approved by a rank 1 PR member or higher. All that I can say is the quicker we can put people through, the quicker we can start helping this city out.

Thanks for your time.


Catherine Blackstone

P.S. Vice Consul House says we have two weeks to get the interview process and system refined. He also wants to know how the newspaper project is going.

Jonathon Bill Reave's Civil Authority Application

OOC Name: rdegner59

IC Character Name: Jonathon Bill Reave

1) Please write a minimum of 3 paragraphs OOC'ly detailing why your character wishes to join the Combine Civil Authority and what lead your character to do so.
My character was born in the South, his father moving from military base to military base to keep up with where he was needed. Jon thus pursued excellence in his own way, quickly giving up on the concept of "friends" with civilians as it became obvious that they were "weak" compared to the ideals and sacrifice Jon saw in his father. Thus Jon was quick to dive headfirst into his studies and athletics, joining the ROTC in the hopes of one day becoming a soldier like his father, and make him proud. Unfortunately the military ideals and honor that Jon believe in was taken away one day...

When the Iraq war started, Jon's father was of course called to duty, and Jon wasn't even sad or afraid, realizing this is what his father had been training his whole life for. Unfortunately for his father, there was an error in a training mission his father was overseeing, as the recruit he was overseeing fired onto an encampment rather than scouting it. The recruit was killed quickly and Jon's father's leg was torn to hell. Although Jon's father eventually recovered, he was dishonorably discharged and his name stricken from the military records... Jon became disenfranchised with the military, wondering why such an organization built on honor would discard his father so callously. Jon thus abandoned thoughts of a military career, and studied hard in his own time on the arts of war, and exercised his body as much as he could bear.

When the seven hour war arrived, Jon's father joined a militia to fight them off, in spite of his wife's protesting. Jon watched as his father was captured and executed, proud at his Dad for defending his home, but also not hating the invaders since they mainly went after the military, rather than civilians. As the dust settled, and hunger began taking Jon's muscles away, Jon watched as the CCA instilled a modicum of order in a chaotic war. As he noticed that class boundaries and artificial ideals of wealth melted away along with war and most crime, Jon knew that this was the organization he had dedicated his life to prepare for. Jon knew that this was the organization he must help protect.

2) Please detail your characters traits. (Eg, Pure, Lawful, Trustworthy)
I would consider Jonathon to be intelligent and cunning, but primarily respectful to authority and the concepts of duty, honor, and order. He detests anyone that would disrespect that authority, and would destroy anyone that would hurt that order. Jonathon would train himself for physical perfection, and study all codes and knowledge of his job to become as perfect as possible. In other words, I designed him to be born to be a unit. Defends his comrades to the death, destroys anyone that would hurt them, and follows orders and law to the letter.

3) Please provide 2 paragraphs about what you are expecting the Combine Civil Authority to be like for you and your character.
Given that I am not in the CCA I can only go by what I've seen and what I hope for, but mainly at first it's going to be annoying and boring. I suspect I'll have a low amount of respect and trust, and most officers wouldn't trust me to wipe their ass. I also wouldn't care, as I would take the steps and train hard to be the best unit I could be, if only not to risk the lives of my fellow man. Not only this, but Jonathon would expect "grunt work", cleaning the barracks, shining shoes, that sort of thing. As such Jonathon welcomes the opportunity to show how dedicated he is, and hopefully quickly rise through the ranks and begin serving in a real fashion.
Other than that, I hope that the CCA is fluid and malleable, as I tend to notice, as others have, that the longer people stay in power, the more inactive or uncaring they get. Without checks and balances and a healthy dose of fear within a unit, people get lax. Thus Jonathon would figure that the UED making sure everyone falls in line would be a good thing, and would also think that he has nothing to fear from them. As such I feel Jonathon will excel and overcome any adversity he may face in the CCA.

4) Please provide a detailed back-story from an out-of-character perspective on your applying character. This section must be detailed and consist of a minimum of 300 words.

My character was born in the South, his father moving from military base to military base to keep up with where he was needed. Jon thus pursued excellence in his own way, quickly giving up on the concept of "friends" with civilians as it became obvious that they were "weak" compared to the ideals and sacrifice Jon saw in his father. Thus Jon was quick to dive headfirst into his studies and athletics, joining the ROTC in the hopes of one day becoming a soldier like his father, and make him proud. Unfortunately the military ideals and honor that Jon believe in was taken away one day...

When the Iraq war started, Jon's father was of course called to duty, and Jon wasn't even sad or afraid, realizing this is what his father had been training his whole life for. Unfortunately for his father, there was an error in a training mission his father was overseeing, as the recruit he was overseeing fired onto an encampment rather than scouting it. The recruit was killed quickly and Jon's father's leg was torn to hell. Although Jon's father eventually recovered, he was dishonorably discharged and his name stricken from the military records... Jon became disenfranchised with the military, wondering why such an organization built on honor would discard his father so callously. Jon thus abandoned thoughts of a military career, and studied hard in his own time on the arts of war, and exercised his body as much as he could bear.

Now as Jonathon gets moved from city to city, he’s the sort of citizen that goes up to officers at attention and saluting them, feeling that such brave men and women, risking their lives to protect people that distrust or even hate them, anonymously even, have given the bravest sacrifice daily and quietly. Thus he goes about shining shoes, cleaning windows, and whatever else he can do to prove his loyalty and support for such people.

OOC: If you noticed I copied my answer from one to the other, it’s because part of what makes him want to join the CCA is also his backstory.

5) Have you ever had a CCA character here at Catalyst Gaming?  If so, explain why it was removed.
I have not.

OOC Details

1. How long have you played on role-playing servers in general?
On and off seven years.

2. How long have you played on serious servers?
On and off for five years.

3. How long have you played on Catalyst Gaming?
Two weeks now.

4. What Time zone are you in?
CST-6, Central Time.

5. In what country do you live?
United State of America.

6. How old are you?

7. What�s your most memorable quality RP experience?
My most memorable RP experience was probably whenever I roleplayed a vortigaunt on an Outlands server on ShhRP. Basically I was with a group of rebels and while scavenging we discovered a trashed computer that could be repaired. I don't remember exactly how it was brought up, but the leader of the rebels said something like that the machine was a tool for our service. The Vortigaunt was offended and explained that all things, all matter, had energy within them, the Vortessence. I stated in my odd way that life is merely matter assembled, but at that core of it, there is motion in the atoms themselves. They move with purpose. They wish to bond and be complete like us. The energy of the world itself aches and moves with feeling. I asked them where they thought they got personifications of "Father Time" and "Mother Nature", and basically I believe I made some people actually think if whether the very Earth beneath them moved partially because it chose to. Even if it was uncanon, or oocly a load of religious hooey, I remember it as a time where I used a character to come up with ideas I never would have, and was forced to pause and consider those same ideas.

8. Do you consider yourself a good listener?
What was that? Sorry wasn't paying attention. Oh..Oh yes of course.

IC Section

Full Name: Jonathon Bill Reave
CID: 23185
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Height: Six feet / Zero Inches
Hair Colour Shaved, naturally brunette.
Eye Colour: Hazel
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Weight: 185 lbs.
Mental Distinctions: Stringent Adherence to the concept of Duty and Honor, otherwise described by fellow citizens as a "buzz kill".
Mental Defects: Single minded in many fashions in pursuit of orders, difficulty thinking outside the box at times. Judgmental of weakness.
Mental Advantages: Tactically intelligent and well educated in many war strategies from an almost zealous watching of war documentaries and military channels.
Notable Qualities: Reasonably in shape considering lack of nutrition, good attitude and willingness to learn.

1. Have you ever been detained or apprehended for a Sociostability Infringement before? If so, explain?
No sir I have not.

2. Do you regularly eat Combine Civil Authority Issued Rations?
Yes sir/ma'am I do.

3. Are you willing to give your life to the cause of the Universal Union?
Yes sir/ma'am, gladly.

4. Do you as a Citizen and future Civil Protection Member accept ALL actions performed by you and those under your command as your OWN responsibility?
Yes sir/ma'am.

5. Will you remain loyal and faithful to the Universal Union as long as you live?
Yes sirma'am.

6. Why do you want to join the Combine Civil Authority?
Sir/Ma'am. To go into every detail of why I want to join the Combine Civil Authority would take more paper than this application allows, and would most likely bore you. I am a simple man. I believe in the tenets of honor and integrity, and the pursuit of peace and order at all costs. My duty as a man with the strength within my own two hands is to serve my fellow man and protect them from any harm that would ever come to them, even from themselves. The Civil Authority has single-handedly annihilated all war, most diseases, and that disgusting imbalance in class and status that was a pestilence upon this world. Seeing what the CCA has accomplished in so little a time is an inspiration and a blessing to my pitiful soul, and my only hope is that I can provide my body, mind, and heart, in the pursuit of protecting that which has saved this world.

Please sign the attached oath using only blue or black pen.

I, Jonathon Bill Reave hereby swear my mind, body and soul to the Universal Union forever so long as I draw breath. I do so knowing that my actions will be held accountable to me and solely myself. I also declare my knowledge that as a Member of The Universal Union that I will be required to perform tasks above and beyond as well as perform ANY task ordered to by ANY commanding person(s). I hereby acknowledge the fact that as a Civil Protection Task-force Unit that I will be losing most, if not all, communication and or past relationship with anyone outside of the Universal Union's operational bounds.

OOC modification: Added another sentence to one of the answers.

Full Name: Catherine Blackstone
Citizen identification(CID): 91897
Last Assigned Apartment Number: UCH Apartment B6 OOC: No one ever issued one?
Total Loyalist Points: 5
Sex: Female
Age: 28

How long have you been in City45:
OOC: Not sure how ic time works, so just going to assume it's the same as ooc.

One week.

Why do you want to join the CWU?:
The organization is the closest thing approximating a business/guild in the city. Thus, it provides a valuable service that only certain individuals can provide, and profit from. I feel such an opportunity will be stimulating and enjoyable, as well as provide good practice for my various skills.

Have you ever been detained before?(If so why):
I have not.

Past experience with work/labor:
Before the war I ran a lemonade stand on my street corner. I made over a thousand dollars over a summer which I proceeded to put away for my college fund. Taking a series of odd jobs and internships, as well as focusing on my studies, I have worked in cooking, cleaning, accounting, management, advertising, tutoring, nursing, and engineering. Obviously with such a "Jill of all Trades" manner, I feel that my nursing and engineering experience is lacking compared to my business acumen as well as my proficiency with manual labor, but regardless I know how to design basic piping systems, as well as put broken bones in a cast. Not a professional doctor or plumber, but good enough in a pinch.

Name 4 things the CWU Can possess, and 4 things we cant. Also state why.:
At the risk of sounding obvious and faintly sarcastic, I feel giving the easy efficient answers are best.

Can possess: CUU approved request radio, back pack, briefcase, paper and writing utensil.

Can't possess: Alcohol, any substance considered a "drug" (such as coffee), firearms of any type, any non-UU branded produce item (such as an orange must be UU branded to be legally possessed).

Tell us about what you can do.:
As mentioned in the past experience section I have basic experience with design, engineering, and nursing. Primarily I am a businesswoman, and I like to think somewhat of a politician. I am not too proud to get down and dirty and bake, clean, cook, or lift. A true businesswoman is willing to do whatever is necessary to get the job accomplished. Any skill I do not have I am more than willing to learn.

If a citizen asks for help and is new to the city, what would you do?:
I would attempt to serve the system to the best of my ability, as long as I am not currently doing an important job for the CWU or the CCA. If I am indeed busy I would ask whatever CWU members may be on and ask them to help. If no one is available I would pause and do my best to serve, or in the very least take them to an officer of the CCA and ask if they wouldn't mind informing them of their question. In all circumstances except in extreme cases, I would try to take care of it myself, or at least keep it within the CWU.

~OOC Section~
Name: Cyberrabbi
Timezone: CST-6
SteamID: rdegner59
Roleplay Experience: Probably seven years with DnD and Garry's Mod RP and other such things.
Serious Roleplay Experience: Five years serious HL2 Garry's Mod RP
Detail a regular day as a worker of the CWU?:
She would wake up, go to headquarters, see if any of my fellow members are currently having any duties or need any assistance. If they do not she would check the calendar or record book to see what needs doing. If there appears to be nothing she would ask a CCA official if there are any jobs or activities they wish for the CWU to take care of. If not then most likely she would either find work to do, (such as repairing cracked portions of the monument), and ask a CCA member for permission. If I can not do such a job she would most likely attempt to open a CWU stall and begin selling CWU products, as well as giving out request devices.

Character Backstory:
She was born to a white, middle class family, in the suburbs of Texas, United States. It was fairly unremarkable. Her parent's were not uncaring, but they were typically busy with their respective careers, (Medicine for Mother, Law for Father), and thus she had to become self-reliant. She got good grades, mostly A's, some B's, and as she grew her parents began emphasizing that she should start saving for college, hoping she would follow their footsteps into either Law or Medicine. Unfortunately, given their emphasis in her savings, she found her true calling, Business. Her parents were heart broken as she became more enthralled on absorbing all aspects of Economics and the Business-world, making more than enough money to provide for herself, with various entrepreneurial ventures and internships. Her parents insisted that business helped no one, it merely helped greedy men steal from others. She did agree that the lure of money as a means to glut oneself on their own "success", but she was a realist. Money and bureaucracy make the world go round. Thus she used her excess funds to form charitable ventures, as well as interned a little bit into nursing and engineering, to help design more efficient generators for hospitals, as well as help the Red Cross with finances, and basic patient care. Her parents were more accepting after that. After receiving a full scholarship to the business school at the University of Texas, she eventually earned her MBA in business, and kept increasing her education to earn a Ph.D. in economics. Around that time the war came, and after being moved around a lot, she is now here. Any other aspect of her personal life is unrelated to her job performance, and thus no one but her would really know it unless becoming good friends with her.

Edit: Changed the OOC section from an IC tone, changing I's and "my" to her's.

Denied Authorizations / Amanda Romano's Authorization Application
« on: August 07, 2012, 08:55:50 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: rdegner59
Age: 20
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 5 years.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 5 years.

Character Section

Doctor Mossman model for Amanda Romano for the purpose of immersion, since she looks much more like a lead assistant then my current citizen model.

Name: Amanda Romano
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Affiliation: None

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
Only immersion and ooc perks, such as "looking the part".


What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Continue my career as the lead assistant to the City Administration until told otherwise, and look the part.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
Not that I'm aware of.

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
I realize that non-admins aren't allowed to post support, but aka Vice Counsel House is the one that actually suggested it. We both think it's a good plan.

IC Chat / Amanda Romano's Transcripts.
« on: August 06, 2012, 09:38:55 PM »
(These files are currently stored inside Vice Consul House's desk, in a nice neat pile. It lists the transcripts of his conversations between citizens and CCA officers, as well as summary of his speeches, and a list of citizen problems)

Vice consul House’s Transcriptions: Time is in Central Standard.

(7:30 – 7:33 about) Speech given by Vice Consul House—Topic: Regarding citizen’s poor behavior at CCA ration distribution. Remarked how rations can be taken away. Informed citizens meetings are available, as well as accepting applications for CA assistantships.

 Meeting 1 (8:28 – 8:57) ---
Vice Consul William House says "Alright, is one project I would like you to start if you want."
Amanda Romano says "Your name sir?"
 Francis Fitzgerald says "Francis Fitzgerald. I'm a Tier-one.PrD."
Francis Fitzgerald (Tier-1.PrD) says "Would you like me to follow you sir?"
Vice Consul William House says "Hm? Oh, we aren't going anywhere just yet."
Francis Fitzgerald (Tier-1.PrD) says "Oh."
Vice Consul William House says "Alright, first terms of order."
Vice Consul William House says "Well, the new loyalist building."
Vice Consul William House says "I heard it might be getting cancelled."
Francis Fitzgerald (Tier-1.PrD) says "Were going to build a-" (Pause)
Francis Fitzgerald (Tier-1.PrD) says "Oh."
Vice Consul William House says "Or, might be getting smaller."
Francis Fitzgerald (Tier-1.PrD) says "What would you like me to do then sir?"
Vice Consul William House says "I would like you to build a section built for loyalist bearing armbands with a point average of ten points."
Vice Consul William House says "More like a VIP section of the building."
Francis Fitzgerald sighs.
Vice Consul William House says "The CWU and the special loyalist will be the only ones in this area."
Francis Fitzgerald (Tier-1.PrD) says "So where would you like this to be made sir?"
Vice Consul William House says "I would like it basically cut into a small portion of the area."
Vice Consul William House says "But I would need to consult it with my Consul."
Francis Fitzgerald (Tier-1.PrD) says "What area?"
Vice Consul William House says "Towards the left back area."
Francis Fitzgerald (Tier-1.PrD) says "Ah near the P3 gate?"
Francis Fitzgerald (Tier-1.PrD) says "So, how do you want me to help make the building?"
Vice Consul William House says "Well...."
Vice Consul William House says "I'll see what I can do for the position."
Francis Fitzgerald (Tier-1.PrD) says "So sir, what can I do to help build this area?"
Vice Consul William House says "Just basically use the materials given and we will give schematics we give you."

Copy sent to Doctor Isaac Eolas: Meeting 2 (9:54 – 10:13)
Vice Consul William House says "Hello there."
Vice Consul Williams says "This conversation needs to be logged and sent over to Dr. Eolas."
Amanda Romano says "Yes sir, will do."
Vice Consul William House says "Excellent."
Vice Consul William House says "Alright."
Vice Consul William House says "Let’s begin."
Vice Consul William House says "Alright, five points."
John Damon says "Yes sir."
Vice Consul William House says "Let's start with the questions."
Vice Consul William House says "Question number one."
Vice Consul William House says "How many times have you visited Precinct Three and what were you reasoning."
John Damon says "I have visited P3 Once. I was having a rough day, and wanted to take a quiet walk, out of the main city."
John Damon says "And I have not visited it any other times."
Vice Consul William House says "Ah good."
Vice Consul William House says "Question number two..."
Vice Consul William House says "This is a long one."
Vice Consul William House says "Be prepared to listen."
John Damon says "Yes sir."
Vice Consul William House says "The nexus has been stormed by rebels."
Vice Consul William House says "All of the CCA officers and the OTA units have been killed."
Vice Consul William House says "It's only me and you."
Vice Consul William House says "And the rebels."
Vice Consul William House says "They have you and I tied."
Vice Consul William House says "They offer your life, but this would require for you to shoot me."
Vice Consul William House says "They hand you a pistol and tell you to shoot me."
Vice Consul William House says "Would you do it?"
John Damon says "As the assistant, I render my life almost useless compared to a man like you. If I were given any opportunity to get you into a safe place and eliminate the opposing force I would take it.
John Damon says "So I would use the weapon to eliminate the threat and protect you."
Vice Consul William House says "I see."
Vice Consul William House says "Question number three."
Vice Consul William House says "When given this position, are you a City Administrator?"
John Damon says "No, I am the assistant of a City Administrator. Therefore, I have no power over decision, but I provide my assistance for any physical demand.”
Vice Consul William House says "Excellent."
Vice Consul William House says "Well. Thank you for your time, I would like to see your armband please."
** John Damon unstraps arm band from arm. Holds it out to the man
** Vice Consul William House takes the armband and lays it flat down across his desk.
** John Damon looks down at arm band
** Vice Consul William House opens the desk drawer to his right and searches for something.
** Vice Consul William House finds a stamp and quickly places it on the desk.
** Vice Consul William House dips the bottom side of the stamp in black ink.
** Vice Consul William House stamps on the loyalist armband.
** Vice Consul William House picks up the armband and holds out for the man to take.
** John Damon straps the armband back around his arm
John Damon says "Alright."
Vice Consul William House says "You're free to go citizen."
John Damon says "Wait, so I am just pending for approval? Or waiting till I am needed?"
Vice Consul William House says "I'll wait until the other CA approves of your use."
Amanda Romano says "I will send a transcript to the doctor you will be working under, should he choose to accept you."
Amanda Romano says "You will be called if you have been accepted."
John Damon says "Ok."
John Damon says "Shall I wait at the elevator for a unit to escort me out?"
John Damon says "Shall I?"
Amanda Romano says "End of meeting Vice Consul?"
Vice Consul William House says "Of course."
Vice Consul William House says "Yes, end of meeting."

OOC: 8/7/2012
 Meeting 1 (6:04 – 6:26)  ---
Vice Consul William House says "Good to see you worker."
Vice Consul William House says "How may I help you today?"
Mike Jensen (Tier-3) says "Yes... Hello Mr. House Thanks for seeing me!!"
Vice Consul William House says "I'm always open for a one on one discussion."
Mike Jensen (Tier-3) says "I am here to talk for some of us in the union… We would like to hear if a "truck" would be available for our transporting… Of course we can provide the money that’s needed…”
Vice Consul William House says "It all depends on....what...the truck will transport."
Mike Jensen (Tier-3) says "Yes... Last time we were transporting items to the CH I believe you came to the HQ just after... But we transported pipes... and locks which would have been impossible to transport without such truck…”
Mike Jensen (Tier-3) says "We used a truck... I believe he had been granted but we got hold up for 45 minutes..."
Mike Jensen (Tier-3) says "And it was taken apart..."
UU.OTA.PHANTOM-1.94094 says "All Mechanized transport is banned unless passed by the Sectorial Commander. Heavy items could be transported on a trolley."
Mike Jensen (Tier-3) says "Ow..."
Vice Consul William House says "That is true."
Mike Jensen (Tier-3) says "Umm... so I guess not even talking to you could change the fact that we need a truck or a car to transport our large items…”
Vice Consul William House says "What are your large items?"
Mike Jensen (Tier-3) says "Well again it would only be used for those special times… As we just had the UCH repaired with new pipe... those kinds of things… we can’t lift ourselves…”
Vice Consul William House says "Well, if you want to use it again for such special times. You need to tell me what they are.....specifically."
Amanda Romano says "Sir..."
Vice Consul William House says "Hm?"
Amanda Romano says "I hate to interrupt Mr. Jensen but the only reason he has even had to address you is due to my...atrocious memory."
Amanda Romano says "Mr. Jensen I apologize once more."
Amanda Romano says "Sir as you may know, the truck was authorized and according to Nicole...something...whoever their commander is."
Amanda Romano says "Twenty thousand tokens were put into it."
Amanda Romano says "It was used."
Amanda Romano says "Once."
Amanda Romano says "Before a 20000 token investment was dismantled without even consulting the Consul, if I remember."
SUU.OTA.PHANTOM-1.94094 says “Who authorized it?"
*Mike Jensen (Tier-3) says "I have a Disposal of 25.000 Tokens for the use of the truck..."
Amanda Romano says "Previous?"
UU.OTA.PHANTOM-1.94094 says "Was either sectorial command aware?"
Amanda Romano says "We should discuss that later sir."
Vice Consul William House says "Yes, he was aware, we now share the position."
Vice Consul William House says "She works in City Seventeen and I work in City Forty-five."
UU.OTA.PHANTOM-1.94094 says "I repeat, was any Sectorial Command aware of this truck?"
UU.OTA.PHANTOM-1.94094 says "The Sectorial Commander is the only one authorized to overturn laws concerning security including transportation according to my databank.”
Vice Consul William House says "Yes, I know. Which is why we now...."Share" the position."
Vice Consul William House says "Me and the previous Vice Consul."
Vice Consul William House says "I'm not authorizing this truck simply because I do not have the authority to do so."
Vice Consul William House says "I am seeing what's inside of said truck."
Vice Consul William House says "Then, we will report him if anything suspicious is going on."
Amanda Romano says "As far as in what capacity a truck was used."
Amanda Romano says "From my personal observation it was heavy loads of supplies or equipment."
Amanda Romano says "Large Sewage pipes, multiple crates of supplies."
Vice Consul William House says "I see..."
Amanda Romano says "A truck insured that the supplies would not be stolen or damaged in transit."
Mike Jensen (Tier-3) says "It will only be used when large items are needed moved around the city..."
Vice Consul William House says "Well, what will be in it THIS time. And please describe in depth what these large items are."
Amanda Romano says "Sir if I remember correctly."
UU.OTA.PHANTOM-1.94094 says "Word is in from the sectorial commander."
Amanda Romano says "The city is under a good deal of construction yes?"
Amanda Romano says "Sorry officer, please continue."
UU.OTA.PHANTOM-1.94094 says "The Sectorial Commander, has stated that the truck MAY be used when its use is overseen by a CU Tier one or a Commander of the CCA.”
Amanda Romano says "That is wonderful news sir, as that is what the CWU was doing sir."
Mike Jensen (Tier-3) says "Ah I see!  That's good news!"
UU.OTA.PHANTOM-1.94094 says "Also."
UU.OTA.PHANTOM-1.94094 says "Before ANY use, High Command must be informed either by the Tier one or told directly to the commander."
Mike Jensen (Tier-3) says "Alright... I understand…"
Amanda Romano says "Does a UED unit count as high command sir?"
Mike Jensen (Tier-3) says "Was there need for a payment?"
Vice Consul William House says "A UED unit counts for the Union."
UU.OTA.PHANTOM-1.94094 says “No."
[UU.OTA.PHANTOM-1.94094 says "UED are not for trivial things."
Amanda Romano says "Understood sir."
Amanda Romano says "I felt I should clarify."
Vice Consul William House says "Alright, you got the authorization from the Sectorial Commander."
** Mike Jensen (Tier-3) looks happy
Mike Jensen (Tier-3) says "Ah, that’s great!!"
Vice Consul William House says "I don't see anything wrong with it."
Mike Jensen (Tier-3) says "Thanks so much!!"
Vice Consul William House says "I would've approved you regardless."
UU.OTA.PHANTOM-1.94094 says "Also, all loads on it must be checked by a unit."
Mike Jensen (Tier-3) says "Yes of course sir!"
Vice Consul William House says "Just to confirm...things."
[Vice Consul William House says "Alright, is there anything else I can help you with?"
Mike Jensen (Tier-3) says "No that was it!"
Mike Jensen (Tier-3) gets up
Vice Consul William House says "Alright, looks like your set."
Mike Jensen (Tier-3) says "Thanks again! And have a good day sir!"
Mike Jensen (Tier-3) says "Good day to all three of you!"
Vice Consul William House says "Good day."

Denied Authorizations / Jonathon Reave's Authorization Application
« on: August 06, 2012, 06:14:29 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: rdegner59
Age: 20
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): Garry's Mod, on and off for almost five years now.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: On and off five years now.

Character Section

Far past Ex-Military Background (Will explain why not killed in seven hour war), CQC mastery, Advanced rifle and sidearm training, Ex-Army Special Forces.

Name: Jonathon Reave
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Affiliation: None

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Jonathon woke up with a loud yawn, cracking his neck, then immediately regretting it,
"Shoot....He really threw me..."
He suddenly remembered the events of last week, and what happened in training...

"REAVE! Pay attention! Your opponent is here..."
Jonathon sighed and shook his head, focusing on Frank.
"Oh I see you ugly, just waiting for you to stop dance and start getting serious."
Jonathon smirked to himself as Frank's reaction, confident he had successfully egged him on...An angry fool is a fool that makes mistakes.
"You son of a...", and the lunk charged.
Jonathon chose to absorb the blow for the sake of grabbing the man, but unfortunately he underestimated his footing and was thrown on his back with a sickening thud.
"Ffffffffff", John hissed, weakly punching into Frank's back.... He had had enough.
"Not anymore Frank! Not this time!" he yelled, using all of his strength to flip Frank onto his back.
As Frank struggled to get up, Jonathon used his knee and swung with all his might into Frank's ribs. CRACK, and Frank covered his sides. Big mistake.
"Got you now you son of a bitch..." muttered Jonathon, quickly launching himself up to Frank's face. He quickly put his knee down on Frank's throat, using his training to guarantee that any wrong move and Frank's wind pipe was crushed.
"*Cough....wheeze* S...stop...please..." Wheezed Frank, clearly in a great deal of pain.
"I didn't here 'I yield!' soldier, we have protocol here!" spat Jonathon cruelly.
"That's enough Newbie! This match is over!" yelled Colonel, casting a glare at Jonathon, but his eyes denoted respect.
"Yes sir!" sounded off Reave, standing up and saluting, before marching back in line.
"Drag this pussy off the platform, you two, get up here!" Jonathon smiled to himself, knowing he wouldn't hear shit from Frank for awhile.

Jonathon brushed his teeth and showered. Special forces did have their perks, but man was training rough.... He rubbed his bruised back. If he hadn't turned at the proper moment to have his side absorb most of the impact, his spine may have shattered. Frank may have been an idiot, but he had the strength of an ox. Jonathon quickly put on his uniform and slung his rifle, the bogey had been spotted.

Jonathon eyed through his scope at the enemy compound, making special note of troop movement and numbers. He kept his finger close to the safety and made sure to stay as still as possible.
"You see the tango at your three?"
"Yes...sir...I do."
"Speak with confidence soldier."
"YES SIR!" the trainee sounded off, his voice echoing down the canyon walls.
"SHH!!!!! You moron! You trying to get us killed?" Jonathon eyed the entire encampment, making sure no one noticed. A few soldiers blinked and looked around, but then got back to loading the supply trucks.
"S...sorry sir." muttered the trainee.
"Don't apologize just do your job soldier."
They continued to eye the encampment, watching the last of the supply trucks drive off.
"Damn it sir, can't we do something?"
"We have our orders. This is purely a scouting mission."
"Yeah yeah....wait...who is that?" The recruit pointed towards around the center of the encampment, eyeing down his rifle.
Jonathon looked through his scope where the recruit was pointing, "Holy crap...It's the commander...Intel didn't say he was here...."
"Taking the shot." The recruit said with a smile.
"Stand down trainee! This is a training mission for you and we have our orders!"
"With all due respect sir, fuck off, I'm getting a medal for this."
"Don'--" It was too late, the trainee's safety went off and he began opening fire on the encampment, missing horribly as he hadn't been trained to calculate wind resistance.
The entire encampment opened fire on their position. The trainee had his head shredded immediately, killed on impact. Jonathon quickly turned tale and tried to flee over the hill. Several bullets tore into his leg as he reached the top, forcing him to fall over and roll down the side. He grasped his radio and shakily relayed a message before passing out, "Reave...down."

The Colonel walked in with a grim look on his face, marching to the nurse. "He in here?"
"Yes sir but he's not in shape to see visitors."
"I didn't ask you." spouted the Colonel dismissively, shoving past her into the room. Reave sat there, his leg in a cast and his eyes downcast.
"Look your officer in the eye when he approaches soldier." said the Colonel coldly.
Reave looked up, his eyes blank. He looked much older. "Yes sir."
"Or I should say ex-soldier, you've been dishonorably discharged," the Colonel relayed blankly.
"WHAT?! Why! I told him not to fire!" protested Reave.
"SHUT IT! He was your responsibility, and he was under your care. You got him killed, a VIP target escaped, and we lost any chance at valuable intel with you getting shot to hell and passing out. You're lucky I don't have you court-martialed," spat the Colonel viciously.
"I...I understand..." said Reave, holding his chest painfully, his vision darkening.
"I bet you do..." said the Colonel, turning on his heel and marching out, "Such a waste of potential" he said, to no one in particular.
The pain in Reave's chest grew heavier, he could barely see and it was painful to breathe.."N...nurse?"
The nurses ran in and started yelling things before it all went black.

As Jonathon woke up, he was in a dark place. "H...hello? Where is everyone?"
A flashlight turned on, along with a hissing "Shh. You finally woke up. Man if the last seven days hadn't woken you up I don't know what would."
Reave looked around and gradually got up, getting information about what happened. He nodded quietly to himself.
He opened the door and walked out into the blinding sunlight, as he shielded his eyes.
"What are you doing?" came the voice, hiding in the dark.
"I'd rather die out here as a man, then crawling in the ground like a dog." He walked forward with new purpose, as a big screen television in the plaza showed a picture of Breen, "My fellow citizens of Earth..." Reave frowned, not feeling like a citizen of anything anymore.

Jonathon was quickly brought to the Nexus, stuck in a chair, and the commander on duty placed his magnum against Reave's head. "Any last words?" the commander rattled off cooly, his vocoder scrambling whatever emotion he had. "I was betrayed and abandoned by my damned force long ago. I came here freely, knowing my record would be trashed and you'd never find it, to give myself over to the CCA as a loyal citizen of the Union. I'm sick of what this stupid human government has wrought. If a loyal citizen to your empire is not worthy, then you would not be the only one."
The commander seemingly stared through his mask, at least as far as Reave could tell, deep into his eyes. He seemed to be thinking. "Bring the other in." As soon as he said this he brought a familiar face in, Frank.
Frank looked up, a bloody nose towards Reave, "Got you too huh fuck face?"
The unit holding him quickly bashed him across the head with his pistol "Quiet citizen."
The commander unlocked Reave's arm-restraints and roughly pulled him up, the OTA around him raising their guns on Reave.
"One false move and you're dead scum," the Commander said, handing his magnum to Reave.
Reave took the gun with confusion in his eyes, unsure of what to do.
"Kill him" the commander ordered Reave, pointing to Frank.
Frank spat at Reave "Should have known you'd betray us you chicken shit..."
Reave frowned. He never liked Frank but this felt wrong...But he was a realist, he understood they'd both die. He pressed the barrel against Frank's forehead.
"You son of a b--" he didn't get the chance to finish. His brains plastered against the back wall. Bits of gore splattered across Reave's face. He didn't even blink.
"So you're a traitor and scum. Now I give you the chance to regain your honor before I kill you like a dog. Put the gun against your head and kill yourself. Prove your loyalty to the UU, and I'll make sure you are remembered as a loyal citizen, you scum."
Reave considered this...he figured dying with honor was better than getting tortured and put down like some animal. He took a deep breath.
He put the trigger against his head.....
It was empty?
The commander laughed, disturbing with his scrambler, "You're not even worth the bullet scum. You have no value for your fellow man's life, much less your own. Your a coward and a fool, you aren't even a soldier. You're no threat to anyone, and you aren't worth the effort it would take to squash your miserable life." He shook his head and begin walking out, "Let this dog out and let him run, let him rut in trash somewhere."

Reave was tossed out onto the street, his back making a sickening crack as he moaned in pain, "Get out of here citizen" is the only thing the unit that dragged him out said.
Reave was beaten, humiliated, and a traitor to himself and his former comrades....All he could do was try and prove the Commander wrong...if he even could.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
Not getting executed for having military background a long time ago, especially since his records were trashed and his name stricken. He'd also have advanced CQC abilities and would be able to handle most weapons fairly comfortably.

PTSD, distrust from the Combine, being a hard ass sort of.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Become a Loyalist and join the CCA, then excel.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
No one that I'm aware of.

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
There was a previous app that didn't justify why he was alive for "REEVE". I deleted that and edited this one to account for that, and made a "new" character. Just trying to be honest, I was ignorant, not trying to break any rules.

Bug Reports / Re: Accidental Token Deletion.
« on: August 03, 2012, 02:38:59 PM »
Given that the character was deleted I can't well prove it....The only thing I bought with that character was a business and a stack of five books, much less than a thousand. I'm sure there's some way to check it.

If you want to remove 10000 tokens or whatever for the safe side that's fine, but a) the character got deleted maybe a day after I got gold membership and b) If I was just trying to con you guys I could have taken a screenshot right BEFORE I deleted my character and sent the tokens to someone else, so a screenshot really doesn't prevent much.

I'll take a hit or whatever is necessary, but please give me the benefit of the doubt that I wouldn't spend 10000 tokens in a day, nor would I con a server I -just- joined and donated to.

Bug Reports / Accidental Token Deletion.
« on: August 02, 2012, 05:08:44 PM »
This may be stupidity on my part, but a fair amount of time ago I became a gold member and had thus received the flags and tokens that such membership entails on my character Eyalune Romano. She was basically player killed, and as such I willingly deleted the character (my only one at the time) under the assumption that ALL my characters would receive those tokens and whatnot.

As such obviously that was not the case. I wouldn't call this a -bug- more than my own stupidity, but I'm not sure where to appeal this at.

I would appreciate having those tokens and hopefully the flags transferred over to my other character, Amanda Romano, if at all possible.

I am really sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused...I just don't want to lose such a sum of tokens when I didn't even have a chance to use them.

IC Chat / Re: The Wolves
« on: July 30, 2012, 05:10:13 PM » does "the wolves" work precisely?

Introductions / Re: Hello, I'm Codex.
« on: July 30, 2012, 05:07:55 PM »
Welcome to the server Codex! I'm sure they're glad to have you. I can't speak for them since I'm also new :P

I didn't see him ask for advice...So I'll just say that sucks man.

General Discussion / Re: Windows 8
« on: July 30, 2012, 01:02:16 AM »
If anything I'm reminded by the internet explorer ads.... But mainly isn't ever even numbered OS suckage by windows?

How did this actually happen O_o

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