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Messages - The Joke

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LOL Knoxed you are so right man WHERE ARE YOU EPISODE 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: HL2RP Outlands Bugs and Suggestions
« on: October 04, 2011, 11:38:10 AM »
I think Skylers idea is great and for a story of how we lost the canals we can just say we were pushed out by OTA and animals.

Cod will win but it shouldnt, Its exactly the same as CoD modern warfare 2, Battlefield is the better but CoD will win....

Media / Re: What are the three most epic songs you have ever heard?
« on: October 02, 2011, 08:43:35 AM »
John Murphey-Sunshine
Its by John Murphey so you know its good!  :D

Media / Re: What are the three most epic songs you have ever heard?
« on: September 30, 2011, 12:30:32 PM »
Nice will do

IC Chat / Re: Zak Grants Diary entry 2
« on: September 27, 2011, 01:38:52 PM »
//Ahh well....the think about that is... /me runs away
No i dont know how to add the utube vid to the diary so a link....

IC Chat / Zak Grants Diary entry 4
« on: September 27, 2011, 12:17:13 PM »

He is gone....My "Dad"...Gone. The worst part...I could not do anything to help. I saw it happen. He was being beaten by three OTA units, I could not get him as two Choppers and APC's were patrolling the area. He was taken from me, To be beaten in the city. But something like that never takes hope away from me... So i went for help by the most Badass people i knew. And now? We have a team, Our Demoexpert - Walter, Out sniper and scout - Skyler And our Medic and Support gunner - Dave, And me? Ill hack what i can and kill who i have to, But whatever happens.. We are Getting my "Dad", Ki'Rem Hotar Out of there, Even if that means i have to sacrifice my own life...I will happily do so.

IC Chat / Zak Grants Diary entry 3
« on: September 27, 2011, 12:07:35 PM »
Right once again.
My freind... Dan Richards. Was killed. I was there, a OTA unit was dragging him alone when i open fired. I hit the OTA unit twice in the back, He hid behind a car and Dan was bound by the legs and arms, So he could not run, and i could not get to him. Later on i saw 3 more OTA units running towards us while i was firing at the OTA unit that was pinned. I knew that i would not make it if i stayed...So i ran. I was running when they open fired with AR2's, There were four of them and one of me so i could not do anything to help Dan... As i was running i felt a massive pain in my arm and yelped as i realised that one of them had hit me, As i neared the tunnel to escape, Another shot about 2 inches from the last entered my arm, I clutched it but carried on going. I never saw Dan again. He was decleared KIA...
~Zak Grant~

IC Chat / Zak Grants Diary entry 2
« on: September 27, 2011, 11:59:44 AM »
Well here we are again...
So a lot of things have happened. Mostly bad...but what do you expect? Its the outlands after all. Ill start off with some bad news which turned good. I was running past the OTA base when i knowticed someone getting beaten. I ran up hidden from their sights, To find Skyler there, I could not take on 3 OTA units even by suprise, But even as i was thinking of doing so...One of them saw me and shot, I ran for my life. Skyler was decleared KIA. But i kept seeing this woman with a Ski mask and a hell of a lot of equipment, And as i was hiring for something (Which i will explain later) Skyler revealed it to be herself. I had no idea how she survived.
~Zak Grant~

IC Chat / Re: The Spectre Saga - Act 2: Anti-Citizen 6
« on: September 24, 2011, 10:49:06 AM »
//Loled my ass off  ;D

IC Chat / Re: The Spectre Saga - Act 2: Anti-Citizen 6
« on: September 24, 2011, 05:38:06 AM »
//Love it, But how can this guy do all of this with only one hand  :o  ;D

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« on: September 20, 2011, 12:29:14 PM »
Player section

Steam Name : The Joke
Age : 14
How long have you been Roleplaying? : About 3 years
Gmod srsRp?: About a year

Character section

Authorization(s): A 357 Magnum With two boxes of ammo, One vest, Two boxes of MP-7 ammo

Name: Zak Grant
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Refugee

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.

Chapter 1
I never knew my Dad terribly well, But when he was around i was a lot happier, It seemed that through the war he was the one thing that kept me going, Kept me believeing. But hen he said he had to go for a while, He said there were people out there who needed help, The Rebels and that he would be joining them to make this world a better place. I hope he did make a difference. It was a sad time in my life, But i had to keep hope and pull through the difficult times that were ahead.

Chapter 2
It was Christmas and i was looking forward to my Dad coming home to celebrate it with us, Only for a day but that was enough for me, I was 17 turning 18 then and he had been out there 3 years, Soon he would return a hero to our little outland. A man walked up the dirt path to our door, I hoped for the best, But realised that it was someone else, He wore a black hat and a suit that made him look like a cowboy, He knocked on the door and i went to it, I opened it and said "Hey there, Something i can do for you?" He looked at me without saying a word then he passed me a letter, He walked off not saying a word, I peered inside shaking, Fearing, and the words apeared like a beacon flashing infront of my eyes, " Cpl James Grant, Deceased" I stood there for a moment, Then a single tear fell on the paper, My mum ran down the stairs saying "Who was that?", I turned slowly and passed her the paper, She stopped for a moment, Then fell to the floor Crying, Screaming, I sat down next to her, Hugging her, I knew back when i was 14 that worst was to come.

Chapter 3
There was a funeral being held, We arrived and the men from his Corp and squad told me how he died a hero, Sacrificing himself so that they could escape from the OTA, How he was shot in the chest and carried aboard the truck, How he died in the Sergents arms, I just listened with tears brewing and tried to hold them back as best i could. We were on a hill and my father was ontop of a wooden bench with sticks piled round, Then one of the men threw a stick that was on fire onto the bench, It was a hero's death. After the funeral the Sergent called me to a table with some equipment on it, I looked sharply, What lay there was a 357 Magnum pistol with three boxes of ammo, A MP-7 submachine gun with two boxes lay beside it, And my fathers Rebel uniform, " I know its hard son" Said the Sergent " But this stuff is all your's now, Use it well" With that he suluted and walked off to a truck full of rebels, I took the equipment and walked home.

What will these authorizations give to your character in regards to perks or defects?
Extra body armour
Guns and ammuntion
Can tell more of a story about how he aquired the items
Only limited ammo and armour

What do you plan to do with these perks or defects?
I plan to help people from the OTA when i am needed, And to tell people when they ask how i aquired the weapons

Will anyone else need these auths? Not that I know of.

-Vests can only be obtained from an official resistance leader. It is his/her choice.

IC Chat / Re: Spectre's Personal Diary
« on: September 16, 2011, 01:51:45 PM »
//Nice one man love the story and the music that went with it too  ;D

Media / Re: What are the three most epic songs you have ever heard?
« on: September 10, 2011, 09:58:32 PM »
Nice choices guys keep em coming

Accepted PK Appeals / Re: Unban appeal
« on: September 10, 2011, 09:25:57 AM »
Wait so you are saying you cant unban my character?

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