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Messages - Rictalspace

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Introductions / Re: A simple wasp?
« on: September 08, 2011, 07:39:52 AM »
Welcome to CG, hope to see you in-game. You on the HL2RP?

Introductions / Re: Introduction Post
« on: September 07, 2011, 05:42:30 AM »
Hey i believe ive seen you around. If you have any questions about anything, let me know. (Dont know if your new or not)
- Rictal

General Discussion / Re: The Chronicles of RTLK
« on: September 06, 2011, 11:16:03 AM »
I hope to see you soon RTLK, i understand what its like to have everyone asking for you, obviously not in proportion of your current situation, but i wish you luck in this leave of absence and hope you return better than ever.
- Rictal

Social Discussion / Re: I need help...
« on: September 05, 2011, 03:29:25 PM »
Hey, if there's anything you need. Add me on SF and tell me everything that's up. My SF is rictalspace
I don't believe your trolling, regardless I'm here to help.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: How to fix minges. (Stauta Supports.)
« on: September 04, 2011, 12:00:10 PM »
Would help if you didn't call them minges, to start.
Refer to those who don't know any better as new players.
Those who deliberately mess around, call minges.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Post your HL2RP Chars!
« on: September 03, 2011, 02:00:30 PM »
Faction: Civil Worker
Name: John Bourne (Tier 2)
Gender: Male
Status: Working hard in the CWU building. Looking after citizens.

Faction: Citizen
Name: Harry Williams
Gender: Male
Status: Hiding away in the lab in outlands. Hoping to see the next day.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: City18 in a nuttshell
« on: September 03, 2011, 11:35:56 AM »
Then you can't be that great at teaching. I've taught many people and probably like 1 or 2 failed to understand.

You must be teaching trolls.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: City18 in a nuttshell
« on: September 03, 2011, 10:23:19 AM »
Why do you think they act that way? Because they don't know any better. That was one time you saw someone talking about a mayor, he was probably a troll. Others just don't know any better since they've probably never played on the gamemode before.
That's why teaching is imperative.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: City18 in a nuttshell
« on: September 03, 2011, 09:11:35 AM »
Hence why I tell people to refer to them as new people, not minges. Our community isn't that friendly to new people.

Guides / How To Teach New Players.
« on: September 02, 2011, 12:48:15 PM »
This Is A Guide I Have Made To Help Members Teach New Players

This guide should help keep the load off of the administrators and help new players understand the game even without the admins being there.

Credits: Rictalspace

1. Suspecting a new player.
2. How to deal with a new player.
3. Physical Descriptions
4. OOC and IC.
5. /me
6. Metagaming
7. Perma-Kills.
8. Power-Gaming.
9. Responses To Likely Questions

1. How to suspect a new player.
It 's quite easy to suspect if someone is new, their physical description is often incorrect. Most of the time it will include something about their character's life, rather than what they look like. If this is the case then try to get their attention. There are several signs that may be obvious to anyone, such as running around asking questions, speaking OOC'ly in IC, bunnyhopping.

Usually if you can't get a persons attention due to running, try to tell them in OOC to stop running. If they are not a troll, they should listen and stop. That's your cue to move in and teach them. Try to get a secluded area if there are a lot of players around you as it will fill up the chat box, confusing the new player. Later I will include a list of responses to the most known questions from new people.

2. How to deal with a new player.
Like I said above, getting their attention is critical. They may be entirely new to OA, meaning they want to look around. So try to step in front of their view whilst talking, this will ensure that they understand that you are talking to them. If you get their attention, you should be able to move on to the next stage of telling them what they are doing wrong. Remember, if they are continually ignoring you, call an admin to get them. That will make sure that they listen, or be kicked if they do not. To contact an admin, use the command /admin.

There may be several things wrong with a new player, this guide will show you every step of the way on making the new player a better roleplayer.

3. Physical Descriptions.
If you see someones physical description as incorrect, be sure to give them a clear explanation of what is wrong, and how they can fix it and why.

Here is an example.
Players PD - "Tall, good fighter, likes to meet new people, new to the game."
Your Response - "Your physical description is incorrect, it should be what you look like, not what you enjoy."
Continued - "To change it, press F1, then description. Then add what your eye colour is, hair colour, what your character looks like."

If they are compliant, they should change it. They may not always get it first time round, if they don't. Be sure to tell them everything that is wrong and why it is wrong. That way they should fix it correctly.
If they refuse to change it, contact an admin to deal with them as they have the power to make them change it.

4. OOC and IC
This is the most common error to new people. Usually when you speak to them in LOOC, they will respond in IC.
Your response should be this:
Player - "sorry im new to this server."
You - "Okay, you must understand what OOC is. It stands for Out of Character. It is not your character speaking, but you as a real life person."
You - "To use it, use the command //"
You - "That is for Global OOC. Everybody can see that. Try it."

Player -
Out of Character for OOC:
You - "Good, now LOOC is like OOC, just only people near you can see it."
You - "The command is .// or [["

Player - [LOOC] "Like this?"
You - "Good, do you understand that?"

Then the player should say if he understands that or not. If he doesn't be sure to go through with him what he doesn't understand.

5. /me
* Rictalspace is one of the most important commands for a new player to learn if he doesn't already. It will give him the only command he needs to carry out passive RP, hence most likely keeping him in the server.
You - "Now, an important command for you to know is the command /me."
You - "It is a command that allows you to perform actions that others can see."
You - "Such as if I did /me walks. It would appear as 'Name' walks. Understand?"

Player - "Yes, I believe so."
You - "Try it out."
Player - "'Name walks."
You - "Good, now give me another /me you might do."
Player - "'Name' runs."
You - "Good, do you understand it now?"

And again you would make clear with them anything that they didn't understand. Make sure they know how to use /me effectively or they will quickly become bored. You must also teach them about how they must use /me for every action they that involves others.

6. Metagaming.

This will be just a quick explanation and would help with an example.
You - "Metagaming is the use of OOC information for IC purposes."
You - "So if someone said 'Turn around' in OOC. Your character can't then turn around, as he cannot read OOC text."

It's a simple explanation, just be sure they understand.

7. Perma-Kills
This is another important one as many new players do not understand what a Perma-kill is.
You - "A perma-kill is when your character has died and cannot respawn."
You - "Only an admin can hand out Perma-kills if he feels that your character is permanently dead."
You - "If you die and respawn, you have not been permanently killed."

8. Powergaming
This is just an explanation to them that when using /me on other people, they cannot force their actions upon others. They must allow for returned roleplay.

9. Responses To Likely Questions
Player - "Where do I get a gun from?"
You - "You do not get guns in this gamemode as a citizen. You can roleplay without weapons and items.

Player - "What are rations?"
You - "Rations are handed out by the CP every so often and contain food, water and 60 tokens for you to live."

Player - "How do I become a CP/CWU?"
You - "You must get five loyalist points in order to get an armband. Then you can apply for them on our forums."

Player - "What are loyalist points?"
You - "They are points your character gains for doing good deeds for the union. Such as cleaning or spreading propaganda."

More will be added upon request. PM me if you feel there is something else I should add.
A sticky would be very much appreciated if any admin deems this worthy enough.

Introductions / Re: Hello, I am Ilovgmod
« on: September 02, 2011, 10:03:21 AM »
Welcome to Catalyst Gaming.
If you have any questions about Roleplay or Server/Forum Rules. Do message me and I'll be happy to reply as soon as possible.
Hope to see you in game.

Introductions / Re: Hello all.
« on: September 01, 2011, 11:34:10 AM »
Hey Darko, Nice to meet you.
Think I taught you a few things in HL2RP.
PM me if you need any info and I'd be happy to reply to whatever you need.

Hope to see you in game.

Civil Workers Union / Re: CWU medical branch?
« on: September 01, 2011, 04:49:14 AM »
We already work in the hospital, and selling medical supplies wouldn't work as well. Their just used at the time. I'm not usually at the hospital because nobody goes there. I'd just be standing there in a random part of the city. The location of it is quite irratating. I would be there if an event was occurring that required me to be there.

Social Discussion / Re: Help me (school thing)
« on: August 31, 2011, 04:55:21 PM »
Pick Spanish. I studied it for years, it's fun. Especially when going to a spanish speaking country. French isn't as fun.

IC Chat / John Bourne's Diary - Entry I
« on: August 31, 2011, 01:44:55 PM »
Well, it's been a good few weeks now that I've been a worker. And I find that it's been an experience. Feels like my first day was only yesterday, feeling emotions of excitement and nervousness. I was promoted thanks to others not living up to their potential, I finally feel as though I'm getting somewhere in this world. The tea is delicious, the customers are nice, and the Union is beginning to treat me better. Well, the majority are. Today, I was at a stall handing out free gum, and a unit came over and knocked my tea over, telling me to move along. I felt distraught with anger, but I kept my cool and left the stall. I still don't understand what was his problem, but they know what's best I suppose.

The others have been treating me really well however, I've been handing out free doughnuts to several units. That will please them, and hopefully they will return the favour. The citizens always look up to me, I've been asked several times for work. Each time I've had to give them a duty, whether it's cleaning the walls or sweeping the floors. It keeps them pre-occupied and happy if they get their point. I remember when I was in their position, so clueless of what lay ahead of me. Now that I'm in this position, I feel at a point of responsibility, as if I have been handed a malice of power. So to speak. Obviously the union is still above me, but this seat of power, or accomplishment rather, has given me confidence that the Union is here to help us in every turn.

I haven't seen my organiser in a while, I hope nothing has happened to him. He was the one who promoted me after all. I feel that this is only the beginning, I can see myself as a Tier Commander, sure their only just dreams, but dreams can become reality. I have just got to prove my worth and show them what I'm capable of. I guess I'll leave it for a few weeks to write another entry.

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