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Half-Life 2 Roleplay / City 45
« on: April 24, 2011, 02:02:00 AM »
As a few of you are aware, We're planning on changing maps. There is no set date, but it will be "soon".

We were going to switch to a day and night compatible version of C18, but the source limits were nearly maxed out, which meant we had no headroom to add various things.

The map's based off C45 v1. There's a dedicated ration terminal, which deals with rations manually. There's also queue lines for said terminal. The nexus has a Judgement Waiver room, along with controls for a checkpoint. The nexus has a new addition for the amputation of citizens. I shall not reveal it.

In the works is a fully fledged conference suite (done). It has a pretty nifty partypiece. Also being looked at, is a shooting range, agility course and Breaching rooms. All of this is located underground.

AFAIK The move will be RP'd somehow. I just don't know when or how or what.

Map done, several million revisions later.

You'll need to use 7zip or winrar to open. Mirrors available on request.

Fully Functioning nexus.
 - JW Room
 - Checkpoint Control (More on this later)
 - Front Guard panel (Locks down nexus)
 - Detainment, complete with burn room, interrogation and treatment (Although a better treatment facility is   in the train station).
 - Various consoles and interfaces located throughout
 - Exogen Breach control - Turn thumpers/alerts on and off.
 - Overwatch Suit Chargers.
 - Sub-surface Conference and training facilities, incl. Breaching, Agility and shooting range. Armoury is key- coded. Built in contraband room.
 - OSD notification of ration delivery
 - One door for in and out
 - Manual ration delivery using a complex system of pipes and angry, which in fact is semi-automatic now.
 - Zig-Zag queue system
 - Functioning train station & Subway
 - Apartments in various levels of decay
 - lolrebel sewer network
 - Sector 6/Industrial Sector checkpoints both at subway and end of plaza. Open during day time, closed at night (even though it's permanent darkness :V)
 - Various lighting styles, plenty of places to perform ambush attacks and hiding areas.
 - Secret tunnels/hatches/entrances.  - No longer goes over combine conference room. Prevents lolmetagame
 - HDR
 - Cubemapped

IC Chat / Re: 240's Private Logbook
« on: April 22, 2011, 09:59:11 PM »
                                                     Unit: 240
                                                  SQUAD: UNIFORM
                                             Clearance: OfC
                                         Enter Password: ***************
                                         ACCESS GRANTED

                                              Connecting to Network

New Log Started: 0000004
To: N/A

NOTE: This message is encrypted unless otherwise stated. All CCA units can read the unencrypted part.

This is probably going to be a partial log of the day, and a recollection of events previous to my logs. They're probably going to be hazy, but let's start off.
Quite a few idiots today. I had to deal with about 3 people on the catwalks, one of which was throwing explosives off the bridge. The rest were just being retarded. Needless to say, All three of them were amputated. [END ENCRYPTION]

Furthermore, I managed to detain a confirmed resistance member. I coaxed out a lot of information from them, including a radio frequency. 141.1. They also gave me the name of the person in charge of the resistance's recruitment. A Casper S. The funny thing is, while out on my patrols, a citizen I had apply said their name was Casper. I think the surname was Sorenen, or something. I just know it begins with S.

I also got the home location of the guy. 2nd Floor of Apartments, Furthest apartment. I was going to arrange some units at the time of receiving this information to perform a raid on the premises, but 428 wanted me to begin training about 5 recruits.

[BEGIN ENCRYPTION] A new record, all at once. We had the training room set up in a conference format, with I and 428 at the front. Also along was 707, 069, 973 and a few others who's numbers I forget. To put it simply, I wasn't in the best positions, being scrutinized by several higher ranked units, INCLUDING the new Sectorial Commander. We got the units set up with radios and datapads, then began etiquette training. Of course, 261 is the teachers' pet. Let me explain.

He's been a recruit for about a month, with NO OFFICIAL TRAINING. How does a unit get that far? I don't know. Either way, over the course of his time with the CCA, He seems to have learnt a lot. I still need to teach him the fidelities of things like Firearm training and Breaching.

Oh, Earlier today, I was called into detainment by 428 and 973 (He's the new SeC, if you didn't gather). 428 tells me the shotgun he's wielding was property of two detainees in group detainment. Both were amputated. The first one was the shotgun to the back of the head. The second? Well, my idea, was to stick the shotgun up the guy's rectal exit (soon entrance). 428 liked the idea and applied it. A spectacular result.

Oh, Previous thing. Once raided an apartment and found a load of turtles. They were left as they were, but soon after, a load of citizens were seen carrying them. We then found all of them and burnt them. They're still considered contraband. Also, we need a new D2 gate. The current one doesn't work too well.

This is 240. We're done here.

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(Name: CCA.C18.UNIFORM-OfC.240)
Logging off.
Console Shut Down.
Connection Lost

IC Chat / Re: 240's Private Logbook
« on: April 20, 2011, 11:36:27 PM »
                                                     Unit: 240
                                                  SQUAD: UNIFORM
                                             Clearance: OfC
                                         Enter Password: ***************
                                         ACCESS GRANTED

                                              Connecting to Network

New Log Started: 0000003
To: N/A
Nothing special happened today. Well, that was a lie. Quite a few things happened. I amputated about 4 people alone today. The first one was because I had brought 2 people in for interrogation. He accidentally let slip he handed in his pistol to another officer. I never did get to find out who the officer was. I'm suprised he wasn't even amputated there on. Whatever.

Rations at first went smooth. Only one hitch in that one person was impatient, but else, everyone else behaved. Second rations? Not so much. I think we only processed two people before we called it off. Not good.

The rest of the amputations were because people were stupid enough to be malcompliant in front of a fully loaded MP7 pointing at their skull.

Also, I'm hating 424 more and more. Example. I and 145 are patrolling together. 424 is nowhere near us yet feels it absolutely necessary to run up behind us JUST to get us to salute. Really? Is he that desperate? What the hell.

Secondly, He shot a recruit and OfC 287 because apparently they were Traitors? I don't know how or what happened exactly, but attempts to find out failed. I decided to take the two recruits, 145 and 040, with me into CHANGE to have a little brief. We're going to avoid 424 however we can. If we do encounter him, we're to keep it brief.

I know these logs are private, but I don't know how far into this system 424 is. If he is reading this, change your ways.
240, out.

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(Name: CCA.C18.UNIFORM-OfC.240)
Logging off.
Console Shut Down.
Connection Lost

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Points
« on: April 20, 2011, 05:47:02 PM »
Still up for discussion.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: How to RP in a gun fight.
« on: April 20, 2011, 01:39:34 AM »
Resistance by rights should miss more than citizens due to them being always on the run, undernurished and starved from the bare rations citizens get. Also, you forgot to put the SeC in, he is above COTA units performance wise.

Considering that the SeC is a high value individual, They are seldom seen in firefights. At least, that's how it should be IMO.

IC Chat / Re: 240's Private Logbook
« on: April 19, 2011, 04:23:42 PM »
                                                     Unit: 240
                                                  SQUAD: UNIFORM
                                             Clearance: OfC
                                         Enter Password: ***************
                                         ACCESS GRANTED

                                              Connecting to Network

New Log Started: 0000002
To: N/A
Second log entry. I write here now after recently performing two level 2 verdicts on two citizens - Both male, both for Procreation Violations. I dealt with the first one after rations were done, which was cut off half way because apparently citizens became unruly.

145 previously told me they had a citizen in and wanted me to assist in verdict. They initially suggested a beating, but when I asked what they were in for, 145 said attempted rape. I certainly couldn't have that, so I had them taken to the "Treatment" room. To cut it short, I drilled a hole th rough his bladder, ripped his dick off, and took a CombiSaw to his jewels. He unfortunately died as a result. I was dissapointed, and made note to use chemicals to prolong suffering.

Shortly after, 428 and I were on our patrols when we heard procreation sounds coming from outside the nexus. We walk into the hospital, through the back, and there's two people getting it on. I think the guy was slapping his dick on the girls ass. Needless to say, he got quite a shock when we showed up. The guy tried to pull his pants up, but I told him to keep them down. Dragged him and the girl to detainment.

Turns out they were both in it. No rape. So we forcefully removed their genitalia. I must say though, using tetrotodoxin sure helps. Must remind 117 to order some more in. Also got to test out the mech clamps. Worked a treat.
Once I was done with the male, I dragged his body to the plaza. He had no lower garments, no penis, no testicles, his body was covered in blood and his own excrement. To top it all off, I fed him his own dick. The citizens took the message well.

This 240. We're done here.

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File Saved
(Name: CCA.C18.UNIFORM-OfC.240)
Logging off.
Console Shut Down.
Connection Lost

IC Chat / Re: 240's Private Logbook
« on: April 19, 2011, 01:11:21 PM »
OOC: Redacted?

Out of Character for OOC:
I think it means removed.

IC Chat / 240's Private Logbook
« on: April 19, 2011, 01:10:05 AM »
                                                     Unit: 240
                                                  SQUAD: UNIFORM
                                             Clearance: OfC
                                         Enter Password: ***************
                                         ACCESS GRANTED

                                              Connecting to Network

New Log Started: 0000001
To: N/A
I figured it might be worth noting down some things as I go along... here goes.
Today was the first real day of recruitment and training. Granted, I trained a recruit yesterday briefly... I think 249. Basics and stuff. Safe to say, it was pretty on the spot stuff. I think I covered most things.

Today, I and 428 were running through various applications we received and liked the look of two candidates, Names [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]. We brought them in one at a time, ran them through interview, then at the end, performed a "Reactions Test" - an idea we had been given as the result of an unfortunate experiment the Sectorial Commander had performed on both I and 428 when we were in training. Let's just say, it involves flash grenades.

Personally, I preferred the first applicant over the second, as they somehow had previous work tending to technology and mechanical stuff. This makes me think they're suited for GEAR.  For the record, this particular units' number is 145.

I ran both recruits through basic training earlier, but not before giving them both a tour of the nexus, albeit only of the accessible parts. I got really irked when 424 told both of the recruits I was touring to go out on patrol, when I had my back turned. They didn't even have the radio frequency, so they were completely cut off! 428 and I had to run after them. Both 145 and 040 (who's the other RCT we got) were in the plaza,  unharmed. I told both of the recruits to listen to orders from I and 428 only for the time being, because not only did we both know what they were capable of, but we also knew how prepped they were. 424? Not so much.

Both units did very well in training however. I think they'll go far.
Gotta go, I hear 424 coming down the elevator.

Saving File under Log: 0000001
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Saving File.....
Saving File.....
Saving File.....
File Saved
(Name: CCA.C18.UNIFORM-OfC.240)
Logging off.
Console Shut Down.
Connection Lost

Media / Re: Dubstep
« on: April 18, 2011, 11:18:23 PM »
Suddenly, I've added a new genre to my lists.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Points
« on: April 18, 2011, 11:01:59 PM »
This really is for the CCA, but the citizens kinda need to know too.

What are points?
Points are a form of marks against a citizen. They can be issued for any offence, major or minor. They are issued by the CCA, either at the time of the incident of afterwards.

What happens with points?

Points are semi-permanent. At 5 points, you will no longer receive rations. At 12 points, a Level 2 Verdict will be performed. At 20, it's the death penalty.

(This is all I got for now. Subject to change)

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: How to RP in a gun fight.
« on: April 18, 2011, 10:52:42 PM »
COTA do not shoot to miss. They're elite units.

Rebels if anything, should be between Citizen and Metrocop.

In order from most accurate to least:

COTA - Misses almost none of their shots.
DvL>OfC - Misses about 10-15%
01-03 - Misses about 15-25%
04-RCT - Misses about 35-55% of shots
Rebel - Misses 45-60% of shots
Citizen - Misses 70-80% of shots.

Creations / Re: Photography
« on: April 11, 2011, 12:33:08 PM »
Okay, so, you've all seen the fairground pictures I took before, right? Well, that very same fairground has moved just 20 minutes away from me (whereas before it was an hour). Do you guys want me to take some more shots?

Creations / Re: Photography
« on: April 07, 2011, 03:05:22 PM »

On the shoulders of Giants by KazoBrit, on Flickr

Up an over by KazoBrit, on Flickr

OverUnder by KazoBrit, on Flickr

Freight Glare by KazoBrit, on Flickr

Introductions / Re: hello my name is peggy
« on: April 03, 2011, 11:16:00 AM »
Be sure to snort some GMod Powder off Jigger as you walk out.

News and Announcements / Re: Garry's Mod Racer!(GMR)
« on: March 28, 2011, 10:20:02 PM »
No I will be the victor in all races. No one will stop me, no one.

Until your jeep runs out of GMod Powder then stalls.

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