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Messages - Mar

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Introductions / Re: Techno's Intro
« on: January 03, 2012, 03:19:14 PM »
Welcome to Catalyst Gaming! Hope you enjoy it here, we  have many great servers, my particular favorite is HL2RP.

Mar Saralar's Civil Authority Application

OOC Name: DarkMoonJak

IC Character Name: Mar Saralar

1) Please write a minimum of 3 paragraphs OOC'ly detailing why your character wishes to join the Combine Civil Authority and what lead your character to do so.
Mar has always admired the CCA. He has always looked up to them and served them as if they were his family, in some ways, they are. He first wanted to join the CCA because his best friend in the city, Spawny Reed had joined the CCA,  he had met Spawny coming out of the nexus one day and asked him what he had been doing in there. Spawny replied that he'd tell Mar later.

About 2 hours later, Mar was waiting outside of the UCH when Spawny came, he asked Spawny why he had come out the nexus, and Spawny replied, he had joined the CCA. Mar exclaimed in horror, Spawny explain to him that it wasn't bad at all, he had ust come out of his interview and was now accepted. Later, Spawny told Mar that he had to report to training, Mar shook Spawny's hand one last time before he left.

On a couple of occasions Mar saw Spawny in action, patrolling, investigating apartments with his commanding officer. He soon memorized Spawny's digits, 275. He constantly saw 275 in action, and he looked up to him being his former friend in the city, Mar regrets his brothers decision to join the resistance in sector 6 and then escape to the outlands, he thought he'd help this community, by joining the CCA.

2) Please detail your characters traits. (Eg, Pure, Lawful, Trustworthy)
Trustworthy, Loyal, Polite, Intelligent, Attentive, Adventurous.

3) Please provide 2 paragraphs about what you are expecting the Combine Civil Authority to be like for you and your character.
I am expecting it to be hard work going through training and memorizing many of the what I call "codes" like 10-0 and 10-4 and whatnot. It may also be easy as many Citizens are loyal, but some are minges, minges are easy to detect though, but minges who act legitimate at first while scheming are hard to catch. I expect this to be a very special rank to be treated with care and respect. I will never ab use this rank if I do recieve it.

Mar expects this to be a huge responsibility, that if he messes up too much, it may cost him his life. He expects to be able to repay the Universal Union by serving this community with his life. He hopes that the citizens will respect him, if not, he will teach them respect, in a way that they will remember it forever. He expects to have a nice and rough life after being accepted into the CCA. Last of all, he hopes to make it to the Overwatch rank of the Universal Union, after lots of  hard work as he expects.

4) Please provide a detailed back-story from an out-of-character perspective on your applying character. This section must be detailed and consist of a minimum of 300 words.
Mar Saralar was born and raised in Sydney, Australia. He grew up in a middle class family, and mostly kept to himself as a kid. His father was a politician and his mother ran a small shop. Mar got good grades and stayed out of trouble, and was never really sure what he wanted to do with his future. He was the youngest of his family, he had an older sister and brother. He led a quiet, boring, but content childhood. Never doing anything dangerous or exciting, when he had any free time he would spend it reading about history. The history of this world captivated the young Mar, he became engulfed in studying every aspect. One week he would learn everything that could be known about the Romans, and the next, he could recite every major World War II battle off the top of his head. When Mar went of to college he had his sights set on a major in history. Saralar started spending more and more time in the library, the history of warfare was what he had studied. He made outstanding grades all throughout college and eventually went on to be a professor. Mar had it all set, he was going to indulge in his love of history and teach to those around him, or so he thought.

These portal occurrences had intrigued Mar just as much as they scared him. Having lived in a major city, these, mar never really encountered these so called Xen creatures that came parading from him. All Saralar saw were masses of refugees coming from the countryside seeking shelter. Mar did what he could to help, often entertaining the refugees with tales from times before them. This kept both his, and the people's minds off of what was going outside of the safe barbed fences that surrounded the city. Saralar continued his quiet life as a professor and would even go out and volunteer to help any refugees after he got off. The guests were quiet for a few months, then things started to heat up. People started running out of food and supplies, and on top of that the water was running low. People started to get heated and fights often broke out over basic necessities. Saralar had seen this in his history books and read about it in the library, he knew what would come next. Riots started breaking out and the government did what they could to control the people, but there were only so much supplies to go around. Mar mostly kept to himself these days, often taking the long way home to avoid some of the darker streets. He would often go hungry to keep from getting into a fight. Saralar wished that order could be restored to the streets once again.

 Then the combine came down, and Mar had no idea what to think of it. They came down and started to restore order back to the streets. mar was one of the lucky ones and was deemed worthy to live among many who died. He was transferred city to city, another train station another train station. The way the combine took over intrigued mar, it was something completely new and Mar considered himself lucky to witness history in the making. One night, while on the train to City 8, he thought to himself, I could be apart of this history. So once he got off that train he started to take an earnest interest in anything relating to the Universal Union. Mar got a job working for the Foto Shop owned by Jack Webb, and was happy there, partly because he felt like he was helping a good cause, partly because he thought he was part of a new and exciting page in history books to come, and the extra food didn't hurt. Mar often spent long periods of times admiring how the Combine operated and dreamed of one day joining their ranks.

5) Have you ever had a CCA character here at Catalyst Gaming?  If so, explain why it was removed.

OOC Details

1. How long have you played on role-playing servers in general?
2 Years

2. How long have you played on serious servers?
1 1/2 Years

3. How long have you played on Catalyst Gaming?
6 Months

4. What Time zone are you in?
GMT -6

5. In what country do you live?
United States of America

6. How old are you?

7. WhatÂ’s your most memorable quality RP experience?
This actually happened yesterday on outlands.

"They're coming!" Yelled Alex.
"What!?" I replied
"The Headcrab canisters, antlions everywhere, holy shit it's a guard!"
"Dear god, to the medbay, we'll be safe there!"
Alex and Caleb rushed to the medbay, they got in barely evading an guard.
"How many guards are there!?" Asked Caleb
"I dunno, 5?" Retorted Alex
"I'll go check it out"
Caleb walked out the door and was instantly knocked off his feet onto the concrete by a guard,  he began to run for the ladder to the canals, he was too late. The guard bunted him over the fence, the last thing he ever saw was Alex shooting at the guard, then it went black as he hit the canals.

8. Do you consider yourself a good listener?

IC Section

Full Name: Mar Saralar
CID: 9733
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Height: 5 Feet 11 Inches
Hair Colour Light Brown
Eye Colour: Blue
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Weight: 125 lb
Mental Distinctions: None.
Mental Defects: None.
Mental Advantages: None.
Notable Qualities: He is always silent unless spoken to, or a serious question pops up.

1. Have you ever been detained or apprehended for a Sociostability Infringement before? If so, explain?
I have been detained once for a Mobility Violation for jogging to an officer to report level 3 contrabrand.

2. Do you regularly eat Combine Civil Authority Issued Rations?
Yes, I regularly eat the Combine Civil Authority Issued Rations.

3. Are you willing to give your life to the cause of the Universal Union?
Yes, I am willing to give my life for the cause of the Universal Union

4. Do you as a Citizen and future Civil Protection Member accept ALL actions performed by you and those under your command as your OWN responsibility?
Yes, I as a Citizen and future Civil Protection Member accept ALL actions preformed by myself and those under my command as my own responsibility

5. Will you remain loyal and faithful to the Universal Union as long as you live?
Yes, I will remain loyal and faithful to the Universal Union as long as I live.

6. Why do you want to join the Combine Civil Authority?
I wish to join the Combine Civil Authority because I think that the Universal Union shows a better path to the future than the humans think. I wish to serve the purpose of the Universal Union until I die. The Union has shown me the true path the humans are to take for survival.

Please sign the attached oath using only blue or black pen.

I, Mar Saralar hereby swear my mind, body and soul to the Universal Union forever so long as I draw breath. I do so knowing that my actions will be held accountable to me and solely myself. I also declare my knowledge that as a Member of The Universal Union that I will be required to perform tasks above and beyond as well as perform ANY task ordered to by ANY commanding person(s). I hereby acknowledge the fact that as a Civil Protection Task-force Unit that I will be losing most, if not all, communication and or past relationship with anyone outside of the Universal Union's operational bounds.

edit: spelling mistakes

Denied Authorizations / Re: Caleb Nightwit's Authorization Application
« on: December 30, 2011, 12:12:55 PM »
A radio station in the Outlands? You gotta' be kidding me. The Universal Union destory things that are useful to the human race. Examples such as radio towers, vehicles (notice how the HL2 Vehicles tab has destroyed vehicles) and they even cut off the reproduction system so no one could produce more humans. There are many examples of what the UU destroyed. Sorry buddy but I am out on this one.

Did you not read my backstory?
This is not a legitimate radio tower, it is a bunker with a cut down power line on top with the radios being wired to it.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: CID Card
« on: December 30, 2011, 04:41:13 AM »
Can you make me an outlands one?
Red and black color
Replace City 45 with Outlands
Name: Mar Nightwit
CID: Unknown
Access level: Outlands

Symbol next to model doesnt have 45 on it
Remove the RGD L52: i4

Tank u
Edit: Male 07


Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: CID Card
« on: December 30, 2011, 04:12:42 AM »
Can you make me an outlands one?
Red and black color
Replace City 45 with Outlands
Name: Mar Nightwit
CID: Unknown
Access level: Outlands

Symbol next to model doesnt have 45 on it
Remove the RGD L52: i4

Tank u
Edit: Male 07

Denied Authorizations / Re: Caleb Nightwit's Authorization Application
« on: December 30, 2011, 01:38:10 AM »
Warn me here but half your group is minges. I've seen three of them break into my jeep with no rp. lol run around and such and dont rp their actions. Also you have a radio station with no auth. Its fine to have a radio but if you build a radio tower that needs an auth. Going on I saw what is in your base, a shit ton of radios. How did you obtain these incly? You can have v flag but you cant spawn the items without rp. Get a auth and get the minges out of your group and dont assspawn shit.

First, the minges, were they  members of my group? I only recruited 2 members yesterday, others recruited the other people, and its your fault for leaving your jeep unprotected.

Second, the radios, the only ones I had bought were the 2 on the tables, the broadcast radio, and the scout radio, the other 3 were put in the cabinet, the others I have no clue as how they got there.

Third. I only spent time in the base during the start of the eagles, when it was me, tacoma, and posser. The others furnished the place, the tables, and radio tower were mine, all the others were them. I added the computer equipment in the application because it had been there in the number of times I had gone in there. The only time after we had members I had gone in there, was to go afk protected int he safety of my locked doors and technicians/guards in there.

Fourth. Radio towers need auth? I thought auth was for CHARACTERS.

Fifth. You don't need to rp every step you take, you only rp the actions that happen such as /me abruptly stops and listens for the noise again

Sixth. There is no sixth, I made you look.

Denied Authorizations / Caleb Nightwit's Authorization Application
« on: December 29, 2011, 11:58:09 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: DarkMoonJak
Age: 14
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 2 Years.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 1 1/2 Years.

Character Section

Eagles Leader

IC Radio explanation:"The Eagles are a group of resistance that primarily run a radio station in
the Cliffside Bunker called Out Lands Radio, most members are scouts for the radio station,
others are technicians, or guards. The radio station provides the population of the Outlands
tuned in with warnings of possible threats, advertisements, and trade deals, they buy and
sell radio equipment to people passing by, they are friendly unless agitated. The radio station
is hosted by "The Eagle" (Posser Dean), the main leader is Caleb Nightwit, the scout
commander is Tacoma Blackfoot. We provide the Outlands with threat, and wealth, this is
Caleb Nightwit signing out, goodbye."

Name: Caleb Nightwit
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Resistance

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Three men walk into the abandoned office complex.
The three men are named Caleb Nightwit, Tacoma Blackfoot, and Posser Dean.
"Nice for the station, what do you think, Caleb?" asked Posser
"It'd be nice if there weren't this giant hole on the 3rd floor." replied Caleb.
"I agree with Caleb, I say we find a new location." added Tacoma.
"It's the only place with a high enough roof to place an antennae." said Posser angrily.
"We can have a low antennae, this place is out of the question." said Caleb.
"Fine, but where are we going to go, Caleb?" asked Posser.
"Maybe we should search around." answered Caleb.
Caleb and his gang search around until they reach the end of a tunnel. Caleb turns to his left and sees a bunker on the side of a cliff leading into the canals.
"That." Caleb says pointing to the bunker.
"That?" asked Posser.
"Yeah, we'll get a few others to help make this place into the station."
"Look over there!" Tacoma yelled pointing to the road
7 men all carrying some kind of weapon, from pipes to MP7s strode across the pathway to us
"You guys new 'round here?" a man asked.
"Yeah.." replied Caleb casually.
"Need any help?"
"We need to go get some supplies."
"What kind of supplies?"
"A large antennae of some sort"
"A power line maybe?"
"You help us cut it down?"
"Sure, you guys just gotta get those wires down, so we don't knock over any others."
Caleb, his gang, and the 7 men walked over to the power line.
"Posser, you shoot those wires down?" asked Caleb.
"Got it." replied Posser.
Posser took a shot at the first wire, the bullet missed and set into a rock cliff wall, the second shot snapped the 1st wire, after about a clip we had the wires down.
"Alright, lets all cut this down and carry it back up."
The men swung at the bottom of the pole with makeshift axes and crowbars for what seemed like a few hours, but in reality was 10 minutes. The pole fell down with a loud thud. The men grabbed it and hauled it on top of the bunker, they took a few hours wiring the radios and computer equipment to it.
"We're finally done." said Tacoma
"Yeah." said Caleb
"We vote on a name now?" asked Posser
"You're the eagle, why not the eagles?" replied Tacoma
"Yeah, that sounds nice." said Caleb finally.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
As a certified leader of a resistance I will be recognized as a higher authority when it comes to affairs with smaller or unofficial resistance groups (?).

Due to being an official resistance groups, member rate increase?

Due to being a larger resistance group, the OTA will target us more frequently as our base wont be much of a secret

Smaller aggressive resistance groups may target and raid us.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Become a help to the outlands by warning about approaching OTA with more scouts, and increase roleplay with the increased members and OTA activity around the area.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
Steam Name: Great old Fellow
IC Name: Posser Dean

Steam Name: sky2oo7
IC Name: Tacoma Blackfoot

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
Edits will be posted here if necessary.
Edit 1: Spelled Tacoma wrong in some places

IC Chat / Re: The Chronicles of Mike Boone
« on: December 28, 2011, 07:50:02 AM »

General Discussion / Re: Star Wars - The Old Republic Characters
« on: December 26, 2011, 06:35:33 PM »
DarkFooJak - Jedi Sentinel: Level 13
Server: Kathol Rift

General Discussion / Re: Temporary victory against SOPA
« on: December 26, 2011, 06:30:14 PM »
We win. We will win. We have already won.

General Discussion / Re: Merry Christmas! Post what you got!
« on: December 26, 2011, 06:18:02 PM »
Kindle Fire
100 Dollars
Battlefield 3
Alienware Desktop
Ipod Touch

I'm going to be donating for gold membership soon, and I want to know what's in the light Black Market flag, so I know what to expect.

Support & Help / Re: Character missing?
« on: September 27, 2011, 09:26:43 PM »
Yes, and no. My characters show up, except for Gray Nightwit, and I didnt delete him, hes just gone.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Outlands map needs a change
« on: September 26, 2011, 11:51:00 PM »
Support.. I'm sick of this map. I know my way around it too easily.

Support & Help / Character missing?
« on: September 25, 2011, 12:37:48 PM »
I'm missing my outlands character Gray Nightwit, and I didnt delete him, I've restarted steam 3 times, restarted garrysmod 3 times also, and I've reconnected probably 10 times.

Any possible explanations?

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