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Messages - BltElite

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Suggestions / Re: authorizations
« on: January 15, 2014, 01:00:41 PM »
the thing with spot auths is you will still need to spend about 10 minutes talking to them to determine if they've got it legit and are good enough to have it etc.

with people just giving auths to their freinds then thats up to owner/sa/whatever to make sure the admins aren't doing that and if so, demote

Suggestions / Re: Administration standards in the new server
« on: January 15, 2014, 12:55:59 PM »
the problem here is the fact that people are expecting smooth roleplay where passive admin happens which is obviously, the best scenario and is what as admins is a good situation also

the thing you guys need to realise is that due to cg's playerbase that used to be on the server that couldnt happen, and for a fact when it starts again its not going to be 100% trustworthy people (if it is, props to cg) so we had to watch etc and pull people aside as we didnt know everybody in the server and what they were likely to do. its a fine line between immersion and making sure rules aren't broken.

Suggestions / Re: Administration standards in the new server
« on: January 14, 2014, 12:03:17 PM »
But I'm saying, don't do stuff to prevent rules that MIGHT be broken. An admin should step in if bad things happen, but I'd appreciate if there was less preventing of roleplay simply because theres a possibility rules could end up being broken. I mean technically, there's a possibility to break rules in any situation.
thats perfectly fine and nickneros idea is valid, but you cant always just look at it as 'walking into restricted zone', he might be metagaming something etc etc

Suggestions / Re: Administration standards in the new server
« on: January 14, 2014, 04:04:04 AM »
The problem with admining something such as hl2rp is a lot of the situations you get are case dependant so always require some amount of time talking to find out any underlying reasons/info

but yeah, some of the problems i saw admins getting into could be ic solved, its just due to how some people are on the server admins would normally have to go on the side of caution in case rules ended up being broken etc etc

Suggestions / Re: The Big Question.
« on: January 10, 2014, 01:46:42 PM »
Perhaps a mid way terms of solving the problem would be having it so you can't have the characters themselves back, but you can rp characters who knew of them or knew them for a short while in some sort of regards? So that enables you to keep the canon going as somebody could say "oh i met joe bloggs from city45, he said it was horrible there than i never saw him again after it went bang" or those sort of regards

(just a thought)

General Discussion / Re: PC Build
« on: December 11, 2013, 08:13:40 AM »
also, can offer builder insurance, so for an extra like 10 or 20 quid and your building your own pc if you do happen to break anything (like forcing something into the wrong slot with a hammer) then it can be replaced etc

General Discussion / Re: PC Build
« on: December 10, 2013, 11:50:15 AM »
Dont listen to anybody regarding intel v AMD v nvidia performance unless your wanting to go absoutely mad with loads of money and 101010101001010 fps. AMD works fine for gaming but yes, intel is better in gaming but amd is still perfectly playable. I think you may be pushing it a bit with your PSU but if your planning on not upgrading ever it should be fine, though id personally spend more on a psu as its something you dont want to skimp money on

also - have you considered getting parts off and building yourself (if thats self build feel free to correct)

General Discussion / Re: Steam Gauge
« on: July 26, 2013, 04:43:31 AM »
Over the last 6 years, you've spent 3174.5 hours playing this selection, which includes 61 items, is valued at $622.59, and requires 296.73 GB

fuck you all

Character name: John
Affiliation: Average Citizen
Character physical description:
Reference image:
Spoiler for Hiden:
Cost: 1
Strength: 1
Defense: 1
Quote: "Hi my names John, and i lead a boring life"

Just for the lols, have an average citizen that does nothing. or maybe he does, idk.

Denied Suggestions / Re: OCRP Purge
« on: June 12, 2013, 10:24:56 AM »
Just as a point, the film was shit anyway so it would have to be bad in game so no

(somebody forgot to move it)

Denied Suggestions / Re: Update 11
« on: May 27, 2013, 02:58:15 PM »
That lag isn't avoidable, Even users with higher end systems get massive fps drops in the city. Just something everyone is going to have to get used to.
Everyone says that but some people get loads of lag yet some people don't get loads of lag - I never seem to so its not just having a 'high end pc'

Accepted Suggestions / Re: Police vests
« on: May 25, 2013, 04:51:27 AM »
SWAT auto gets a bullet proof vest.

With police, perhaps we can incorporate it into the levels system so higher up you go better armour you get( so like 0 for croot, then 50,100,150,200,250) or whatever.

Chief should auto get it also not sure if he does.

Denied Suggestions / Re: Gravity Gun
« on: May 22, 2013, 12:34:39 PM »
I think if you hit e on the pots it automatically aligns them? I don't remember how exactly.
E on the bottom of the pot makes it stand up yes.

What the title says, really. I left my car's engine on at about 90% fuel, came back about fifteen minutes later and it was down at about 20%. Cars already use fuel quickly (it's understandable because OCRP isn't all super realistic) but when a car uses up nearly its full tank while idling for a short period of time, it doesn't even make any sense.
Sorry.. But what are you complaining about? You left for 15 mins and only lost 70% gas. That isn't even much, seriously..

I've talked to Karma and asked him to give players a warning when they leave the car with the engine on.

I don't know what I'm complaining about, maybe the fact that around 450 odd litres of fuel gets used up in such a short space of time while the car isn't even moving. I mean, if I was driving some extremely fuel inefficient sports car it'd make sense, but the fuel gets burnt up a bit too quickly for an idling car IMO.
Then you should have shut your car off, it isn't that hard mate ..
Im in agreement with lewis here. While its good that cars lose fuel, its how fast that they do that is slightly unrealistic.

Accepted Suggestions / Re: Re-Add /roll
« on: May 18, 2013, 01:09:35 PM »
This is added.

Accepted - locked - moved.

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