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Topics - Statua

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Outside City 45 / rp_ineu_pass_v1b_night
« on: February 24, 2012, 04:14:08 PM »
Was requested by TnB. Only took about 30 minutes prepping it. I fixed a couple cracks and missing textures. Also took the mountains out of the skybox. Was too lazy to make them darker and the texture has a fullbright setting on it. Added external lights and changed the soundscapes. Modified the river water to make it shiny and pretty. Removed the areaportals in the tunnel that dont work. Removed the screen overlay at spawn. Here it is:
Click to see the original size. Click to see the original size. Click to see the original size.


The alliance network is still pretty small with 4 groups and one suspended. I am encouraging you to find some people and make a self sufficient resistance group with its own duties be it surveylance, medical, safehouse, defence, offence, scavenging, fabricating, and many more. All you need is three or more members and to talk to Leonard ICly and you'll get in the network and be allied with all on it.

Accepted Authorizations / Leonard Wong's Authorization Application
« on: February 24, 2012, 12:12:47 AM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Statua
Age: 17
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 6
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 3

Character Section

-1x Voice Recorder
-3x Voice Recording Tape
-1x 16x AA Battery Boxes

Name: Leonard Wong
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Resistance

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Leoanrd was sifting through one of the many storage containers in the facility, out of boredom. One of the boxes contained old electronics such as clocks, watches, TV remotes, timers, flashlights, batteries, and one specific item that caught his eye. There was a small grey box with a speaker and a microphone. A clear window was on the side where one could check the remaining time on the tape. There was a tape inside the machine already. He pushed the play button but nothing happened, even though the tape was areay rewound to the start. He taook one of the boxes of batteries, fairly new too suuprisingly. There was a date on the side. It said "fresh until 2018". He opened the package and took out two batteries, resting them on the box. Leonard turned the machine over a couple times till he found the battery cover. Unlatching it, he opened the hatch, letting two old AA batteries fall into his palm. He dropped the oold batteries into the box, they clattered as they bounced off some old equipment. He took the new batteries and inserted them into the machine, sealing the hatch. He pushed play and that tape started rolling.
"Ceroahr nepbin aehb mbl npobeprem kracca yetblpe paketbl.." The voice on the tape said. Leonard paused the tape, not understanding a word it said. He smirked and rewound the tape. He pushed the record button.
"How about some chicken dinner now bitch?" he spoke into the microphone. Leonard rewound the tape and pushed play.
"How about some chicken dinner now bitch?" the voice said on the machine. Leonard chuckled and pocketed the device.
"Time to log my life out here." he said to himself. He checked the crate a bit more and found two other tapes. He placed these in the same pocket he put the device. Leonard threw everything else back in other then the box of batteries. He closed the large crate and pocketed the box of batteries.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
-Record voice logs ICly


What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Start a character voice log in the IC section

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
Prolly dont need an auth app for this but it's always a good idea rather then asspull it.

Outside City 45 / To Overwatch in Outlands
« on: February 23, 2012, 03:08:53 PM »
First of all, when I said overwatch should visit, I didnt mean come right up to the front door of a major resistance group (at the time TLM, Clinic, and Civiwatch were there) grab what you need, and get out without taking any loss whatsoever. Im talking about the time you got the radio frequency from the guy while about 8 or 9 resistance fighters had loaded weapons on your ass, including a crossbow and a sniper rifle. I dont care if you're ghost units, you arent 100% invisible and once we find you, its not too hard to track yuour movements, especially if we have a ranged scope. If you do decide to get that close, accept a S2K first time and a PK second time you do it without changing tactics.

Second, if you can obtain our public radio frequency, fine but you have to admit to us taking yours if we capture you. And dont go "hurr ima self distruct". If you do that you better PK yourself, with no appeal.

And does it hurt to PTL every now and then? I've taken shots from you guys and ran back to base multiple times. I've set the airboat on fire from taking fire from you guys. What have you done? Given me a vortigaunt cause I threw a flashbang in the middle of a metal warehouse and dragged the vortigaunt to safety? Sure I kileld a couple overwatch units but it wasnt even a PK and the two I killed were BOTH the same player who NLR'd (killed like 3 weeks apart from eachother though). Oh, I guess when I came back and you moved in on me, captured me, and took my second sniper and then let me go with an AR2 aftert was ok. Still please lose more often. Refugees in HL2 do kill combine you know.


Outside City 45 / Whatever happened to the Canals? Discussion
« on: February 23, 2012, 12:59:39 PM »
On our way out from the canals, they were getting bombarded by headcrab canisters and overwatch toops were moving in. What happened to it afterward? Heres my theory:

As the transport left with overwatch already shooting away, there were more headcrab canisters falling across the land. Overwatch knew the big transport was leaving but they didnt know that it would be the only one so we can assume they tried to bombard it as much as possible. This bombardment pretty much turned the canals into what Ravenholm is in HL2. All the refugees in the canals would either died of wounds or turned into zombies. In conclusion, the canals are a zombie infested wasteland with no survivors. Anyone who sets foot in the canals either gets eaten or zombified.

Thoughts on this?

General Discussion / Fuk ya. I did it. (EP2 achievement)
« on: February 23, 2012, 12:49:35 AM »
Click to see the original size.

In about 5 hours on skill level HARD. Woohoo.

Non-official Groups / Alliance Network (clearing some things up)
« on: February 23, 2012, 12:31:55 AM »
In this post, you will be able to understand what the alliance network is and how it functions to help you better understand what it is.

The alliance network is basically a network in which resistance groups can join to ally with eachother. They join the same frequency and if required, help eachother out. Example, civiwatch will provide any alliance group with basic supplies if needed. Stronghold will assist Outcasts if they get in a fight with the combine. Basically, they work together when eneded, but function independantly.

The facility is the headquarters for the alliance AS WELL as the headquarters for the allied group, Civiwatch. Civiwatch does not lead the alliance network, however their leader Leonard Wong is the director of the network. Leonard may be giving control of Civiwatch to his second in command if the network grows bigger and things get too busy for him to do Civiwatch ops.

Here's a half assed diagram of the alliance network to this date:

                 Stronghold           The Liberation Movement
                                 \           /
                                  \        /
Civiwatch----------ALLIED----------------------- Clinic (suspended)

As you can see, no single group has higher authority then any other. Each group does their own chosen duties. Any group can join the alliance if they prove to be an efficient, non-hostile, functioning resistance group of three or more members.

I hope this answers your questions and gets you to stop calling the civiwatch group the alliance.

Outside City 45 / Regarding those complaining about the Facility
« on: February 22, 2012, 12:13:21 PM »
I made a thread for those who want to request a custom building (like the facility) for their group. This thread can be viewed here:

Stop complaining about the mp being alliance (primairly civiwatch) directed if you're not going to post there. Thankyou.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Check the auth apps please...
« on: February 22, 2012, 11:21:58 AM »
Can someone run through the auth apps please? I've had one open with no replies for almost a week now. Theres one before mine thats been open for about the same time. I'm beginning to grow anxious now <.<

Outside City 45 / Custom Construction Requests (for your resistance group)
« on: February 20, 2012, 11:53:53 PM »
If you have a cuilding for your group to stay in, toss it in here. It shouldnt be any bigger then the outpost on top of gulf hill. I feel the map is too Civiwatch coordinated and I want to give you guys something more. Please note, you must have an actual group of 3 or more people to be eligable for this. The group must also plan on staying for at least 1 month.


Code: [Select]
[b]Group Name:[/b]
[b]People in Group:[/b]
[b]Brief Description of Group:[/b]

[b]Custom Construction:[b]
[b]Reference pictures:[/b]
[b]Extra Notes:[/b]

Here's an example of a request:
Spoiler for Hiden:
Group Name: Ineu Ghosts
People in Group: 5
Brief Description of Group:
Ineu Ghosts are a group of refugees who specialize in surveylance and observation. They usually lay low and watch over people, making sure they arent doing anything they shouldn't. If there is a threat in the area, they provide intel on them by watching from hidden locations.

Custom Construction: Underground Fort
Details: Accessed by a hatch that leads to the surface, hidden by foliage around it. Inside looks like a celler with dirt walls and floors. It is lit by bare bulbs stuck in the dirt, powered by car batteries.
Location: In the forest on the pass
Style: Underground Celler/Mine
Reference pictures: Click to see the original size.Click to see the original size.
Extra Notes: This group is an Alliance networked group.

IC Chat / Leonard Wong, A brief summary of the character
« on: February 17, 2012, 01:12:35 PM »
Character Name: Leonard 'Len' Wong

Age: 33

Fatal Flaw/Defect: Extreme Violence and Insanity Due to a brain injury, he lacks mercy and sanity. He hates the members of Civiwatch and anyone affiliated with them as well as Jury for taking over his home before he could move out.


Physical Description: 5'9, Short Black Hair, Medium Build, Scars Bumps and Dents Everywhere, Torn Clothing, Defined Muscles, Darker Skin, Hairy Arms and Legs, Moderately Toned Voice

Glasses similar to these
Spoiler for Hiden:
Based off Ken Jeong aka Jerry Wang from Transformers 3
Spoiler for Hiden:
His voice is similar to:

Mental State: Insane. Has no mercy. Wants anyone who bothers him dead and will make sure said death is done.

Physical State: Strong muscles, slightly brittle Left Humerous and Right Tibia (caused by breakage of both bones), Weak skin(caused by repeated damage to skin)

Background: (short, half-assed version) Leoanrd was born in Vancouver, British Columbia to his immigrant parents. He grew up in an english school, dealing with the racism. He graduated and went to a University to get a certificate in IT tech. He graduated from the university and mvoed to California to work for a large business as the IT Technician. When the war happened, he did not like they way life was run and within a month, he escaped to the canals with thre members, one of which was killed, the other injured. He and the two others learned they way of life while in the canals and gained access to weapons after killing various combine soldiers with traps. He and another member went back to the city to get more refugees. On their way, they salvaged armour off civil protection units. They picked up another group of refugees and returned to the canals, losing one. Leonard lived in the canals with the group, known as the Reformers at the time. They met other groups and allied with them, soon being called the Alliance. The first alliance consisted of Lovebird which is extinct, Easy which merged with Reformers, and Reformers, known today as Civiwatch. Leonard spent his day in the canals helping refugees in need of help. One day, he was fighting a helicopter with his RPG. Thehere was a second chopepr which chased him into a drainage tunnel. Overwatch grund units then followed him. He was chased all the way to the mountains where he lived for a couple weeks on his own in Concept Facilities. He prepared concept facilities for the arrival of the alliance. He returned to the tcanals after three months. The alliance was falling apart at this time. Leonard revived it which had the groups, Civiwatch, and The Liberation Movement. After searching for a safe passage out of the canals, Leonard organized a transport to move as many refugees as possible to the moutnains. He did so and while living in the mountains, he also protected the refugees from further harm. After a month or so, he gave up making his army and went to the city with the rest of Civiwatch, after disbanding the Alliance. They were demolished by Overwatch and the survivors fled to the mountains. Leonard, after receiving a major brain injury from falling debris, went insane and turned extremely violent, against his own kind.

Strengths - Skills/Traits:
-Survival Skills
-High pain tolerance
-Well Nourished

-Can have a short temper
-When focusing on big subjects, he'll ignore smaller ones
-Will kill anyone who bothers him with no mercy

Research Notes: Based off myself, except for two parts:
-IRL I know a shit ton about science, Leonard doesnt know what 'He' on the periodic table is.
-Leonard has courage, IRL I wouldnt be able to pick up an assault rifle and shoot it at groups of froces much stronger then myself

Research References: Me

Accent: Leonard has a clean english accent fron going to an english school and learning english there rather then his parents.

Mannerisms: Lazy when tired but acts quickly when alert. Short temper with people.

Accepted Authorizations / Leonard Wong's Authorization Application
« on: February 17, 2012, 12:49:46 AM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Statua
Age: 17
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 6 years maybe
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 3 years

Character Section

Auths to make Leonards IC skills officially authorized:
-Split second reaction time
-Expert marksmanship with Combine Sniper
-High pain tolerance (not like oh my arms broke. Oh well. More like getting a gash but still being able to fight to safety)
-Greater fearlessness (ie not afraid to fight back at gunpoint of a single barrel only)
-Well nourished
-Expert airboat driving

Name: Leonard Wong
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Resistance

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Since there are several auths being aplied for, I will write smaller sections going into detail on each authorization. Basically, if you cba to read the sections, Leonards life in the outlands and his escape to the mountains and back by himself have resulted in obtaining these skills.

-Split Second Reaction Time-
    Leonard has gone through a number of situations where hes had to make quick decisions. After losing some and gaining some, he knows what signs to look for when talking with someone or dealing with a sticky situation. Example. Two refugees are fighting over something. Leonard is observing them, watching closely. One of the refugees reaches for their back pocket. Leonard gets a glimpse of somethig beig drawn. He preps for a weapon. As the refugee draws the object, leonard sees its a kinfe. He uses his own weapon as a blunt object to prevent the refugee from attacking the other refugee, before anyone onows whats going on. Another example of split second reacion time would be a two way standoff. Leonard is held at gunpoint while holding someone else at gunpoint. He watches the person holding him at gunpoint, payig close attention to his trigger finger, while also watching the person he as well is holding. Leonard notices the man holding him begins to pull the trigger. He pulls the trigger of his own weapon, as he said if he dies, the other guy dies as well. As the bullet fores toward Leonard, he already has the trigger pulled, also firing at the other man, thus both Leonard and the other man are dead (though this would probably result in leonards PK)

-Expert Marksmanship with Combine Sniper-

    Leonard has had his sniper rifle for a long time now. Since the end of summer actually. Hes done target practice with it as well as actually using it against combine while he was being chased out the canals toward the mountains. Leonard has learned the ways of the rifle, its tendancys, its time to target, and the recoil so he can easily take another shot. This marksmanship would allow a S2K at a long range with a very high chance of achieving said kill, even on a moving target. However, Leonard isnt exactly used to other weapons such as the AR2 or the MP7. His marksmanship would be a lot less and a chance at a S2K even at medium range is a bit low. Maybe a bit higher with the AR2 as he uses it against xen life while patrolling or going on operations but nothing like the marksmanship with the Sniper Rifle. Leonard actually spent some days in the canals shooting at cans and bottles from extremely long ranges, using the core charger to keep the ammunition filled.

-High Pain Tolerance-
    Leonard has been shot, cut, hit, mauled, knocked out, broken bones, lost high amounts of blood, stabbed, dragged, and beaten throughout his life after the war. Hes taken so much of a beating, his body isnt exactly a sight to see anymore unless he's there to save your ass. Hes covered in scars, bumps, and dents. Leonard has learned to cope with the pain and to blank it out to a degree. No, a shattered arm cant be shrug off but a deep cut can, as long as its taken care of shortly after appearing. Leonards mind has actually gotten used to pain and the sensation is less noticable. However, the stuff Leonard has gone through makes him more suseptable to injury. Bones can be broken easier, skin can be damaged by lighter forces. He also might not sense important pains like the burning of a pot or the pinching of an object, which would result in personal injury.

-Greater Fearlessness-

    Leonard has been through hundreds of life or death situations including fights with combine soldiers, helicopters chasing him down, fires, people holding him at gunpoint, combine soldoers capturing him and escorting him to their outpost. Hundreds of situations. Leonard has learned there is always a way out, you just have to find it. This may not be true all the time but leonard has brainwashed hinself to believing it be true. He can remain calm and think clearly when shit hits the fan. This doesnt mean hes not afraid something might happen, it just means he knows it can be solved which helps him remain focused. When held at gunpoint, of a single weapon, he will try to get out of it by either deking the shooter or making some other decision. Leonard would not be able to act fearless if say a strider were towering over him with a shit ton of other combine ready to blow his brains out. Same goes for if he almost does doe suh as slipping off a cliff and snagging a rock or a branch, saving his life. He would be shaken after said event.

-Well Nourished-

    This doesnt mean the nourishment of an olympic athlete, but the nourishment ine would get from three proper meals a day with the proper required daily value. Over the past year, he had been gathering cans and other non perishable food items to eat. Canned beans, vegetables, and soup were the most common foods he would eat. Beef jerky and seeds were also a good snack. Some uncooked noodles in a boiling pot of water for a bit to cook them weren as common but they provided him with the carbs when he needed them. Eating this food and living an active lifestyle, leonards system had returned to normal and his malnourishment lost. The food has already been authorized twice so there is no need to question that part.

-Expert Airboat Driving-

    Leonard has been operating the airboat since mid august. After drivjng thousands of miles on it, he has learned how to control it through turns, drops, slides, climbs, and of course water navigation. For example, going down a hill with a turn in it requires him to begin turning the boat a few yards before hand to slide the boat around the corner. He also knows how to control the boat with its fan when dropping off a moderate point (no more then 15') to land in a way not to damage the boat. These authorizations will allow Leonard to drove the boat in a controlled fashion at high speeds as well as drop off points no more then 15' in height (about the height of the wood staircase at the bottom of the alliance hill)


What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
Perks given in backstory. This auth is slightly different, thus the organization and design will be different.

Same as above but ill list them anyway:

-Reaction time: might react to something that didnt need to be reacted to (ie the kinfe was really a case for something)

-Marksmanship: low weapon skill with everything other then AR2 and combine sniper

-Pain Tolerance: more fragile body, less lain sensatikn so its easier to injure himself wihout knowing, also may have a hard tome describing a pain to medical specialists

-Fearless: Might get himself into some really sticky situations he cant get out of

-Well nourished: will have a hard time if the food supply is cut off

-Expert airboatman: Reduced skill with other vehicles

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Help leonard stay alive and get the alliance running smoother and more efficient. Help leonard get out of hard situations. Prevent deadly situations from coming up. Generally helping others in the outlands to survive.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
Both cause leonard might some day reurn to the city, again.

Guides / Advanced Roleplayers Guide (WIP)
« on: February 15, 2012, 10:58:10 AM »
The Advanced Roleplayers Guide
A guide by Statua to help improve the RP skills of those who have a basic grasp on RP.

This guide covers the more advanced fundamentals of RP as well as some tips and tricks to speed up and improve RP.
Table of Contents
-1 Introduction on Advanced Roleplay
-2 Playing to Lose Without Total Loss
-3 Immersion
-4 Emotions
-5 Advanced FearRP
-6 Physical RP
-7 Firefights
-8 Passive RP
-9 IC Accents
-10 Ways to Speed Up RP
-11 Outtro/Summary

Introduction to Advanced Roleplay
Getting you started on the topic, one step at a time.

Advanced roleplay is a skill everyone must have at some point in time if they plan to get anywhere in the world of RP. Players who have these skills earn respect, are more enjoyable to RP with, and can build their characters story more smoothly as well as help other players with their own stories. Advanced RP keeps the stories of all players running smoothly and efficiently. This guide will help the reader become an advanced roleplayer. Requirements are time to read this and a working imagination to make the skills learned in this guide work.

The sections covered in this guide include:

-Playing to Lose Without Total Loss
  >Play to lose
  >Why its important to lose every now and then
  >Benifits of losing
  >Losing without actually losing
  >Winning agaisnt someone without making them have a total loss
  >Techniques and examples

  >What is immersion
  >Benefits of immersion
  >Becoming another person
  >Immersion techniques and aids

  >Feeling your character
  >Controlling OOC emotions
  >Long term emotions
  >Techniques and examples

-Advance Fear Roleplay
  >What is fear RP?
  >When to fear RP
  >Long term fear
  >Stat reduction from fear
  >Techniques and examples

-Physical RP
  >What is Physical RP?
  >Fatigue and Illness
  >Terrain Effects
  >Knowing when to not do something physically
  >Techniques and Examples

  >Shooting to miss
  >Roleplaying hits without actually getting hit
  >Win/Loss of a firefight
  >Techniques and examples

-Passive RP
  >Passive and active RP
  >When to enter a passive or active state
  >Alone/Partner/Group passive
  >Techniques and examples

-In-Character Accents
  >Not overdoing it
  >Accent strength (pronunciation)
  >IC knowledge on the english language
  >Techniques and examples

-Ways to speed up RP
  >Actions: When and when not to do them
  >Combining 3rd and 1st person
  >Using the console to your advantage
  >Binds and keyboard macros

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / New HL2RP Rule Request
« on: February 15, 2012, 10:39:26 AM »
-All sprays are considered IC and any unrealistic sprays will be deal with.  Example of an unrealistic spray:XXX

Outside City 45 / A map drawn on a whiteboard in the facility.
« on: February 12, 2012, 06:56:59 PM »
Failure. There may be some typos lawl.

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