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Topics - Statua

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Non-official Groups / ALLIANCE DISBANDED
« on: March 25, 2012, 12:40:14 AM »
Yeah. Its been disbanded. Things are too unstable and trying to keep things running nicely is more of a really hard ass chore then a task.

Keys have been removed from all non civiwatch members. All keypads have been changed. Civiwatch members no longer wear the /\. Clinic and Outcasts still have space in the bunker.

General Discussion / Spacebuild Server Map Request
« on: March 09, 2012, 01:43:27 PM »
The Sb server is getting like 10fps (not me, the server) and it may be the map. I suggest using either:




Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Statua's VACATION Thread
« on: March 09, 2012, 11:48:32 AM »
I'm going to Mexico on the 11th and wont be back till the 19th. I'm bringing my computer in to the shop today so my supplier can figure out why my parts are causing system failures. I'll be back online on the 20th or the 21st. Here's a rundown on my characters and their excuse for inactivity:

Leonard Wong
Leonard took his repaired and reinforced airboat along with several gas cans and the liquid storage tank.  He took a weeks supply of food, all the spare pulse weapon cores, and his G36C with some lead rounds he ahd saved for himself in case he needed them. Leonard is going further into the mountain range in parts he hasnt visited before in search for fuel and anything of interest. He also got word of another major resistance group in the area and is searching for them (event will come from this) He wilkl return with fuel and possibly some information when I get back.

Dr. Franklin J. Ward
Franklin was requested to return to City 16 to discuss a few things with the Civil Administrators in the city. He left on a transport and will return when I return.

Leyka only visited S6 for about an hour before she ran off back to her area. Leyka knows S6 might be a good place to go but she wants to keep hunting before she explores S6 more. She'll return after I get back and whenever I feel like hopping on her.

I'll bring back some pics of course. I'll hop on for a little bit tonight before bringing my rig in to the shop to get the IC stuff out of the way. Anywho cheers!

IC Chat / A typed message posted in the Civiwatch Lounge
« on: March 09, 2012, 11:36:30 AM »
    To whom it may concern.

    I am going away for a week to restock on fuel supplies as well as search for anything of interest. I am going alone because if I get lost or killed, it will only be my life lost and there are still members to take my place. I however do not plan on that happening anytime soon so I won't worry. I have taken my Rifle and all the spare weapon cores, along with my G36C and some lead rounds I had saved for a rainy day. I am taking my reinforced repaired airboat, thanks to our mechanical section. I will return within fifteen days. Skyler, our new Assistant Leader, is in charge of things while I'm gone.

For all alliance networked things, I request that any groups wishing to join be placed on a watchlist and wait till I return so I can make the decision. Frank is the figurehead for anything alliance so any problems may be addressed to him till I return. Keep safe. Be strong. Don't let anyone walk over you. And most of all, keep the mountains in a stable state. I would rather not return to a warzone of refugees and resistance members.

-Leonard Wong

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Civil Administrator Error !!FIX!!
« on: March 02, 2012, 04:53:48 PM »

Just place 'models' and 'materials' in your 'garrysmod' folder. If you see errors on the tab menu, open your 'q' menu and:
-go to the 'Browse' tab
-hit the + on 'Garry's Mod'
-hit the + on 'humans'
-hit the + on 'Group17'
-right click each error and hit 'Rebuild Icon' for each


I was bored, there were only a few people on, so I repeated the speech by Dr. Breen.

Spoiler for Speech:
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "*The screen flickers on, a tall figure can be seen standing against the background*"
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "Citizens of City fourty-five. I am Doctor Ward. Let me read you a letter I received."
Out of Character for OOC:
Tiarnach McCalister: XD
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "Dear to whom it may concren. Why has the Combine seen fit to suppress our reproductive cycle?"
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "Sincerely, a concerned citizen."
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "Thank you for writing, Concerned. Of course your question touches on one of the basic biological impulses,"
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "With all its associated hopes and fears for the future of the species."
This is not a valid command!
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "I also detect some unspoken questions. Do our benefactors really know what's best for us?"
Dispatch broadcasts "Citizen reminder: The Civil Workers Union provides stabilized employment and benefit schemes for all registered individuals."
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "What gives them the right to make this kind of decision for mankind?"
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "I apologize for the recend dispatch. Carrying on."
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "Will they ever deactivate the suppression field and let us breed again?"
Silent ^.^ has connected to the server.
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "Allow me to address the anxieties underlying your concerns, rather then try to answer every possible question,"
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "You might have left, unvoiced."
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "First, let us consider the fact that for the first time ever, as a species, immortality is in our reach."
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "This simple fact has far-reaching implications."
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "It requires radival rethinking and revision of our genetic imparitives."
Out of Character for OOC:
Dr. Franklin J. Ward: is the camera working?
Out of Character for OOC:
Dr. Franklin J. Ward: there
C45.CCA.APEX-03.334 radios in "<:: Unit is on duty.  10-8."
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "It also requires planning and forethought that run in direct opposition to our neutral pre-sets."
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "I find it helpful at times like these to remind myself that our true enemy, is \instinct\."
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "Instinct was our mother when we were an infant species."
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "Instinct coddled us and kept us safe in those hardscrabble years when ht hardened out sticks and cooked our first"
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "meals above a meager fire and stared at the shadows that lept at the cavern walls."
[LOOC] UU.OTA.SYNTH-79549: test
[LOOC] UU.OTA.SYNTH-79549: Fuck
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "But inseperable from instinct is its dark twin, Superstition."
[LOOC] Dr. Franklin J. Ward: ?
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts " Instinct is inextricably bound to unreasoning impulses, and today we clearly see its true nature."
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "Instinct has just become aware of its irrelevance, and just like a cornered beast,"
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "It will not go dow without a bloody fight."
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "Instinct would influct a fatal injury on our species."
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "Instinct creates its own oppressors, and bids us rise up against them."
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "Instinct tells us that the unknown is a threat, rather than an opportunity."
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "Instincy slyly and covertly compels us away from change and progress."
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "Instinct therefore, must be expunged."
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "Ut must be fought tooth and nail, beginning with the basest of human urges: The urge to reproduce."
Dispatch broadcasts "Citizen reminder. Inaction is conspiracy. Report counter behaviour to a Civil Protection team immediately."
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "*pauses as he clears his throat and straightens his tie*"
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "We should thank our benefactors for giving us respite from this overpowering force."
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "They have thrown a switch and exorcised our demons in a single stroke."
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "They have given us the strength we never could have summoned to overcome this compulsion."
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "They have given un purpose. They have turned our eyes toward the stars."
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "Let me assure you that the suppressing field will be shut off on the day we have mastered ourselved."
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "The day we can prove we no longer need it."
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "And that day of transformation, I have it on good authority, is close at hand."
Dr. Franklin J. Ward broadcasts "*The figure smiles slightly, followed by the screen flicking off*"

IC Chat / Dr. Franklin J. Ward Character Profile
« on: March 01, 2012, 12:50:50 AM »
Character Name: Doctor Franklin James Ward

Age: 67

Fatal Flaw/Defect: Franklin's major flaw is anxiety. He fears he will fail when doing things on his own, however he has found ways to overcome this anxiety. His anxiety may only kick in when doing something new or stressful such as making decisions.


Physical Description: 5'11 | Tidy, Light Grey Hair | Blue Eyes | Nametag with a picture and 'Dr. Franklin J. Ward' | Wrinkled Skin | Neatly Pressed Suit | Polished Shoes | Assuring Voice

Mental State: Calm and patient. Understands the issues of others.

Physical State: Weakened muscles yet strong enough to work. Healthy, other then some arthritis.

Spoiler for Story:
Franklin James Ward was born at Grace General Hospital to his parents, Walter and Mary-Ann Ward, November 13th 1950. He grew up in the suburbs of Toronto and went to a private school. Franklins parents were very sophisticated, Walter being the CEO at Fabucorp, and Mary-Ann, being the Chairwoman of the Toronto School Board. Walter and Mary-Ann wanted Franklin to be just as successful as themselves, so they nlisted him into one of the highest private schools in the area. Fraklin was studying Psychology and Philosophy before he was fourteen.

Franklin Graduated from the Private School in Spring 1968. He immediately moved on to Booth University to get his Docterate is Psychology and Phylosophy. Franklin graduated from booth in 1972 as top of his class. He decided to move to Vancouver and work ay a Psychologist for a shrink. Franklin worked at the shrink for five years, which is when he received a letter, requesting he join the military and work for the Military Police as an Internal Affairs officer. Barely passing Basic, Franklin moved on to officer training at which he received his rank and began work in the office.

Frankin eventually reached the rank of Colonel and in 1982, became a director of Internal Affairs for the Canadian Forces. Franklin worked in various places, moving around the world for postings at different military bases including several NATO bases in Europe and Asia. Franklin delt with some of the most severe affairs such as security breaches, treason, and two attempts to overthrow the Canadian Forces entirely. Working for the military for his 20 year term, Franklin retired in 2002 at the age of 52, working an extra five years to build on his pension.

Franklin Moved to Vancouver Isand after retiring to retire alone in his three story mountain home. He would spend his days landscaping, working on his classic cars, and reading books under the sun. Franklin lived a good retirement for the next ten years, all until the portal storms hit. One morning, Franklin was sitting on his porch, enjoying his black premium roast coffee. A black suburban rolled up, two men in black suits stepped out, followed by another man in a Majors uniform. They walked up to his house.
"Colonel Franklin J. Ward?" The Major said. Franklin ooked up from his coffee and replied slowly,
"I haven't heard that name in a Long time."
"Mister Ward, theres been a worldwide crisis. You will need to evacuate your home and come with us to Vancouver."
"A Crisis? Whats going on? World War Three?"
"No, Mister Ward, there's been an, extra terrestrial breach worldwide."
"You mean like aileans?" Franklin Laughed. "This is a joke right?"
"I'm afraid not Mister Ward. Now please, come with us. Gather some cothes and important belongings you can fit in a suitcase. I'll wait for you out here." Franklins expression dropped.
"Very well then. I wont be long." Franklin replied, obviously upset about the situation. Franklin gathered his clothes, some pictures, and his medals. He went to the car which was folowed by a drive to Vancouver. Franklin was admitted to a high class hotel room in the safezone of the city.

The seven hour war broke out. Franklin wasn't in his room at the time. He was at a restrunt enjoying an evening meal. The combine forces had taken over the city and hearded all the humans into controlled buildings. They tested each elder to see if they were strong enough to work. Franklin, working on hs cars, had just enough strength not to be amputated. Franklin helped the first few days to reconstruct the city for the Union. Franklin noticed an advertisement for the Civil Workers Union. He applied and started work as a Civil Worker, cleaning and repairing. Franklin became brainwashed and worshipped the union. Within a few months, Franklin started providing psychiatric help toward citizens who seemed to have the urge to resist and rebel. Franklin provided support and most of his patients returned without any visibal hate toward the Union. After a year of working for the Civil Workers Union, high command units approached Franklin. City 45 was in need of an internal affairs administrator. They never asked Franklin if he was interested, they just told him to go. Franklin left the city on a transport to City 45 to begin his new job

Strengths - Skills/Traits: Very understanding and empathetic. Good at raising morale.

Weaknesses: May have heart problems in the future due to his age. Fears failure in general.

Suggestions / Tapatalk needs fixed
« on: February 29, 2012, 08:28:24 PM »
Tried installing tapatalk. Works fine on my other forum. Tried CG, it said the website has it locked or its broken and needs repairs. Please fix.

Non-official Groups / Civiwatch Supply Caches
« on: February 28, 2012, 11:29:21 PM »
If you see one of these guys lying around:
Click to see the original size.

It's probably a supply cache left around by Civiwath. The material might not be the same after a server restart but they're pretty much the only crates laying around in random spots. They're available for anyone to take items from. This thread is just to prevent any confusion as I couldn't name the crates.

OOC Contents May Include:
-Health Kits
-Bags and Packs
-Weapons and Ammo (extremely rare)
-OOC Food Items

IC Items Include:
-Water Bottles
-Canned Foods
-Uncooked Noodles
-Blankets (rare)

For the next cache placement, I will include a paper for each explaining the IC contents too.

IC Chat / Leonard Wong's Voice Recordings
« on: February 28, 2012, 10:54:49 PM »
Out of Character for OOC:
These voice recordings cannot be found ICly unless Leonard shows you them. They are recorded on to a compact tape in a compact tape recorder.

SIDE1: 00:00-02:51

Outside City 45 / A map of the outlands for public use.
« on: February 27, 2012, 11:58:59 PM »
Feel free to use and modify.

Accepted Authorizations / Leyka's Authorization Application
« on: February 27, 2012, 11:36:33 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Statua
Age: 17
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 6
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 3

Character Section

Siberian Husky Character

Name: Leyka
Age: 5
Gender: Female
Affiliation: None

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Leyka was adopted by a ukraine family of two in the spring of 2012. She grew up in the small apartment with her owners who trained her to be housebroken over several months. Leyka grew into her full, soft, furry body by summer 2013. She had learned voice commands in the ukraine language as well as several hand gestures to tell her what to do. Leyka loved her owners. They fed her well, gave her treats, and provided her with toys and beds to keep her happy. She was very active too. Her owners took her on three long walks a day around the streets. The one floor two bedroom apartment was large enough for her to run around and play. Leyka had the dogs life. Worry free, caring owners, and enough exercise to keep even a great dane happy.

Summer 2014 came around. Portal storms and Xen infestations had already begun. All of humanity was inhabiting large city centers rather then small cities and towns. The odd headcrab crawling around the desolate streets of the ukraine city became a common sight. One evening, Leyka was walking with her owner outside. They started down the usual back alley they take. Leyka stopped, her ears perched forward. She was watching a dumpster carefully. Her owner noticed this and asked in ukraine, "Whats wrong Leyka?" She kept watching the dumpster. There was a thump from within. Leyka flinched but continued pointing. There was the sound of things sliding and moving in the dumpster. Leyka's owner also noticed this. He tugged on Leyka's leash. "Come on lets go Leyka." he said in Ukraine. Leyka didn't budge. A scratching sound came from the dumpster. Two brownish green talons curled over the edge of the dumpster. A brownish green blob looking creature pulled itself out of the dumpster. It looked at Leyka and her owner. Leyka began to growl at the thing. The creature quickly pulled itself out of the dumpster and launched towards Leyka's owner who out of fear, dropped the leash and tried to run. Leyka saw the creature flying toward her owner. She jumped and intercepted the creature, latching on to its body with her jaw. She landed, throwing the creature to the ground. She looked at it carefully, standing almost directly over it. The creature lay motionless for a good ten seconds. "Leyka come." her owner said. "Leyka." he picked up the leash and tugged it. "Leyka!" she turned her head, looking at her owner. The creature squirmed and quickly scratched at Leyka. Its talon made contact with her right fore leg, leaving a three inch gash down her leg. Leyka jumped back and yelped. The creature tried to flip itself over. There was a gunshot. Leyka flinched. Then another shot. The creature lie motionless on the ground, a yellow fluid leaking out of its mass. Leyka's owner stood, holding a Beretta 92 at the creature. Leyka whimpered. Her owner looked at Leyka, pocketed the 92, and ran toward Leyka. She was lying on the ground, bleeding from her leg. Her owner picked her up. "Its ok Leyka." she said, "We'll get you home." He quickly walked back to his apartment, carrying a messy, bloody Leyka. They arrived at the apartment shortly. "What happened?" the female owner asked in ukraine. "Headcrab got her. She saved me by taking it down from the air but it scratched her." "Alright put her in the bathtub, I'll get the vet kit." Her female owner worked as a veterinarian for a nearby vet. She fixed up Leyka's gash and placed bandage along the sutured cut. She gave Leyka a wash and moved her to her bed so she could sleep and start recovering. 

Fall 2015 is when things started getting bad. Leyka was home alone. Her owners were out for dinner at a restaurant. She was lying on the couch, napping, waiting for her owners to get home. There was a knock in the room below. Leyka lifted her head and listened intently. She could hear people walking around in the room below. They were talking. One of them sounded weird. He had a low, robotic like voice. There was the sound of an electric zap. "I said don't move." the voice said. An impact sound accompanied with another electrical zap could be heard. The man downstairs screamed in pain. There was another hit, the man screamed louder. There was a shorter, quieter zap. "Now. Come with me." the voice said. The people left the room. Leyka heard the door of her apartment being tried. She got off the couch and wagged her tail, expecting her owners. The door swung open. A figure wearing a white mask and a kevlar vest walked in. It looked around the room and spotted Leyka. "Amputate." it said. It drew a USP and pointed it at Leyka. Remembering the headcrab, Leyka took off through the door, pushing past the figure. The USP shot twice but missed. Leyka tore down the stairwell. Two others that looked like the one on her room were down the hall. They didn't notice her. The front door was left open a crack. She ran up to it and used her head to push past it. As she ran down the street, she noticed people being lined up and herded by more of these figures. There were dark blue grey metal vehicles with huge wheels everywhere. She darted into a back alley. Two of these figures were at the other end. There was a pile of boxes beside a dumpster with space behind them. She ran behind the boxes as the two figures turned. They began walking down the alley, talking about something. Leyka sunk back crawling further behind the box pile. The figures were close now, almost right in front of her. She backed into a box, knocking a can over. A clang rang out from the can as the figures walked in front of the dumpster. They stopped and looked at the pile of boxes. One of the figures began walking back to the other side of the dumpster. Leyka tensed up. Her ears perked and she was ready to bolt at any given moment. The first one spoke out. "Wait." it held up its hand. "Nevermind, it was probably just a rat. Lets go." Both figures quickly walked out the alley, leaving Leyka alone. After waiting for almost half an hour with no events, Leyka quietly crawled out from behind the dumpster. There were no more figures in either direction. She walked the opposite direction she came and headed toward the street. She slowly left the alley, looking left, then right. There was nothing in sight. No people. No metal truck things. The sun was going down now. She didnt want to be outside at night nor did she want to run back to the apartment yet with those figures around. There was another alley ahead. Leyka trotted toward the alley. There was junk piled on both sides. She walked through the alley and came across a fenced in area. There were wood crates inside. On the corner of one fence segment, the chainlink had been pulled away or bent. Leyka crawled through the small opening into the area. There was a closed door with a window but the lights inside were off. There was a small cagelight at the top left corner of the doorway, lighting up the small area. Behind the crates was a small pile of cardboard boxes folded up flat. Leyka walked over to the cardboard and sniffed. She then stepped on top of the soft pile and spun around one and a half times before lying down, curled up so her tail was no more then an inch from her nose. Leyka laid there for about an hour, looking at a wall. She was thinking about her owners and where they were. She slowly drifted off into a deep, restless sleep.

Leyka woke up the next morning to a growling stomach. She was hungry and needed something to eat. Leyka stood up from her cardboard bed and stretched. She shook briefly and walked over to the hole in the fence. There was no one or nothing around so she crawled through the fence. Leyka trotted down the alley to the street. She looked up and down the street but there was not a soul in sight still. Leyka trotted over to the alley she hid in the other day. It was empty as well. She entered the alley carefully and proceeded to the other side. She looked down this street and it was too empty. Leyka trotted to the apartment. The front door was open a crack so Leyka squeezed through. She walked up the stairs to the second floor. The apartment door was still open as were many others. Leyka walked in the door. The apartment was the same it was when she left the day before. There was some food left in her food bowl. Leyka walked over and began eating. She looked around the apartment, wondering where her owners were. She decided to curl up on the couch and wait.

Three hours later, she heard someone running up the stairs then hit something. Leyka jumped off the couch and trotted to the door to see. Her male owner was standing with his back against the wall holding up his hands. One of the figures was in front of him.
"Please," he said in ukraine. "I just want to see my dog. Let me go."
"Final warning citizen. Move." the figure boomed, pointing toward the stairs.
"No I must see her!" her owner said. He pushed the figure out of the way and started for the room. The figure swung his baton at the male, an electric zap rang out. The male fell to the floor in pain.
"Issuing non-compliance verdict and attempt to run. Amputating anti-citizen." the figure said. It drew its handgun and raised it. Leyka's owner lifted his head and saw Leyka sticking her head out the door.
"Leyka?" the man said. The figure pulled the trigger. A shot rang out through the hallway and the man fell to the floor. Leyka ran back inside the apartment and hid behind the couch. The figure must have not noticed her because after that, she heard him say, "Cremator to block seven seven two." and descend down the stairs. Leyka crept out the apartment again, checking to see if there were any more figures. She walked toward her owner, whimpering. Leyka nuzzled her owners hand and licked it. She whined again and sat beside him. Leyka remained sitting for about twenty minutes. She got up and sniffed her owner one more time, whining. Leyka finally left the apartment again, trotting to her fenced in home, never to see the apartment again.

A year and a half had passed. It was now the end of winter 2017. Leyka had lost a lot of weight and muscle. She could run but not for long. Leyka usually ate small rodents and drank from puddles. Leyka lived alone. She rarely saw anyone. Every now and then she would see a human wearing blue pants and a blue jacket run by. Even more rarely she would see one of the masked figures. Some of them looked different. They had different colours or different shaped masks. They sometimes carried larger weapons. Leyka knew where the good hiding spots were so when she saw a figure, she ran to them and hid. Her small body gave her an advantage at hiding. Leyka had a couple close calls but was never injured other then maybe a scratch from a metal wire in a chain link fence. Leyka moved from place to place to sleep every now and then. By now, she had ended up close to the city center there was more traffic here but there were also more rodents and scraps to eat. The place however lacked hiding spots but Leyka found a nice little corner to hide in.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
-Dog Character
-Can hide easier
-Can crawl through tight spaces
-Can run fast
-Requires less food
-Immune to human only illness
-Knows what a CCA unit looks like and what a gun looks like

-Cant run for long
-Doesnt understand english whatsoever and only understands a few ukraine words
-Takes more damage
-Lower logic then humans
-Fears humans due to little contact in a year (temporary)

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
For perks, I plan to hide when a S6 sweep is in effect. I also plan to use some perks for survival.

FOr defects, I plan to make Leyka difficult to interact with. If in the event leyka is killed fairly, it will be a PK.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
Please take time to consider this application before going "denied. no dogs in le city"

Here's the thing with Leyka. She wont be very active. Maybe once or twice a week but she's more of a "Oh hey its Leyka. Hi." and RP with her for a couple hours, then she reutrns to her sector for a few days (shes small so she can get through openings other humans cant, no I wont abuse this to hide from CCA, without on-the-spot auths of course) to do what she does. Maybe in the fiture she will hang around but she's basically in another sector when offline.

TL;DR Leyka isn't a character I go on every day, just someone who shows up every now and then... For now.

Outside City 45 / An OOC message to 'The Hacker' And 'Tina Leveto'
« on: February 27, 2012, 04:16:06 PM »
How about next time you dont fucking metagame, break into the alliance facility when no alliance member is on, steal all our shit, and leave disrespectful notes around, expecting not to get caught. The facility has working and recording video cameras, tight security, and locked doors/gates. Obviously you two dont give a shit so the situation was voided.


If you dont want to void it then PK yourselves as the facility defence members would have shot your ass all over the wall.
Tina, if you weren't involved in this, I apologize. I just assumed by the hate messages you were.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / An EASY fix to RSO
« on: February 26, 2012, 07:38:59 PM »
Being a mapper, I've created maps specifically to avoid RSO upon joining. Its as simple as creating a 100% sealed room. Joining the servers, I noticed the firt place you spawn is in the open. This means upon loading, you also have to load every model in the game thats visible. In order to prevent RSO, you need to take gradual loads. The player creation menu cameras are positioned in a way where some will create this gradual load where others will create a visibility over the entire map, loading everything too fast.

Here's the fix:

1. I will be creating a spawn room in the next version of outlands to prevent initial RSO (if thats where non-character players first spawn)
2. Move the cameras in a spot which only a portion of the map is visible (i dont mean a wall, I mean looking off where beyond is the void)


Fixed the titles spelling.

Outside City 45 / Increase Outlands Popularity (questionnaire)
« on: February 26, 2012, 04:06:39 PM »
I noticed outlands is back to square one now with 0 players during midday so heres a few questions I'd like you to answer so we can get the place more interesting.

Code: [Select]
[i]Why would you rather play on the city then the outlands?[/i]

[i]What do you do for fun on outlands?[/i]

[i]Is Ineu_Pass too hardware reliant for your current system? (too laggy)[/i]

[i]What would you like to see more of on outlands?[/i]

[i]What do you want to do on outlands?[/i]

[i]What is about outlands that makes you not want to join or play it?[/i]

[i]What can I do to Civiwatch/Alliance Network to help you enjoy the outlands?[/i]

[i]Extra comments.[/i]

No the alliance is not official nor is civiwatch but they seem to play a major role in things on the outlands. I also run civiwatch and the alliance so I can easily make any changes I want.

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