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Backup Sections => Archive => HL2RP Development[ARCHIVE] => Half-Life 2 Roleplay => Topic started by: Statua on July 07, 2011, 04:04:18 AM

Title: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Statua on July 07, 2011, 04:04:18 AM
DISCLAIMER: All words used in this rant are not directly used at any single or small group of persons. Claiming that this thread contains flaiming content would be inaccurate. You should not take any offence to this thread, rather take the information given by it and maybe fix something for once.

HL2RP right now isn't running right. As much as I like to call it serious, it isn't. Things aren't run properly, stuff is in the unknown, confusion is among everyone about certain subjects, and minges are let off with easy, useless warnings. I would like to see change. Not within the next few months. Not within the next month, but within the next couple weeks.

 If change does not occur, I personally will make sure if it does, risking my own position for the sake of rp. Why? Because I love RP no doubt. I've always loved acting and drama involving myself with other people. I enjoy watching players have fun roleplaying.

If by making rp better that I am left to insubordinate my superiors, I will personally do that and deal with the consequences. I don't mind being an average player. Administrative duties are nice cause I like helping players and getting things to run smoothly as well as make the time for players enjoyable. If I get demoted to player, fine. There are other admins out there who I know will do as good of a job as me if not better.

But someone needs to make a change here. Without further adoo, here's my rant.


The name

Whoever said it was uncanon wasn't thinking. For fuck sakes breen refers to the combine as the combine. Let's go over this again.

Union = Benefactors
They are the leaders, the superiors of the whole operaion here on earth.

Civil Protection = Combine
They are the combine. Combine are combined humans with universal union technology.

Union =/= (!=) Civil Protection
The civil protection may serve the union but they aren't part of it. They know nothing of the benefactors. Union Civil Authority not only sounds odd but for years servers have used CCA. No where in the half life 2 story are they called union. They ONLY instance of their general name is when breen refers to them as combine.

I say fuck the Union prefix and put it back to combine. If you wish to hear this breencast, it's one of the prison casts you hear in nova prospekt. This cast was citywide FYI.

The Strictness and Brutality

If someone does something uncanon, people bitch and complain. Well one of the biggest uncanon things around is the way the civil protection treat citizens. In half life two, citizens would be beat for talking to eachother. They would be killed for even hinting at resistance. Why aren't we? Who says we aren't allowed to be like that? A citizen throws a can at a cp, the cp tells him to pick up the can and might detain him. Truth is, that citizen was violent to the cp. That citizen could have more violence in the future. Why let him go?

The cp teams are supposed to keep the city stable and normal. They do this by letting citizens know who's in charge and why not to mess with them. If you mess with them, you pay, and you pay hard. You're supposed to give them somethig they won't forget and a reminder of wha happens when you "fuck with da police" (disregard the cliché)

Insted, the cp teams are nice to citizens and let them off with minor warning. What the fuck? That citizen just yelled "Screw Combine" in public. You think giving them a few love taps with your electro baton is going to chane their views? Fuck no. They'll just use that as an excuse to resist more. If you beat them within an inch of their lives, maybe they'll think twice about saying shit.


This is what really posses me off. Five units are on. Two gear (or grid now), a recruit, an apex dvl, and me, an 01 nova. The recruit is new. Requires training. That's fine. Everyone needs to learn. I'm outside and the d2 hardpoint is empty. I clamp it. The two gear units are inside fucking around with some build. Alright there's one fucking unit outside and he is currently manning a highly valuable control point. There's citizens in groups outside. I ask for at least one unit to come out and help. They all say they're busy. Grid, get the fuck otside and do your secondary and tertary objectives. That's clamp nexus block and patrol. But no you gotta make that fucking scanner.

Citizens with uca characters look at the scoreboard and go "oh five is enough, I'll just stay civi". Well it's not obviously. Another problem I have is with APEX. They are supposed to be doing advanced sociostabilizing techniques. They do the same duties that I do on my fucking nova unit. She knows medical shit, not sociostability shit. Hell I had to oocly teach a high ranked apex unt how to do a simple interrogation. I have never been in apex and razor isn't the same. Apex should be doing more searches, more inspecions. The apartments can be inspected by two units going to each room and looking for anything suspicious.

Nomad. Fuck why are there so many? Again they do the exact same jobs as apex cause apex doesn't do shit. I've seen people in nomad who lasted over two weeks in it. It shouldn't last kore then three days unless you have an ooc reason. Then there's high ranked nomad. What do they do? Command other nomad units around? I thought nomad was a transition division, not an organized division. Make up your mind asap. That's what I say.

Nova. I planned shit to make nova run smoother as well as keep thugs organized and make character development challenging and fun for players. I made this system two weeks ago and still no change. Why? Cause we keep getting a new dvl every five days. The system is ready to go but no profess has been made. What else pisses me off about this is units are being promoted. The way the system work, you require training to be promoted. Well the more units that et promoted, the more emergency training needs to be done. These promotions just make the system harder and harderto establish but guess what, more happen every few days.

Uniform. Your recruits aren't receiving adequet training. I've seen recruits who don't know their restrictions and authorizations. Recruits should not be allowed to patrol alone without basic training yet I've seen recruits with nothing but nexus orientation alone on the streets. It's not their fault. It's their training offocers who are improperly training them. Basic training should take around an hour to do. I have a feeling the new exercises leave out important information and skills. I beleove there should also be officers who supervise recruits on patrol and correct them on their mistakes.

Players with citizen and cp characters

This one makes me mad. Here's the cp to citizen ratio. 4cps/15citozens. I say oocly: People with uca chars, flag up. K one person flagged. I look at the scoreboard and there are five other people with cp chars. That I know. Why don't they flag up? I don't fucking know. If I'm on my CWU character and I notice there are too few units on, I quickly finish what I'm doing and flag up. I make sure it's within five minutes.

You applied for UCA to help out. Not have a unit character and hardly play on him/her. If you don't want to play on your recruit, fine. Oocly delete him/her cause there are other players who would gladly take that spot. Too many units used to be the issue. We used to have 7+ players with units during quiet time. Now 7 is a lot. 2-4 is quiet time. This needs to be fixed.


More respect?

The cwu isn't some VIP club. It's not some key out of a beating. Civil workers shouldn't have more rights then average citizens. Sure they are a bit more trusted as in they shouldn't do anythig stupid but they're still citizens. When a cwu person gets told what to do by a cp in a not so nice way, they take it offensively. As I said before, CWU has it's benefits but you're not a fucking VIP and you're not authorized to do anything different without permission. Civil Protection shouldn't treat cwu any better yet they do. Example. Me and my fellow worker go to the nexus block checkpoint to get to the hospital. A citizen is there. The cp is asking him many questions. The cp notices us and without asking anything, tells us to go by. What if we were anti-citizens with some grenades wearing cwu cloths we stole from someone? The nexus would have been breached. He should have at least asked us who we where and where we were heading. At the LEAST!

Another thing bad about CWU is the ego some of them have. Some workers think that because they're in the workers union that they are superior to citizens. They are infac not. They're just citizens who have decoded to devote their time into helping the city and the citizens within it. Some workers with high ego actually tell a cp to screw off when the cp asks them to isolate. Well you're in a group of four in the middle of the plaza. If you have planning to do, go somewhere else. If anything, explain to the cp why you're in a group, not tellhim to fuck of and that he's a lolcroot.



I don't know how many times I've talked to a player who tucked around, blaming it on him/her being bored. Not only on this server but as well as others, I found ways to keep myself from getting bored other then rebelling, joining cca, joining cwu, or causing havoc. Citizen isn't hard, it just takes a decent imagination and some logical thinking. I always tell people to passive rp but they complain that it's boring. If I have a friend. We can passive for hours. It's really awesome when you find shit to do and learn about eachother or discuss importation things. Of course, don't do it where the civil protection hear you or you'll get in shit. An apartment works just fine. If you have no friend, a good thing to do is sit on a couch with a newspaper and rp reading it. While your character is "reading" it, surf the forums or watch YouTube or something but monitor the game. This creates the illusion of you being an average citizen and keeps administration happy (unless you don't watch the game and miss important stuff) Passive rp isn't boring. Players just aren't creative enough to do it properly.

Players complain about the lack of tokens they receive. You start off with 100 tokens. A door costs 5 tokens. You can buy a door 20 times. If you reconnect to the server on average 3 times daily for crashes or just disconnects, your tokens should last you almost a week for doors.

 Rations are distributed more often now. A ration contains 60 tokens. This should last you 12 doors. Ration distribution happens at LEAST three times daily so you shouldn't miss them. However, ration distribution may be decreased due to chaos within the server. Example, players are out of control and are constantly causing problems. This makes it impossible to distribute rations. Don't complain if you screw around.


I'm tired of seeing people in d2, throwing stuff or people yelling "resist" or "fuck da police" in the plaza cause "they're rebels". The resistance is not about killing combine or being big gangs. It's about freeing citizens and one day, just one day, maybe overthrow the control of the union and get back human life as it once was six years ago.

I've had people ask me about being gun dealers and what the use of HBM flags were. Well guns are extremely difficult to find in city limits. In the canal levels, the most you find is a usp and closer to the outlands, a smg. Guns and ammo don't randomly appear or are left behind in slums. They would usually get picked up during a sweep or by whoever dropped it. Guns aren't for basassary and superiority but are for protection from none other then the combine forces.



I looked atthe roster and there are only two regular admins and 7 (I think?) super admins. Don't get me wrong but where I come from, there is usually more admins the superadmins and in a server with 40+ players on average, there are more then 10 admins registered. I've met players who would be great candidates for hl2rp regular admin but not so much for forums or ocrp. Maybe we should come up with a system to grant RA status to good players without the need for an app. It would be simple to revoke for any abuse. It'd be nice to have an admin by my side when I do an event or an teaching a few players. Sure there may be three admins online but even admins need to rp at times. More admins means more help and more eyes watching over the server.


I understand how we have to be nice for ban reasons but if someone commits a serious offence such as rdm, I'm not going to give them a 24 hour ban because it's their first ban. They won't learn from it. If anything, they'll learn our administration team is weak and soft. Ok so maybe they don't know the rules. I'll go over that later. Also, if someone is screwing around, I tell them to stop, and they continue the next day, why should I warn them again. This isn't semi-serious. This isn't a wannabe serious server. This is supposed to be serious rp. If someone is screwing around, I shouldn't even have to give them a warning. The word "Serious" in the server name is a disclaimer to all players letting them know that this isn't the place to fuck around. They should at least have a two hour ban for first offence without warning.

I'm tired of seeing players fuck around. I'm done with trying to teach them. Sure, a few learn but some just don't care to be honest. No more leniancy from me like you saw in OC. I want this server to be as serious as possible. Players complain to me about the lack of seriousness here.

Knowledge of Canon

I understand you don't have to know EVERYTHING about hl2 canon to be an admin but when admins are saying AR2s are uncanon for high ranks or Its uncanon to have CCA as a name and then settling upon it, something isn't right. Before I applied, I spent a week reading guides and the hl2 wiki to be sure I wouldn't have too many problems. I played through poit insertion twice and spent time poking around to see how things were done.


Players get bored. Sure passive rp is fun but after three hours, it begins to get stale. Events keep rp fun and keep players coming back. On tnb when it still rocked, I always joined the TrP server because there were big events every week and mini events at least twice daily. I try hard to do events here but it seems like I'm the only one trying (aside from Yankee who I have heard has done a few events) and it gets a bit aggrivating while I run events and some admins aren't even helping me after I ask for help. Can some of you guys do more events? It doesn't take much. A simple cleanup is a good event.


This isn't a rant toward admins but a rant toward the system. One of the hardest things right now is to communicate with admins. We don't have an active ventillo server, we don't have a private admin chat, we have nothing. I suggest a private chat that can also use microphones. (when you talk, only admins hear you. You also have to be an admin, and it's global so you don't need to be near one)

That's all really.

[size=14]New Players[/size]

Currently, being a new playe sucks. It's actually pretty sad how shorty information for new players is. There are no rules visible in game, there is no description as to what they have to do. There's no help for players who wish to learn. I suggest a few things to possibly fix this epic failure that is probably a major cause in minges.
-Outlined rules players must read as well as a quiz on these rules.
-The stikied hl2rp guide in the guides section can be seen in game
-A HTML when connecting that displays website information as well as QuickStart help (ie. How to find the guide and the rules)

I have come across hundreds of players who don't know what to do or what the tules are for this very reason.

[size=14]Tools and Content[/size]

First of all, we need more tools other then vanilla tools. One being advanced duplicator. People are tired of rebuilding after a crash. Sure it can be e plootex to crash the server but really, if you can only control exploiters by removing possible exploitable systems, you need to improve your decisions in giving flags. I say add another flag for adv dupe.

There are other tools which should be added but why bother? They won't cause "they're exploitable". Wiremod for admins at least to help during events at least.

Content is also another subject which I want changed. Custom models, I could do without but scripts of less then 800kb would be nice. This includes flyable vehicles like a gunship (for events) or things like NPC emulator where you can be the NPC. Good for testing things like controlling antlions or whatever.

But here's what I don't like. We have css, tf2, and dod:s content but we don't have episodic content. Like fuck this is hl2rp. At LEAST have all the hl2rp content in the server. If space is an issue, get rid of tf2 and dod:s.

That's all for now. I'm tired and don't feel like ranting any longer.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Statua on July 07, 2011, 04:19:40 AM
Oh. Please ignore any spelling errors. I did this on my iPod. Anyone who has tried to write a paragraph on an iPod should know it's not an easy task and autocorrect can be a dick at times. It's also very difficult to scroll and edit through a textbox of massive size.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: tics on July 07, 2011, 04:44:16 AM
I agree with most of this, except for the parts regarding citizens needing to flag up for UCA. When you ask, people should. But on their own time. You can't expect people to just flag up immediately because you say flag up. People have things they're doing and they need to finish that up, and who knows how long that could be. And maybe people are having more fun being a citizen. Of course, they need to balance the time played on both characters.

So, yes I agree people need to flag up when needed, but you can't expect them to just drop what they're doing and flag up. And it could take thirty minutes to finish what they're doing who knows.

Sorry to hijack your thread, but I also have some ranting to do.

How do you fix the issue of citizens not fearing Civil Protection? Sure, Civil Protection needs to get stricter and kill for more reasons. However, the administration has to get stricter. I don't mean to bring TnB into this, but you know how they use to strike fear into citizens? Their administration handed out PKs like candy. People won't be idiots as much if they know they will most likely lose their character if they mess with Civil Protection and get killed.

That will help with people who actually have a brain in their head. Then there's the minges. Well the minges are an issue. I always here, "City 18 is the issue." and then some people argue it. The truth is City 18 is the issue. City 18 was used on launch of the server because of the commonality of the map. However, back then we didn't have OCRP, we weren't as popular, and we had somewhere between three hundred and five hundred players. Now we have somewhere between three thousand and five thousand players. No offense to OCRP players, but the HL2RP players don't want you on the server if your going to act like you do on OCRP. What sickens me, is the reaction I get from Rofl when I bring up the issues of the map. I brought it up the day we switched maps, and never got a response. I brought it up to a few days ago, and he says he's known it was an issue since the day we switched. So tell me, if you, Rofl, knew it was an issue from day one, why are we still playing it? If you keep it on City 18 the minginess continues, and you also put more stress on Statua, because he will feel like he has to rush to get City 32 done, to fix the issue. That's not fair to the players, and by hell it's not fair to Statua.

Adam S. and his little workers, let me point this out to you : The CWU is NOT A GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD it is a job you take on to help citizens, and you shouldn't expect reward. No offense to Adam, but as much as I did get a little inactive when I led the CWU, it ran simply and got it's job done. You had four divisions, and each division was assigned a simple task to complete that would help citizens. Things like custodial services, medical services, and so on. And now, you have this shit. People join the Civil Workers' Union to get more civil rights, and to expand their arrogance. Now, this is also Civil Protection's fault. They need to learn that you're not above citizens, in fact, you should be below them in the sense that your punishment should be harsher for committing violations, because you're role-models. I remember back when Toy was the SeC, I brought in Ted Simmons for an audio violation. You know what happened? He was amputated.

I could go on ranting about every little single thing that is wrong with HL2RP, and how it was better before. Not even in City 45, it was shit then. Back when it was in City 18 - and we had an owner that actually paid attention to it.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Scratchie on July 07, 2011, 04:52:44 AM
On my phone else this would be longer.

GRID: trust me when I say it is being reformed. GRID will work on projects only when the standard directives are met. And unless completely in a to, they will help other units. Not necessarily requests, but units.

NOVA: I plan on talking to BB about getting more involved units in HC, but as of now talk to tray. He does have full divisional authority.

UNIFORM: hopefully now that kitten has a lot of time there will be change. It needs more TrO units.

APEX: agree.

CWU: I will direct Adam to this thread.

UCA Harshness: the issue is it may not be totally canonical but it makes sure people don't rage over it. I agree it is still a bit to lenient though.

I am adding episodic content soon, and weapons and shit are being changed up as well.

I will respond to the rest when I get up later.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Wish on July 07, 2011, 08:59:13 AM
I agree with the OP. Though my opinion may not matter much since I am still really new to HL2RP, but I have seen examples of nearly everything he said in my time on there. Vastly outnumbered CP's, people not switching to CP to help, minge players get a slap on the wrist, or getting away scot free because we can only get a physical description, and the scoreboard only says "you do not recognize him/her" so we can't figure out their steam name to report them.

I tend to get deeply into my RP characters. To the point where I feel a bit scared when a CP points a gun at me and I get excited when rations distribution is online... it sounds really strange, but I compare it to when you are really into a book you are reading or a movie you are watching.

I really agree on the civilians causing trouble to the CP at every turn. Remember the "pick up that can!" bit in HL2 when gordan steps off the train?

If you don't pick it up, the CP beats you. If you through it at him, he REALLY beats you. (if I remember properly, but I might be off a bit, he hits you 2 or 3 times with the stunstick for noncompliance, and 5-6 times for throwing the can at him)

If you try to talk to civilians outside, they tell you to piss off.
If you throw things at CP you get beaten, just like the can situation...

Players should shut up and do what they are told just for RP sake instead of bitching in OOC why they can't do it. Even if we manage to have TT, there is no prop for absolutely everything...

I'll do what I can to help out. I will apply for a CP character if they are open and read the combine backstory and any guides on here. I learn fast so it should work out well.

I have an admin app in the works already so if that works out I'll help wherever I can with that too.

All I want is the chance to prove I can do it. I do admit that right now I have some trouble with the terminology of things, (like what a waiver was, if that's even the name of what happened yesterday) and telling when people are addressing me. (some make it easier by adding part of my description when they want my attention. I can't see who is being talked to with my face pressed to a wall)

Once I get used to that I can concentrate on doing everything in my power to help out.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: chunkeymonkey79 on July 07, 2011, 09:13:11 AM

I only read half TBH, I'll read the rest after this post, but I totally agree with the cracking down of the CCA. Civvies are getting away so easily it's pitiful. If that isn't officially implemented, too bad, I'm going to do it.
Shotty likes it's trigger fondled.

EDIT: Read it all. Yes. Everything in this thread needs to happen over the next few weeks.

And Stat, I have an Admin app up right now, I'm very active, can you comment on it? I think I could help you.
EDIT2: I think, with a modification of some code, we could make CP's run faster than the citizens? Because the CP's are well fed, trained, etc. Citizens are not in any way.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: smt on July 07, 2011, 09:15:15 AM
I used to shoot civis who stared at me and didnt move off but stopped cause too many people started complaining, derp
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Wish on July 07, 2011, 09:20:19 AM
Hell. even in HL2 if you stood around gawking at CP's they'd get pissed and give you a whack with the stunstick if you were standing within a certain range...
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: smt on July 07, 2011, 09:54:47 AM
I was a DvL
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: lemonshit on July 07, 2011, 09:55:37 AM
HHHHNNNNNNGH ill join the rant later because im on my phone right now but i completely fucking agree with all this. I especially agree with the CWU part though. Other day on my EpU, a CWU walks up to me, and calls me 'unit'. What the fuck. I have an MP7 in my arms, a USP match at my side, and you call me UNIT? Fuck this shit, next CWU who calls me anything but 'sir', will receive a stun baton up their arse.

~Sent from iPhone
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Adam S on July 07, 2011, 10:20:34 AM
In my defense im just going to say. DEAL. WITH. IT.

All you done yesterday was come on and get butthurt i was roleplaying in the UCH Lobby.  You refused to get over it.

Nikofag I dont care how you lead it, you were never active.  Divisions made no sense were not the CCA.  I love how everyone claims my ego is huge.. well if you dont like it stop playing the fucking server and get a real life statua i know that was directed at me.

Oh yeah while were on you niko What happen to your admin? I heard you calling roflwaffle a dumb fuck. I Like how you still rant about stuff when you dont care what goes on.  Oh and Toy bringing me in and amputating me? That was bullshit,  he was a retarded dick thank god hes gone thanks to me.  I thought no one would bring that up again.

The CWU is fine,  they get beat harder if they get detained..  CWU do get upgraded citizen status(Hurrc8) no one seems to understand that.  We are trusted more than the citizens so thats why we dont have to apply at that checkpoint.  But whatever i didnt know you would bitch about it.

Oh yeah before im forumbanned again for a bullshit reason for saying all this id like to say one thing... Statua if you dont like a damn thing that were all fine with get the fuck out.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: BltElite on July 07, 2011, 10:39:18 AM
Just to say, timezones are a bitch. I have a LIFE, most have it. I can't go on all day every day like rofl and keep my divsion perfect, i try the most i can and thats that.

Oh yeah, you say do mroe inspections, guess what? Everybody gets pissed off at them as its the SAME FUCKING THING each time.

Also, Maybe you should think of promoting more people? Its taken me 5 months to get operator, yet in 2 days people get SA from just joining. You need to think things out.

Just to say, If the combine were made into what they SHOULD be, nobody would ever play.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Lewis on July 07, 2011, 10:57:27 AM
I have to agree with this thing about the CWU thinking their VIPs, I'm not naming anyone, but I was on HL2RP earlier, and a CP told a CWU to move along (Like I said, I'm not giving any names.) and the CWU said something like "Respect your superiors."
We really need the CPs to be a lot more harsh and strict at times...
Another thing I have to rant about is FearRP. I've seen lots of citizens (Not naming anyone, again.) stand about a metre away from what, an 02, and the guy is pointing an SMG at the citizen. What does citizen do? He sits and stares at the CP acting like some idiot.
This thing is more of a question, but I wonder, where do all these citizen (asspullers maybe) get their lead pipes, knives, huge swords from? I've seen stuff like:

** Citizen1 takes out a leadpipe from his shirt pocket and hits the man with it.
** Citizen1 takes out a knife and shoots the other guy. (Yes, shoots.)

Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Monkey with a gun on July 07, 2011, 11:06:39 AM
Looking at the entire CWU part of this and people complaining about to much respect i think we need a real guideline. For example you dont give the Organizer of the entire CWU the same respect as a T3 so here is how i feel it should be compared to UCA rankings :

Tier 3 - Same respect as a citizen, you just joined the CWU and have probably not done anything to aid the union.

Tier 2 -  The respect of a recruit you have aided the Union with the city and they are slightly thankfull.(You still cant go around chilling with CPs and waving at them -.- *looks at James Smith*)

Tier 1 - You have proven yourself worthy to be in the top Tier of the CWU you have helped the combine greatly and may sometimes even be given the respect of a 04

Tier Commanders - (Pretty much the same respect as T1)

Co-Organizer - You are the next person in line to take controll of the entire CWU in this sector, you are extremely trusted and probably given the respect of a 03

Organizer - You run the entire CWU for this district probably the most trusted person who is not in the UCA on a rare time a 02 might show you some respect.

Thats how i feel about this entire situation, when i say respect i dont mean the CP walking up to you and saluting and Hello Sir! i also dont emply that a Organizer is a superior to a recruit.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: smt on July 07, 2011, 11:13:05 AM
no, you shouldnt expect any respect from cps as a CWU, your still a human...
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Monkey with a gun on July 07, 2011, 11:15:45 AM
So your saying a recruit should be able to whack around the organizer of the largest loyalist group there is? If he just feels like it.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: smt on July 07, 2011, 11:17:43 AM
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Adam S on July 07, 2011, 11:18:38 AM

Just get the fuck out the past few days all you done is raise stupid arguments.  Like this.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: smt on July 07, 2011, 11:20:12 AM
im not arguing, cwu is still a bunch of humans, cps shouldn't have to respect them, they are basicly like slaves to the cps
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Adam S on July 07, 2011, 11:25:32 AM
Even tho most recruits are dumb and dont know their mouth from their ass.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Monkey with a gun on July 07, 2011, 11:27:51 AM
Smt is completely correct.  If the organiser was in the wrong then a recruit would have the authority to issue a level three verdict.
Nobody ever said the recruit should not.But just to check with what we all think now should happen is :

You can join the CWU whenever you want.
You get no benefits from joining the CWU.
You get beaten twice as harsh as a regular citizen.

We might aswell disband the CWU and save character lives.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: smt on July 07, 2011, 11:28:48 AM
you make it sound like you joined CWU oocly for a scapegoat to do whatever the hell you want in regards to cp interaction

Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Monkey with a gun on July 07, 2011, 11:33:05 AM
No i oocly joined for the new experiance.
But what IC benefits are there if you cant do anything a regular citizen cant ( As in be trusted to do something ) but you still get beaten twice as harsh?
New CWU logo : Join the CWU today, we have...double beatings if you misbehave and...more wait...we also have...
Please explain to me what IC reason you would have to join the CWU.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: smt on July 07, 2011, 11:34:39 AM
double rations, sell supplys to people, earn a bit of tokens, be a trusted citizen?? maybe you shouldnt misbehave as a cwu if you dont like the beatings...
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Adam S on July 07, 2011, 11:37:39 AM
double rations, sell supplys to people, earn a bit of tokens, be a trusted citizen?? maybe you shouldnt misbehave as a cwu if you dont like the beatings...

I do enforce harsher beatings but apparently the UCA didnt get the picture and doubleblackmarked the unit who actually beat a worker since-less.

Only person to misbehave was james smith. Hes gone now.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Ice on July 07, 2011, 12:27:48 PM
I'm goin' to hop on the bandwagon too now, I suppose.


Most of the people I've seen playing as CWU have

1) Little to no roleplay at all.

2) Incredibly bad grammar to the point where I get butthurt and start complaining.

3) Think they can sell CONTRABAND items as if it were completely legal. (EG: "UU branded" Milk carton)

This needs to change.


The Civil Protection!

Seriously, you guys. Come on. From a citizen's standpoint, the Civil Protection units are supposed to be brutal, mean, and scary. I've seen none of this in game.

I've seen:

1) Little to no roleplay in some units. (Except some of the higher up ones.)

2) Incredibly bad grammar

3) Highly untrained recruits who are sent to clamp the D2 HAP.

4) A disturbing lack of units out and about in the plaza. (What are you doing? Sitting with your thumbs up your arses all day in the Nexus and playin' with each other's willies?)

5) I've seen maybe one DvL. Ever.

6) When you're told to flag up....YOU BETTER DAMN WELL DO IT!

The citizens themselves are a shambles. Half of them are minges, and the other half don't know how to Fear RP. The admins are nowhere to be found unless somebody bugs the fuck out of them to ban the minges. Even then, they only temporarily ban them.

Not okay.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Nuke on July 07, 2011, 12:35:46 PM
I agree with pretty much all of this.  Especially the points about the combine, administration and CWU.


But now its time for Nukes rant.

Well statua its seem you have your ideas on how HL2rp should be ran. But you forgot one thing. Its rofl hl2rp not yours and he can run it how he wanted to run it. If you don't like it there are other servers go there.

Now I going to suggest some things and you can use the ideas  or not.

District 2: It should be open to the citizen. Back when I was RP for Hl2land D2 was a open area that was patrol and well control. ( With the subway being the only place because of the deaths of 2 elements of OTA at the hands of antlions and zombie ). D2 offers a lot of rp from shops to apartments. Now D2 would stay a light permkill zone. ( Our term for rp deaths not random shooting or shootings without rp reason. )  You would be suprise of the rp that can take place in there.

Harshness of the CP :  I agree they are to soft but making them to much of a bastard will kill the server so fast its not funny so this is what I would offer. Taking a page from the old cp rule book here are the things I would change.

1. Rations : They would be held in the nexus lobby instead of where the being held right now. The rules I would have in place was the following.

1.1 All citizens will be search including the CWU and if any contraband was found they would be put down infront of the citizens to show that we mean keep clean or else.
1.2 Any minge would be shoot on sight that try to ruin rations and get a 1 to 4 week ban from the server and there person PK.
1.3 No talking , If one person talk he was taken out of line and got his ass handed to him before being toss of the side of the bridge.
1.4 Ration handout would be given out by the following order. CWU , Citizen , CP. CWU you will go first and get your rations. Citizen would go next with some not getting any for blackmarks. CP would go last because they was on there CP and the citizen they play with could not get them because of that fact so they was allow to get them for there citizen they play with.

2. The Streets: Citizen would be allow to talk but will be subject to random search. Beating would be given out to random citizens for little or no reason what so ever.  Any minge running and jumping is a warning first then permkill and ban if it keep up.

3. Shops: All shop owner will report to the CP and will be given a shop to set up . ( Note that all shop owner must first have a permit and be approve  to run a shop. ) It is the officer duty to choose where the shop goes and how long it may run in the location.

4. Civil Protection : It is your job to keep order and to maintain control of the citizen. All officer are allow but RCTS was allow to issue level 1 verdicts on any citizen.  A JW level 3 can be called by 01 officers. ( Level 3 was moving the citizen to the trainstation and checking there CID and for any illegal items they might have )
A JW level 2 can be called by the next 2 ranks. ( Level 2 is the same as level 3 but with so more fun for the officer involved. One if citizen are not at the trainstation in 5 mins then any outside would be detain and beaten and lock up for 10 cycles then beaten again to make sure they understood we mean it ) Level 1 JW is for any rank that is hight then the max for level 2 JW (is the best because COTA unit would come out and then well let put it this way they better run to the trainstation because it a free fire zone after that and then after that random citizen would be pull and beaten. )

5: CWU : I have one problem with you and that you hand out rations. Stop that and your fine.

6. Medic Supplies : Only the bandages should be allow on a citizen. All other should be taken at the medical center and stay in there.

Thats it for now I rant and suggest more later.

Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: chunkeymonkey79 on July 07, 2011, 12:38:32 PM
We need more admins on HL2RP, which is why I applied. And no, were actually RP'ing inside the Nexus. I don't know if you knew, but HC units are valuable.

And, if a HC unit asks you to flag up, or any unit for that matter, just do it. Come on.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Lewis on July 07, 2011, 12:50:09 PM
About the CWU selling contraband items, in the inventory it's regarded as "UU(Or CWU) Branded" so they're not just spawning melons and changing the /objectphysdesc(s).
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: @Mmmaaattt94 on July 07, 2011, 12:53:48 PM
Ok this post says everything. Not just the first post but some of the sub posts.

The UCA need a name change and to get their heads out from their asses. We need a proper system in place and new guidelines. Things such as a recruit MUST have basic training before he can even think about doing anything. A Recruit without ANY training shouldn't be allow to do anything without another unit there with him and I'm talking about an 03+ unit. One who knows what to do. There needs to be set training for recruits. Nomad now seems a pointless division, while a recruit i saw the division, i knew what i wanted to do. Nomad is pointless and not really enforced. Just give 04's the nomad training. Simple. I'm tired of recruits without training doing patrol's clamps and other stuff. I think also once training is done it goes on their record with the unit who did it and at the end of all the training they do they need a full test that within has everything they should of been told. Simple.
Also something i noticed, yes GRID are in the GOC a lot, me included and i will be out more but so few of us are currently active that i see, i have had 3 on at tops but its normally me and another GRID. Apex needs more set directives, they are just units who are meant to be trained in interrogation. They need more to do or they are just a unit. Thats it on the UCA now.

The CWU, don't get me wrong, i like them. From what i see many of them are good roleplayers but i agree some of them need to accept that they are not better than the UCA. At best they should have a tiny bit more respect than citizens because we know they are loyal but otherwise if a recruit does see one of them boring a level 3 thing they should get a beating. Its the verdict citizen or CWU. They do get benefits, they get a nice HQ, a group to rp with, new things to sell and a nice uniform. They may get a tiny bit of respect but they are still citizens, so they do what the UCA says, they don't do anything a citizen wouldn't do to another citizen or UCA and they don't get to just pass the NexHAP without being asked, they are still citizens.

Rebels, OK I'm sick of the fact we allow LOLWEBLES they are the bane of my fucking life. In another VERY serious server i lead the resistance, it wasn't We getz gunz, gun downz teh CPZ and say join us, no we helped citizens how the rebellion would, we planned things but i think we only ever carried out 2 plans, one to capture a recruit for his radio, knowledge and generally get at him and the other was when one of us was captured and we had to do an event of getting rid of incriminating things etc, not freeing him, you cant get in the nexus its a fortress. Otherwise we just did what a proper resistance did. I think the server needs a PROPER resistance, not rebel group but resistance. To join it you have to put in an app three times as hard as the UCA, be an amazing roleplayer and know exactly how a proper resistance runs. They would have only the leader with weapons flags for when they RP make weapons (VERY RARELY) and they would ONLY get them when they are very trusted and use them only if they were raided for example. The leader would be like the CmD VERY VERY VERY Trusted and not just any old player. But i cant see this resistance getting set up, the server bums lolwebles too much meaning they go to friends come play dis serva, they lik us lolwebels, we can be badz. If we don't allow them and punish them they stop. Then they stop coming and join some other soft server.

This is my rant for the moment. Yes you can rant about it, i know you will. But this is how i feel.

The CWU, they have CWU rations -.- I think its good to have them but NOT for them to buy. I think rather than 2 rations they get one of those. The UCA who can buy rations can buy the CWU ones and give them at ration cycles. Rations are given out to maintain citizens being weak and powerless and malnurished but then the CWU give out special rations which defeats the object. And its just not realistic.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Statua on July 07, 2011, 01:03:19 PM
You know what's sad Adam? I admitted that I'm doing something wrong (ie. Not strict enough bans) but when I hint at your organizaion. You flip out and erect your defence barrier to protect yourself. Then you tell me to fuck off and get a life. Well fuck you too then. At least I try to make a fuckig difference around here.

I explained to you why that shop chouldnt be there but you refused to move it. Oh hang on. Server restarts. You put a piece of paper up outside saying "
This shop wond be here because Statua is a dick" I'm sorry thy I'm trying to save rp and our playerbase. "Go in the laundry room". Fuck that. A long time ago when all I had was a citizen, I made all my IC friends in that room.

You said that that was dorected at you where it wasn't. If you fuckig payed attention to your own organization, you'd notice there's some numbfucks doing what I described. Instead, you just admitted that you have a problem.

So here's my verdict mister Adam S. You fix the CWU or you will be blacklisted and someone with more respect and skills will be in charge. No bullshit. When I see problems. I fix them. Oh and yes, this reply is directed at you.

P.s. What's that shit you were saying how I only have a problem? Did you even give a single fuck to read the replies? Everyone agrees.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: BltElite on July 07, 2011, 01:09:21 PM
Not flaming or trying to argue, but statua, you don't have any power to remove adam of his CWU O rank. That is only rofl whom can do that.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Statua on July 07, 2011, 01:13:13 PM
Not flaming or trying to argue, but statua, you don't have any power to remove adam of his CWU O rank. That is only rofl whom can do that.
Then I will see to it that it gets removed. I'm sure the waffle can agree with some of these points. And sorry bout the flame but when he flames me, well...
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Ice on July 07, 2011, 01:15:26 PM
Lewis, you do know that it doesn't fit in with canon right? The Universal Union is trying to keep the citizens malnourished and weak. Why would they be giving them melons, milk, and a whole bunch of contraband?

Statua, may I perhaps add you over steam? You seem to have a lot of the same ideas I do on some of these things.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Adam S on July 07, 2011, 01:27:39 PM
Not flaming or trying to argue, but statua, you don't have any power to remove adam of his CWU O rank. That is only rofl whom can do that.
Then I will see to it that it gets removed. I'm sure the waffle can agree with some of these points. And sorry bout the flame but when he flames me, well...

You have gone too far.  Roflwaffle thinks im fine hes seen my rp.  Him and burning bullet are the only ones who can remove me... Theres nothing wrong with me im doing a good job.  Its just you,  I dont get whats your issue.

Edit: Half of them problems are solved.  James Smith gone has solved some of it.  The rest will be worked on.

So here's my verdict mister Adam S. You fix the CWU or you will be blacklisted and someone with more respect and skills will be in charge. No bullshit. When I see problems. I fix them. Oh and yes, this reply is directed at you.
Since when the fuck did you have control over HL2RP? Did you become owner over night?  Why not make yourself SeC too since your acting like IM WRONG ABOUT EVERYTHING AND I SHOULD BE BANNED FOR LIFE.

Oh and i think your breaking rule 1 of the administrator rules.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Nuke on July 07, 2011, 01:29:17 PM
Not flaming or trying to argue, but statua, you don't have any power to remove adam of his CWU O rank. That is only rofl whom can do that.

King right statua you have no power to remove adam.

and by the looks of it your going power mad. So here what you need to do take a week off from playing any games that will clear your head.

Adam when I get on tonight message me I think I got a idea to help you out and to make some of the other people happy.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Adam S on July 07, 2011, 01:31:47 PM
Alright nuke i will take open suggestions to help.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Nuke on July 07, 2011, 01:34:53 PM
Great I will say one right now so you can ponder it.

Stop giving CWU ration to citizen. They are your own personal rations and should stay your own.
It counter the control of the CP when your CWU feeds the citizens.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Adam S on July 07, 2011, 01:36:02 PM
Great I will say one right now so you can ponder it.

Stop giving CWU ration to citizen. They are your own personal rations and should stay your own.
It counter the control of the CP when your CWU feeds the citizens.

I told my workers not to give them out unless its for events like shoe shines... Fucking. Ill fix that
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Nuke on July 07, 2011, 01:39:31 PM
Great I will say one right now so you can ponder it.

Stop giving CWU ration to citizen. They are your own personal rations and should stay your own.
It counter the control of the CP when your CWU feeds the citizens.

I told my workers not to give them out unless its for events like shoe shines... Fucking. Ill fix that

Thanks and we can talk about other things when I get home I am at work right now and I am about to get off of lunch so I see you on later and we work out the problems.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Statua on July 07, 2011, 01:46:13 PM
I'm sorry. Four weeks ago I said "If shit in HL2RP doesnt straighten out soon, I'm out of here". Well so far, its kinda improved but not really. I'm taking action cause nobody else is. Is it wrong to want to make one of the only decent hl2rp servers better?
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Nuke on July 07, 2011, 01:50:56 PM
I'm sorry. Four weeks ago I said "If shit in HL2RP doesnt straighten out soon, I'm out of here". Well so far, its kinda improved but not really. I'm taking action cause nobody else is. Is it wrong to want to make one of the only decent hl2rp servers better?

No but by treating people like shit you turn this into a flame topic. The best way is to talk it out and not force them to do what you wanted or else.

Got it

I am going to work with adam and help him improve the CWU to be better inline with hl2 rp
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Statua on July 07, 2011, 01:54:29 PM

No but by treating people like shit you turn this into a flame topic. The best way is to talk it out and not force them to do what you wanted or else.

Got it

I am going to work with adam and help him improve the CWU to be better inline with hl2 rp

Actually, initially it wasn't directed toward him but he insisted it was and attacked me. My instinct is to defend myself. Now he has made me have second thoughts about his current position. If he hadn't posted in the first place, maybe I wouldn't have come up with the decision.

Learn to take constructive criticism Adam. In the real world, that's all you ever get. Trust me.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: @Mmmaaattt94 on July 07, 2011, 01:58:10 PM
Statua we all see what you mean and we all want a good, working hl2rp server. But you have gone about it in a good and bad way, good becuase we all see what you mean and hope this will get sorted. We all want it sorted. But having a go at people and becoming powermad will just piss people off. You just need to have a break from HL2RP, allow things to get sorted and when you come back it wont be so stressful to play. But with the current map minges just love to come to it. I think once your map is out and ready then only people who want to play will join, because minges dont tend to look at a server, download the map just for it then minge. They prefer a map they know and have to join and ruin. Sadly the current map is one of the maps many minges have.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: ??. McBullet on July 07, 2011, 02:01:12 PM
I am in the ongoing process of coordinating the CCA High Command.

I feel that the CCA Recruits are neglected when I am not on the server. This will be changed.

I agree with the CWU points. I am considering revoking their double rations and making them earn it. I will also strengthen the CCA's response to CWU and treat them as if they were just citizens. Sure...CWU is trusted more but they have the status of a citizen. As for people who have worked hard enough in the CWU to actually earn their double rations....

Here are the options I may enact:

1. I might set it so the CCA only gives double rations to T1+.
2. Double rations are only handed out in acknowledgement of a Civil Service.
3. CWU have a lower amount of Loyalist Points needed to attain double rations.
4. I may remove the double ration priveledge completely, forcing all CWU to earn it the normal way.

And the three-letter acronym used frequently in this post answers how I feel about number one.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Nuke on July 07, 2011, 02:03:09 PM

No but by treating people like shit you turn this into a flame topic. The best way is to talk it out and not force them to do what you wanted or else.

Got it

I am going to work with adam and help him improve the CWU to be better inline with hl2 rp

Actually, initially it wasn't directed toward him but he insisted it was and attacked me. My instinct is to defend myself. Now he has made me have second thoughts about his current position. If he hadn't posted in the first place, maybe I wouldn't have come up with the decision.

Learn to take constructive criticism Adam. In the real world, that's all you ever get. Trust me.

Look statua your letting yourself get to bother by this. Take a week off from rp and relax.
Let some of the other admin deal with it. Your getting to work up on this. Just take a week and work on your city map.

I will talk to admin in steam later today and talk to him about these thing.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Adam S on July 07, 2011, 02:04:27 PM
I am in the ongoing process of coordinating the CCA High Command.

I feel that the CCA Recruits are neglected when I am not on the server. This will be changed.

I agree with the CWU points. I am considering revoking their double rations and making them earn it. I will also strengthen the CCA's response to CWU and treat them as if they were just citizens. Sure...CWU is trusted more but they have the status of a citizen. As for people who have worked hard enough in the CWU to actually earn their double rations....

Here are the options I may enact:

1. I might set it so the CCA only gives double rations to T1+.
2. Double rations are only handed out in acknowledgement of a Civil Service.
3. CWU have a lower amount of Loyalist Points needed to attain double rations.
4. I may remove the double ration priveledge completely, forcing all CWU to earn it the normal way.

And the three-letter acronym used frequently in this post answers how I feel about number one.
While were at it lets remove everything else the CWU gets.  Also hows the roster updating going? I noticed over 20 units who are in the UCA not on it. 

Didnt know you would attempt to do that.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: JoshB on July 07, 2011, 02:06:56 PM
The whole CWU beatings thing really needs to be straightened out. I was given 9 blackmarks in three days because of joke. And when they were removed, the HC units who gave them out were mad and now that I screwed up a little by going into D2 to deal with a minge, those HC units have jumped on me, torn me apart and PKed me. If this had been clearer, I would still have a UCA unit.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Nuke on July 07, 2011, 02:07:42 PM
I am in the ongoing process of coordinating the CCA High Command.

I feel that the CCA Recruits are neglected when I am not on the server. This will be changed.

I agree with the CWU points. I am considering revoking their double rations and making them earn it. I will also strengthen the CCA's response to CWU and treat them as if they were just citizens. Sure...CWU is trusted more but they have the status of a citizen. As for people who have worked hard enough in the CWU to actually earn their double rations....

Here are the options I may enact:

1. I might set it so the CCA only gives double rations to T1+.
2. Double rations are only handed out in acknowledgement of a Civil Service.
3. CWU have a lower amount of Loyalist Points needed to attain double rations.
4. I may remove the double ration priveledge completely, forcing all CWU to earn it the normal way.

And the three-letter acronym used frequently in this post answers how I feel about number one.
While were at it lets remove everything else the CWU gets.  Also hows the roster updating going? I noticed over 20 units who are in the UCA not on it. 

Didnt know you would attempt to do that.

Adam drop it there are things that need to be talk about and this is one of them.

We will talk tonight and then I post about it in the admin only section later and work it out and then have a final working out with you and the admins.

Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Adam S on July 07, 2011, 02:09:50 PM
Bring it to steam chat cause id love to hear it first so i dont have something dickdropped on me..

Me and statua apologized for what we said.  We got carried away.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Nuke on July 07, 2011, 02:20:54 PM
Bring it to steam chat cause id love to hear it first so i dont have something dickdropped on me..

Me and statua apologized for what we said.  We got carried away.

Ok then I be on after 5pm est that when I should get home from work. We will talk there.

Bullet I going to ask you as a fellow admin to wait on the changes to the CWU. I will send you a pm later tonight about what me and adam talk about and then try to work it out with you.

Add me to steam friend bullet and we talk about it there also and maybe get a 3 way going.

Name Nuke333 ok.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: The Doctor, RIP Juggernaut on July 07, 2011, 02:45:28 PM
In my defense im just going to say. DEAL. WITH. IT.

All you done yesterday was come on and get butthurt i was roleplaying in the UCH Lobby.  You refused to get over it.

Nikofag I dont care how you lead it, you were never active.  Divisions made no sense were not the CCA.  I love how everyone claims my ego is huge.. well if you dont like it stop playing the fucking server and get a real life statua i know that was directed at me.

Oh yeah while were on you niko What happen to your admin? I heard you calling roflwaffle a dumb fuck. I Like how you still rant about stuff when you dont care what goes on.  Oh and Toy bringing me in and amputating me? That was bullshit,  he was a retarded dick thank god hes gone thanks to me.  I thought no one would bring that up again.

The CWU is fine,  they get beat harder if they get detained..  CWU do get upgraded citizen status(Hurrc8) no one seems to understand that.  We are trusted more than the citizens so thats why we dont have to apply at that checkpoint.  But whatever i didnt know you would bitch about it.

Oh yeah before im forumbanned again for a bullshit reason for saying all this id like to say one thing... Statua if you dont like a damn thing that were all fine with get the fuck out.
How about next time an CWU tells me to fuck off or calls me unit IC or OOC I just give him a buckshot to the face?
I am not even joking the way you act IC and OOC you make your self sound higher than the fucking SeC one time you called in a request with half the units in training not even five minutes later you sent in an other saying " Where is my unit?" And it tempted me to beat the ever living shit outta you...

Also the next person to address me as SIR or UNIT gets a beaten with in a inch of their lives.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Nuke on July 07, 2011, 02:50:33 PM
The whole CWU beatings thing really needs to be straightened out. I was given 9 blackmarks in three days because of joke. And when they were removed, the HC units who gave them out were mad and now that I screwed up a little by going into D2 to deal with a minge, those HC units have jumped on me, torn me apart and PKed me. If this had been clearer, I would still have a UCA unit.

Ok I will talk to yankee about this.

Now I going to lock this because this topic is start to turn into a flame war.

If a super admin wanted to unlock it they can but to stop the flame war I going to lock this and I hope the other admin respect this.and to repeat it one more time this is to stop a flame war that is against the forum rules
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Scratchie on July 07, 2011, 03:24:03 PM
Ok, now that I am up, I will make my comments.

CWU: Adam.  Change the fucking thing or I will personally remove you.  And I mean change it in accordance to this thread.  The only "Upgrade" is the automatic business license and the slightly higher trust CWU is given.  And I agree with BB in the rations.

CWU Rations: They are NOT made for CWU.  They are made for CWU to hand out during special times.  They do not and will not give tokens, they only give a few CWU items.

UCA: The name, who honestly cares?  And the beatings.  They need to be harsher, but they also need to be reasonable.  Don't beat someone for calling you unit (and NEVER for sir) without telling them to bugger off.

CWU Punishments: They are to be treated like any other citizen.  If a commanding unit tells you to do something do it.  Otherwise use your judgement as your rank.  And no more "Oh, hes CWU.  Let him pass without applying." As said, they are a citizen, and should be treated like it.

Citizens guarding HAP's: What the fuck? Why do I always see a citizen or CWU guarding a HAP?  Theres one time where I was talking to a unit, he had to go afk, so I got on my radio (was a citizen, gave myself the radio) and told the UCA to get to the D2 HAP.  Guess how long it took? 10 mins.

Units following directives: Prior to divisional guidelines are the directives.  The only units that should ever NOT be following are in the following situations:
- NOVA during Medical RP
- Units processing detainment, which shouldn't take longer than 3 minutes before returning.
- Units giving interrogations.

Never should a unit in GRID or APEX (especially GRID, as APEX should always be outside) be doing anything else when directives are not being met.  Blackmarks WILL be handed out for this from now on.

UCA/Nomad: I am going to talk to BB and have him set a time limit for current NOMAD, and for future NOMAD for how long they can be in NOMAD before committing to a division.

Citizen section of OP: Agree. Simple as that.

Administration Numbers: I will talk to you statua.  And to waffle.

Administration harshness: If they can be taught, then teach them.  Otherwise be harsh.

Admin Chat: I will work on /report (to report to admins), /admin (Inter admin chat) and admin voice chat.

Tools and shit: As I said.  Episodic content is going to be added.  I will look into some more tools.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Adam S on July 07, 2011, 03:27:14 PM
Ill change it into accordance with how nuke and statua see fit...

Anyways id like to say that we shouldnt have to be searched to go into the hospital checkpoint seeing we are trusted.

Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Scratchie on July 08, 2011, 02:22:34 AM
All citizens should be searched.  CWU are citizens.

And Nuke is not a HL2RP admin, so tbh he really has no power over this.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Statua on July 08, 2011, 02:31:31 AM
I already posted how I see the CWU should be. I think your anger may have blanked it out. I suggest rereading the cwu section.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Adam S on July 08, 2011, 08:20:47 AM
I already posted how I see the CWU should be. I think your anger may have blanked it out. I suggest rereading the cwu section.

Yeahyeah nuke is helping sort some issues out and tomorrow im going to tackle 2 major issues...(Today a MC update came out so my work is pretty much fixing up CGMC)

So far the rules will be updated to adresss everything this time.
Were getting a new CO-O (Dont know who yet) Bromie is clearly no longer qualified for it.
Then covers the IC part setting everyones head right.

So what is the UCA going to do? They are more screwed up than me.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: The Doctor, RIP Juggernaut on July 08, 2011, 08:27:04 AM
I already posted how I see the CWU should be. I think your anger may have blanked it out. I suggest rereading the cwu section.

Yeahyeah nuke is helping sort some issues out and tomorrow im going to tackle 2 major issues...(Today a MC update came out so my work is pretty much fixing up CGMC)

So far the rules will be updated to adresss everything this time.
Were getting a new CO-O (Dont know who yet) Bromie is clearly no longer qualified for it.
Then covers the IC part setting everyones head right.

So what is the UCA going to do? They are more screwed up than me.
The main issue I see is when I am on there's little to fuck all in the way of units to patrol/clamp most of the time its me patrolling and the other units clamping or in training.

Also last I heard I was only to search UCH with permission and with two or more units and there is hardly if any other units patrolling.

If we could get more units on the streets (That includes GRID) it would be easier to do these things statua but half the time APEX or UNIFROM and clamping a fucking hard point if that.

As for brutality I agree level 2s should start being handed out like candy when I was a croot I was told to hit no more than three times I think that's bullshit and we should beat them to the ground.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: ???????£??Rose Nocturna??? on July 08, 2011, 12:36:59 PM
I agree, if the citizen fucks up or is disrespectful to us, we remind them who is in charge.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Pielolz on July 08, 2011, 12:53:00 PM
I completely fucking agree, CWU believes they are kings when realy they are just citizens with a white shirt.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Adam S on July 08, 2011, 01:43:56 PM
I completely fucking agree, CWU believes they are kings when realy they are just citizens with a white shirt.

How are you not forumbanned yet?
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Ice on July 08, 2011, 03:38:00 PM
I completely fucking agree, CWU believes they are kings when realy they are just citizens with a white shirt.

How are you not forumbanned yet?

Why don't we keep on track, rather than talking about who should be forumbanned and who shouldn't?
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Highdef on July 08, 2011, 06:09:06 PM
Just gonna comment on the OP's Civil Protection system name thing. In HL2, there was never a UCA or CCA or MPF or etc. ever mentioned at all. If you ever listened to dispatch real carefully, you would hear on the radio voices of dispatch refering to units only by their squad name and rank, not these current names which every HL2RP server has.

Although you can't really assume how they 100% did it in HL2, all these extra ranks (OfC, DvL, SeC, etc.) just appear to be non-existent, and in return, it's just number ranks all the way up to a squad leader. After that, dispatch, which was AI, controlled everything; no bullshit extra ranks with all the "advanced" system.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Bromine on July 08, 2011, 09:22:57 PM
I completely fucking agree, CWU believes they are kings when realy they are just citizens with a white shirt.

How are you not forumbanned yet?

Wait right there. I'm not fit for it? If anything, I should fucking organize it since you are acting like you own the place. What makes me not fit? Really, the inactivity is out of my control, I try my hardest to play in CG when I can. Explain your reasoning.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Adam S on July 08, 2011, 09:25:40 PM
I completely fucking agree, CWU believes they are kings when realy they are just citizens with a white shirt.

How are you not forumbanned yet?

Wait right there. I'm not fit for it? If anything, I should fucking organize it since you are acting like you own the place. What makes me not fit? Really, the inactivity is out of my control, I try my hardest to play in CG when I can. Explain your reasoning.

Well it was a tough thing to do.  Your never active but you recently have been but obviously you dont act like what a Co-Organizer should.  That and with the fact i have to almost reform everything i think monkey should atleast get a chance... if he doesnt work out you will be tried.

Blame change.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Bromine on July 08, 2011, 09:28:48 PM
I completely fucking agree, CWU believes they are kings when realy they are just citizens with a white shirt.

How are you not forumbanned yet?

Wait right there. I'm not fit for it? If anything, I should fucking organize it since you are acting like you own the place. What makes me not fit? Really, the inactivity is out of my control, I try my hardest to play in CG when I can. Explain your
Well it was a tough thing to do.  Your never active but you recently have been but obviously you dont act like what a Co-Organizer should.  That and with the fact i have to almost reform everything i think monkey should atleast get a chance... if he doesnt work out you will be tried.

PMs. You can start by explaining what I'm failing to do, and you never really made a notice of authorizations for co-org and whatnot.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Adam S on July 08, 2011, 09:32:41 PM
The role of the Co-Organizer is to assist the Organizer in daily roles of running the CWU.  You help assist me in selling items but over all not taking duties to what a co-organizer should do(Organizing stuff like events).  I know i never clearly explained the role but i atleast expect you to know some of it.  The rank will be further explained.

Monkey has been doing a good job handling interviews and souch,  Hes controlling the workers real well so i thought we could swap you too for a short time to see how it would work.  Your LOOC talk is also a issue, its not what you use LOOC for to joke around with UCA members who should be working. 

I might have not removed you if it wasnt for that plus the fact the CWU is being lit under a boiling pot of water for some shit thats my fault, Some Workers Faults, and the shit James Smith started.   Its being solved and i had to get me a new Co-Organizer who could help administrate the new Reform.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Bromine on July 08, 2011, 09:34:55 PM
Would've been jolly-fuckin'-good if I knew.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Adam S on July 08, 2011, 09:36:09 PM
Would've been jolly-fuckin'-good if I knew.

You should have knew off the bat rather than not asking. Maybe even asking me wouldve done good. But no.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Statua on July 09, 2011, 01:00:26 AM
Don't get off topic here. This thread isn't about why bromine should be replaced. Well, maybe it is a little.

As for the names Highdef was talking about, I know what you mean. If you kill a cp with a smg in hl2, you sometimes hear "Viktor unit deserviced at ___. Remaining units contain." Which is also why I think apex is dumb and Viktor should be put in.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Pielolz on July 09, 2011, 01:13:44 AM
Adam lay off; Bromine has a server to Co-Own. I'm inactive because I have a server to admin on aswell. But I agree, some one else should get the CWUO job. Adam you have a huge ego. You treat CPs and Citizens like garbage. You're ego is spills out onto the forums aswell. I hit you once for running as CP and you flamed me OOC and via SF, ICly you called me "Unit" And had no respect for a CP.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Bromine on July 09, 2011, 01:17:47 AM
Adam lay off; Bromine has a server to Co-Own. I'm inactive because I have a server to admin on aswell. But I agree, some one else should get the CWUO job. Adam you have a huge ego. You treat CPs and Citizens like garbage. You're ego is spills out onto the forums aswell. I hit you once for running as CP and you flamed me OOC and via SF, ICly you called me "Unit" And had no respect for a CP.
Thanks, back to topic:
I really dont want city 18 anymore.  Feel a lot should agree that minges will go away, alongside RP problems, some, if we moved to a different map, maybe some mappers and I could work on fixing up city 45 and getting rid of the entities never used, fix some common shits, the likes. RP was really good at C45. Here? Nope. Let's just settle into something like city8_2 until C32 is done.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: YankeeSamurai on July 09, 2011, 01:28:14 AM
Personally, I still want to switch to city 11.

People say city 11 is too small... They're mistaken. For example, there are more apartments in city 18 than in city 45. There are more shops in city 11 than in city 18. The nexus is larger in city 11 than in city 18. There are more places to go, more things to do. City 11 is very asthetically appealing, probably more so than city 18.

City 11 has an underground, out-of-sight sewers area for the lolwebuls. No more restricting half of the map.
City 11 has an open-air, street-side ration distribution terminal. No more cramped and confusing RD cycles.

City 11 is better than city 18 in almost every respect.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Ice on July 09, 2011, 06:35:11 PM
I agree with Yankee. City 11 is a very good map that is perfect for HL2RP.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Pielolz on July 09, 2011, 07:00:52 PM
The amount of minges wrecks RP for me, unless all of the forum active, regulars get a password and the server is locked (which will never happen) The UCA is in shambles the amount of lolwebuls is off the charts and the minges are breeding more then Mexican rabbits. Unless we fix up our C45 edit and use that until C32 then I'll be inactive and general RP will be terrible
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Adam S on July 09, 2011, 07:16:35 PM
C45 cant be fixed.  Statua tried and areportals broke(Would take too long to remake them all)

Idk why kaz wont give a vmf
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Highdef on July 09, 2011, 08:28:50 PM
Of course shit breaks when you attempt to decompile a map, edit a few things, and attempt to recompile it.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Rory on July 09, 2011, 08:49:53 PM
You know...

As a player in HL2RP, i may be making a mistake for doing the whole "Crime scene" thing... BUT... how many people do YOU know that put they're own effort in to making an rp situation like that... NOBODY.

What the fuck am i saying here... citizens need to rp more than just...

"Ok... got into some trouble with the cp then went to detainment, went to go get my ration then went to d2 and walked around to find items went back in... got into detainment again then got my other ration and bought some stuff out of the general store permits then got caught with them..."

How about... "I was in a cold... dark room. When all of the sudden the light turned on! There was blood on the wall... AND I WAS TIED TO SOMETHING!!!! I was trying to move... and the CP came... then... I HEARD GUNSHOTS... The Civil Protection were being dragged in the room along with other bodies... They took me out of the room and threw me on the chair as they spoke "Did i ever say... you can get into our way...?" I was scared to death!"

You get the idea... do something that applies to your goddamn story...
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Statua on July 10, 2011, 01:44:44 AM
Rory I totally agree. That's why I'm trying to finish up what I'm doing with nova right now (pretty much done. Just have a few training programs to type out), getting the medical area of the cwu going, and if authorized by the big cheese himself, get an official group running where I can be sure RP is of the utmost supurbe quality.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Adam S on July 10, 2011, 10:01:18 AM
I want to say that C18 has ruined almost any Serious RP we have had... Think of this.. back in c45 the CWU and CCA were stronger and had more RP Involved... then when we changed to shitty18(hurr) everything started edging off... Personally i think C18 is horrible, DarkRP servers use it and to top that off the city is over used in most servers draining any bit of RP left in it... For citizens theres too few apartments, too few shops.  And D2 is just a minge fest were guns lay about and citizens always go to in packs of 10.

We really need a new map or a way to obtain c45's vmf, i dont think C18 can shape up well with us seeing what all its given so far.

Well at least i made a point.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: chunkeymonkey79 on July 10, 2011, 10:32:21 AM
Kaz made a v2, but he will not be releasing it. I will not list the reasons.

Unfortunately C18 is a minge fest, but all we have to do is hold out until C32. Before C45 we were on C18, and we survived, I think we can handle this.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Bromine on July 10, 2011, 10:51:50 AM
Why don't we try Venetian for a week, Then get a minge count.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: BltElite on July 10, 2011, 11:21:50 AM
Venetian doesn't have some of the main features a hl2rp map needs.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Adam S on July 10, 2011, 11:24:10 AM
Why not try C8 Then,

Oh wait i forgot all rofl cares about is LOLMAXIMUMPLAYERS
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: YankeeSamurai on July 10, 2011, 01:21:22 PM
Why don't we try City 11? I've already listed a few reasons why c11 is a good map.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: alaskan thunderfuck on July 10, 2011, 01:29:12 PM
Why not try C8 Then,

Oh wait i forgot all rofl cares about is LOLMAXIMUMPLAYERS
Wrong. City 8 is far too small.
Why don't we try City 11? I've already listed a few reasons why c11 is a good map.
Same reason as city 8. It doesn't have enough room for how many players we've got.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Adam S on July 10, 2011, 01:36:49 PM
Well c18 will have to go... its just horrible.  So make your damn mind up
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Highdef on July 10, 2011, 01:43:37 PM
That's a little bit ironic mentioning how the two above maps are small, considering currently in the city 18 map, the CP's block off 2/3 of the whole map with barricades.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Adam S on July 10, 2011, 01:47:34 PM
That's a little bit ironic mentioning how the two above maps are small, considering currently in the city 18 map, the CP's block off 2/3 of the whole map with barricades.

Not to mention the 1 mile of unused space from the train station to the plaza.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Kevin on July 10, 2011, 04:57:33 PM
I love how someone finally has started speaking some truth. If you are here to change the server, I'll go down right alongside you. (Even though I'm a normal player)
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: alaskan thunderfuck on July 10, 2011, 05:01:12 PM
Well c18 will have to go... its just horrible.  So make your damn mind up
I don't mind switching maps as I dislike c18 myself, the issue is that I can't find/no one has suggested any map that is big enough. I'll take a look at c11 again as I don't remember it too well.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: Adam S on July 10, 2011, 05:12:55 PM
Well c18 will have to go... its just horrible.  So make your damn mind up
I don't mind switching maps as I dislike c18 myself, the issue is that I can't find/no one has suggested any map that is big enough. I'll take a look at c11 again as I don't remember it too well.

Please do... I really cant stand C18 its why im not doing a good job with the CWU in C18... Its hard to rp on without getting bored playing it for the 800th time.  Not one of my fav maps as it was.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: YankeeSamurai on July 10, 2011, 06:05:54 PM
Personally, I still want to switch to city 11.

People say city 11 is too small... They're mistaken. For example, there are more apartments in city 18 than in city 45. There are more shops in city 11 than in city 18. The nexus is larger in city 11 than in city 18. There are more places to go, more things to do. City 11 is very asthetically appealing, probably more so than city 18.

City 11 has an underground, out-of-sight sewers area for the lolwebuls. No more restricting half of the map.
City 11 has an open-air, street-side ration distribution terminal. No more cramped and confusing RD cycles.

City 11 is better than city 18 in almost every respect.

If you didn't read my post because it's a page back, here it is.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: chunkeymonkey79 on July 10, 2011, 07:03:52 PM
As I've stated previously, I don't mind C18. But it's starting to affect the CCA, which bothers me. Units are blatantly not flagging up of even getting on because of the minge population.
Title: Re: Rant against all things in HL2RP
Post by: ???????£??Rose Nocturna??? on July 10, 2011, 08:20:37 PM
I have been and still are looking into suitable replacements, will update if one is found.
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