Catalyst Gaming
General => Support & Help => Topic started by: Emory. on April 15, 2013, 10:25:20 AM
Im useing a skinpack for OTA that is a overhaul to them there is a script so when they die they make the same beep sound civil protection makes it seem that OTA has the same systam anyways will the script get me VAC banned? i used script replacements before. I looked at the script it seems that its the same file name as deafult so a replacement but still.
Im useing a skinpack for OTA that is a overhaul to them there is a script so when they die they make the same beep sound civil protection makes it seem that OTA has the same systam anyways will the script get me VAC banned? i used script replacements before. I looked at the script it seems that its the same file name as deafult so a replacement but still.
if it's lua, no you won't get vac banned
Thanks the beeb sound for OTA is very Immersve and the skins are high res and awesome!