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Backup Sections => Half-Life 2 Roleplay => Archive => HL2RP Development[ARCHIVE] => IC Chat => Topic started by: Saints Sasha on April 25, 2012, 09:22:15 PM

Title: John White Character Template
Post by: Saints Sasha on April 25, 2012, 09:22:15 PM
Character Name:John White

Age: 26 (02-06-1990)

Fatal Flaw/Defect:
Right Index finger does not extend fully due to an injury in his past, bad hearing due to previous injuries.


Physical Description: John stands at Five Foot Eleven. He has dark brown eyes, black and messy hair, unshaven, very dirty City 15 Jumpsuit.

Mental State: He can hesitate to do certain things, he always observes the situation before becoming a part of it, but does not always make the best decision.

Physical State: Has average muscles from eating contraband food and doing a lot of physical work, right index finger injured.  His hearing is not the best due to a loud explosion injuring his ears.

Background: John was born in New York City, USA. Grew up in Bronx, having trouble in school and getting bad grades. Worked an cars as his part-time job, later it became his career. He was the only member of his family to survive Seven Hour War. Re-located to City 11, later to 13, and lastly to 15. Never wanted to join the resistance, just to get out of the City.
   John White was born on a hot summer day in New York City near Central Park in Lenox Hill Hospital. His father left his family when he was just 3 month old and never came back. Due to his mother being a drop out, they were forced to move to a bad neighborhood. He grew up in that neighborhood mostly messing around with his friend on the street. He later went to Murry Bergtraum High School, he got in some illegal trouble, but he didn't dream of being a criminal. He got a part-time job to keep himself away from anything illegal. He spent a lot of time working on cars, sometimes even skipping school for that. He looked forward to keeping that job after he graduates.
    As soon as he got out of school he went back on working on cars. He was a very good mechanic in his co-workers' eyes. He brought food and money for his mother, to pay back for what she did for him. He never thought or wanted to meet his own father, he spent all his time, even the weekends, in the car shop. He was able to afford a 1985 Mustang GT, though it was broken down and rusty, but of course John was able to turn it back into a beauty... in a way. He was later offered a job at another car shop with much better pay and in the downtown of New York. John accepted that job, he was making good amount of money, he had enough to afford an apartment. He bought an average apartment near Central Park, he would still visit his mother and help her with what she needed.
     On a warm and cloudy day John was driving to work in his Mustang, he turned the radio to the news channel, they were talking about some strange storms around the world, but John ignored it. The traffic was pretty heavy, it was Thursday morning. Suddenly something attracted John's attention, it was going towards him very quickly, it had a blue tint and like some kind of dust or particle storm. He could see cars getting out of control as they got hit, he slammed on his brakes, but it was too late the storm hit his car, sending him towards the sidewalks. He barely missed a man that was stunned by the storm, he hit the street light full speed on, his right index finger hit the wind shield first, then John's head hit the steering wheel. John was very disorientated, his vision slightly blurred, he felt shocking pain go through his index finger. He started to get back into reality, he heard a large amount of Police, Ambulance, and Fire sirens. He kicked the car door open stumbling out, he looked around to see a very scary scene, cars were spread all over the streets, people injured and some even dead. He thought it was over... but five minutes later the same exact storm went through the city, causing more panic and destruction.
     Later in the filled emergency room, John was watching the TV in the waiting area. They called the storms Portal Storms, why? Because in some places were they occurred strange creatures appeared. All of them attacked and even killed people. The next day almost all of the cities in the world declared Marshal Law. John would not get enough sleep to Portal Storms occurring at night. Few days passed, the city was devastated, a lot of parts of the city were destroyed. Frequent riots went through out all the cities in the world. Casualty and Creature count increased ever hour. John stayed with his mother most of the time, but today when he got back from the store, that was closed, he found his mother's building completely wiped out. John was very unstable due to his mother's death. He could not control his emotions, once he punched a wall damaging his index finger more, but he would not get treatment this time...
       As he tried and walk to the hospital something very... very strange and crazy happened. Portals released tons of creatures, but they were armored and had very destructive weapons. John was scared like never before, debris and human flesh was flying around him, explosions throwing him down to the floor. He ran into the subway tunnels, he saw tons more of people taking shelter there. Almost every second an explosion shook the station, dust falling from the ceiling. During the fourth hour of the now called "War" the lights in the station went out, everyone, including John started to Panic. John was lucky to get out of the station... or was he? When he got out the New York City looked like a war-zone. All that was in sight is concrete field, which was a big thriving city just five hours ago... John could not believe his own eyes. He hid under the Highway Overpass for the next two hours. After seven hours of fighting, most of Earth's forces were dead, the "Aliens" stopped attacking people. They started to collect groups of people and moving the to the harbor via. Drop Ships or by foot.
     John later found himself  in a European like city, but it was damaged and being rebuilt. Everyone was wearing blue Jumpsuits and it was very hard to tell people apart. John did not see any kids around the city, it seemed to be adults only. He later found a card in his pant pocket, he took a look at it, it stated, "CID Card. Name: John White. CID:76951. Precinct: 3" He was not sure what that was. As weeks passed strange devices appeared through out the City, people were starving, eating anything they found. One day the strange screens turned on, a man with white beard and a nice suit appeared on the screen. He told the people about all the events and what happened, some of it was a lie, most of it... John now knew he was living in City 11 in Eastern Europe.
    Small Civil-Protection teams started to appear around the city, people started to get daily rations. John realized he started to get very weak and his memory was starting to become very blank. He slowly realized with help of some other citizens that the food had as horrible effects as how it tasted.  John started to get normal food from some people, usually in restricted areas of the city. He saw people getting beaten and arrested for a slightest thing. He was beaten and arrested few times too. He lived with 2 other people in a 5 story apartment block. One day the Civil-Protection came knocking on their door, the threw everyone one on the ground, John was beat and taken to the Trainstation.
     He arrived in a similar city, but this one was City 13, he was issued and apartment in District 4, it was an 8 story building this time, but he was only leaving with one more person. They become friends, helping each other in almost any situation. Life was very dull in City 13, John knew he was getting weaker and weaker, so he decided only to eat pre-war food, although it was contraband. John didn't last long in City 13, he was re-located during summer of 2015 to City 15 this time. City 15 seemed much bigger then the other cities John has been to, but life was also much harder for John. He was moved to 18 story apartment Building in District 9-B. The city was under a much greater control by U.U. and surviving in it was very hard too. John made good friends with the people he lived with. He started hearing about people helping citizens get out of the city, John wanted that. He slowly worked his way to knowing who was doing that. It was a cold winter in Easter Europe so John didn't plan on leaving too soon. He told only one other person he knew that he was planning on that....

Strengths - Skills/Traits: Mechanic, Good shooter under no pressure, stronger then any citizen who eats Rations daily.

Weaknesses: Has trouble holding and shooting any weapons bigger then an average pistol, bad hearing.

Research Notes: None.

Research References:

Accent: American English.

Mannerisms: Hesitates a lot.
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