Author Topic: Saoul Gibson - Di1Ent1-?  (Read 3182 times)

Offline SaoulZod

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Saoul Gibson - Di1Ent1-?
« on: July 07, 2011, 02:58:18 PM »
// Saoul Gibson documents his progress, trials, and tribulation throughout the city. From meeting people to finding a pebble. I will be documenting ALL experiences on the server. It should prove to be a nice timeline at the end of Saoul's Life. :D

Entry 1- Day1... Midday(?)

I've decided to keep a diary, I found it in my briefcase (read on). Thus far, this is all I know. I woke up sometime midday in a very warm train-station. There was no sounds of the cars and the board looked to have not been changed in years. I was alone. Sitting up, I found a briefcase with a name scratched into it. I have claimed it to be mine. Unable to remember anything, I decided to turn out my pockets, to see what came up. I found a handful of strange coins (they don't have a flavor, sadly..) and an identification card. Apparently my name is "Saoul Gibson". Strange name... it matches the one on my case, so I guess it's mine.

Entry 2- Day 1... Evening(?)

None of the clocks seem to work, even my assigned room has one, but it is stopped. I can't tell what time it is, nor when I should sleep. Light doesn't change outside and I have yet to see it rain... strange. I have examined the concrete, it's cracking and broken in places, but otherwise flawless. There's no dirt or loose stones, odd... I am going for a walk, maybe I can learn something new...

Entry 3- Day 1... Evening(?)

I met a few of the Civil Protection Officers... they were very nice. First they helped me with my headache with a little electroshock, then escorted me to the sidewalk. How nice! ...Ugh. I still can't see straight. I think I'll curl up on the floor, there's no furnishing in my apartment.. only the stupid clock. Oddly enough, the seconds-hand works, I guess it'll have to do.

Entry 4- Day 2... Morning - Time: ....oh god...

I have decided AGAINST choosing seconds to measure time... it gets unfathomably large quickly... I shall use minutes, I guess. Only doing in the waking hours, and I'll assume I sleep 7 hours a "night".

The CWU shop that was in the Plaza is gone. Strange, it looked very well set up. I couldn't figure out what the orange device on the top was for, though. I met someone new. His name is... 'James', I believe. He seems competent. Answering a few of my questions of the city, I bought some water from him, gave him a few extra tokens for his time.

Entry 5- Day 2... Afternoon - Time: 2280minutes since awakening

I have wandered a bit more, searched the lobbies for something I may scrap. I don't know why, but I have plans of circuits in my head, and can remember all of these obnoxious equations... maybe I was an electrician before all this...  I've found that all machinery is bolted down. From the Washing Machines to the Televisions. I suppose I'll deal with it my thoughts in my head for now and build in there.  I continue to act slow around the Officers, it seems to be the correct path.

Entry 6- Day 2... Evening - Time: 2520minutes sin-awa

I've decided to start abridging a lot of my writing. Fortunately, my briefcase had lots of pens... I shall keep this in one of the crevices behind the toilet, it seems they're starting to search more frequently. I've decided to start sleeping in the bathtub, it's got a nice 38degree angle to it and a smooth slope. Should solve my back issue from the stunstick the other day.

Entry 7- Day 3... Morn - T: 2880min sin-awa

I awoke to a furious pound on the door, getting out of my tub, dressing and reaching the door, I found that there was no one there. Strange, I looked down the halls and listened hard, no footsteps or anyone present. I decided it was time to wake up anyways. I am going to assume it's an hour before my normal awakening, for ease. I will add fractions later. Perhaps I will go walking again.

Entry 8- Day 3... AftN - T: 3180min S-A

Something is different about the city today, I can't place it. It seems more barren than normal... I am the only one in the plaza, there's no officers, no other civilians, no CWU. I've found a small stone in one of the garbage cans. It was obviously meant for me, no one else was around. I put it in my pocket and hurried back to my apartment, in-case there was some sort of raid that I was unaware of.

Entry 9- Day 3... AftN to Eve - T: 3457.35m S-A

Something strange happened!  I was wandering around and I went into a build I thought was a bakery... it may have been once... Regardless, I was on the second floor and found an open-able window! This was extremely exciting for me, I hoped I could scavenge a lever from it. I found myself on the balcony and I pocketed the lever. Deciding to sit on the ledge, I closed my eyes for a small nap... I didn't get far in it, I was interrupted by a rude Officer who was saying that I wasn't allowed on the ledge!  Why would they leave it open if I couldn't stay?! He wouldn't let me go back it, so I had to jump luckily there was a woman in the way. She's strange, she has extremely blue eyes. I didn't hear what the officer was saying, I was remembering the ocean at that point.  He shoved me a few times, but I just went along.

I found 'Blue', as I am going to call her, again. She says she can't sleep outside, I offered my apartment, she accepted. I have found a friend. She tells me her name's 'Aaron' [// he misheard her]]. Odd name for a female... Regardless, she slept in my apartment while I wandered, still thinking about the ocean.

Entry 10- Day 3... Eve T- 3783.03m S-A

Blue's missing, I suspect she'll find her way back sooner or later. I gave her a key, afterall. The bathtub is rather comfortable when I use my jumpsuit as a pillow, oddly it's not cold here. It's always a neutral temperature. I'll worry about her in the morning, it's time to sleep.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2011, 05:18:36 PM by Saoul Gibson »

you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Thanks, Chunkey.

Offline SaoulZod

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Re: Saoul Gibson - Di1Ent1-?
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2011, 03:28:40 PM »
// Continued entries from Saoul's Journal

Ent10- D4... Morn - T: 4236m S-A

No evidence that Blue showed up last night, I should be worried, but I guess I'm not. I met a man in the hallway, his name was 'Jack'. He tried to give me some pills to help my memory, he said his brother makes them. I didn't take them. I assume my memory's gone for a reason and I don't care for it.  There are many people that have been here longer than me. I'm looking for any corrilations between the group of us. Only two reoccurring factors...

We're all human.
None of us can remember anything.

Ent11- D4... AftN - T: 4503.13m S-A

'Jack' got beaten by some Combine today because of his pills. They dragged him off to the barricade near the Plaza. I'm glad I didn't take the pills. Later, he didn't seem the same, he didn't remember me. Strange. OH! I've found that I'm missing a patch of hair on the back of my head, it feels like there's a scar there. I think I had surgery at one time.  I keep thinking of the ocean too, I don't know why. I can hear voices when I remember it, but nothing I can distinguish. Memories?

Ent12- D4... Eve - T: 4873.42m S-A

I've removed the back panel to my refrigerator and I've taken a few of the wires out. They're long and copper, useful. I've put my stone and lever into the back and resealed it. Apparently, not everything is bolted down....  My sink stopped working in the 'Kitchen', no matter, I can use the pipes. It's time for sleep again, it shall be done.

Ent13- D4... Morn - T: 5220m S-A

We got rations for the first time!  I haven't eaten in almost 4 days, I ate the supplements so fast I couldn't taste them... I don't imagine they have much flavor anyways. I had spent all of my starting tokens on waters to keep the hunger at bay, but I felt like a starfish for a minute, wanting to throw my stomach up on something to eat it. Interesting analogy... heh.

Ent14- D4... AftN - T: 5542.25m S-A

I am starting to question my math abilities. I've kept up with over four days worth of time based in seconds. I tested myself against the clock. I'm only inaccurate 1.8% of the tests. Perhaps I wasn't an electrician... maybe an Engineer? I've started trying to decipher the graffiti on the billboard above the plaza. I can see it clearly from my apartment window. I can't tell if it's from before or after the war, though. Still no sign of Blue, I'll keep the door unlocked when I'm in, just in case, though.

Ent15- D4... Eve - T: 5732.28m S-A

I found a nail loose in the floorboards. Rather than banging it in, I took it out and stashed it with my rock and lever. Maybe it'll be useful? Sleep time.

Ent16- D4... LateEve - T: 5880m S-A


Ent17- D4... LateEve - T: 5911.1m S-A

Oh thank god they're quiet now. There was a few gunshots, but now it's all good... Maybe that shut them up. Time to actually sleep.

Ent18- D5... Morn - T: 6240m S-A

A man has approched me in the lobby of the apartment on my way out today. He tried to make me read something. I've learned from the Jack experience not to involve myself in the affairs of pushy-types. I believe it to be the best. I have ignored him and returned to my apartment very quickly.

Ent19- D5.. AftN - T: 6414.02m S-A

I was successful in avoiding another Combine seizure. My choice to ignore the papered man proved right. Their apartment was stormed by Civil Protection. I don't know their status, but I'll write on as it happens.

Elapsed Time: 15m

They're all being ordered into the "Main Room"... Is that the Lobby? Heh! One's asking what he did wrong. What a fool.

Elapsed Time: 20m

They're ARGUING?! WHAT?! The Civil Protection is not removing the conspirators.

Elapsed Time: 34m

I've stopped caring about the incident. I am taking a walk, I'll take my journal and keep it in my coat. It's another beautiful day in City18
« Last Edit: July 12, 2011, 08:10:51 PM by Saoul Gibson »

you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Thanks, Chunkey.

Offline SaoulZod

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Re: Saoul Gibson - Di1Ent1-?
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2011, 04:56:02 PM »
//Further Entries...

Ent20- D5... Eve - T: 6142m S-A

A man just killed himself infront of me. I tried to care, I really did. But what I've found was that aside from getting some blood on my pants, I couldn't find a reason.  His name was Ally. I don't remember how we met. The strange thing, aside from his name having lots of femininity, is that he died exactly at a minute-mark. I don't know why but it's stuck a chord in my heart... or maybe I'm hungry again... I saw a large mechanical thing today. It was obviously a construct, and it could breathe.  The Combine deployed one of their synthetics, I guess...

Ent21- D5... Eve - T: 6157.21

There's a larger Combine in the Plaza... everyone is afraid of them... interesting. I suppose I will duck as well. I'm writing from my apartment without my pants, I was trying to get blood from them... A few people just vaporized. I'm not sure what happened, but I am going to stay in my apartment. I'm still shaking from hearing the sound.... a terrible electronic rushing sound.

Ent22- D5... Eve - T: 6171m S-A

I've decided it's tub time. The City Administrator is out and doing a Q&A... I've no interest... okay... I have a little interest. I'll watch from a window.

// The new entry is smeared with blood, as is the journal at this point.

Ent22- D5... Eve - T: 6253.03m S-A

I got shot today, twice in the leg. It's strange.... clear across with no bullet of any description. I've determined that they're only grazes and that I should be fine... it hurts like hell though. The CA got shot, it seems, the Combine are pissed, that large Combine opened fire on the watching Civilians... I won't be sleeping tonight... too much pain. More commotion downstairs... I guess I'll document it.

Elapsed Time: 5m

One of the men screamed "Rebellion"... it's quiet now, so I guess that solves that. I wonder what Blue's position is on this...  I've started to argue with the door... he should've tried harder to keep me in... but I was so curious about the CA.

Elapsed Time: 10m

I've decided to get a new apartment when I can... This one's very bloody now. I am going to try to watch the Plaza more from my window, maybe something's changed.

Elapsed Time: 13m

Nothing has changed... the large men are angry still... There's lots of stunstick noises from outside my door, I think I'll stay against the wall.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2011, 05:34:38 PM by Saoul Gibson »

you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Thanks, Chunkey.

Offline SaoulZod

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Re: Saoul Gibson - Di1Ent1-?
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2011, 01:01:16 PM »
Ent23- D6... Morn - T: 6493.12m S-A

I've moved apartments. I'll have to tell Blue when I see her again. I didn't sleep today, I spent too long limping around and wallowing in self-pity.  I'm pathetic.  But I've decided that I want the job that an Officer has. It looks appealing and the city is a wreck anyways. They're all so unthankful. The Officers protect us from the Headcrabs, Zombies, and Antlions. Some of these civilians should be more grateful that they're allowed to live in a stabilized and .. eh... 'comfortable' environment.

I've also decided to try and bring one of the couches up from the lobby into my new apartment. This one's refrigerator doesn't move, so I'll hide this in my stove. I've removed the pilot light and detached it from the wall. I've decided to keep the Pilot Light, maybe I'll see about removing the eye of the stove too, just to see if I can.

Ent24- D6... AftN - T: 6768.63m S-A

There's a lot of activity outside, I think I'm going to stay in my tub today. No reason to go out, there's nothing out there I haven't seen. Maybe they'll open up whatever they're guarding near the old cinema. I'd love to see what's down there. My new apartment has a poor view of the Plaza, so I spent most of the morning in the stairway, looking out of that window. It's not painted over as much.

Ent25- D6... AftN - T: 6806.47m S-A

I'm going to question the next person I see about the windows. I wonder if they're all nailed down. The door at the end of the hallway in the fourth floor isn't locked, I've heard it opened dozens of times now. It used to be... odd. Also, the water machine in the lobby works again. I guess it was finally restocked.

Ent26- D6... AftN - T: 6897.85m S-A

I've decided to re-examine my room. I've found there's a wall outlet behind a couch. I don't know how the couch got there, but I don't like it. Maybe it's the old apartment trying to buy me back... I've decided to not use it, but I'll keep it infront of the outlet. Regardless, it seems to be bound down anyways... probably bolted, like everything else in this hell hole. The outlet does not have power running to it, I am assuming. It's not like the Combine to just give one person all the Power.  Ohh... I made a Communism joke... heh. <He's drawn a poorly done smile-face here>

Maybe I'll wander the plaza more. A guy approached me in the hallway, he's getting very rude.

Ent27- D6... AftN - T: --------m S-A

I've decided to stop keeping up with the time. Also to shave my head.  Well, I didn't shave it personally. I broke a piece of glass out of another apartment's window and used that to cut it off. I think it looks nice. It'll fix that missing patch of hair. I fully enjoy my new apartment! I've found a stack of tokens in the back of the freezer and a book. 'Zen of the Union', is the title. I'm going to read through it a few times. It is currently my only book aside from the Journal...

Ent28- D6... Late AftN

I hate the people in this city. They're all disabled in some way. One guy broke into my apartment and tied a woman to my bathtub and tried to have sex with her.... I choked him out and was second away from throwing him off the D2-Bridge, but thought against it at the last second. The woman tried to thank me, but I palmed her away, locked my door and went out to the plaza.  EVEN WORSE. Another woman came up and ask about the Combine, if they were guarding D2.  Is this city mad?! OF COURSE THEY ARE.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2011, 06:05:49 PM by Saoul Gibson »

you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Thanks, Chunkey.

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Re: Saoul Gibson - Di1Ent1-?
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2011, 06:58:10 PM »
Ent29... D9- AftN

Perhaps it's time to play not-so-quiet and do some actual good in this City. The Civil Protection can't catch everyone and are not as cruel as they need to be. I have killed two men today, inadvertently. I filled their minds with happy thoughts involving District 2, they jumped on the chance like a bitch in heat. Tipping off the CP was easy enough, I gave some vague descriptions and a direction.  I've also played Devil's-advocate on many occasions. Shooting down all "Resistance" propaganda in the Apartments, with my own Pro-Combine sentiments. I've begun to enjoy this city. The Combine are friendly when you breach their little power-trip. If you get one alone they seem almost human.

Ent30... D9- Eve

A man came into my Apartment with a woman, wanting to find a place of Solace. It was during a Waiver, so I agreed. He took her back to the bathroom, tied her down and tried to rape her.   This is not okay. I grabbed him from behind, choked him out and dragged him away. Thankfully my Apartment was D-1, I just opened the door to the second district and dragged him deep into it.   Another tip for the Combine and I never saw him again. The woman disappeared, but I don't exactly care.  I can add 4 feet of rope to my list of goods. Currently I have:
3 cans of Water
4 Suppliments
1 Radio (for calling the Combine, made the above easier)
1 backpack
4 feet of rope
1 Window Lever
3 Oven Pilot Lights
17 foot-long lengths of copper wire
1 Issue of "Zen of the Union", I suspect it has some sort of cipher, I am going through it in my spare time.

The things I can make are piling up in my head. I will stock for a while longer. I bet I can make a stun-stick rivaling those of the Civil Protection if I could get a pipe.  Strange thing, these Radios. They seem infinitely powered... We'll see.

you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Thanks, Chunkey.

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Re: Saoul Gibson - Di1Ent1-?
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2011, 01:44:55 PM »
Ent31... D10- Morn

I awoke to gunfire today, oddly, it doesn't bother me anymore. The Civil Protection that I see daily are also getting less fearsome. I understand they're just doing a job, those ones with the shotguns and coats still make me cringe though. Crawling out of the tub I realized something. The entire city had changed! The signs all say City 8. They must have relocated us when we slept.... crafty. I am going to see what I can disassemble from this new city, maybe I can get a few more things.

Ent32... D10- AftN

Yes... I do not like this city. I speak no Japanese, nor understand it. Doing anything is completely confusing.  I barely found my way back to the apartment. All of the tech here is holo-this and holo-that. I can't make heads of tails of it. One of the Civil Protection keeps shoving me at every pass, it's getting kind of strange, honestly. At least my new apartment has a bed, no bath, though. I guess it's a fair trade...

Ent33... D10- AftN

I've relocated, my new apartment has a nicer bed, but had a briefcase under the bed, peculiar. It is locked with some sort of 6 digit combination. Not difficult to crack. I suspect to only find clothes or the occasional ring or something.  I'll write about what I find in it.... Also, earlier I witnessed cannibalism. Very strange sight to see, a man hungry enough to eat his friend. I sat around and ate my supplements while this happened. I had a nice vantage point to see the Civil Protection choke the man out and remove the human meat from his mouth.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2011, 02:41:00 PM by Saoul Gibson »

you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Thanks, Chunkey.

Offline SaoulZod

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Re: Saoul Gibson - Di1Ent1-?
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2011, 08:07:02 PM »
//Saoul documenting new experiences in the new city.

Ent34... D10- Eve

There's been lots of activity in the city, so I've moved out to the slums. Top floor of the "abandoned" building. It's not as abandoned as advertised. The two in the floor below mine are both Russian. Good guys, can't understand what they're saying though. Someone stopped by recently, "Liz"... she seems sick, I didn't want to bring it up though, she seemed rather freaked. She can't drink something apparently, or she won't.  I also ran into Cole down in the Subway, no idea why he was there, but I showed him the new place.

I've also named the ladder going up to it. Her name is "Sarah". I guess it's common to call modes of transportation females... boats, planes, cars. All are associated with "her" and "she".  Sarah is the main name stuck in my head, so hey! Why not.   Sarah has claimed at least 8 lives while I've been in the apartment. People get to climbing, but they slip or something. Maybe because I put water on the ladder's rungs, but that can't be proven!

Long entry today, but a lot happened. I've received more rations at this new city than I ever did at City18. I don't know if there's a correlation, or the CPs are just anxious about something.  I've received a second Radio, I shall begin some tests on them. I don't know if they have distress modules in them, so I'll leave a window open for an "emergency ejection". I know some hapless fool will grab it, that's just the kind of people we have here.

Ent35... D11- AftN

So! Today was interesting... I met some of the prime Resistance, got detained, got molested then ate some noodles.

First up, I was in my room working equations and an African woman came up. She asked if I needed anything, sold me some Medgel for my leg and asked if anything else. I gave her a list off the top of my head that everything my schematic was missing, it included:
1 pound of Agar
2 foot long rods of Copper, quarter inch in diameter
1 Lead Pipe, a foot long and an inch in diameter
2 pounds of Iron Dust
1 Car Battery, greater than 13 Volts power
Funny thing happened... she got it for me. A few men delivered it up and I didn't pay at all. Strange, they invited me down, I got to skulk around their "base". And a woman Rachael made a fuss.

Rachael is actually the reason for my detainment, thankfully I had put away all my other "contraband", but the Medgel was still on me. A few on the spot lies and fake pain got the Civil Protection off my back. Which is funny because I actually needed the Gel for my leg... Regardless, I paid little miss Rachael a visit afterwards, got the whole thing sorted out.

Molested... yes... the Officer was fidgeting on me for a while back there, I do believe screaming "Bad Touch!" would have not gone unopposed. There was also lots of gunfire, but I paid no heed to that. Petty arguments with petty men.

NOODLES... Japan is full of them. I don't understand the fixation on it. They're cold, slimy and feels like I'm eating entrails, for all I know, I am. Funny thing these Orientals, though. They have lots of Agar for my plan.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2011, 04:06:51 AM by Saoul Gibson »

you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Thanks, Chunkey.

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Re: Saoul Gibson - Di1Ent1-?
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2011, 06:28:49 PM »
You forgot to mention the part where I got you the most friggin important item on your list :P

Offline SaoulZod

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Re: Saoul Gibson - Di1Ent1-?
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2011, 07:57:38 PM »
Oh, you are correct, I'm sorry.... I got caught up in the fact that you got me detained inadvertently. :D

you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Thanks, Chunkey.

Offline SaoulZod

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Re: Saoul Gibson - Di1Ent1-?
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2011, 11:38:23 PM »
Ent36... D11- All Day

Well! I got detained again. Taken in for questioning. And then received a Loyalist Armband. I... do not exactly understand what's exactly going on, but I will take it. The Armband will help for my application.  I was detained for yesterday's events. Apparently being detained the first time wasn't enough, they wanted a follow up.  I've given them the name of a "Ryan Taylor" who was spouting Resistance babble.  I am going to get on the ball of reporting the ones that cause issue, I could use the extra favor with the Civil Protection if I am to be one of them.

The Officer questioning me was rather nice, 155 was her number. She was a little pissy at the end, but that's to be expected when dealing with Civilians all day. I've decided to move out of the Slums. Everything that was once on my list has been stashed safely and I will be discontinuing my work for the time being. Thankfully, I do not have anything perishable.

I will be moving into one of the Apartment Blocks in the City. That should cut down on my detainment, although I abhor the city-life and the people associated with it.  I'll try to get a top floor room, to avoid issue.

Aside from that, I did nothing today. I spent a lot of time in Questioning.

you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Thanks, Chunkey.

Offline SaoulZod

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Re: Saoul Gibson - Di1Ent1-?
« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2011, 05:43:44 PM »
Ent 37... D13- All Day

Guess what's got two thumbs and didn't get out of bed?
This guy.

I didn't find a need to actually get up. I had food and water in my backpack, there's an actual bathroom in my apartment, I was a shut in all day.  I used my marker a lot, thankfully this room had a large metal-like walling (turns out, it's a projection screen) that I could use my Dry-Erase easily on. I made new plans for my customized stunstick, developed a taser under-rail attachment for the handguns, and an "Electricity Manipulation Glove" (Referred to as EMG).

The EMG mark. I Civilian Restraint Device is going to be able to deliver a voltage higher than a standard stunstick with minimal drawbacks. The most of an issue I can think of is one of the Civil Protection doing something foolish like wear a ring under the glove, or forget to get boots that are rubber bottomed, or something silly like that. It will deliver a rather large voltage in a single touch... The comedy of it is that I can actually make this with what's in my room. I already have a power source that's transportable, enough metal, and the actual glove.

you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Thanks, Chunkey.

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Re: Saoul Gibson - Di1Ent1-?
« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2011, 11:34:53 PM »
// Your diaries are really good. I look forward to reading more of this

Offline SaoulZod

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Re: Saoul Gibson - Di1Ent1-?
« Reply #12 on: July 21, 2011, 01:25:34 AM »
// Sadly, there will be no more.  Saoul Gibson is now Unit 887

you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Thanks, Chunkey.


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