Author Topic: Epidemic Role Play  (Read 35513 times)

Offline Dallas

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Re: Epidemic Role Play
« Reply #15 on: April 12, 2013, 04:23:29 PM »
Yeah but we don't have the base at the moment to support both hl2rp and epidemic

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Offline Statua

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Re: Epidemic Role Play
« Reply #16 on: April 12, 2013, 04:31:33 PM »
I've been keeping it to myself and brought it up on rare occasions but now I'm gonna say it. HL2RP is boring as fuck and difficult to keep original with in terms of RP. There's not a whole ot of room. Outlands there may be more room for RP but even still there's a number of restrictions and factors that make it a drama fest and still restricted to a degree.

I've been thinking this for well over half a year now. It's time for something new. Now I dont mean have this game planned set up and ready in a week. I'd rather see numerous threads and votes to choose what this game will be like and what the story will be and yeah. An original story. Something we can work with and make interesting.

And the map, me and Oz are still going to be doing rp_forgottencity which I think would be perfect for this RP.

-edit for dallas-

HL2RP isnt improving dispite our efforts. The outlands is causing a drama fest. The city is, i dunno anymore. Why should we keep spending our time and effort into something that requires lots of people, for only a group of people in our massive playerbase?

Offline Dallas

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Re: Epidemic Role Play
« Reply #17 on: April 12, 2013, 04:37:27 PM »
this is a horrible proposal if it means removing hl2rp...

Statua, OL is not a drama fest and if it is then it came from the people left from 2011 having characters killed off. You aren't active on city and thus cannot comment on the current state of it.

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Re: Epidemic Role Play
« Reply #18 on: April 12, 2013, 04:39:01 PM »
I've been keeping it to myself and brought it up on rare occasions but now I'm gonna say it. HL2RP is boring as fuck and difficult to keep original with in terms of RP. There's not a whole ot of room. Outlands there may be more room for RP but even still there's a number of restrictions and factors that make it a drama fest and still restricted to a degree.

I've been thinking this for well over half a year now. It's time for something new. Now I dont mean have this game planned set up and ready in a week. I'd rather see numerous threads and votes to choose what this game will be like and what the story will be and yeah. An original story. Something we can work with and make interesting.

And the map, me and Oz are still going to be doing rp_forgottencity which I think would be perfect for this RP.

-edit for dallas-

HL2RP isnt improving dispite our efforts. The outlands is causing a drama fest. The city is, i dunno anymore. Why should we keep spending our time and effort into something that requires lots of people, for only a group of people in our massive playerbase?

It's boring because you make it boring. If you want HL2RP to be fun, make interesting and unique characters and help make interesting and unique rp. I also never see you on, so you're probably not active enough to enjoy the rp.

I'm all for this new rp, but don't get rid of HL2RP. Cause I won't be here if you do. And everyone loves me sooooo

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Re: Epidemic Role Play
« Reply #19 on: April 12, 2013, 05:05:56 PM »
Seeing there's actually a lot of support for this and how Statua and Oz are kind of working on a map that could fit in with this, I say sure. The concept is simple, there's lots of room for modification and adjustments to make it CG's own instead of questioning if anything fits in with canon. And I don't see why HL2RP would be shut down over this. It should attract a whole new playerbase to the community that can keep both running nicely. But either way it would be a very nice change.

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Re: Epidemic Role Play
« Reply #20 on: April 12, 2013, 05:16:41 PM »
You can keep your precious HL2RP, but if this truly goes through, the gamemode will probably be swept under the rug. The administration team has had months to improve the quality of HL2RP and to inspire a new playerbase, as well as attract it. I see absolutely no progress. We're wasting far too much effort in an area that isn't improving in the slightest, when we could be putting that effort towards new projects, and projects that are unique to Catalyst Gaming. Truthfully, I think that those of you who are clinging to HL2RP are thinking far too much of yourselves and your liking of HL2RP and far too little of the betterment of this community. I don't mean to be rude, but I always am, so. Regardless of my crassness, I think I'm right in what I'm saying.

That being said, this thread is not a forum for an argument over whether or not we should support removing HL2RP. So, I suggest we return to the topic at hand, and get the ball rolling. With any gamemode, the first considerations are what you're going to need for developers. Once you have that established, and you've found those developers, you can move onto canon. We have plenty of talented writers here at CG, so as long as you put them under some kind of direction and assign someone to oversee the entirety of the canon, we will be set. This is doable, so long as everyone puts their best foot forward and works diligently for the purpose of strengthening our declining community. And by declining community, I am not saying we are in bad shape. We are, however, in significantly worse shape than we once were, and I'd like to see that improve.
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Offline Dallas

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Re: Epidemic Role Play
« Reply #21 on: April 12, 2013, 05:22:03 PM »

le meme

Seriously, if you want to get mad over it and be flustered how hl2rp isn't like the "good old days" move on. Why don't we have both- shit, this whole thing might not even happen. Do you just assume Khub will want to develop this for us?

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Re: Epidemic Role Play
« Reply #22 on: April 12, 2013, 05:24:08 PM »

le meme

Seriously, if you want to get mad over it and be flustered how hl2rp isn't like the "good old days" move on. Why don't we have both- shit, this whole thing might not even happen. Do you just assume Khub will want to develop this for us?
If you cared to read my post, you'll realize that I'm saying we should keep both. All I'm saying is that I don't support it, but I won't disapprove of it either. I simply think there will be unforeseen consequences by keeping both. And no one suggested that Khub would necessarily develop.
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Offline Sexy Frog

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Re: Epidemic Role Play
« Reply #23 on: April 12, 2013, 05:42:43 PM »

le meme

Seriously, if you want to get mad over it and be flustered how hl2rp isn't like the "good old days" move on. Why don't we have both- shit, this whole thing might not even happen. Do you just assume Khub will want to develop this for us?

We've been saying to have both the whole time, lol.

Yeah but we don't have the base at the moment to support both hl2rp and epidemic

tbh, we don't have the base to support half of the servers we have but we have them anyway. What's your point?

You can keep your precious HL2RP, but if this truly goes through, the gamemode will probably be swept under the rug. The administration team has had months to improve the quality of HL2RP and to inspire a new playerbase, as well as attract it. I see absolutely no progress. We're wasting far too much effort in an area that isn't improving in the slightest, when we could be putting that effort towards new projects, and projects that are unique to Catalyst Gaming. Truthfully, I think that those of you who are clinging to HL2RP are thinking far too much of yourselves and your liking of HL2RP and far too little of the betterment of this community. I don't mean to be rude, but I always am, so. Regardless of my crassness, I think I'm right in what I'm saying.

That being said, this thread is not a forum for an argument over whether or not we should support removing HL2RP. So, I suggest we return to the topic at hand, and get the ball rolling. With any gamemode, the first considerations are what you're going to need for developers. Once you have that established, and you've found those developers, you can move onto canon. We have plenty of talented writers here at CG, so as long as you put them under some kind of direction and assign someone to oversee the entirety of the canon, we will be set. This is doable, so long as everyone puts their best foot forward and works diligently for the purpose of strengthening our declining community. And by declining community, I am not saying we are in bad shape. We are, however, in significantly worse shape than we once were, and I'd like to see that improve.

While you put it in a more blunt manner, I agree to an extent. HL2rp is going no where fast. I for one am an avid HL2rp fanboy and would never put it down, especially as I have been one of the main ones trying to desperately to help fix it, but I am saying this new server can help attract people to thus populate all of our Serious RP servers. It's a good idea in the long run. Sometimes, you just gotta throw out a few bets to rake in the profits, ya dig?

The developers part would be the tricky one, seeing as all we have is Khub. Maybe with the rise of this game mode, some of the other developers we have would be actually interested in helping like rtlk or something. Hell, maybe Alexanderk would be interested in comming back to help, though I doubt it a bit. But if it attracts new players and we advertise it right, I'm sure devs will come.

And the big problem with Devs, as Khub was explaining to me a while ago is that you can't just trust anyone as they have access to a lot of important files that can thus harm the community if they turn around and have bad thoughts, but if we say...made Khub head dev or something and have it so those newer devs have to turn in the files to him since he is the most trusted, then it works out.

As for canon, we have that down pat. That's not problem. We have a lot of good writers here that I'm sure would be happy to help, I know I would.

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Offline Statua

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Re: Epidemic Role Play
« Reply #24 on: April 12, 2013, 06:21:28 PM »
Reasons i havent been on lately is because i is boring. Theres nothing more to do as everyone is in their own little exclusive groups leaving ungrouped players stranded to do nothing. I have one final RP i'm planning that i hope will get me going again but really, theres only so much I can do. I cant force people to make public groups. I cant force anyone to do anything, dispite what ive said in the past.

As for taking the server down, it was a suggesion but seeing how we have the tendancy to keep 0 player servers up a long time, i dont think it will happen. I guess it can stay up for you hl2rp diehards.

Back on topic, lets get this approved by CG already :3 I feel like brainstorming ideas already.

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Re: Epidemic Role Play
« Reply #25 on: April 12, 2013, 06:27:41 PM »
most people dont seem to understand admins alone can't fix serious roleplay that gets boring

Offline Sexy Frog

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Re: Epidemic Role Play
« Reply #26 on: April 12, 2013, 06:34:25 PM »
Back on topic, lets get this approved by CG already :3 I feel like brainstorming ideas already.

This, very much so.

If I'm not mistaken, I have an attempt at canon I wrote up a few months back back when Turian was going to make his own community for Epidemic which of course never happened. Let me see if I can find it...


Spoiler for Epidemic Canon:
Everything up to the year 2003 is exactly the same as it would have been normally; these are the changes from real life that follow up from 2003. The server is set in 2013, one year after the start of the infection outbreak and set in America.

 On September 11th, 2001, the United States of America was in a state of crisis. The first notable attack on U.S. soil in years was under way. After things died down a year later, the American Government flung accusations that the 9/11 incident was the work of Osama Bin Laden, leader of the infamous Al-Qaeda who was believed to be hiding somewhere in Iraq. On March of 2003 the war against terrorism in the Middle East had begun as the United States launched a series of coordinated air strikes on Baghdad, Iraq responded violently. Like wild fire, propaganda was sent out across the states in order to increase birth rates for potential soldiers as well as advocate rewards and claims for each child produced. Most men and children of age to serve were conscripted into the Armed Forces and used in medium scale assaults as fodder to essentially test the might of Iraq and gain information on their level of weaponry and skill in guerrilla tactics. Although costly, the losses were mostly covered by the propaganda campaign as well as various large scale civilian donation drives around the country.

By 2005, substantial territory was taken and production only increased, the defending armies soon became restless as the Americans seemed to be gaining the upper hand and gathered allies beginning to use conscription as well; by physical force or otherwise. As military size and populations increased on both factions, most countries began pledging aid to their immediate allies, offering tactical and even financial assistance. Several first world countries sided with the United States, their immediate aid coming from the United Kingdom, Italy, Canada, Russia and Japan. However most under developed second and third world countries sided with the Iraq in order to defend against the onslaught such as India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Kazakhstan.

On January 20th, 2009 during the inauguration ceremony of 44th President Barrack Obama, panic struck the nation. Unknown aircraft's came soaring out from the North Atlantic, commencing carpet bombing runs on residential areas around the coast and further inland before doubling around the retreating. Following this event which became later dubbed, “The Bermuda Haze”, it was discovered that China had sided with the Middle East seeing it as an opportune moment to seize resources and land from the states and had orchestrated The Bermuda Haze. The other allied countries all submitted reports of similar assaults and random terrorist bombings along their coasts and residential areas.

This action made it official; the world was now in the midst of World War III. The warring parties split into two factions, the United Kingdom insisting on the old name used back in the previous world wars: the Allies. The Middle East and China naming themselves: ???????? or ???? - Translating to ‘The Affinity.’ As various assaults back and forth began, the war came to a standstill on November 8th 2009 as both sides were equally matched, keeping each other stationary and limited on options. As the war raged on, the propaganda persuaded those able to breed, thus creating the greater need for food and weaponry and giving a noticeable global economic decline due to both sides having many open slots from drafting and the greater demand focused on agriculture and industry however very few able to actually fill the roles. Within no time the world population was reaching 11 billion as supplies started to dwindle on both fronts, the war resorting to smaller and smaller scale skirmishes being as no large moves could be taken without giving the other side an advantage.

In countries around the world the shock of the war was finally being felt, people began to grow restless as most readily available supplies were sent to the front lines. The United Nations, who had already come into play, were doing their best to aid all countries in need by providing what little food was available, supplying necessities for free or fairly inexpensive wages. The Allies needed a solution to dig themselves out of the hole they had dug themselves into.

On March 30th, 2010, a meeting was called in the Palace of Nations in Geneva, Switzerland to plan a course of action. The result of the meeting was final: Specialized Biological weaponry would be developed to put a stop to The Affinity, though the only predicament was production. Production of such a toxin would take a year at most and several months of diligent testing to deem usable. Though the Allies stuck with the plan none the less as it was all they had.

 After various skirmishes from either side here and there, Thursday on the 10th of April, 2011 the weapon was created for testing. It was given the name:  Rhabdoviridae Cerebracillius or as it became later known, ‘Titan Syndrome’. On April 5th, 2011 the biological weapon was prepared for transport to a remote facility near the border of Mexico for testing on organisms though the expected shipment never arrived. Hours later, it was discovered that shipment was stolen and the Allies were distraught with their only hope having been lost. One day later on April 6th, the Allies as well as The Affinity received video footage sent by an unknown rogue Chinese terrorist organization named, ??????? – translating to ‘Undying Twilight’. The group went on to confirm that they had obtained hold of the virus and planned to release it in the future, though giving no specified dates.

On February 1st, 2012, three Asian males and one female entered Time Square, New York City. From there, all four suspects tossed pressurized canisters of unknown gas into the over crowded streets of New York, shrouding several block in a purple haze as the gas slowly dissipated. In the panic, all four suspects committed suicide by consumption of cyanide capsule as to avoid questioning. While nearly everyone fled, the damage had been done. It was estimated that 70 to 85 percent of the population around the immediate area had been infected with Titan Syndrome via their respiratory system.  In the coming weeks, hospital flooded with patients all over the world as the infected from Time Square began to spread their infection to others they came in contact with. Key signs of Titan syndrome were near immediate flu like symptoms, coughing of blood, dilated pupils and if left unchecked for too long, highly aggressive behavior.
The first recorded outbreak on United States territory was on February 24th, 2012 in Massachusetts. Upon treatment, a patient infected with Titan Syndrome managed to undo his bindings and attack the medical staff nearby.  From then on it sparked a chain reaction, the infection was primarily meant to kill however due to the lack of testing, and the effect was rather the opposite. Instilling an effect much like the Lyssavirus, commonly known as Rabis though not killing the victims. The victims were very much alive though due to the infection swelling the cerebellum, rational comprehension was minimal to non-existent and their primary goal; to spread the virus by any means possible.

As cases became more and more frequent, by April 9th, 2012, the public gave the happenings a more public name; a zombie infection. Carriers of Titan Syndrome normally tended to spread infection via oral contact or other bodily fluids. Any unprotected skin that had been bitten or infected fluids making its way in open wounds or orifices would begin to transform into mindless homicidal beings, the victim would in essence lose their mind and attack the nearest non-infected. The only tell-tale sign was paler skin; other symptoms such as longer almost claw like nails, considerably sharper teeth and increased muscle mass were unintelligible from long distance.

By June of 2012, the population of the infected had already begun to rival the non-infected. Governments of smaller countries had collapsed and their people in states of anarchy while larger countries struggled to maintain afloat. Cleanup efforts were organized, and worked as best as possible with as low a casualty rate as allowable. Vehicles and airstrikes removed large portions of the quickly spreading infected and military remnants banded together in attempts to quarantine the infected portion of the population.

In the coming months, multiple reports of mutated individuals with bizarre physical deformities that enhanced their normal capabilities of that beyond normal human standards began to arise. It was later discovered that the viruses genome and RNA structure had mutated in some individuals with past harmful disorders and habits such as heavy tobacco users, morbidly obese and those diagnosed with mental issues such as schizophrenia. The virus quickly spread across Europe and pursued what remained of the retreating Allies, the occasional infected managing to slip onto a boat or plane and spread the infection back to the destination of the transport vehicle in remote areas of the world such as Colombia and New Zealand.

Eventually by 2013, one emerged  who saw potential profit in civilizations’ anguish and took advantage of the situation, using supplies he had kept from his position of power and land to grow crops. Edward E. Sonbon, former Governor of Michigan, as well as a wealthy and heavy financial supporter of the Allies used his hoarded resources of food and supplies to reunite stranded bands of survivors, preferably the armed ones, and formed what later became known as Sanctuary.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2013, 06:40:48 PM by Sexy Frog »

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Re: Epidemic Role Play
« Reply #27 on: April 12, 2013, 07:21:29 PM »
This seems like it would be a cool idea and open up lots of new roleplay. BUT the problem at the moment is that I feel we don't have a large enough Serious Roleplay population in Catalyst Gaming to fully give the right experience of the game (All 4 factions active). Even though we may not have the population for it, I really think this would be a cool idea and the setting of the epidemic would provide hours of dramatic and emotional / survival roleplay.
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Offline Sexy Frog

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Re: Epidemic Role Play
« Reply #28 on: April 12, 2013, 07:25:19 PM »
This seems like it would be a cool idea and open up lots of new roleplay. BUT the problem at the moment is that I feel we don't have a large enough Serious Roleplay population in Catalyst Gaming to fully give the right experience of the game (All 4 factions active). Even though we may not have the population for it, I really think this would be a cool idea and the setting of the epidemic would provide hours of dramatic and emotional / survival roleplay.

The point isn't that we don't have the population for it (which we do if we make it like a 20 or 30 slot server or so and people are active on it) but its the fact that we WILL get the population FROM it, is what I'm trying to say.

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Re: Epidemic Role Play
« Reply #29 on: April 12, 2013, 08:07:20 PM »
Its a great backstory for a base but there would be a number of things I would change in order to make it to the utmost realism as well as provide an excellent base for survival rp. But there wouldnt be much. Im sure a series of meetigs, polls, and discussions with the community will ensure we have the best story for this rp.


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