Author Topic: Things that piss you off (IRL)  (Read 70948 times)

Offline Bromine

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Things that piss you off (IRL)
« on: August 03, 2011, 05:22:03 PM »
Basically, vent shit that you get all pissed about or such.
For me?

Fuck those on YouTube who make one successful (Doesnt mean good) video and blow it up to T-shirts, merchant, widespread use, mass advertising, and excessive undeserved publicity. (See: Nyan)

Offline LoNeDeStRoYeR

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Re: Things that piss you off (IRL)
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2011, 06:29:39 PM »
All the douchebags at my school

The fact that my family hates me and cares more about material things than emotional things, to the point where my dad yells at me EVERY day for no reason and makes my life more of a living hell than it already is
My dropbox gallery:
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you�re a mile away and you have their shoes.

Offline Katsu

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Re: Things that piss you off (IRL)
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2011, 01:11:56 AM »
Black People.

I mean those rude ones.

Cause they are rude.

Re: Things that piss you off (IRL)
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2011, 01:41:56 AM »
This is just getting annoying my messages aint coming through, anyways.

I can't complain since my life is good compared to Lone' .
And to be honest, I'm quite happy. Nothin' is wrong.

Edit: My messages aint coming through, they spazzz out or an admin removes them. That pisses me off.

Offline SaoulZod

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Re: Things that piss you off (IRL)
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2011, 06:12:01 AM »
Oh damn... okay.

1. Racists - What the hell is the point of hating one entire group of people? You can try to wipe them out, but look at Hitler, look how well that turned out. It's not worth hating an entire group of people because you just happen to not like them. Suck it up and deal with it.

2. Snobs - You think you're better than the rest of the world for your upbringing, a future in alcoholism and death that is slow and lonely, what a wonder that you've managed to make it this far in life.

3. Republican/Democrat Arguments - This "he said that she said" bullshit ain't helping anyone.

4. Crappy Music - The kind of shit that passes for music these days is frankly appalling, what the hell has happened to the world that's forced this kind of response from the general public? Am I really that old, or has things REALLY gone down hill?

5. Boy Bands - Your time is over, stop fucking up my radio. (Not so much anymore)

6. Rappers - What the hell would you know? You live in a 20+ Room house. Go live back in the projects you 'spit' about and stop making me want to carve out my brain with your shitty rhymes. (It's not even rhyming anymore!)

7. Kids these days - Pull up your fucking pants. It's a waistband you unhappy mongrel. I don't need to see your underwear every fucking day, keep your pants up or I'll fix the problem with a well placed staple.

8. Wiggers - Does this one even need explanation? You're not black, they don't want to be your 'homie' now pull up your fucking pants.

9. "The Man" - Quit bleeding me dry, fuckers!

10. Sissies - Seriously? The state of the world at the moment, we have enough problems. Man up, your issues are no worse than those others are facing, now clean up your tears and move on. No one cares that your parents took away your cellphone for too much texting and the world just isn't the same without you updating your twitter ever 5 minutes.


12. Global Warming - Fuck you.

13. Al Gore - I hate your face, don't be making me think the world is burning. Stop screwing with people's heads. If anything the world has actually COOLED DOWN since we were here.

14. Big Business - I am not going to pay taxes for you to dick around. Set your shit straight.

15. China - Ni hao. Since the government sold us all to you, I'd figure I'll greet you nicely.


17. Lack of Corporal Punishment in youth's life - A lot of the problems with the kids these days can be solved quickly and calmly with a firm smack to the back of the head. Start early so your kid doesn't kill me when I'm 80.

18. Teachers - Yes, I know I'm not living to my potential, but frankly, would you in my situation? It's hard enough being a kid, stop trying to force me to grow up.

19. "Metal" bands with names that have something violent in their name - Be more original. Make up a new type of music that hasn't been redone over and over for the past 30 fucking years. And suck a fat one while you're at it, I'm tired of listening to it.

20. Radio - Move up in the world, go to Internet Radio. It's more stable and a lot easier to use. We need jobs for all the kids that weren't taught discipline when they were younger. Just make huge buttons that have pictures on them. They're stupid enough.

21. Disney - Quit selling porn to these kids! What the hell is wrong with you?! Walt would kill you all and be spinning in his grave if he knew what you were doing to his life's work. You're a bunch of pedophiles and I hope you burn to death... well, on second thought, he started it...

22. The ESRB - Quit censoring my videogames! It's the parent's job to decide what their kids are exposed to, not you. Quit taking the rights from the parents and forcing things your way. This is not Communist America (Yet) and we're not going to stand for it.

23. Hackers - Fucking with my games is never a good idea, fucking with my computer is even worse. You're not untraceable, you will be found.

24. Prolife-Prochoice - I don't even want to start this argument, but here goes. I am personally Pro-choice, as a Male, it's not exactly my malfunction to react to such a situation. However, if someone is willing to give their input in a calm, situated manner, I will gladly listen.

25. Jehovah's Witnesses - Next time you fuckers wake me up, there's going to be a problem. Here's a hint, the cops will be involved and me going to jail. Quit your shit.

26. Tiger Woods - What the hell man!? You've got a hot ass wife, and you bang an ugly cocktail waitress? That's just degrading, for the entire gender, man. You lose man-points.

27. Silence - It kills me to think that nothing's going on. Shit needs to be louder and more frequent for me to function appropriately.

28. Titanic - Fuck dat Rose chick, she could have moved over.

29. The Sixth Sense - Holy fuck! He's dead?! That's just not cool, man, not cool.

30. Crappy Remakes - Stop remaking the good movies! They suck when you do. Dawn of the Dead remake sucked ass.

31. Pluto - Either be a planet or don't. You can't be a dwarf planet, that's cheating! Quit it. You don't even have a center of rotation! You rotate a point between you and your moon.

32. Minges - Dick around in Singleplayer, not here. You're not cute or funny. Your mother may think so, but she likes your father also.

33. Stephen King's "Insomnia" - Good book, shitty ending. Rewrite it! Your other books were amazing, but really? Fate's not supposed to be that creepy. I hope you're satisfied with making me displeased.

34. Tiger Wood's Wife - Really?  All that money and you're still gonna bitch? I hate your face.

35. Bio-technicians - Good job, assholes. You've created super salmon! Now they're gonna kill us all. I hope you're proud. Because I sure as shit am. This is amazing! Now I can buy a harpoon gun and actually need it in the desert.

36. Air Hockey - Why are you so frustrating?! I should kick you in the face, if you have a face... It would be hilarious if I could.

37. Monica Lewinsky - Really? It's been 10+ Years! Stop it! We all know you blew him, now suck it up (because you did) and shut up.

38. FailRPers - I wish people would stop getting so mad at you. It's hard learning a new game... But those that aren't here to learn can die.

you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Thanks, Chunkey.

Offline Fishy

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Re: Things that piss you off (IRL)
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2011, 07:06:04 AM »
Saoul, I think a list of stuff that DOESN'T piss you off would be easier on the rest of us.

Re: Things that piss you off (IRL)
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2011, 07:20:28 AM »
Saoul, I think a list of stuff that DOESN'T piss you off would be easier on the rest of us.
Nerd laugh inbound..

Anyways why is 16 empty?

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Re: Things that piss you off (IRL)
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2011, 07:48:29 AM »
Facebook whores who use multiple letters at the end of every word like thiiiissssssssss and people who reverse their smiley faces (;
Please don't PM me regarding bans or anything having to do with in-game situations. Only PM me if you've been told I am the only one who can solve your issue.

Offline SaoulZod

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Re: Things that piss you off (IRL)
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2011, 08:13:57 AM »
Saoul, I think a list of stuff that DOESN'T piss you off would be easier on the rest of us.
Nerd laugh inbound..

Anyways why is 16 empty?

Ah... Yeah... That list isn't a long list, Fishy.

Eh, 16 is empty before I forgot what I was going to put there.

you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Thanks, Chunkey.

Offline deXterous | KaB00M!

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Re: Things that piss you off (IRL)
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2011, 09:50:02 AM »
and people who reverse their smiley faces (;

Shit, I better stop doing that from now on  8)

Offline Bromine

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Re: Things that piss you off (IRL)
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2011, 09:52:44 AM »
Oh sweet Jesus black people ( No racism meant ) type like absolute SHIT on th Internet unless you're in B's case where you don't need to call all of your friends "NIGGA" and don't go slapping people's shit.

Offline Yimmy The Cat

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Re: Things that piss you off (IRL)
« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2011, 10:09:34 AM »
2.people who like to argue, but wont listen to your side
3.People who are on facebook every second, and then complain because you are NEVER[/u] on it.
4.people who think it is ok to let there kids run rampet and scream in public places.
5.People that drive infront of you, then slow down
6.people who think there "all that"
7. presidantes who make dumb promasis
What starts off as a joke soon becomes a gamemode.

I envy you :'(  Did you furiously pull your cock off until your penis shot pure childrens tears?

Offline Bromine

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Re: Things that piss you off (IRL)
« Reply #12 on: August 04, 2011, 10:12:41 AM »
I hate it when people can't spell a single sentence right without misspelling something obvious.

Offline JF

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Re: Things that piss you off (IRL)
« Reply #13 on: August 04, 2011, 10:20:28 AM »
Facebook whores who use multiple letters at the end of every word like thiiiissssssssss and people who reverse their smiley faces (;
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Offline Bromine

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Re: Things that piss you off (IRL)
« Reply #14 on: August 04, 2011, 10:31:33 AM »
Facebook whores who use multiple letters at the end of every word like thiiiissssssssss and people who reverse their smiley faces (;
Becuuuuuuuuussss it Keres meeee expresses myseeellfffff u creeper bAk off !!!!! !!!


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