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Messages - Journeyman H. [UK]

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The fact is, old games were a shining example of how it can be entertaining.
Because how you "complete" your game, is based on how you are satisfied with it.

New FPS games such as CoD follow this mundane, boring pattern, CoD consisted of
Go to A. Go through a corridor. Cutscene. Go to B. Go to C. Cutscene. Go through corridor. Cutscene. End mission.

Older FPS games (Quake, Doom, etc)
Complete the level how you want to do it.
Rocket jump over barriers if you had enough health.
Bunny hop your way to victory.
Find all the secrets first before going to next level.
Accumulate as much kills and item pick ups as you can.
Use any types of weapon you want.
Do it as fast as you can.

That was gaming. You were the boss of the game, not some game that attempts at being realistic but fails miserably at being realistic or even delivering the slightest bit of entertainment that you paid for.
Older games consisted of;
Finding as much secrets as you can.
Racking up as much points/kills as much as you can.
Doing it as fast as you can.
Collecting the best items that the level has given you.
Make your own challenge (The old doom speed runs consisting of not using your gun, at all.)

To top it off, people who make maps for the old games, actually spent their time in making it fan-fucking-tastic and entertaining.

Click to see the original size.
Click to see the original size.

1 big reason why it can't be taxed.

Weed destroys companies, seeing as companies can't make money from hemp based; Oil, clothing, medical, and so forth.
If weed was legalised, it would harm companies, and if the companies profits suffer a massive downfall due to it, then the government cannot be able to make as much money from taxing. Which leads to the second point.

The thing is, if weed was allowed to be used to make a variety of things and you had weed farms, you can't make a profit from it. Simply because weed can be made into abundance, which is an opposite of scarcity.
Oh by the way, seeing as the reason why weed is expensive, it is simply because it is illegal to grow and sell weed, therefore growing large patches would be very difficult, and also drug dealers need the money, seeing as it's hard to sell it in the first place.

Now, I can't seem to find proof whether weed is easier to grow and if weed grows more than what tobacco does, but that'll be left to the expert growers to answer that. Maybe I'll ask my friends for the sake of knowing.

I had a picture that does describe most of the reasons well.

Click to see the original size.

I hope that post satisfies most of the answers why it's illegal.

Games WERE made for the enjoyment and gameplay of the players.

Now? Games are made for money.
Why else would there be a 106821068th call of duty, fifa and all that milky milky bullshit AGAIN?

^ Quoted for truth.

An example would be Minecraft, for instance. Why? It opens up creativity.
Games like CoD just repeat the same shit, over, and over, and over again. CoD can't have a stable gaming community simply because of it's lack of diversity for modding.
Minecraft does not have any official modding system that allows players to download mods from other servers... yet. But they still have a massive modding community in less than 2 years, imagine how big the modding community would become when the official Minecraft client allows itself to download mods! We lack in games that openly allow creativity.

To be honest, I don't pirate games if they are not worth buying, because it would not be worth my energy to even do it. I usually do a quick look on YouTube, read up on opinions and reviews both video game journalist and player reviews before making my decision.
I might pirate games if they are the sort of old games that are impossible to get (MS-DOS games, which are usually abandon-ware)

But most of the time, people pirate games because they don't trust the gaming industry, so they pirate it to try out the game (They should make demos.), and they should make games fun, open to modding, and well made games. Not shitty copy paste games (Lol, CoD), or games that have literally been shat out (Mass Effect 3).

But I openly support piracy for reasons such as;
1. To try out software before buying.
2. Protesting against the game industry. (Not an ideal method, but still.)
3. Abandon-ware, if the game is so old, difficult to get, or simply no one inherited the rights to own it.

Whilst Somone77 is flaming people. He did make a point. Don't just read the headlines.
It's used as a way to make people feel shocked and angry over it, the media always uses that tactic, confuse people and make them feel outraged.
Technically it has legalised child pornography, but only due to a loophole in the law that needs to be updated.

I find it amazing that we have laws such as this has loopholes. We really need to create a new language because of how you can interpret the language of each law based on the lawyers view.

It's funny how people start firing down on weed because it has recreational uses.

Weed is harmless, however like all drugs, they may do damage, but there is no solid proof of it doing harmful damage.

Like anything that is recreational, it's absolutely stupid to do drugs / drink (over the limit) alcohol before operating machinery such as vehicles.
But the thing is, if we take a step back, and look at the bigger picture, that's not the reason to make weed illegal, if it were, you might as well ban things such as alcohol entirely.

Weed has proven to be far better at many things. Medical use being one of them.
Weed can be used to make oils, clothing, insulation material and more, for a very, very low price. However it's been banned for the main reason of "Being dangerous", even though in reality it is banned because the government can't tax it, and companies would be easily undercut due to the abundance of weed, therefore being cheap.

Don't just assume that because the government made something illegal is because "It's a dangerous drug", to me, that's a load of crap.

Johanan, I hope you're not using economy in "a lazy way".

I'll assume you're talking about America being the richest still?
Just an FYI, it's irrelevant how "Rich" a country is, if the people are in economic depression, then obviously that means they can't be able to look after their people, which ultimately means that they are too poor.

Don't forget that America has the most private companies, therefore it would obviously mean that there is a financial advantage by basing itself in America. But that's literally about it.

"If the United States collapsed the whole world would be affected.". No, it wouldn't. The result would literally be rich companies would base themselves in countries that are financially better off... and you'd still have to pay the debt.
Infact, any country collapsing won't countries with their own independent economy (United Kingdom, for one, seeing as they use the pound sterling, the EU don't control UK banks) would be aggravated but business will still carry on as usual.

In fact, the U.S. debt per person is nearly 38k (According to the economist. See link)

I could just literally say "The system we use is unsustainable, instead of the balance of boom and bust we used to have, we're eventually getting a 'boom, bust-bust, boom.', which can also mean a double dip recession"

I played Brutal DOOM on skulltag, was epic. Especially with the berserk mode, you smashed everything in it's path.
That's why DOOM is still an amazing game, simply because you still have a handful of modders around and people STILL play DOOM, even after 18+ years of it being around.

It's going to be a global collapse. All the countries around the world borrowed money from each other, their debt stays there, the United Kingdom is suffering double dip recessions, so rather than a balanced boom and bust cycle, you get a small boom and a massive bust cycle. Therefore reaching to inevitable debt rise.

Juggernaut, I do sincerely doubt Texas being least affected, because a lot of the taxes you pay for in the US is to repay the debt that the US government got themselves into, and even if the US collapsed, you'd still have to pay off the debt, is impossible from my point of view  regardless if Texas went "Independent", also I doubt Texas has much resources to back up their worth if they decided to form their own currency. So splitting away would just make you financially poorer than before.

The main reason is the constant borrowing of money from other countries and their own banks has made their debt become unpayable, note that ontop of that you have advanced technology that lays off people from working due to technology being far more superior than human workers.

But yeah, you guys might as well demand a new system. We're using this free market system. This philosophy that we use is over 200 years old now. Clearly unsustainable and filled with permanent debt that rises.
Just like Albert Einstein said; "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

General Discussion / Re: Asteroid Mining
« on: May 12, 2012, 08:23:24 PM »
Asteroid mining has been suggested for a long time now, interesting to see that we're taking careful steps into a new infancy of trade, grabbing resources from the outside and bringing it back (Just like the Europeans discovering the Americas harvesting resources such as hides, furs, metals, exotic animals back to the European countries to sell).

Whilst this is all great news and so on, but the problem is, is that we are harvesting more than what use we are making of it.
Best not to get your hopes up about asteroid mining "fixing" the economy. Regardless how rare the ores are, as it would be hoarded by (usually) a private company.
Even if more jobs are made. Even though you'd have atleast 10-50 astronauts being employed, most of it would be computerised and done by machines.

In order to effectively to return the ores, as they will obviously be heavy, you'd need either of the 3 things;
1) Return the ores through small containers to give a constant supply of the materials returning to Earth.
2) Landing being assisted by other air vehicles, so if the bulk of resources is returning, you'd have air vehicles to assist it to land safely.
3) Space elevators. Space elevators can be very effective both for going in and out of space, however the amount of resources needed to construct one would be enormous, and the project would take years to successfully complete it.

A way to (repeatedly) launch into space, you'd need to use maglev launching systems.
It would launch small cargo ships to return to the mining site to take the cargo load and return to earth.

Social Discussion / Re: Are you truly safe and free from fear?
« on: April 09, 2012, 09:25:59 AM »

You legitimately believe that I rely on 1 source of media, or media that is somehow "Anti-american" or "Anti-western" media. I am pretty sure that I mentioned (Constantly now) that I look at all forms of media, and I am far more interested in the contents of the video and not who made it.

Also, name dropping or labelling individuals / groups by someone who is considered a "Politician" or "Expert" of related fields that are discussing issues within the media does not make me believe that they are very honest or dealing with the problems, but like to name drop just so they get public support. That is not credible news or information.

Social Discussion / Re: Are you truly safe and free from fear?
« on: April 06, 2012, 02:24:26 PM »
The problem is that people too obsessed that because it's either RT or from collective conciousness groups (i.e. Anonymous), too interested in it looking like an "anti-" group, I am far more interested in the content than who made it.

Also, what you need to also understand, is that there are a lot groups who claim to be anonymous.
Currently the hot topic that a lot of the anon groups are interested in is the current system and how it's failing, and they're wanting people to rethink how the system goes and understand it's failures, I doubt they became anti-capitalist about it because they felt like it, because what we're talking about is a group of thousands of people from each part of the world, contributing their point of view and they all have 1 thing in common and that's the understanding of the system and how it's failing.

Now I could say the mainstream media is false, because it simply distracts people, exaggerates their story and filters out vital information that we need to know, this leaves people being dumbfounded and would ignore about it.
A lot of the news I see is always about celebrities, sports, and our constant "We have an economic growth/fall!" bullshit.

Rarely do I see news relating to things such as protests, and if they are, all it results in, is people making poor, uneducated opinions and resort to mislabelling the people involved.

Once again, I view both mainstream and independent media, and I find that the mainstream media pours out a lot of filtered garbage, rarely do I find any good ones (Russia Today is alright, not that good, but still much better than the ones I watch on TV or see in the news papers.)

But then again, I don't call any media false. Seeing as I would rather look at things at both angles and the content inside it, I am not interested, in the slightest on who made it. If it gives valued information, then they get my interest. I always make sure I look at the content and not the brand.

Social Discussion / Re: Are you truly safe and free from fear?
« on: April 05, 2012, 06:12:06 PM »
Do you ever wonder why the conflict happens in the middle east? People from the middle east don't just decide to be terrorists. No. Terrorism was at it's height because our government decided to be imperialistic decided to tell them what to do and how to live. Whilst we know that isn't the case, it's all about the oil. If we really went after dictators and evil people, then I wonder how people like Mugabe is still allowed to run the country.

Can you prove to me how the sources I prevent are 'faulty'? I'd want you to give me the real reason why they are not valid as well. Don't go "Because I don't see it on television". I find that independent media sources are far more reliable than mainstream, however I never say that the mainstream media is not valid, but we both definitely know that the mainstream media filters out information that we should know.

Your last sentence just made me go "Lol what are you on about?"
The police are just as liable of causing violence, it's already proven since they show an aggressive posture (Holding weapons, holding shields and batons), that shows signs of aggression.
Not once have I heard in both mainstream media or independent media say that protesters used weapons. Not once did I hear.
SURE, I heard protesters becoming violent, but it obviously proves that the protesters did not cause violence from the start, as they have no weapons therefore they shown no tendency to be violent in the first place.

Also, no media is false. There is always the truth. Especially when there's pictures and videos involved.

Social Discussion / Re: Are you truly safe and free from fear?
« on: April 01, 2012, 09:05:37 AM »
This video is simply excellent, this does describe how our world runs.
The thing is though the thread is asking if people are living in fear, asking yourself and the people around you.
However psychopaths (aiming mainly towards people who use manipulation) exists simply because of how the system is made, the system that is running right now allows psychopaths to exist and find ways to confuse, scare, or justify their actions using lies and manipulation and so forth, I should use the term what's said in the video "Cerebral Psychopaths". I can't go far too much into detail though.

People in fear, I mean people who speak out against the way the system works.

So, people who supports their country and/or the system won't need to fear much, apart from the fear they implement to them, for instance, when the media speaks of a "terrorist bombing", they would normally assume it's an "Islamic terrorist" or someone from Al-Qaeda,
Or if people think of countries like China, they'll go "It's a communist country, they don't get any freedom or democracy, our system promotes freedom of speech and allows us to vote", so if anyone mentions that communism could be a way to improve society, it would be shot down, because people would fear any potential tyranny, such as Stalin or Mao.

But people who do speak out, would be in fear of social rejection, and could face abuse or unfair labelling. For instance, the media and well known members of the public label the occupy protesters "Teenage college drop out students", "Hippies", "Communists", or whatever powerful words they can do to unfairly label the individuals.
Normally when the label is made on the protesters, the people who support their country would blindly support the government and would say that it is justifiable to get armed police to fire upon the people who are protesting (Or an unlucky bystander).

I avoid comparing one country, to the other just to say that our system is good, because I do feel that there are far, far better ways of improving it, but the system that is used allows tyrants to use lies and manipulation to control people and make them fear each other.

I hate typing out such a long message to pinpoint exactly what I am trying to say, but yeah, takes a while to condense it down into a readable size.

Social Discussion / Re: Are you truly safe and free from fear?
« on: March 31, 2012, 05:16:54 PM »
I'd like it if you find a quote of me saying that. I'd like to reword it so it does not seem like I am directly going after 1 group. Since it's not my purpose, if it was, I wouldn't even bother posting here. Since I would most likely be forum banned for being a troll.

Also, there is no such thing as perfecting. It's as only good as you can get it. However we can do a far lot more in solving the problems we face today.
Also, we can help other countries, but the system we have disallows that help to happen (The money thread I mentioned, should mention that the use of technology can solve most of our problems such as poverty.).
But we can definitely solve our issues outside our country if we sort out ours, and many countries will follow through. However using war as a means to solve our differences is primitive to say the least, wars are a result from pointing fingers at one another or scarcity.
The fact is, we live in fear, but the thing is, we compare ourselves to the other countries, so we claim our government is "Ok" simply because we compare it to less developed countries, that's why we don't think further into it.
Fear is given to us through many forms, such as claiming countries harbour 'terrorists', or 'ruled by dictators and tyrants', it puts us into fear for other countries.
Now I can't go into details too much, since that does derail the point of the thread; Are we living in fear?

If we live in fear, then prejudice and hatred will manifest.

Just a note to you, I don't just look at videos made by Anonymous and the NPR, I usually read and sometimes watch the mainstream media, which I've stated before, so it's not very nice making claims like that.
I don't see why you need to quote from Wikipedia, as I am already aware that these crimes happened, but it is somewhat irrelevant because I am talking about our country we live in. (Europe, definitely had it's bad shares, too! But their policing is usually more professional, but incidents still occur none the less.)

But this still means that our method of controlling people using non lethal weapons is still inhumane and can be considered as torture, seeing as the pain does last a long time.
We should not use weaponry that does cause so much harm. Those "non-lethal" weaponry can still kill you. If it does not, you'd be in hospital with a broken bone in your body, and you'd be under extreme agony.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Having your skull fractured by a non-lethal weaponry is immensely painful and can potentially kill you.
Any weapon used to incapacitate people or to "control" the protesters does nothing. It causes immense amount of pain, probably more than what a bullet does. Some cases non-lethal weaponry is useful, but using it in situations such as protests do nothing but increase violence and aggravation.

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