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Topics - Doctor Nice roButt

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Media / Nightmare Fuel Manga - SHINGEKI NO KYOJIN
« on: April 15, 2013, 11:51:03 PM »

Now that you have been greeted with that creepiness, I'd like to recommend to you a manga called Shingeki no Kyojin, or Attack on Titans. It's an action/horror manga that's set in a world where what's left of humanity has to live within a walled empire. The reason everyone is super dead is because these giant murder beasts called titans ate them all up. Anyway, I think it's a really good manga if you're looking for something different and unique. Plus it's super creepy. To prove its creepiness, here is more pictures of titans.

A warning, though; it can get really gory and gruesome and depicts a LOT of terrible deaths. So if you're not into that sorta stuff, I wouldn't read it. You can find the series pretty easily with google. I use mangahere to read it. It's also not completed, so you'll have to wait for new chapters once you catch up.

Thought, opinions, maybe some of you have already read this?

Creations / Jonco and Toxic - We are the Combine (Young by .fun)
« on: April 06, 2013, 01:15:10 AM »
Give me a second
I need to get my story straight
My units are patrolling
Beating citizens to outer space
My lover she's waiting for me
Just across the underground bar
I'm seats been taken by a vortiguant
Asking about his friends
I know I killed them all months ago
I know you're trying to forget
But between the amputations
And the re-educations
I know I'm trying to take it back

So if by the time
The underground bar is raided
And you feel like falling down
I'll carry you to the nexus

We are the Combine
So we can take the world in seven hours
We have all the power
In the world

Post Auto-Merged: April 06, 2013, 01:18:53 AM

Thrift Shop
I'm gunna amputate
Only got twenty tokens in my pocket

Somebody I Used to Know
Now you're just some unit that I used to know

I knew you were Zealot when you walked in

Creations / Random Animation Loops
« on: April 05, 2013, 09:33:38 PM »

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / High Command RP Ramble
« on: March 28, 2013, 04:42:31 PM »
Just something I want to bring up or make known or w/e. My opinion with how we treat High Command and how we restrict them, which I was discussing with Jonco. I haven't typed up a formal post because I felt like what I said then summed it up.
Beware, there is walls of text.

Toxic Zombie: I understand the whole brainwash rp and you don't want a bunch of rogue units running around, but when it gets to the point where a character is not allowed its own opinion or emotions, the player starts to get bored. Airborne, and even sexy frog, has told me many times on how high command rp is boring. One of the reasons, I think, is that we leave no room for character development. Sure, high ranking characters don't get as much development as, say, a recruit, but there is still room for new and interesting rp that can add to a character. By taking away any room for change or new things, we make rp for those players very boring and stale. No one wants to play a character that stands around all day, orders units, and isn't allowed to think. If we want emotionless yes men to run the CCA, just get an OTA to do it. Both sexy and airborne have shared there dislike of being high command, saying that its getting boring and there's nothing to do. Then airborne goes out and tries to make a new and interesting rp that could add to both of our characters and he's shot down immediately. After the rp, he expressed his excitement and how he wanted to get on more often to do rp, but, now that its being voided, he says he's going to take a break from hl2rp because, like I mentioned earlier, it's incredibly boring to be high command. The whole point of rping is to have fun and make characters and grow them, but we are stifling that when any act of uniqueness is scrutinized and shot down. Yeah, maybe airborne should have checked with kronic to see if it was okay for his character to do that, but it is really disheartening when you have to get every little thing authed in order to do it. Responsible rpers shouldn't be punished for trying to spice it up. I'm not sure if this will change anything, I guess it's all up to what airborne says his characters reasons are and your decisions, but I can only hope that maybe this brings something to light.
Toxic Zombie: Sorry for wall, but yeah
Jonco: S0 is basically ota
Jonco: let me point that out
Toxic Zombie: If s0 is like OTA, why don't s0 characters act like OTA? Sexy frogs unit is s0 and acts nothing like an OTA, plus she never got auths for it
Jonco: Well, that's a different story
Jonco: Sexy Frogs unit never went through augmentation surgery
Toxic Zombie: But she was brainwashed by 158 and after the city 45 event, she had to get augmented by force. If you want s0 to be OTA, why not force all s0 to get brainwashed so the only emotion they have is fear. Or, go even further and just have OTA running the CCA. In my eyes, the reason combine don't use a robot police force is because they need people with emotions to relate to civilians and such. I'm sure they cold have a bunch of robots running around and doing their chores if they wanted, but they don't. And it's logical to want a higher ranking unit to be more loyal and less likely to defect or do things against the union, but they need to have humanity as the people below them also have theirs. OTA don't need humanity because they aren't dealing with civilians on a personal and daily basis. They aren't trying to teach them the law and keep them in line, they're there to hunt a kill. S0 are suppose to be leaders, not robots. If our canon makes them more OTA then unit, maybe we should look over it and perhaps discuss changing it

tl;dr version: We are restricting High Command's rp way too much to the point where its boring to rp as one. We need to give a bit of slack on their leashes. They are High command for a reason; we should trust their RP skill and let them have a bit of lee-way so everyone can enjoy rp. I guess.

Opinions, comments, w/e
Feel free to post.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Character Deaths and Taking a Break
« on: March 10, 2013, 11:34:56 PM »
Just a warning, this post is long. If you don't feel like reading it all, you can skip to the second to last paragraph or just ignore it.

I created Vincent as a joke character. All my friends were begging me to go on Outlands, which I had no interest in doing. I eventually caved in and made Vincent Kay, some pretty boy character that had no reason in being in the Outland. When I met my first person, all of a sudden my brain told me "lets be a huge dick to this person." So, seeing how I wasn't taking OL seriously anyway, I made Vincent be a huge dick. To them, and to others, and to anyone else he met. Ten minutes in he already had enough guns pointed at him and death threats to be considered a dead man. Nobody liked him
I laughed, it was funny. I told myself he was going to die. Soon, most likely. And time passed and I kept saying that I was surprised he lasted ten minutes in the first place.
And he kept living.
And I kept saying he was going to die.

As I started to play with him, I grew attached to him. He could vent out any rage or feelings or sarcasm I had. And he stated meeting people and forming the starts of either good or bad relationships. So I started developing him.
And he kept living.
And I kept saying he was going to die.

Out of nowhere, Vincent became an actual character. I gave him a vague backstory and different sides to his personality and a somewhat legitimate reason for his dickishness. He made friends and enemies and a lover. He got beat up, and I used that to develop him more. He was questioned and broken and threatened, and I used that as well. And with time, he became a unique, three-dimensional character. His backstory wasn't vague anymore, and he had actual relationships with characters. He wasn't like everyone else. He wasn't a gun slinger or a white knight or a dark knight. He was just Vincent. Most everyone saw him as some gay douchebag who couldn't keep his mouth shut. Some tolerated him, some hated him, and some even liked him. If you peeled him apart, he had a reason for everything. He wasn't just being a dick to be a dick, although sometimes he was.But he was still a dick. And people still hated him and threatened him.
And he kept living.
And I said to myself that he was probably going to die.

Vincent was going to die. I told myself that. He was a dick. He had guns pointed at him. He was shot and beaten. His arm was tore off, his leg was tore off. He put himself into situations where he'd probably get himself killed.
And he kept living
And I forgot to tell myself that he was going to die.

And then he died.
And I forgot. I forgot to tell myself that this character was made to die. The only outcome of his story was some sort of premature death. He wasn't a glorious person. He was just a dick that everyone hated. Every moment that I thought he was surely going to die, in the back of my head a small voice said that he could still survive. And he did. He kept surviving for no reason. And that voice was louder than the voice that told me he was going to die.
So when he died, it hit me hard.

I'm a sensitive person. I cry at movies. I care for people even if I don't know them. When my fish dies, I get depressed and cry. So when Vincent died, I cried hard. He was dead forever. He shared the same fate as 911. But he was more to me than 911. I loved Cassie deeply, but she was under developed and was going nowhere. I cried for all the time and emotion I put in here, all of the relationships she made.
But Vincent was different. I developed him. He was always changing, always growing. And he was there to cushion me when 911 died. He was a character I could go on to forget about her, just like everyone else forgot about her. And I made Elizabeth to replace 911. But Elizabeth is new and not developed enough because she is so new. So I have had no cushions when Vincent died. He hit me raw and tore me up. Even though it doesn't seem like it, each of my character shares a piece of me, even if it is small. So when they die, I feel that piece tear itself from me. It's still there; it will still heal, but it's like a deep wound in me.

And then I kept telling myself that Vincent wasn't dead forever. I joked that a vortigaunt could revive him. Then others did. Then I started to believe it. Vincent could come back, I could heal that wound again. I didn't have to be sad. And people offered, probably joking, that they would revive him. And I joked with them, but I secretly hoped they would. And then reality kicked in. One of those people told me the hard fact. Vincent wasn't coming back. Even if he did, he'd probably suffer brain damage. Vincent was dead forever.
But people still hanged that carrot in front of me, saying that someone cold revive him. And I started thinking I wouldn't mind if he was a bit broken.
I just wanted him back.

But he's not coming back, he's dead.
He's not a real person; he doesn't exist. Many wont understand why I'm so upset that he's dead, even after reading this. All that time and emotion I put into him is gone. All those memories are now useless. He doesn't exist anymore. Soon, everyone will forget him. He'll just be a though when the name is mentioned. "Oh, I remember him."
Everyone's characters die. Some take it differently. I probably take is worse then I should, but I can't help it. I'll tell self he's just a character. Just some story from a game. It never helps.

I don't want to feel that way again. I know I'll come back. I love creating characters and playing them and developing them and interacting with others. But two character deaths within a month of eachother is too much for me.

So I'm going to take a break. I'm not sure how long it will last. You'll see me around the forums and I'll be on steam, but you won't see me on City or Outlands. I apologize to players that have characters that know or are connected with Elizabeth. I hope you'll understand. But, for now, I'll be keeping away for, the roleplay. I just don't feel like repeating the cycle again and digging up those feelings.

Sorry that the post was so long. I'm sure many of you skipped over it; I don't mind. I just needed to get my feelings out.

"Ask Me Anything" / Ask Zombie Stuff (again)
« on: March 06, 2013, 10:53:44 AM »
So uh.
Ask me things.
I guess.

Accepted Authorizations / Elizabeth Williams\'s Authorization Application
« on: February 27, 2013, 06:17:39 PM »
    Player Section

    Steam Name: Toxic_Zombie
    Age: 17
    How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 5+ Years
    How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: Less than a year

    Character Section

    Work Goggles
    Pair of Work Gloves
    Elbow and Knee Pads
    Tool Box
    • Phillips Head
    • Screwdriver
    • Flathead
    • Screwdriver
    • Hammer
    • Wrench
    • Pliers
    • Utility Knife (Box-Cutter)
    • Half a Box of Nails and Screws
    Blow Torch
    Grappling Gadget (Picture of the schematic)
    Metal Mask

    Name: Elizabeth Williams
    Age: 27
    Gender: Female
    Affiliation: None

    Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
    Elizabeth chucked the wad of paper at the apartment wall, watching it bounce to the floor before turning back to her desk in frustration. The room was littered with balls of crumpled paper and drawings taped to the wall, all of which had some sort of crude drawing of a gadget on sketched across it. After letting out a long sigh, the black-haired girl tapped her pencil on the desk, letting her brain gather her ideas again before sliding a fresh piece of paper in front of her. The pencil revealed another schematic of a gadget, similar to the one plastered across the wall. Each piece of paper she drew on changed the device in some way, but none of them satisfied her. It was either to bulk or to loud or needed a power source. This wasn't like the old days where you could go and just buy the necessary parts and build something; anything that was to be made had to be composed of whatever could be scavenged. Liz couldn't just go out and acquire a DC motor or an air-soft gun. Her device needed to be simple, yet the idea was complex. A grappling gun, just like Batman had. But she couldn't make it like her hero, though, even if she did have the money. Something simple... Maybe a trip to the construction site would give her some new ideas. Besides, she needed to get a few things there if she was even going to work on the machine.

    The construction site hadn't changed since she last visited. There has been a murder here a few days ago, which Elizabeth tried to investigate until a few units came by. She opted to watch the units from afar and check out the scene when they left. All that was left was a coffee thermos. It was her thermos now, although she kept the rag she cleaned the opening of the container with, just in case she ever acquired a high-tech machine that could analyze DNA. Ha, right. One can dream. As she searches around the ground, Elizabeth pulls out a piece of paper with a list of items on it. She shoves it back into her pocket after memorizing it once again. They didn't seem to impossible to find, just unlikely. Stepping over a fallen beam, Liz begins her search for the collection of items, not stopping until she locates each and every one.

    Elizabeth let out a sigh of exhaustion, plopping down on the dusty ground, surrounded by her loot. It had taken quite a few hours, but she found everything she needed, even the blow torch. It was out of gas, but  she could modify a hose to fit onto the nozzle and use an oven to refill it. The toolbox was pretty rusty, but it was mostly cosmetic and probably wouldn't give out soon. Her say was a success, and it felt good to be tired. As she rested on the ground, her eyes happened to land on an oddly shaped object. She got up and walked over to it, realizing what it was as she got closer. It was a lifeline that construction and maintenance workers used to secure themselves when the worked up high. Elizabeth tugged the cord and let it go, watching it whiz back into its container. Suddenly, an idea popped into her head. She didn't need a motor to pull her around on the grappling hook, just a mechanism that was self-retractable. With a few modifications, she could get it to retract back and pull her to the claw of the grappling hook. Clambering over her new things, the excited girl went to go look for more parts to her new idea. She'd gather as much as she could so when she finished her sketches, everything would be in place so she could make it.

    The claw of the grappling hook whizzed through the air, smashing onto the side of the concrete wall before plummeting to the ground with a clang. Elizabeth let out a frustrated grunt, pulling in the cord. The cord wound back up into her crudely modified glove, sending the claw back into her hand. She places the claw back on the cylinder spring gun, pulling the handle back so the spring that launches the claw locks back. Pressing on the trigger mechanism, the spring bounces forward and sends the claw flying through the air once again. This time it hits its mark, hooking onto the edge of the roof she was aiming back. Bracing herself, Elizabeth tugs the cord, feeling the excess cord beginning to curl back into her glove. She is pulled through the air as the cord runs out of extra line, a loud scream coming from her as she whirls towards the concrete wall. Her arm smashes into the wall, Elizabeth dangling far above the ground as she lets out a pained grunt before hoisting herself onto the roof. As she flops down onto her destination, she lets out a giggle. Kinks still needed to be worked out and she had to get used to it, but at least it worked. One step closer to Batman. When she got back to the apartment, Elizabeth began to fashion out a mask with pointy ears out of the scrap metal she had left. One step.

    What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
    Protects eyes from dirt and such
    Obscures face somewhat, making her a little harder to identity

    Pair of Work Gloves
    Protects hands from sharp objects and heat and such
    Increases grip somewhat
    Keeps hands warm
    Eliminates fingerprints

    Elbow and Knee Pads
    Protects elbows and knees from blunt force and scraping and such
    Reduces stress on body when working on hands and knees

    Tool Box
    Easy way to carry tools around
    Tools can be used to make and repair things

    Blow Torch
    Weld things together
    Repair things

    Grappling Device
    Access areas that might have been inaccessible before
    Become more vertically inclined
    Make escapes easier
    Be like Batman

    Metal Mask
    Hide identity
    Protects face somewhat
    Fashioned so googles fit in eyeholes

    Obscures peripheral vision
    Cannot wear out of P3
    Can get dirty or foggy

    Pair of Work Gloves

    Inhibits full range of motion out of fingers
    Does not protect against most weapons
    Cannot wear out of P3 

    Elbow and Knee Pads
    Inhibits full range of motion of knees and elbows
    Cannot wear out of P3

    Tool Box
    Can be stolen and used against her
    Injuries more likely to occur
    Somewhat heavy
    Tools can get lost
    Tools not effective as weapons
    Bulky and annoying to lug around

    Blow Torch
    Requires gas to work
    Could easily burn her
    Increases chance of injury
    Not an effective weapon

    Grappling Glove
    Prone to breaking or malfunctioning
    Injury or death related to falling from heights, smashing into buildings and such
    Causes strain on arm
    Super contraband
    Requires a lot of maintenance and repair
    Can be stolen and used against her

    Metal Mask
    Doesn't defend against any real damage
    Makes it easier to recognize from afar

    What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
    These items, besides the grappling glove, are to help further Elizabeth's ability to create and fix things. She can't really do much without some sort of proper tools, so these would be helpful, to both her and others. In such a dumpy place, things are bond to fall apart, so, with the tools, Liz can assist people by fixing them. She could also allow people to commission her to build certain things they need. I don't intend to use the tools as a weapon, as they are more useful as a tool, but if someone comes at her while she's working, don't be suprised if you get hit by a wrench.

    As for the grappling glove, that's more for her pleasure than anyone else's. It's a means to get around in such a verticle map. Most of the time it's for just having fun and reaching new places to explore, but it can also be used to escape. It's also kinda wacky, which might cause some fun rp like "what's the thing on your arm" and "did the girl just fly up three stories?" Also because Liz loves Batman and wants to make as many as his gadgets as she can.

    Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

    Which server does this apply for?

    Extra Notes (optional):
    If the grappling hook gets authed, I'm not sure how I would oocly access the areas without an admin. I'm thinking I'll need special permission to prop jump, if that's okay. If not, we can work something else. I dunno.

    Post Auto-Merged: February 27, 2013, 06:19:19 PM
    Whoopsie. Can I get permission to modify it? The coding didn't work for some reason.[/list]

    Post Auto-Merged: February 27, 2013, 09:04:32 PM
    Modified to add coding

    Creations / Project Vortigaunt
    « on: February 26, 2013, 03:40:47 PM »
    I'm going to atempt to make a Vortigaunt in my ceramics class. I'll update the thread with new pictures and such as I get things done.

    First off: I got most of the head done. Probably gunna touch it up, add a few details next chance I get.

    Not sure how I'm going to do the teeth because the mouth is so small the teeth will have to be even smaller. It would be pretty hard to attach that small a thing without squishing it down. I might try added extra clay to the inside of the mouth to carve them, I dunno.

    General Discussion / P!NK Concert
    « on: February 25, 2013, 01:04:07 AM »
    So, I just got back from a Pink concert. It was my first concert ever (my mom says Weird Al doesn't count, plus it was at a state fair) and I wasn't sure what to expect. I just wanna write down my experience with it.

    First of, we had super good seats. We were on an aisle on the left side of the stage, a good distance away so that the performance wasn't obscured at all. We also didn't have to walk past anyone and apologize because of the aisle seats.

    Anyway, the intro band was The Hive. I was sure I heard the name before somewhere... They were dressed in top hats and tail coats, which made me instantly like them. Plus they were rock and roll and their backdrop was cool and stuff. So they're being all quirky and fun and sorta funny, and they sing a song and I'm like "I've heard this song before!" It was 'Hate to Say I Told You So.' The only reason I knew the song was because it was in one of Weird Al's polka medleys. So I knew the lyrics and that was fun.

    So, after The Hive, there was an intermission, so I steal my mom's phone and start playing some bubble pop game. After a bit, I notice that its got really bright all of a sudden. I look up, and there's a man in a weird outfit passing by me with a spotlight on him. I look to the screen and yep, he's on it. I felt so bad that I missed him. I always make fun of people who are so engrossed in their cellphones that they miss everything, and I ended up being that person. I watched him do stuff with the other people in the aisle, and he stops by one so a woman can throw popcorn in his mouth. All of a sudden, he smashes his face into a woman's plate while they're distracted and takes a big chunk of pretzel with him and walks back up the aisle in my direction with a giant piece of pretzel hanging from his mouth. Seeing that I have a second chance, I shout out to him and point at his mouth saying "You have something on your face." He then hands me the pretzel, that was in his mouth, and walks off. My mom has a picture of the pretzel (I forced her to, even after protests) and then she made me throw it on the ground.

    He went around and did other stuff and it turns out he was part of the concert and stuff. I searched through a bunch of videos to find a picture of him (there may be better videos with him in it, but I'm on my ipad so the videos are limited). Here he is. Turns out he's Jimmy Slonina, so go look up a picture of him and imagine him in that outfit yeah.

    Anywho, the concert was fun and exciting and Pink was great and acrobatic. Just wanted to share that story.

    Edit: it's 1am here and I'm butt tired, so apologies for bad grammar and stuff.

    Accepted Authorizations / Elizabeth Williams' Authorization Application
    « on: February 21, 2013, 07:05:21 PM »
    Player Section

    Steam Name: Toxic_Zombie
    Age: 17
    How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 5+ Years
    How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: Less than a year

    Character Section

    Mechanical Engineering Technology Bachelor's Degree
    • Extensive knowledge of mechanics, electronics, and generally anything that has to do with machines.
    • Moderate knowledge of computer programming and computers in general.
    • Knowledgable in math and science.
    • Ability to understand how machines work and function.
    • Ability to draw up designs and blueprints for machines.

    Name: Elizabeth Williams
    Age: 27
    Gender: Female
    Affiliation: None

    Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.

    Humble Origins - Child
    Young Elizabeth scooted closer to the tiny television in front of her, bouncing as she sat. She held her favorite toy, a wind-up robot that walked forward when cranked, in her left hand. It didn't have anything to do with the show that was about to start, but she liked to hold it anyway. As she wiggled with excitement, a tall man with dark brown hair, her father, leaned down and reached in front of her, pressing the channel button on the tv until it reached the image of a dark city. Of course Elizabeth was watching Batman, who didn't love that Dark Knight? Her favorite part of the show was all the neat gadgets and vehicles he had. Someday, she would make all those things and show them off to all her friends, and they would envy her. Her father made his way to the recliner, slumping down in it as he watched his daughter become engrossed in the film noir that was Batman.

    Build a Robot - Child
    The door slowly creaked open as small Elizabeth peeked into her father's study. Her father turned his head towards the girl, tearing his attention away from his computer so he could speak with her.
    "What'cha got there, squirt," he asked in a smooth, playful voice. Elizabeth waddled up to the desk he sat at, setting down a piece of paper on it.
    "Ah made another one," she squeaked, looking into her father's eyes with anticipation. The paper held a drawing of an odd looking robot with its inner mechanics showing. They were simplistic, a crude drawing of a battery, a gear, some wires. She was too young to fully grasp how machines truly worked, but she was getting there. Her father pulled his chair closer to the desk, looking over the picture and smiling. They would go on to discuss the design as they did with any of her drawings. He would compliment and critique, and she would explain and learn. Her father wasn't a master of all things robots himself, but he helped to push Elizabeth along in the right direction to the best of his knowledge.

    Rage Against the Machine - Teenager
    Poof. Elizabeth coughed, waving the smoke away from her sooty face. She heard a woman's yell come from outside the garage. In front of her was a worn and rusty looking motorcycle with many of its parts sprawled on the dirty floor. Her mother didn't approve of her daughter owning a motorcycle, they were dangerous and rebellious and loud, but she grudgingly approved of letting her have a broken one. Her father, of course, knew better. Sooner or later, that beaten and greasy bike would be tearing through the street with Elizabeth riding it. As long as Elizabeth didn't make a mess, her mother whined. But, of course, she made the biggest messes and the most noise and injured herself too many times to count, but she would never give up until she could mount her prize and ride off into the sunset. That, or until they all exploded. Elizabeth snickered, hearing her mother scream at her father from inside the house on how this was his fault.

    How to Pass a Class - Young Adult
    Elizabeth balanced a pencil on her nose, nudging the student next to her. The blonde rolled his eyes, nudging her back and whispering.
    "If you keep screwing around, the professor is going to throw papers at you again." Elizabeth leaned forward, the pencil falling onto her notebook. She rolled her eyes at the boy, gripping the pencil and going back to doodling robots on the paper.
    "Rory, if he throws papers at me, I'll just take them and use them as my class notes," Elizabeth said between a smile. "Besides, Dynamics is easy."
    Rory smacked her lightly, going back to writing his own notes.
    "If it's so easy, why don't you have an A?"
    They continued to banter quietly among themselves throughout the lesson, as they normally did. Despite her carefree attitude, Elizabeth did like her college classes and paid attention during them whenever she wasn't talking with her best friend. Her favorite time during college were the labs, where she got hands on experience with the concepts she was being taught. She wasn't the best student, as she dreaded siting in a class full of people not unlike herself and listening to some old coot talk about Calculus, but she absorbed the knowledge.  It was important in her grand scheme of robots and world domination, she'd tease Rory. How is she suppose to build a killer mech if she didn't know how certain fluids affected motion and such. It was all part of the plan, long lessons and all.

    Grease and Metal - Young Adult
    Rory rubbed the stubble that consumed his chin as he watched Elizabeth emerge from the other side of his motorcycle. She was covered in grease and was holding what used to be a piece of his precious bike. The blonde let out a groan, the noise mixing in with the buzzing and grunting that filled the repair shop. Elizabeth handed the dirty part to Rory, smiling.
    "You need a new one of these, it's kinda broken and costs money," she remarked. Rory frowned, looking down at his bike in sadness, then back to his friend.
    "How does a girl with a big degree like yours end up in some crappy auto repair shop," he inquired, tossing the part back to Elizabeth before wiping his hands on his ratty jeans. The girl shrugged, going back to examining the machine in front of her. Her voice rang out from the front of the bike.
    "How does a girl like myself get a diploma when her best friend can't even last two years in college?" Her opposite sneered playfully.
    "When will my baby be fixed?"
    "Give me a week or so, you know the drill."
    Rory left the establishment, letting Elizabeth work her magic.

    What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
    • Ability to fix (or attempt to fix) objects and machines.
    • Isn't totally oblivious to the mechanical world around her.
    • Can try and recreate or modify certain objects and machines.
    • Can try and create her own objects and machines.
    [See authorization for other perks that were already listed.]

    • Most likely injure self working on machines or testing them out.
    • Doesn't know anything about Combine technology.
    • Needs tools and materials, both of which are very scarce, to actually work on things.
    • Machines made or fixed could count as contraband.
    • More likely to get in trouble due to messing with equipment and machines around her.

    What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
    Elizabeth likes to tinker with things and create her own abominations, so having the auth gives her a bit of credibility. I myself hope to add a bit of uniqueness to the city with Elizabeth. There aren't a lot of machine nerds in the city (not counting Logistics). This also lets me expand my horizons with a character, as Elizabeth isn't stuck being some grease jock with nothing to do. The auth also takes advantage of the new map, which has a more industrial feel. I can also take advantage of TT since she's obviously going to make a mess building and fixing things.

    Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

    Which server does this apply for?
    City (Outlands if she ever moves between the two)

    Extra Notes (optional):
    Anything she makes or fixes will go through auths to be approved. She isn't going to be building pew pew guns, so no need to worry about another gunslinger or whatever.

    Also, I hate writing essays, so apologies that the backstory is in a weird sort of format. I prefer to write stories rather than write down information. If you think it's too confusing or prefer something else, I can always write it as a straight biography (although I'd prefer not to).

    Creations / Toxic Art Dump
    « on: February 16, 2013, 11:56:13 PM »
    After a million years, I've finally drawn some CG related stuff (besides my spam thread). So I'm gunna dump it all on you and maybe take a few more dumps.

    Also, new character design yay.

    Half-Life 2 Roleplay / On the Map Change Event
    « on: February 16, 2013, 09:06:51 PM »
    Boy, that was fun, wasn't it! Action packed and everything. I hope everyone had fun, because I did. I've never been a part of an event this big and so actiony. I was really immersed throughout it, like the danger was real. It was a great event, but I some things I'd like to bring up.

    Toxic Zombie: The event
    Toxic Zombie: was good
    Toxic Zombie: up until
    Toxic Zombie: units started dieing
    Toxic Zombie: if admins randomly made characters
    Toxic Zombie: to kill us
    Toxic Zombie: why should we die?
    Sexy Frog: well
    Sexy Frog: it was partly because matt kept saying "nlr nlr" so natrually nobody was scared of dying
    Sexy Frog: tbh
    Toxic Zombie: But NLR makes no sense
    Sexy Frog: like 60% of the CCA died today
    Toxic Zombie: its a giant event
    Toxic Zombie: unit died in front of eachopther
    Toxic Zombie: hearts were broken
    Toxic Zombie: map change
    Toxic Zombie: oh hey 777
    Toxic Zombie: i didnt just see you die
    Toxic Zombie: hows it going
    Toxic Zombie: nlr rule needs to be revamped
    Toxic Zombie: or they need to make a new rule
    Toxic Zombie: for deatsh like that
    Toxic Zombie: also
    Toxic Zombie: quickly made characters shouldnt be allowed to kill someone
    Toxic Zombie: 911 was being shot at
    Toxic Zombie: went to hide
    Toxic Zombie: random character approaches her
    Toxic Zombie: shoots in head
    Toxic Zombie: thats how she died
    Toxic Zombie: from a nobody
    Toxic Zombie: and not only that
    Toxic Zombie: a unit just died beside her
    Toxic Zombie: and guess what happened
    Toxic Zombie: nothing
    Toxic Zombie: nobody asked about the biosignal lost
    Toxic Zombie: nobody responded to 911's radio call
    Toxic Zombie: because everyone shouted nlr
    Toxic Zombie: nobody worried
    Toxic Zombie: Only a few unit's deaths were noticed
    Toxic Zombie: because in the back of everyones mind
    Toxic Zombie: they thought
    Toxic Zombie: its no big deal
    Toxic Zombie: they'll come back
    Toxic Zombie: and so they rped it accordingly
    Sexy Frog: well
    Sexy Frog: that and it was kinda hard to keep track of everything in all the madness. Units were dying leeft and right
    Sexy Frog: but again it ties back into nlr
    Toxic Zombie: 211 died
    Toxic Zombie: people reacted
    Toxic Zombie: but
    Toxic Zombie: 5 minutes later
    Toxic Zombie: when all the civilians took over
    Toxic Zombie: nobodies death mattered
    Toxic Zombie: im not just mad because cassie died
    Toxic Zombie: i made that decision myself
    Toxic Zombie: so its my fault
    Toxic Zombie: but it was all done so poorly

    I understand the whole thing was very chaotic with all the bullet flying around and all the notices coming up that units were being injured, but when units start dieing, there should be some sort of recognition for that biosignal lost. It's hard to keep track of all the units, you can't really get a head-count on who's where and such, but it was going so well up until the civilians took over the tunnels. It also didn't help that the server went down, which is to be expected when there's bullets and props and the population is almost max. But when we went back to our places, I noticed we were missing two OTA units that were just there with us. Then it just got really hectic. I can't remember the unit who was next to me, but he tried smashing in the CWU doors. When he rped it happen, we couldn't figure out how to OOCly open the door (keys, duh, but we were a bit panicked). So, technically we were inside the CWU, but our bodies weren't. Then the unit who's number I can't remember is shot dead and I'm all alone.

    Firefights are hectic, especially since you can't see 'me's from that far away, but bullets constantly flying into your person when you're rping moving out of the way or getting to safety tends to lower the quality of the rp. But it's fine, because NLR right? We can't pay attention to or respond to every radio call that comes out asking for help. They'll just respawn and act like nothing happened.
    But what if the penalty for dieing during the event had been a PK? Would people had played it differently. Would be have been more alert and careful and respond to everything? Would there be less bullet spam because you're shooting to miss and you don't want to accidentally kill someone instead of critically wounding them? I think it would be played differently. It's no one's fault. You don't intentionally become more lax because the punishment for death is hardly a punishment. It just sits in the back of your mind. But I think it does affect how people rped their characters.

    And on the note of NLR, I'd like to make a complaint. I think it's very nice that we are given an option to not die forever. Sometimes the death doesn't make much of a difference anyway. But NLR itself is makes absolutely no sense at all. Over the course of my stay here, NLR has been defined as two different things, both of which make no sense in the canon of RP.

    • Your character died in that situation. You can still play your character, but he or anyone else he knew has no memory of him. You're basically playing their twin brother/sister.
    • Your character did not die and they do not remember their death. Basically, the death and the rp around it is voided.

    Now, these may be wrong and maybe NLR does not work like that, but those are the two different definitions and conditions that I was told when I asked about NLR. They are very similar, and both equally make no sense. Imagine, for instance, that you are playing Jill. Jill is an important character and runs a group of anti-citizens. She's caused much pain for the CCA and is very well known. During an event, she and her group go to fight the CCA. The CCA shoot her down, and she's left bleeding on the ground surrounded by her group. She utters some inspiring last words and dies. Without her, the group has no leader and will disband. Everyone who knew her is heart broken...
    BUT WAIT! There she is over there! Totally not dead. "Weren't you just dead?" No. No I wasn't. What are you talking about are you crazy? "But what about all that just happened, with your inspiring speech and fighting the CCA." No idea what your talking about. Now, all of a sudden a CP comes by. "Aren't you that anti citizen that tried to attack us?" No, that never happened. "Many of us were severely injured because of that." Nah, you must be crazy. That never happened.

    Alternatively, she did die and now everyone is confused on why a clone of her is walking around. "I remember you? you were are leader." No, I just got here, I'm new. "What's your name?" Jill. "you sure look and act like our dead leader. Look, you ever have that scar..." Nope, I just got here.

    Do you see what the problem is? Now imagine a mass of units that you saw die before you suddenly come back with no recollection of dieing. I would be confused. You're sad because your best friend died, but now he's alive and saying he was never there? But I just saw you there! You died!

    I honestly think that NLR should be revamped or removed. If PK is too harsh for every death, a new option would be nice. I have some ideas, but I'd rather not go into them right now because I've already typed enough and it's becoming tl;dr (if it hasn't already).

    Also, I know it is an event and all, but how did all those characters get all those nice weapons. Who were half the characters anyway. It seemed like most of them were randomly made just for this event. There was building up to it, sure, but there was nothing that hinted that a bunch of trained gunman that we've never heard of before would come in and murder everyone. Where did they get their guns and training? Was there rp done for these characters to have them all efficiently shoot at everyone. I'm not saying the CCA should have won, we were flanked and everything, but where in the world did they get all that ammo. It also seemed like more CPs were dieing than civilians. Were they really 'shooting to miss?'

    Anyway, that's all I have to say for now. I probably missed a few things. I did not post this because I'm 'butthurt' over 911's death or felt it was unfair that she died. I chose not to go along with NLR because I personally believe it makes no sense, and that is my decision. I have only myself to blame. Sorry for any grammar mistakes and what not, and thank you for reading

    [Added another thing I forgot to mentions. Put bold star near it for ease of reading.]

    Creations / So unprofessional
    « on: February 07, 2013, 11:00:53 PM »
    So, today on city we ran into a civilian named Edward Shaw. After reading 495's description, he proceeded to tell him that a unit having an accent was 'so unprofessional.' I thought it was hilarious, and, after he left, we started making jokes about it.
    I decided that its meme format worthy and made a picture for it. Anyone can make their own, the picture is free to use.

    Here are some examples:

    The basic format is: x? So unprofessional.
    It's mostly related to units, but feel free to ride this thing wherever it goes.
    Also feel free to edit the original picture.

    Hope you guys have fun, so have at it!

    // if someone wants to make a smaller version of the original, please do and post it for all to use.

    Bug Reports / Inventory Image Glitch
    « on: February 07, 2013, 08:52:12 PM »
    It's happen twice that I know of; once with me and once with SMT and both were on Outlands. When you go to your inventory and exit out, an after image of an inventory item gets stuck on your screen. It goes away if you reload your character or switch servers. If it happens again, I'll post a screenshot.

    Outside City 45 / Delving into Vincent
    « on: February 02, 2013, 02:36:32 AM »
    It seems a bit odd to post something semi-serious in spam, and I might have it moved, but I don't care what happens to the thread. Just that I get my own thoughts in text.
    For those who play on Outlands, you might have had the pleasant experience of meeting Vincent. For those of you who haven't, he's basically a huge douchebag that makes fun of everything and likes to have sex.
    But it has been asked many a time the reason why Vincent is a prick. Asking him directly normal results in jokes or insults, but I want to write down the actual reason why, or what I think it is, on why he acts the way he does. To start off, it's most likely rooted in the fact that he's mental disturbed, which mostly stems from the relationship he had with his family and his own pre-existing mental problems and personality mixed into it. But I don't feel like writing his life story, so I will instead tell you how he perceives his doucheness, which tends to change depending on his mood. He is unstable, after all

    One of the reasons Vin thinks he acts the way he does is so he can be the bad guy. Without the CCA, people of the Outlands can only make enemies of two things, OTA and their peers. That means everyone is just as likely to turn on eachother than in another ther circumstance. If Vin can become hated and picked out to be the common enemy, people have something to relate with others and are less likely to turn on each-other. If two people don't have a common interest, their hate for Vincent could become one.

    Another reason Vincent thinks he acts the way he does is so he can root out certain people. Take, for instance, Wasp. She didn't react negatively to Vincent despite his jerkiness and even went as far to help him. Vincent takes that reaction and marks the person of as important and someone to try and be civil and acquainted with. Wolf laughs are his humor and defends him, so he tends to hang around him. Dan is timid and takes the blows, so Vin is nicer to him. Tekel helped Vin despite him being a douchebag to her, so Vin respects her. He'd rather be surrounded by unique people than those who react the same way everyone else does to him. It also helps him root out the bad seeds, like those who threaten him just because of his words.

    I'd like to note that Vincent has never attacked anyone. The only exception could when he kidnapped Kal, but he didn't try to purposely hurt her. Any injures that may have befallen Kal are most likely because Vin was being attacked by pursuers. In the end, Vincent didn't just drop her and leave. He tried to let her down gently. The only other thing that might count against his lack of violence is when he got someone killed by pointing him out to an Antilion Guard.
    It's important to notice his lack of violence, because it makes others seem like the lesser person for assaulting him because he's being a dick. He only provokes violence with his words and rarely fights back. Vincent might be a douche, but he's not shooting and punching people just because they make him mad.

    Vin will often compare himself to a social experiment, testing the people of the Outlands. How good is a person is they attack someone for just speaking. How ironic is it that white knights will go as far as to harm the person they are trying to protect just to get back at or harm the villain. He picks apart people by being the meat bag they all beat up.

    There are probably other things I'm missing or left out, but whatever.
    Remember, these are Vincent's views, not mine. I could just say he's super crazy and everything he's thinking is him trying to make himself look better, but who knows.

    If you feel like this should be moved, please say so.

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