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Topics - Sir Binary

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Accepted Suggestions / Legs
« on: May 18, 2013, 04:11:43 PM »
Me and another guy were talking about this the other day.

Do you know the addon where you are able to see your legs if you look down? It would add a little realism, instead of being a flying fuck :b

Guides / New Police Ranks
« on: May 18, 2013, 09:02:47 AM »
Hello guys!

I promised Karmalord (Aka. The name changer!) to make a thread about the new Police ranks.

So here they are!

Note this isn't server time anymore. It is X hours of being police.
Police do now get higher paycheck each rank.
Police from rank 3 and up have body armor. It can't be seen, but it is there.

First rank:
Police Recruit:
Time requirement:
- None. This is the first rank you get.

- Level 1 pistol
- Battering Ram
- Handcuffs
- Tazer
- Police Baton

Can't spawn a vehicle unless VIP/Gold

Second rank:
Police Officer:
Time requirement:
- 2 Hour as a police recruit.

- Level 2 pistol
- Battering Ram
- Handcuffs
- Tazer
- Police Baton

Third rank:
Police Corporal:
Time requirement:¨
- 10 Hours as Police Officer.

- Level 3 pistol
- Battering Ram
- Handcuffs
- Tazer
- Police Baton
- Police Shotgun
- Body armor (rank 1)

Forth rank:
Police Detective:
Time requirement:
18 Hours as Police Corporal.

- Level 4 pistol
- Battering Ram
- Handcuffs
- Tazer
- Police Baton
- Police Shotgun
- Body armor (rank 2)

Fifth rank:
Police Sergeant:
Time requirement:
24 Hours as Police Detective.

- Level 4 pistol (yes rank 4 pistol)
- Battering Ram
- Handcuffs
- Tazer
- Police Baton
- Police Shotgun
- Body Armor (rank 3)

This guide will be updated whenever i get updated with changes etc.

Suggestions / About the EMS revive timer
« on: May 15, 2013, 03:08:12 AM »
I do really like the idea of the revive time when you use defibrillators as EMS.

But! The revive timer should be like 10-30 seconds. Not like it is now when you revive someone and they die again shortly(example in a fire), then they can't be revived again.

I came to think of it because i was playing EMS and there was a fire in a house. I asked the fireman to make a way through the fire so i could revive a dying person inside. He did so, and i had the person revived, but as we all know, the fire spreads.. Almost out of the door a "fire" caught the person i had revived, and he died again, and he couldn't be revived again! :'(

Guides / [OCRP2] Police Chief Guide
« on: May 13, 2013, 03:03:09 PM »
Hi there! This guide will help you to understand the Police Chief Job! The Police Chief is not above law. He have to follow the same rules and as any other Officer.

The first thing we need to know a little about is the cop rules.

1. Do not randomly arrest/handcuff players
--- Do not handcuff someone because they're annoying you. They have to be breaking a law.
--- Only handcuff/arrest if you have a valid reason to do so.
--- The handcuff rules applies to zip-ties as well.

2. Only use your sidearm if your life is in danger. Walking around with your gun out is not allowed.
--- Do not use it to scare others or for "fun".
--- Do not depend on shooting vehicles to stop them.

3. You must try all means necessary to stop a criminal in a vehicle before shooting it.
--- You need to wait at least 5 minutes in a car chase before shooting their vehicle.
--- You may shoot a car if it is for a serious crime, ex. murder.

4. You may not invade property without a warrant.
--- Get a warrant from the mayor or the police chief. If there is none and you cannot get a warrant, you cannot invade property.
--- Even if you KNOW they have pot, you cannot raid them without a warrant
(Remember seeing weed through the wall isn't a reason, you have to actually see the weed inside)

5. Get a proper warrant
--- Roleplay getting the owner of the houses name via your police cars radio/police computer.
--- Do not just look on the door to see who owns the place.

6. Do your job
--- Do not ignore cries for help or 911 calls.
--- Listen to those above you (Mayor, or police chief) SWAT and Police Officers are the same rank.
Yes yes! Now we know the rules.

How to get the job:
To get promoted to be Police Chief there have to be a Mayor. It is only the Mayor who can promote an Officer to Chief. To be Chief you have to know the rules and how to be a cop. Maybe if you have worked hard and arrested a lot of criminals the Mayor choose you.

Job Description/Purpose:
As Police Chief you are responsible of all the online police units. If there is a raid or a big gunfire, YOU are the one in CHARGE! You plan the attack and are a part of it! You can also accept warrants if needed, but remember there have to be solid proof to give the warrant.
You are the one that can promote an Officer to SWAT (But ONLY promote a SWAT member if NEEDED!, since they may not do anything but assist in raids and gunfights) You are also in charge of the SWAT!
The police Chief does not have any other vehicles. If the Chief is VIP/GOLD they can drive the Charger if not, they are stuck with the Vapid.
(In the next update you have to be a special rank to get promoted to Chief)

Chat commands :
/radio We use this when we have to get in touch with the Dispatcher or the other Officers.
T If you use a microphone. When you press T you will see a small walkie-talkie icon near the top left corner. When it is showing it means you are speaking in the radio, so that all the other Officers, Dispatch, Mayor etc. can hear you. Remember to turn it off when talking to someone IC.
X(default) To talk into your microphone.
/me This is not needed, but highly recommended as it improve RP. Use /me in a situation like. /me finds the keys and unlocks the handcuffs.
F2 If you press F2 on a police vehicle it will open a police computer window. In that you can check number plates, who owns a property and you can request a warrant (if you have solid proof)
Shift and Q If you are the driver of the police cruiser you can click Shift for lights on the roof. And if it is needed press Q to turn the sirens on. (Sirens only work if the light is on)
F Press F will turn on your headlights. Use them when driving at night or driving through tunnels.

Police Levels:

Level 1: The rookie.
- Level 1 pistol
- No cruiser. PERIOD. You need time with a more senior officer. Learn the ropes.
- Tazer

Level 2 : Patrolman
- Level 2 pistol
- Police Cruiser (vapid) Unlocked.
- Tazer
- Small increase in pay.

Level 3 : Corporal
- Level 3 pistol
- Police Cruiser upgrade (better speed, handling, and stopping power) (IF POSSIBLE)
- Tazer
- Police Shotgun (16 rounds)
- Granted Spike Strips and 2 Concrete Barriers once on duty
- Increase in pay

Level 4 : Sergeant
- Level 4 pistol
- The dodge cruiser ( please fix the handling of this car)
- Tazer
- Police Shotgun (24 rounds)
- Granted Spike Strips and 2 Concrete Barriers once on duty
- Increase in pay

Level 5 : Lieutenant
- Level 5 pistol
- The dodge cruiser (upgraded)
- Tazer
- Police Shotgun (30 rounds)
- Grantes Spike Strips and 2 Concrete Barriers once on duty
- Increase in pay
- Can Grant warrants.

When you have to arrest someone they need to be handcuffed. When they are handcuffed drive them to Nexus (where you got the job) and you can arrest them by left click on him. Right click is to handcuff and unhandcuff.

Remember to inform the Dispatch as much as possible about your location and what you are doing, pulling over etc.

You should use the radio codes as often as possible (Radio codes -> Print them out

If you need an idea of how to use the radio codes check this topic (

Spoiler for Hiden:

You act out the law.

As soon as you're an officer, announce it over radio (either voice or /radio) as well as declaring your numbers (e.g. 4-75, 1-11, 6-66).

Double up your patrol. For the love of GOD — Don't spawn the charger and drive off alone into the sunset. Odds are, you can't tame the dodge because you're 12 and someone else is left at the nexus without a car. Declare you need a patrol partner and wait for someone to pick you up. They're all doubled up? Get a car and patrol. Give dispatch your car number (a number for two people, keeping the dispatch job easier).

Load your weapon as soon as possible, don't get caught with your pants down!

Don't take extra ammo straight away. Only take this ammo if you've ran out.

Intercepting is not the same as chasing! If a cruiser is chasing a suspect, ask their location and direction, then set-up a tyre-trap and a roadblock. Declare this so no officer drives over it in the chase.

Following the chase, if he goes into the subs and is dangerous — Block it off. Clear the area, no one in or out. Then he cannot leave unless he hops a fence, then he can be chased down in a car.

Follow the law.

Make sure you know the laws before running into a problem head long.

Search warrants can be made based upon 911 information, visuals on illegal entities, extremely suspicious activity.
Gun shots and blood on the window? Raid. Seen an illegal weapon from a window? Raid. Seen drugs? Search. And so on.
Continuing off of that, you may storm a property without warrant if a wanted man/suspect storms into a house (be it his or another's), you may knock down the door and go in. e.g. A cuffed man is let into his friend's house as he runs away, so you kick down the door, shout everyone to the ground and detain the home-owner too.

If someone speeds or drives recklessly press ALT to pull them over, don't use the whole shebang; if they pull off? By all means, light up the roof and get a road trap deployed.

Don't pull over someone for no reason; if his vehicle is a black transit and that's a suspected car (and you don't have the license plate), by all means, pull him over and question and search (they have the right to decline the search).
If someone turns a corner at 55mph, ticket them. Yes it's the road speed limit, but who the fuck turns a corner at 55mph and expects to stay on the road? That's just reckless driving.

Set bail fitting to the crime — The amount of times someone has killed 3 people and stolen 2 cruisers only to have their bail be $100 is sickening.

You can have breaks to eat, refuel, but supplies, but don't take the piss.

Food patrols around the city centre are a welcome change: Win the hearts and minds of the people, talk to them, be polite ask about activities in the area or anything they want to report; Checkout local shops to see if they're legal (cash register/illegal goods); give warnings for littering, loitering, public disturbances, reckless endangerment, J-walking, noise pollution, et cetera; anything that doesn't require a car (but have it on standby).

Keep your partner close to you at all times, you never know when you'll need 4 hands.

Check license plates/properties and warrants via dispatch (if available), this will save you time in what could become a chase/heated situation.

Guides / [OCRP2] Police Guide
« on: May 13, 2013, 02:41:08 PM »
Hi there! Do you want to be an officer? That's what i thought! Great choice! Well, lets get started!

The first thing we need to know a little about is the cop rules.

Police/SWAT rules
Spoiler for Hiden:
1. Do not randomly arrest/handcuff players
- Do not handcuff someone because they're annoying you. They have to be breaking a law.
- Only handcuff/arrest if you have a valid reason to do so.
- The handcuff rules applies to zip-ties as well.

2. Only use your sidearm if your life is in danger. Walking around with your gun out is not allowed.
- Do not use it to scare others or for "fun".
- Do not depend on shooting vehicles to stop them.

3. You must try all means necessary to stop a criminal in a vehicle before shooting it.
- You need to wait at least 5 minutes in a car chase before shooting their vehicle.
- You may shoot a car if it is for a serious crime, ex. murder.

4. You may not invade property without a warrant
- Get a warrant from the mayor or the police chief. If there is none and you cannot get a warrant, you cannot invade property.
- Even if you KNOW they have pot, you cannot raid them without a warrant

5. Get a proper warrant
- Roleplay getting the owner of the houses name via your police cars radio/police computer.

6. Do your job
- Do not ignore cries for help or 911 calls
- Listen to those above you (Mayor, or police chief) SWAT and Police Officers are the same rank.

Government Official Rules
Spoiler for Hiden:
1. Only use lights and sirens in emergencies
- Do not use lights/sirens to bypass traffic laws or to "look/sound cool"
- Do not spam horns/sirens.

2. Park properly when in emergencies
- Do not block the road if it isn't needed
- Keep your vehicle out of the way as much as possible unless you need to block something/someone.
- Even in emergencies, at least try to park your vehicle properly on the side of the road to avoid unneeded roadblocks and traffic stops.

3. No rouge activity
- This includes accepting bribes and breaking laws.
- If a very minor law violation, such as a one time running a red light, it may be handled IC.

4. Do not use weapons not assigned to you
- You are given a certain set of weapons for a reason. Do not use your own.
- You can't use your own weapon even if you need it (such as a cop using a MP5 for a drug raid)

5. Break gang ties when becoming a Government Official
- When you become a government official, you forget what organization you are in (unless authorized by admin)
- You cannot focus on helping your friends when others are in need of help too.

Government Officials aren't totally exempt from traffic laws
Spoiler for Hiden:
Government officials must obey all speeds and traffic/parking laws when not in an emergency
Just because you're in an emergency doesn't mean you can hit other vehicles in the way.
Even in emergency, park your vehicle properly on the side of the road. Don't block the road and cause a unnecessary traffic stop that leads to unneeded problems
Failure to follow these simple rules result in demotion and/or blacklist.

You can read all the rules at:
Rules of the road:

Yes yes! Now we know the rules.

Alright. To apply for the police job you have to go to nexus (the huge building in the city). When inside Nexus you will see 4 NPCs. The first from the left is our NPCs. Go and talk with him. Apply.
Spoiler for Hiden:
Once you are a cop we should get a police car unless someone is driving alone and needs a partner. The police car NPC is in the basement of Nexus.
To the left from the NPC where we applied for the job can you see 2 elevators, take the one just left from the NPC, once you are in the basement and move a little forward you will see an NPC, go talk to her and get your car.
Spoiler for Hiden:
Spoiler for Hiden:

Job Description/Purpose:
As a police officer your job is to keep the streets clean from minor criminals. You patrol for speeders, or stand by waiting for chases or police raids. When a chase is going on, please check with the other officers if more officers are needed. it's dumb if 5 police cars are chasing some ATV for crossing a red light. Keep in mind that as a police officer, your job is NOT to protect the mayor. We have the SS doing that.

Chat commands :
/radio We use this when we have to get in touch with the Dispatcher or the other Officers.
T If you use a microphone. When you press T you will see a small walkie-talkie icon near the top left corner. When it is showing it means you are speaking in the radio, so that all the other Officers, Dispatch, Mayor etc. can hear you. Remember to turn it off when talking to someone IC.
X(default) To talk into your microphone.
/me This is not needed, but highly recommended as it improve RP. Use /me in a situation like. /me finds the keys and unlocks the handcuffs.
F2 If you press F2 on a police vehicle it will open a police computer window. In that you can check number plates, who owns a property and you can request a warrant (if you have solid proof)
Shift and Q If you are the driver of the police cruiser you can click Shift for lights on the roof. And if it is needed press Q to turn the sirens on. (Sirens only work if the light is on)
F Press F will turn on your headlights. Use them when driving at night or driving through tunnels.
F2 Press F2 to search a person, this can be used to see if they have illegal weapons or weed.
F3 Press F3 to fine a player. Remember to write the reason and price.

Police Levels:
Spoiler for Hiden:
Hello guys!

I promised Karmalord (Aka. The name changer!) to make a thread about the new Police ranks.

So here they are!

Note this isn't server time anymore. It is X hours of being police.
Police do now get higher paycheck each rank.
Police from rank 3 and up have body armor. It can't be seen, but it is there.

First rank:
Police Recruit:
Time requirement:
- None. This is the first rank you get.

- Level 1 pistol
- Battering Ram
- Handcuffs
- Tazer
- Police Baton

Can't spawn a vehicle unless VIP/Gold

Second rank:
Police Officer:
Time requirement:
- 2 Hour as a police recruit.

- Level 2 pistol
- Battering Ram
- Handcuffs
- Tazer
- Police Baton

Third rank:
Police Corporal:
Time requirement:¨
- 10 Hours as Police Officer.

- Level 3 pistol
- Battering Ram
- Handcuffs
- Tazer
- Police Baton
- Police Shotgun
- Body armor (rank 1)

Forth rank:
Police Detective:
Time requirement:
18 Hours as Police Corporal.

- Level 4 pistol
- Battering Ram
- Handcuffs
- Tazer
- Police Baton
- Police Shotgun
- Body armor (rank 2)

Fifth rank:
Police Sergeant:
Time requirement:
24 Hours as Police Detective.

- Level 4 pistol (yes rank 4)
- Battering Ram
- Handcuffs
- Tazer
- Police Baton
- Police Shotgun
- Body Armor (rank 3)

This guide will be updated whenever i get updated with changes etc.

When you have to arrest someone they need to be handcuffed. When they are handcuffed drive them to Nexus (where you got the job) and you can arrest them by left click on him. Right click is to handcuff and unhandcuff.

Remember to inform the Dispatch as much as possible about your location and what you are doing, pulling over etc.

You should use the radio codes as often as possible (Radio codes -> Print them out

If you need an idea of how to use the radio codes check this topic (

Spoiler for Hiden:

You act out the law.

As soon as you're an officer, announce it over radio (either voice or /radio) as well as declaring your numbers (e.g. 4-75, 1-11, 6-66).

Double up your patrol. For the love of GOD — Don't spawn the charger and drive off alone into the sunset. Odds are, you can't tame the dodge because you're 12 and someone else is left at the nexus without a car. Declare you need a patrol partner and wait for someone to pick you up. They're all doubled up? Get a car and patrol. Give dispatch your car number (a number for two people, keeping the dispatch job easier).

Load your weapon as soon as possible, don't get caught with your pants down!

Don't take extra ammo straight away. Only take this ammo if you've ran out.

Intercepting is not the same as chasing! If a cruiser is chasing a suspect, ask their location and direction, then set-up a tyre-trap and a roadblock. Declare this so no officer drives over it in the chase.

Following the chase, if he goes into the subs and is dangerous — Block it off. Clear the area, no one in or out. Then he cannot leave unless he hops a fence, then he can be chased down in a car.

Follow the law.

Make sure you know the laws before running into a problem head long.

Search warrants can be made based upon 911 information, visuals on illegal entities, extremely suspicious activity.
Gun shots and blood on the window? Raid. Seen an illegal weapon from a window? Raid. Seen drugs? Search. And so on.
Continuing off of that, you may storm a property without warrant if a wanted man/suspect storms into a house (be it his or another's), you may knock down the door and go in. e.g. A cuffed man is let into his friend's house as he runs away, so you kick down the door, shout everyone to the ground and detain the home-owner too.

If someone speeds or drives recklessly press ALT to pull them over, don't use the whole shebang; if they pull off? By all means, light up the roof and get a road trap deployed.

Don't pull over someone for no reason; if his vehicle is a black transit and that's a suspected car (and you don't have the license plate), by all means, pull him over and question and search (they have the right to decline the search).
If someone turns a corner at 55mph, ticket them. Yes it's the road speed limit, but who the fuck turns a corner at 55mph and expects to stay on the road? That's just reckless driving.

Set bail fitting to the crime — The amount of times someone has killed 3 people and stolen 2 cruisers only to have their bail be $100 is sickening.

You can have breaks to eat, refuel, but supplies, but don't take the piss.

Food patrols around the city centre are a welcome change: Win the hearts and minds of the people, talk to them, be polite ask about activities in the area or anything they want to report; Checkout local shops to see if they're legal (cash register/illegal goods); give warnings for littering, loitering, public disturbances, reckless endangerment, J-walking, noise pollution, et cetera; anything that doesn't require a car (but have it on standby).

Keep your partner close to you at all times, you never know when you'll need 4 hands.

Check license plates/properties and warrants via dispatch (if available), this will save you time in what could become a chase/heated situation.

Vapid This car is for non VIP/Gold players. It can be used as VIP/Gold tho. But it isn't as fast as the Dodge. Also handling and acceleration is different
Spoiler for Hiden:
Dodge This car can only be spawned by VIP and Gold members. It is faster, better handling and acceleration than the Vapid.
Spoiler for Hiden:

Guides / [OCRP2] Dispatching Guide
« on: May 13, 2013, 07:19:29 AM »
So you want to be a dispatcher? Very well then! In this guide i will help you to understand the dispatching job better.

First of all the rules!

Stay active
You are the final word on all government dispatches so you must stay alert and stay active
You have to take all the 911 reports into account and prioritize them according to severeness sending your units out.

No Favoritism
You must not put certain things ahead of others because your friend might be in trouble

Keep your units updated
Simply saying "There's a conflict at suburban house 1 all units respond" Isn't good enough, you must keep the officers who attend the conflict updated with any further 911 calls for their own safety

Speak clearly
You are the key element of the radio and this means you must speak clearly with your microphone at all times. If you know you have a terrible microphone then don't go dispatcher as it may add confusion to other peoples RP experience

Alright, now we know the rules. Lets sign up for the dispatching job now then!
Inside the nexus (the big building in the city) is there 4 NPCs at the desk with a "chat prop" over their head, go there.
The NPCs are in this order from left to right -> Police, Bus driver, Secret Service and the last is Dispatch
Go and talk with her and apply for the job. (There can only be one dispatcher at the time. The dispatcher have a grey/black colour around their pictures in the TAB menu) There is no vehicles specially for the Dispatcher, but you can use your own if needed. But mostly you just have to sit in an office and dispatch.

Alrighty then, lets move on!

Description of the job!
You are the one that dispatches all units online! The job is about sending the needed vehicles in any kind of situation in the city(map) It can be fire, EMS, Police etc. Remember not to send any vehicles that are not requested, an example could be sending a police cruiser to a fire.
The mayor is protected by Secret Service. He is not your business.
Remember not to send all units to a little emergency like a pullover.
Always keep one police cruiser patroling.
You can help the police with finding owner of properties or cars by using the computer prop (Only dispatcher can use it as a police computer)

The purpose of the job
The purpose is to have the city under control, and to send out the needed emergency vehicle to the emergency. You also need to answer 911 calls.

Chat commands and keys used by the job and what they do
The most important thing to have/use as a dispatcher is the microphone!
Press the x (default) to talk. You do also use the microphone to answer 911 calls on the mobile phone!

T button (default(dunno if it can be changed)) to activate /radio mic-mode. When it is active there is a walkie-talkie icon near the top left corner
Use T when you have to talk to the Gov. Officials. When it is active all Gov. Officials are able to hear you, the Mayor, the Police, EMS etc.

/radio If it is totally impossible to talk in your microphone, use the /radio command and require radio silence or just type the message you want to say. But remember if you use /radio more often then microphone, you have to be fast to type, because can mean the difference between life and death if it takes to long.

Z(default) to activate your mouse in-game, this is only used when you have to answer the phone.

You need a good microphone.

The easiest way to keep control over every unit online is to give them a callsign, or ask them to give you one. When you have their callsigns write them down on a piece of paper.

There is a hint that tells you if someone join or leave one of the Gov. Jobs.

Always tell people that they have to keep you informed of the situation, or if they go from patrolling to a car chase or so.
Remember to give/ask for as much information as possible.

You should use the radio codes as often as possible (Radio codes -> Print them out

If you need an idea of how to use the radio codes check this topic (

Suggestions / Fire hose view for nonfiremen
« on: May 13, 2013, 02:55:02 AM »
I was just wondering if you could change/make another model when people have the fire hose (not sure if the extinguisher is the same).
Because when you look at the fireman/men turning out a fire, they just stand there with their hands down and look at the fire and it automatically turns out.. Make the model to be hold as shotgun or something from the "outside" view, so it actually looks like he hold something in his hands.

I will try to get a picture soon, so you can see what i mean :)

Fixed Bugs / Engine start hint
« on: May 11, 2013, 08:03:31 AM »
What happened when the bug occurred? I got spammed with the hint: Press reload (default R) to start/stop the engine.

What was supposed to happen? I shouldn't be spammed.

Picture/Console Errors:, The console didn't say anything.

Btw. this happend in a rented Ferrari 250GT

Support & Help / Reskinning vehicles
« on: May 11, 2013, 07:48:02 AM »

Do any of you know how you can reskin vehicles for Garry's Mod?

I've searched a lot and wasn't really able to find anything useful, since most of the guides were for Garry's Mod 12.

I need help with: How i reskin/what programs i could use. And how i import it to Garry's Mod since all is through the workshop now :s

Denied Suggestions / First aid
« on: May 11, 2013, 07:39:06 AM »
I was thinking that there should be a first aid book. It should only have 1 skill point. And all the book would do is teaching the player to revive a person when they are dead. It should have a 50/50 chance to revive the person, and then have a delay about 2-3 minutes before it could be used again.

I come to think of it as when i play there is no EMS, and many people know how to do first aid today.

You could add more skill points for the book, and make the chance to revive bigger.

Steam Giveaways / Anyone with CSS
« on: May 09, 2013, 06:20:24 PM »
If any of you have Counter Strike Source. A friend of mine would be really glad. He really wants to play on CG servers, but can't because most of them require CSS :/

Fixed Bugs / Binoculars
« on: May 08, 2013, 01:49:40 PM »
What happened when the bug occurred? Nothing.

What was supposed to happen? The suit zoom should work. I have a key for the suit zoom, but it does not work. I have also tried to bind it to another key, wont work either.

Picture/Console Errors: The console says nothing, and i cant really take a picture of something that does not happen :b

Extra detail: Yes i have bought the binoculars in-game :b

Suggestions / Bus add
« on: April 21, 2013, 12:23:32 PM »
Why dont we reskin the bus so the adds is more CG friendly?

I've tried myself, and i got it to be something like this. Remember this if 4 different adverts! But the VTF file is like this, therefore are they stacked!

Throw a comment with your opinion :)

I will edit a bit in the picture later, but this was my first result

Accepted Suggestions / A suggestion for the dispatcher
« on: April 21, 2013, 05:44:57 AM »
When you're playing dispatcher it is kinda hard to keep control of who works with what.
1. Because people join and leave jobs all the time
2. And noone says anything

My solution would be a hint that shows up when a player joins one of the gov. jobs. All it should say would be like:
Daniel Downey joined the police (or whatever work he have)

And when they leave:
Daniel Downey leaved the police.

It would make it much easier for the dispatcher to remember who is on duty and such. I find it hard to remember all the names, location and situations. Even tho i am writing on a piece of paper next to me :p

Fixed Bugs / Dispatcher bug
« on: April 21, 2013, 05:34:50 AM »
What happened when the bug occurred? I got demoted as dispatcher, because the mayor resigned

What was supposed to happen? Kronic said it wasn't supposed to happend.

Picture/Console Errors: Nothing really.

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