Author Topic: <::||EpU.234's Private Logs||::>  (Read 11702 times)

Offline .:KFrohman:.

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<::||EpU.234's Private Logs||::>
« on: November 01, 2011, 07:21:25 PM »
UNIT: 234

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Subject: Beatings

<::|| I think I need to rethink about how I go about beating people. Or rather, how I go about deciding what I'll do. Let me elaborate - Earlier today, while on patrol, I walked past UCH, past the stairs. On the railing above, were two citizens. One of them threw a can at my head. I had no idea which of the two it was, so I gave it to them to designate who did what. Once someone was picked, I got them on the wall, told the other one to go away, and then proceeded to tie, search and detain - Except it never is that easy.

The citizen refused to spread their legs so I could perform a basic pat down. After being told numerous times to comply, I thrust my stunbaton between his legs and forcefully pulled it upwards, electrocuting his uh.. private parts. Surprisingly, he still stood defiant. I tried again. He fell on the floor. I would have used this opportunity to search him, but he got up too quickly.

To cut the story short, I eventually got the citizen on the wall again, but then the OTHER citizen came along. It eventually came about that we all were in a semi-major altercation, at one point, I had both citizens on me, however how the tied one managed to hop on, I do not know. I eventually shook them off and managed to severely beat both of them, then swiftly shove them in detainment.

As any unit will know, if you're going to detain someone, paperwork MUST be filled in. Being the only unit 10-8 at the time, this was daunting, because I just dragged two citizens in for Assault Class 3C, Malcompliancy Level 2 and Accomplicity. They weren't scared. I tried various tactics to get them to apply, but to no avail. To this moment, I do not know the details of the two I had amputated.

Since they were both being very cocky, malcompliant and otherwise unruly, I figured it might be just to give them a little treatment. I had somehow got the idea in my head, to stick my electroshock baton in the anal cavity of one of the males, electrocute them, then "cleaning" the same baton by sticking it in the mouth of the other. Needless to say, Cells 1 and 2 will need a good clear out. One couldn't sit properly due to being violated, and the other couldn't speak for what had just happened.

Eventually, I got the order from OfC.522 to amputate. The guy who had his rear sector massacred? He was violent til the end, his last words being [REDACTED]. The other guy? Eh, He let out a moan because he couldn't talk. Sucks to be him.

That's just one half of my day. Later on, with more units 10-8, I was on patrol. Soon, A citizen purposely walked in front of me, blocking my patrol route. I told them twice to move, both met with a stern "No!". I was beginning to lose my cool. I slapped her round the mouth with my stun baton. She was still doing the same thing. She claimed that beating her would be a "big mistake" ((Side note, her physdesc including something like "is rebellious")). I ask her to elaborate more, when another citizen, this time an american male with brown hair, agrees with the citizen.

It's at this point I radio in for another unit to asist me at the park, and I explicitly mentioned there was a possibility of me being ganged upon. No response. I try again, but as I do, the male kicked the handheld radio from me. As he did, the female kicked me in the stomach, sending me to the ground. I was fortunate enough to have only sustained minor injuries, however I consider myself more fortunate that a City ScN unit was nearby, monitoring the situation. It reported the problem, and pretty much all of the units who were 10-8 assembled upon my position.

The male, who was attempting to steam my baton, was caught in the act, but that didn't stop him from making a run for it. He ran into UCH by the time I recovered full enough to resume my directives, and had gathered the rest of my things. My radio and baton weren't too far away, so I resumed sharply.

The male citizen was regarded as an anti-citizen, along with Malignant. EpU 713 called a sweep of the entire UCH. They eventually found him, in A6, swiftly amputating. After that was done, I resumed SD's. Eventually, I found the female I was dealing with earlier, however it didn't come across to me until AFTER she mentioned she was being chased.

I radio'd it in again about the citizen. No response. Tried again - No response. After this, she started running away ((Side note, she fucking lolran away from me while I was radioing -.-)), So I had to give chase. Unfortunately, I couldn't keep up, and she ran into S2. I notified the rest of the team about the situation, a description and a BOL. STILL no response, not even an acknowledgement. Starting to get somewhat fed up about the severe lack of communication skills, I resumed my patrol. As I walked by UCH, she showed up again. I immediately gave chase, but she ran into S6. Radio'd in an update - STILL NO RESPONSE. I suppose I *should* have done a 10-2, but radio comms were working fine since I got regular updates about the UCH mission, and I hadn't changed anything on the radio.

I started to wonder why I bother radioing anything in, if it just gets ignored. I continued my patrols. Eventually, an 03 shows up and explains to me why they never responded - They were shifting a necrotics canister into the furnace. Now I know they were busy but would it really hurt to just give a quick notification that they're busy? As I explain this, 435 shows up. Even though I'm seething with rage at my colleagues, I still have the decency to salute. They wanted a status report.

Midway through my explaining of the situation, THE SAME WOMAN WHO GAVE ME GRIEF EARLIER RUNS PAST. Needless to say, I, 435 and the 03 were in pursuit, weilding batons. We caught her in the S2 HAP, but she squeezed past and went the other way. Soon after, she vapourised. ((Banned by an admin for constant lolrunning)).

Today hasn't been good, but I suppose that's life. I like to think I try by best and I apply myself the best to whatever it is I do, but sometimes I get the impression I'm only good enough for 04, and that's how it will always be - 04.234, the unit everyone looks down to and ignores.

Oh well. ||::>

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« Last Edit: December 20, 2011, 12:17:47 AM by .:KFrohman:. »

Offline TheKrusader

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Re: <::||04.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2011, 07:48:29 PM »


Since they were both being very cocky, malcompliant and otherwise unruly, I figured it might be just to give them a little treatment. I had somehow got the idea in my head, to stick my electroshock baton in the anal cavity of one of the males, electrocute them, then "cleaning" the same baton by sticking it in the mouth of the other. Needless to say, Cells 1 and 2 will need a good clear out. One couldn't sit properly due to being violated, and the other couldn't speak for what had just happened.

// You're an 04, you should not be that hard ass.

Offline SoapANator

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Re: <::||04.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2011, 07:53:21 PM »


Since they were both being very cocky, malcompliant and otherwise unruly, I figured it might be just to give them a little treatment. I had somehow got the idea in my head, to stick my electroshock baton in the anal cavity of one of the males, electrocute them, then "cleaning" the same baton by sticking it in the mouth of the other. Needless to say, Cells 1 and 2 will need a good clear out. One couldn't sit properly due to being violated, and the other couldn't speak for what had just happened.

// You're an 04, you should not be that hard ass.

I agree.

He is acting,like a 02 when torturing. Besides did you get permission  yo start treatment
Former Characters:
Jimmy Valtizno - Civil Protection memeber for six months. Highest rank achived: EpU in APEX. Cause of Death: Shot, for attempted suicide.
Konstatine Ivanov - Held in prison cell for Anti-Civil activity for several months. Unkown if he's dead or alive.

MIA Characters
Gregory 'Death' Nikitn- Last seen wondering acorss the Outlands, in a critical state.
Zoe Kriyake - Has not been heard in weeks. Possibly re-located to C-18

Alive Characters
Pavalo Anodov - Wondering C18, unsure

Offline .:KFrohman:.

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Re: <::||04.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2011, 05:14:37 PM »
// You're an 04, you should not be that hard ass.

//Well excuse me for wanting to get revenge on people I had a FIGHT with.

I agree.

He is acting,like a 02 when torturing. Besides did you get permission  yo start treatment

// Yes but I forgot who.

Offline [CA] KiwieeEh

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Re: <::||04.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2011, 05:48:03 PM »
//I believe it was me. Seems like I am the only one that really responds to 234 while on active duty. Other than when I am 10-6. (shifting the canister that landed on myself during the shelling).

I, personally believe his actions are fine, he's always hesitant in game, but has that ability to gain revenge any way that he seems fit.

I think you should keep on with this kaz, it's an enjoying read, oh, and let's just say HC have access to read CCA private logs and that I didn't just get magically nice to you. Harhar... Even though my attitude changed towards you before I started reading this...  ???
"If you're having girl problems, I feel bad for you son.
I've got 99 problems, but a bitch ain't one."

"Have a great evening, sorry, maple syrup, eh, moose, and ice hockey to you!"

"Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna' be my year."

Offline Lord Bravery

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Re: <::||04.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2011, 05:50:22 PM »
// Oh, so this is the unit that is fighting for my position as favorite.

I see.........................................................................

Offline [CA] KiwieeEh

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Re: <::||04.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2011, 06:00:28 PM »
// I'm sorry, 882, he's just so much better in stasis than you..
"If you're having girl problems, I feel bad for you son.
I've got 99 problems, but a bitch ain't one."

"Have a great evening, sorry, maple syrup, eh, moose, and ice hockey to you!"

"Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna' be my year."

Offline Lord Bravery

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Re: <::||04.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2011, 06:08:56 PM »
// I'm sorry, 882, he's just so much better in stasis than you..


Offline [CA] KiwieeEh

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Re: <::||04.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2011, 06:16:50 PM »
// you're both equally my favourite, k?
My two most favourite units lolol :)
Who could forget this?
"If you're having girl problems, I feel bad for you son.
I've got 99 problems, but a bitch ain't one."

"Have a great evening, sorry, maple syrup, eh, moose, and ice hockey to you!"

"Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna' be my year."

Offline Lord Bravery

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Re: <::||04.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2011, 06:19:13 PM »
// you're both equally my favourite, k?
My two most favourite units lolol :)
Who could forget this?

// I won't let you forget it >)

Offline .:KFrohman:.

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Re: <::||03.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2011, 10:12:59 AM »
// I'm sorry, 882, he's just so much better in stasis than you..

// This just made my fucking day. LOL

UNIT: 234

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Subject: An overview of the last 2 days.

<::|| My last log can be somewhat voided. OfC 713, who I've somewhat maintained as a mentor, personally promoted me the other day to 03. This brought a heap of changes to the way I do things. I'm going to try to keep this brief but considering what's happened? Might not be a possibility.

The day before last, I was finishing up in detainment with someone, when I did a brief check of the cells. The subject in Cell 4 was in for multiple Audio Violations, among other things. I checked in to see if he had been re-educated. Apparently he was, however it wasn't enough as the subject repeatedly fired multiple expletives towards the Union Civil Authority (UCA, because Combine Civil Authority seems.. well.. a bit silly... A bit.. simple-minded).

I sought permission to re-educate the citizen even harder. If you remember my last log entry, you'll remember the stunstick-in-mouth treatment I gave to that subject. I did it again, however this time it was much cleaner. Before I left, I made it VERY clear that if he was to do it again, his tongue would be removed. It seems the guy learnt his lesson after I administered... or so I thought. After I dealt with a subject in Cell 1, I overheard Cell 4's subject making the same remarks. He had obviously lied.

I radio'd it in, requesting permission to do something much more drastic which required a knife. At first, I was scolded because apparently, I was initially to give a Level 3 verdict, however I claimed that he had already received that prior to my involvement, thus harsher punishments should be given if he continues. 713 stepped in, telling me to wait outside the cell. I did, and made idle chat with 967. Soon after, a clink was heard. Both me and 967 turned to the source, noting a knife was dropped onto the ground from the upper railing. As I looked up, I noticed 713 was standing there, staring at us. We both saluted, and he mentioned to cut the guys' tongue off. Would it be considered coincidence that removal of the tongue was my idea as well? He's certainly rubbing off on me. I think he was assessing me for my... brutality.

It took me a few seconds to realise that he dropped the knife for me to use in the procedure, at which point, I walked in front of the cell, waving the blade in front of the window. The subject promptly begged for mercy. I wasn't having it. I barged into the room, held the citizen to the wall and had the knife positioned so that upon applying pressure, his cheeks would split open. Once again, I cannot account for where that idea may have originated. After some taunting, leaving despair and hope, I thrust the knife into his cheeks, splitting them open and causing blood to pour everywhere. He couldn't move his mouth, speak or even move after that, he just slumped into the ground.

I picked him up with relative ease, thrusting him against the wall again. Instead of holding him by his shoulder like before, his mouth was open, so I held his tongue out. Other than a slight whimper and his eyes turning to me, there was no action, so I sliced his tongue off and stuck it in a jar, as suggested by 713. After that, 713 entered the room, claiming the citizen has a Physical Imperfection, so an amputating was required. Bit of a shame to be honest, I'd like to have seen him try to cope with life without being able to speak, eat or swallow. Oh well. I'll not list what I did to amputate him as looking back, it was brutal. I did it because I could and because I was bored. Oh well.

I need to write more on this, but I'll do it later. Next log - Exogen Breach, A stabbing, and an encounter with an OTA unit. ||::>

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« Last Edit: November 07, 2011, 02:07:57 PM by .:KFrÑ?hman:. »

Offline Lord Bravery

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Re: <::||03.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2011, 05:06:58 PM »
// I want 882 to live 234's life kk we'll trade :) :)

// I'm sorry, 882, he's just so much better in stasis than you..

// This just made my fucking day. LOL

Not for long, if 234 keeps getting promoted so fast.... :3c

Offline .:KFrohman:.

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Re: <::||03.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2011, 08:28:31 PM »
UNIT: 234

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Subject: RE: An overview of the last 2 days.

<::|| Moving onto yesterday. Was pretty normal up until around 8:30 in the morning ((ingame time, estimated cause I finished rations at 7:57am)), when an alert came over about a possible exogen breach, however, none of the restrictors engaged, so it left us assuming the system was faulty... Well.. That was until we saw them exit the S6 HAP. Fortunately, I was well equipped with over 1000 rounds of SMG ammo to lay to waste. As I and other units were rapidly despatching the exogens, we had reports of them from S2 HAP. Without any further thinking, I dashed over there to asist. I was moving back and forward between the two HAP's until I, along with other units, were instructed to hold by the Transit Restrictor. We did, until I noticed that the team assigned at S6 HAP were having issues.

Noticing the coast was clear, I made my way over there, killing off more exogen which were vaulting over the HAP. It was at this point, after briefly suggesting to 713 that they may be coming from the sewer system, that he asked for a team to assemble at S2 HAP. Seeing as 713 was my mentor, I felt OBLIGED to assist. So I did, along with other units including OfC 522. We swept S2, coming across approximately 5-6 Exogen Subjects. After clearing, we moved to the tunnels, but that meant having to go through the old bar, which required a standard breach.

Having only been my second breach outside of training, I was nervous, not because of what was inside, but because I wanted to make a good impression on my superiors. With no "directly assigned" team leader, we reverted to the Highest Rank TL routine, which meant that 713 was TL, however he had a shotgun, which meant he also breached. I forget which order we went in, but there was about 1-2 Exogen Subjects in the room, rapidly despatched of. After clearing the room, we moved to the wall which revealed the sewers. Behind it? 2 Exogen Subjects. Dealt with that.

What I find somewhat odd, is that both 522 and 713 went down the ladder first - into a dark, damp sewer system which would almost certainly contain multiple specimens of Exogen. I was right. No sooner were they down than they were, at a guess, surrounded. I don't think they took any hits, as a rapid succession of gunfire brought the specimens down. Rest of the units followed. Highest ranks out front, then going in order. There was, if I remember correctly, 2 OfC's, me and another 03, and one 04 unit.  The OfC's were well equipped, leading us to mainly be just scouting, and covering our rear. This continued on til we reached the Diordna side of the system. Somehow, an Exogen "Guard" was there waiting for us inside diordna itself.

It was at this point that... *LOG FILE CORRUPTED - BEGINNING RECOVERY PROCEDURE* ||::>

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//I'll post more tomorrow, eyes hurt.

UNIT: 234

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Subject: RE: An overview of the last 2 days.


<::|| It was at this point that, after grouping and being told to hold at a corner, 334 decides to wantonly charge up the latter, much to the dismay of all of the other units. As a result, they were pounded in the chest about 3 times, falling down the ladder but still conscious. Some of the other units dragged them to the side, while I made a radio call for a NOVA unit. I was concerned about the state of 334, and offered to stay behind to help, but 713 insisted I come with, so I did. We caught a visual of the guard through the ladder opening, and were instructed to fire upon it. After about 30 seconds, it died, allowing us to progress.

Prior to leaving Diordna, 522 ordered us to regroup with a team in the old sub-transit system who needed support. We made good speed and in little time were at the Plaza end of the tunnel. It was surreal. Graffiti everywhere, rubble, broken fences, and the only light source being a very dim, yellow light just before you walk in. Down to 4 units, we swept in pairs, square formation - 2 front, 2 back. The OfC's were at front, while me and the 04 were on rear. We were commanded to stay frosty as visibility was minimal, so flashlights were on at all times. As we swept the area, I regularly turned around, checking our 6 - Basic survival skills. About 3/5's through the tunnel, we came across the sideways rail car. It was scary. 713 took the 04 on the left side of the car, while 522 and I moved on the right side, regrouping shortly after. The tunnel was clear until we reached the rest of the units, upon which we held. The group consisted of a DvL, of which group I am unsure, but his digits were 813.

Holding firm, we slowly made our way up to the platform edge of the S6 station, where we were greeted by a surprisingly passive CONSCRIPT. ((OOC Note here, x1c has it so they are now hostile and will kill a unit in pretty much one hit. You best be prepared.)) Nevertheless, we killed it, climbing onto the platform. Regrouping, we made our way up the station stairs, where we were greeted by what I assume was a special kind of Exogen which spits what looked like corrosive spray. While I never got to see them myself, I did note that 813 got hit in the face by one of the spits, which he swiftly wiped off his mask. I don't know if it had any effect or not, but I'd guess not, since they kept doing their duty.

We encountered another guard, however, due to our location, only about 4 of the total 9 units (incl. myself) with us could fire upon it. Once that was done, we swept the open areas of S6. It was clear until we reached the tunnel to XCCR, whereupon we met a new nemeis - Necrotics. Having not really dealt with them before, I, along with other units, just stood there yelling "Necrotics!", being idle. Looking back, I feel dumb, but more came from the other end of the tunnel. 813 took half of the squad through the tunnel to meet at the other end, whereas me, 522 and two other units hung back, awaiting for more necrotics to show. They did, however it seems they were stuck in a room. Being mindful of the stairs and my surroundings, I went down the steps to get a better shot, however, as I did, 522 called me back up. Maybe.. Just maybe, I wont be so brave next time.

After a while of waiting, I asked 522 if we should regroup with the others. As I did, DvL.813 asked where the rest of us were, to which I replied that we were dealing with necrotics. 522 responded to me, saying we should hold here. Shortly after, 813 demanded a regroup, to which I said "DvL's orders, sir". 522 rejected that, saying to secure the tunnel, but then he reconsidered, and we made our way to XCCR. Once regrouped, we assisted the others with necrotics until the time came to breach XCCR. 813 demanded that 4 units hold the tunnel. Without hesitation, I offered up, and made my way straight there. It was about 30 seconds before I radio'd in for at least 3 other units to come with. Let's just say... they weren't the most well equipped.

There was an 04 who had ran out of ammo, thus resorted to carrying their baton about (like that would stop anything), and a couple other units whose rank, units and division I forgot. I had to hand the 04 a spare box of 9mm munitions, and had told the others to hold here while I and the 04 patrolled the tunnel. Must say, it felt good to have some form of control over certain units, even though by definition, I had no authority to, but since it was a small group, I'd guess that it would slide.

Although the tunnel was lit, it had a few dark areas which made things seem a little scary. I could hear the 04's whimpers, at which I simply ignored. Once we returned back to the XCCR side of the tunnel, we held, radioing for a status on the XCCR. Told to hold further, then everyone regrouped on us. After that, we made our way back to Sector 1, briefly sweeping the rest of S6. It was all clear, and we made our way back to the Nexus.

As I got in, I briefly saluted two other units, I think an OfC and an EpU, and continued on. I was about to go 10-100, but 813 ordered us all to the HCMR for debrief.
It was quite brief, 813 expressing his surprise that none of us got deserviced, but he was aware that some did take a hit or two, so he ordered all units attacked on duty to head to the medwing right away. I think after that, I went stasis, as I can't remember what happened after.

This is 234, signing off.

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« Last Edit: November 09, 2011, 02:31:12 PM by .:KFrÑ?hman:. »

Offline .:KFrohman:.

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Re: <::||03.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #13 on: November 14, 2011, 11:41:00 AM »
UNIT: 234

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Subject: General stuff #1

<::|| GRID seems to be doing a lot of structural work to the general district as of late. I hear now that they're planning on doing something to the RDT, something along the lines of making it an auxiliary detainment center as well. Also heard they're doing some major changes in the lower levels of the nexus, which doesn't surprise me but I can only assume good things will result.

Enough of that. I'm not quite sure how long I've been enrolled in the UCA, but I think it's been somewhere in the region of around 4 weeks, which isn't bad. Personally, I think I'm doing fine as an 03 unit, but my mentor, 713, started hinting at me about a promotion, so I asked about it and he's now going to discuss this with the other High Command units. Somehow, I think this may not go through. No idea why.
If I do get promoted to 02, that means, if I remember correctly, I can properly command lower ranking units without fear of being reprimanded for being too commanding. I've always had a bit of a commanding disposition, but no real authority. I guess this might change.

I asked 713 last week about what he'd like to see from me. His answer? He just wants me to be a good unit, so that I shall be. Not just for him, but for every other UCA unit. For the union.||::>

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Offline .:KFrohman:.

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Re: <::||02.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #14 on: November 21, 2011, 01:40:30 AM »
UNIT: 234

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Subject: Melons

<::|| I hate melons. Watermelons, that is. Shortly after going on patrol, earlier today, I saw a citizen had set up a table with about 6 melons on it, and to the side was a pan with some broth in it, steaming. Unsure if the melons were contraband or not ((they were prop melons)), I simply asked for the citizens' permit, just to see what they would do. They brought out a clipboard, which I swiftly smacked out of their hands with my baton. I told them to apply, at which point he threw a melon at me. Melons may not look much, but they're heavy.

I was knocked back a bit, but I stabilised and brought my stunbaton again. As I did, they took the hot broth and poured it over me. I was largely unharmed, except my legs hurt due to the broth - Lack of waterproof-ness and thermal insulation. While I was jumping around, I made an urgent radio call for backup, which arrived later than I wished. It consisted of a Recruit, I think. Meanwhile, I tried to get the citizen to comply, my SMG in his face.

It didn't work. I ended up shooting the guy in the leg, which left him on the ground. This left me the opportunity to command the RCT to tie the man. Strangely, he got him on the wall, even though the man was quite able to be tied while on the ground. Whatever.

Tied, Searched and detained, I already planned to Amputate him, but I was going to have some fun with him first. I jest at him, making a remark that instead of Melons, I expected tacos because the mans' name was Mason Gomez. This seemed to annoy him at first, but this progressively got worse. Subject showed signs of 10-103M, making demonic noises and chants, claiming he was going to "eat my soul", or something to that effect. Then they started foaming at the mouth chanting more. It was at this point, considering that I was in the same cell, I had to amputate. I had never seen something like it before. I'd have liked to get NOVA involved, but unfortunately, they were 10-6 carting a DB. Oh well.||::>

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