Author Topic: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)  (Read 78756 times)

Offline Hazard Time

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #30 on: October 29, 2012, 11:41:00 PM »
  Borislav pushed the door open with rough abandon, shutting just as well.  His clothes were soaked through and he is shaking.  His face shows an obvious look of frustration.

"Tova eh /posleden/ poot, kogato napusnat khana", he curses. (Rough translation from Bulgarian: "That is the /last/ time I leave the inn".)

  He climbs the stairs, his sodden shoes squelching with every step.  He takes a left and attempts to push open the door to a room, only to find it locked.  He tries the other door down the hall, only to find it locked, too.  Fuming internally, he walks over to the third room on the other side of the inn.  Finally, unoccupied.  It has no windows, but it will have to do, those Americans always take the best.  How frustrating, to be only a few hundred miles from what was once his homeland, and no one within the immediate area that speaks a word of its language. 
  Taking off his coat, he tosses it on a chair in the corner.  He slowly seats himself on the bed, staring at the wall.  He watched as a spider spun its web in the corner.  Endless hours of entertainment.  However, her remembered that he had passed more than a few people on his way up here.  Might as well take the time to learn their language.

Borislav quietly mutters to himself,
"Chudya seh, ako Americantsitye imat dobro chuvstvo da zapalite ogun". ("I wonder if the Americans had the good sense to start a fire".)

Spoiler for Hiden:
Edited, as original post contradicted a lot of former posts.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2012, 04:06:51 PM by Hazard Time - DayZ sucks »

Offline Darkshifter98

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #31 on: October 29, 2012, 11:45:44 PM »
34370 lightly stretches idly as Violet approaches, he swivles around, and gives a light rattling noise, from the tone, it sounds almost like a cautious hello. He then shrinks close to the radio, just so incase someone tries to beat him to death, he'll have witnesses. He looks up at Eli for a moment, blinking his six eyes at different times, almost in a cute, curious way, before turning back down towards the table. Feeling his stomach rumbling, which is lightly audible, and seen slightly from the way the parts of his back that suck in and out rumble slighty. The headcrab lowers his face a little on the table, sniffing it idly for morsles's of food.
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Offline turhral=S=C=

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #32 on: October 30, 2012, 12:16:38 AM »
As Ori goes through Belles town, he finds the Belles inn. It looks kind of deserted from outside, but he can hear the voice of people inside, and decides to go in.

Better grab my MP7, in-case something bad will pop-up...

Ori then reaches for his backpack, pulling out his MP7 and holding it. It has no ammo, but Ori hopes nobody will know that.

Ori yells: "Hello!? Can anybody hear me!?" Hoping to get an answer.
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Offline Lone Wanderer <??"?

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #33 on: October 30, 2012, 12:25:34 AM »
Hanson quietly leans against the wall of the Inn, watching everything that transpires with great thought and care. She eyes each individual as they shuffle around, not speaking a single word. Two faces seem vaguely familiar, with that of Violet and Eli, but she says nothing, her soaking wet hair still concealing her face. Everyone else around her is new, or so old that she can't remember. As the man enters, however, she cringes slightly.

"Hey pal, there's no need to yell. I can still hear."

Current Characters:
Abdul Sadek - Unregistered citizen, currently near City 18.
Monica Halleway - A seemingly crazy woman roaming the plaza.

Former HL2RP-Characters:
Jennifer Hanson - Former trader now involved with the Lambda Movement in City 17.
'091' - A former rogue medical unit now on the Combine Homeworld. Or is she?
Michael 'Y' Eloriga - A wanted criminal located in City 17, frequently spotted on rooftops.

Offline turhral=S=C=

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #34 on: October 30, 2012, 12:32:06 AM »
As Ori hears Hanson, he turns to her, looking up to face her.

"Oh, hello there. Was yelling just to see if anyone would hear me, that's all. Didn't knew there was someone in here.

Ori then notices Hanson's bow slinged on her back, staring at it.

Hmm... I see you got your own weaponery, seems like a very good one.

Out of Character for OOC:
Going to school, won't be able to respond for about 6-7 hours.
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Offline Hazard Time

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #35 on: October 30, 2012, 01:44:09 AM »
  Borislav removes his worn shoes and socks, setting them on the floor to dry.  His feet padding on the wood floor boards, he plods over to the main lobby.  Ignoring the side conversation between two newcomers, he approaches the fireplace only to discover it unlit.

"Tachno kakvo se ochakvo," he mutters.  ("Exactly what was I expecting?")

  Slightly disappointed, Borislav takes a seat on the sofa, tucking his feet in close to his body.  He focuses his attention on the storm outside, taking little attention to the others in the Inn.

Offline Elions

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #36 on: October 30, 2012, 07:29:55 AM »
Looks like it, Violet... Beans seems to be stuck out there too. He's been gone for a while already. If i can't get radio contact with him in a couple of hours i'll have to go find him myself.

Eli looks down, noticing that 34370 seems to be looking for some sort of food in the room as it crawls about

*sigh* Maybe we should just worry about getting everyone fed right now. I'll check if we've got anything we can toss at the fire or something.

Eli walks down towards the kitchen, signaling for the headcrab to follow him, almost as if he was some sort of pet as he checks the food supplies that they have. Leaving a small piece of preserved food for the headcrab as he tries to figure out what would work the best for the big group that has asembled already inside the Inn.
On the upper floors of the Inn, Joanna and Will come out of the Music room, locking it behind them as Jo looks at Will

Remember... Not one word about Darius. I want to make sure no one here is crazed about tech before i let them see him.

Will quietly nodded. Walking downstairs, seemingly towards one of the unnocupied old worker rooms, finally going to get some rest.

Joanna slowly walks around the second floor for a moment, noticing an open door on the corridor

Thought me and Violet were the only ones staying up here...

She walks down the stairs, greeting the few people she knows and keeping her newfound PDA hidden from everyone. She slowly walks up to the fireplace, looking down at it in a bit of dissapointment. She kneels down in front of it, seemingly taking out an old box of matches that is thankfully dry and trying to set up a fire on it. It takes her a while, but after 10 or so minutes of fruitless attempts, there is now a working fire in the Inn's lobby. Heating up the building for everyone.

While everyone in the Inn organizes to keep warm and fed during the storm, Beans' car remains stuck in the mud, unable to contact anyone by radio or move without Beans or his new companion leaving the vehicle to push it.
Suddenly, a strange, metallic noise comes from the back of the vehicle. It sounds as if "Something" was crawling on top of the vehicle and exploring it's upper side.
An Antlion, lost and confused on the storm, seems to have found Beans' vehicle, but without being able to identify "What" it is, it crawls over it and inspects it. The antlion seems to be alone, and is unaware of either of the men's presence inside the vehicle. For now.

As this goes on, the loud noise of a window cracking is heard in Beles. Though it's unsure wether this is caused by nature or some other reason. For anyone to investigate, they'd have to leave the Inn and check the other houses around the town of Beles.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Currently, the Inn is a safe ground. While it's not "safe" by most standarts, all characters are protected in it. The muddy roads where Beans and Scruffy are are not impossible to reach, but trekking it is considerably dangerous with the storm. The town in itself, unlike the Inn, is not safe. I put this here as a warning because i'll be putting up some "dangers" and active RP stuff for you guys. Hopefully nothing TOO challenging, but i do urge you nonetheless to think twice before trying to do a "hero" move.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2012, 07:47:49 AM by Elions »

Offline Kevin

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #37 on: October 30, 2012, 07:55:29 AM »
As the scratching on the roof of his car begins, Beans quickly throws up his index finger to his lips, signalling for Scruffy the biker to be quiet, they begin whispering.

The fuck is that?...

Sounds like somethin' scratchin' the roof...

I get that yeh dumb fuckin' hick, but what's doing it?

Well lots of critters about here... maybe a head crab... or a dog... an antlion...

What do we do?...

Beans reached to the back seat, grabbing his shotgun and jamming a few shells in the lower tube. He reached back, grabbing his bayonet sheath and yanking the bayonet out. He led it onto the barrel of his Mossberg, kicking his door open and hopping out, taking aim at the ant lion.
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Offline Elions

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #38 on: October 30, 2012, 08:08:01 AM »
The creature hisses as Beans exits the vehicle, all too wary already of the kind of weapons the humans employ, it uses it's bug-like legs to crawl onto the other side of the vehicle, covering itself on the Jalopy's side. Even if Beans wanted to fire through the vehicle he runs the risk of hitting Scruffy. The antlion seems to maintain some caution, waiting for Beans to strike (and hopefully fail) first before doing anything directly.

At the Inn, Joanna sits on the second couch after turning the fire on, looking at the man with eastern-european factions 

Haven't seen you around here before... What's your name?

Her chatter is cut short as she hears a cracking noise outside, though for now she dismisses it, trying to keep things calm inside the Inn.

Eli in the meantime comes back into the lobby with some old but well preserved cans of soup that had been saved in the Inn for a metaphorical rainy day, though now they'd be used to get through a literall one.

Allright people. I know this ain't the best eating, but It'll keep you warm while this shit passes.

He seems to for the moment take a leadership role as he tries to set up the food for people. Taking a step back from his usual "Break a couple hundred bones" role from the day to day Outlands life.

Simon, think you can stay here a while longer? I know Violet here already knows how to treat people but i want to make sure we're covered whatever happens.

He asks his friend to stay as a way of both keeping him safe as well as taking care of whatever "accidents" that may ocurr during this day.

... Plus i could use some help cooking these things. Last thing i ever cooked was bloody instant noodles.

Offline Kevin

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #39 on: October 30, 2012, 08:17:20 AM »
Beans nods at Scruffy, kicking his door shut.

Come here you slimy little cunt!

Beans moved closer to the front of his muscle car, pulling himself onto the hood, slipping a bit as he trudges onto the roof of the car, getting a view of the antlion. He puts the antlion in his ironsights, despite the antlions attempts to try to dodge his aim. He slowly eases his finger against the trigger. The shot would boom over the storm, and anyone with a good pair of ears would probably hear it, whether or not Beans hit or even clipped the antlion, he doesn't know.
Frolie [Tray is Krogan]: sup bra
Tray [Isn't Krogan]: not much panties

Offline turhral=S=C=

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #40 on: October 30, 2012, 09:46:39 AM »
As Ori moves to the living room, where the fireplace and everyone else is in, he opens his eyes wide, noticing there are a lot of people. However, when he proceeds to sit down, he hears a shooting sound, thinking it is a shotgun's one.

"Umm... Did anyone else heard that shot? I think I heard one, shotgun sound, that is..."
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Offline Lone Wanderer <??"?

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #41 on: October 30, 2012, 11:07:44 AM »
Hanson nods silently at first, agreeing with his statement.

Well, it definetely was not lightning at the least. It sounds like someone's in trouble, though.

She pushes off the wall, looking around the room. There's seemingly a lack of people there, at least in regards to how many people she remembers taking refugee in the pass itself.

Say, where is everyone else? Surely this can't be it. Is everyone relaly caught up out there?

Current Characters:
Abdul Sadek - Unregistered citizen, currently near City 18.
Monica Halleway - A seemingly crazy woman roaming the plaza.

Former HL2RP-Characters:
Jennifer Hanson - Former trader now involved with the Lambda Movement in City 17.
'091' - A former rogue medical unit now on the Combine Homeworld. Or is she?
Michael 'Y' Eloriga - A wanted criminal located in City 17, frequently spotted on rooftops.

Offline turhral=S=C=

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #42 on: October 30, 2012, 11:47:02 AM »
Ori looks around the room, searching for someone missing, but finds none, as he is not familiar with everynoe.

No clue, never saw anyo-

He notices the Headcrab on the table, quickly taking aim at him.

Watch out! We got a headcrab!
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Offline Dallas

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #43 on: October 30, 2012, 12:05:00 PM »
Harkness is awoken by Ori's yellings about a headcrab and hurries through to the source of the commotion, poking his round the corner to see the creature, he then announces to anyone in the room...

You know, if you're giving directions, saying "up the hill" isn't exactly helpful, do you know how many hills there are in this valley?

He fixes his bowtie then stares back at the creature.

Wha... What is it doing? Why isn't it attacking?

**Insert poorly made signature with fire, lens flares and obnoxious text**

Offline Elions

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #44 on: October 30, 2012, 12:45:19 PM »
Joanna looks over her shoulder as they mention a headcrab. noticing right away "which" headcrab they're talking about. She stands up quickly.

Wait, don't shoot him! It's just Humper, he's harmless.

She calmly approaches the headcrab, knowing he won't do anything to her at the very least to proove he's harmless

If it was dangerous it would have jumped one of you already anyhow. See?

Meanwhile, on the outer rim of Beles, The Antlion is hit by Beans' shotgun blast, sending pieces of the confused and hurt creature over the chasis. However, as the creature dies out, you can hear what sounds like another couple of Antlions. It seems the gunfire has attracted them.


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