Author Topic: Microchip Implant In 2017  (Read 7183 times)

Offline Sexy Frog

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Microchip Implant In 2017
« on: August 19, 2014, 04:09:10 PM »
According to an article my Uncle's girlfriend (who is one of those, 'Love & Peace! The government is keeping us down! The social and financial elites are the cancer of society" types) posted, Obamacare will require all American's by law to have a microchip implanted in their palm. Estimated by the year 2017, all Americans will have a microchip implant.

According to the report, the technology is used to answer one question, “Am I who I say I am?”

Now, looking at the comments, there's a bunch of bible thumpers talking about how this is "the mark of the beast" and "666" and all kinds of other, but I can't really take those seriously. I read into the document myself that was provided and the more I read, the more I realized some things. Roughly 80% of the people in the comment section were completely autistic, for one. Secondly, this claim was utterly ridiculous. Chipping 100% of the American population would be pretty much undo-able, especially if they didn't have insurance, not to mention the ungodly slew of complaints and utter outrage that would roll in from all the 'OH MY GOD! THEY'RE VIOLATING MY PRIVACY' screamers wailing like banshee's in every corner of the US. Thirdly, if you actually read the bill, it says at around page 1014, and I quote:

8 ‘‘National Medical Device Registry
9 ‘‘(g)(1) The Secretary shall establish a national med-
10 ical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the
11 ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety and
12 outcomes data on each device that—
13 ‘‘(A) is or has been used in or on a patient; and
14 ‘‘(B) is—
15 ‘‘(i) a class III device; or
16 ‘‘(ii) a class II device that is implantable,
17 life-supporting, or life-sustaining.

What does the mean? This bill is essentially about implantable medical equipment, not some distopian sci-fi ID chip that Big Brother stuck inside of you to watch your every move and know everything about you at all times. It's a fucking national device registry for the following (and probably many other) items:

implantable cardiac pacemakers
implantable defibrillators
leads, electrodes, adaptors for the above
implantable nerve stimulators
bladder stimulators
sphincter stimulators
diaphragm stimulators
cochlear implants
implantable active drug administration device
catheters, sensors for item above
implantable active monitoring devices
programmers, software, transmitters.

In my opinion, this is honest to goodness bullshit and clearly just some shoddy Facebook propaganda to give people an unreasonable start. What do you guys think? Do you actually believe this? If so/not, why? How do you feel about the crap people are talking about in the comments in those sections? Would you actually have a problem with an "Implantable MicroID Chip", if this was hypothetically true? Do you think it would be more beneficial, or more harmful?


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Re: Microchip Implant In 2017
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2014, 04:20:15 PM »
People come up with all these conspiracy's all the time, this is nothing new. It's just stupid to think that the government is actually going to put a chip in every single person. I don't even want to know how fucking hard that would be, let alone the time it would take.

Aside from that, Obamacare is the dumbest shit I've heard of. RIP 'Murica, you were good while it lasted.
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Offline Sexy Frog

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Re: Microchip Implant In 2017
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2014, 04:26:51 PM »
It's not so much the Obamacare that I'm talking about since, at present, it doesn't affect me and I don't think I know enough about it to really have an intelligent opinion.

I just think it's ridiculous as to the amount of people that actually really do believe it and are feeding into it in the comments. But in all honesty, even if it was true, I don't see it as such a big deal. Maybe I'm just being too lax on the matter, but I fail to see why something like this would be the end of the world to so many people? If anything, I would see implantable ID chips as something positive. For definitive identification, significantly more difficulties with identity theft and fraud, much easier to ID corpses and unknown medical patients, instant access to medical history and familial history, crime (I imagine) would have a decent sized thorn jammed in its side since it'd be easy enough to identify individuals with something like this...

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Offline [ACS Cpl.] Midnightspy007

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Re: Microchip Implant In 2017
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2014, 04:47:14 PM »
My opinion on the micro-chipping is this, had it not been offered to me by a government that has lied to me on numerous occasions I would be fine with it, it is a beneficial resource, that I do not deny. However, it WAS offered to me by my government who has lied to me. At a shame to say I do not trust my government. Since when have they made decisions that have directly benefited Americans in this sense, it just doesn't happen. I do think that there are ulterior motives to this micro-chipping, but what it is, I cannot say.   

Offline rBST Cow

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Re: Microchip Implant In 2017
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2014, 09:02:12 PM »
My opinion on the micro-chipping is this, had it not been offered to me by a government that has lied to me on numerous occasions I would be fine with it, it is a beneficial resource, that I do not deny. However, it WAS offered to me by my government who has lied to me. At a shame to say I do not trust my government. Since when have they made decisions that have directly benefited Americans in this sense, it just doesn't happen. I do think that there are ulterior motives to this micro-chipping, but what it is, I cannot say.   

Pretty much this.

Until the government starts doing things that benefit the interests of it's citizens, then I have no reason to trust them with such a device.

Read this:

Reading the entire obamacare is such a chore that I could understand why it was passed, no one actually read it so they didn't know what was in it!
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Offline [ACS Cpl.] Midnightspy007

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Re: Microchip Implant In 2017
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2014, 12:10:06 AM »
My opinion on the micro-chipping is this, had it not been offered to me by a government that has lied to me on numerous occasions I would be fine with it, it is a beneficial resource, that I do not deny. However, it WAS offered to me by my government who has lied to me. At a shame to say I do not trust my government. Since when have they made decisions that have directly benefited Americans in this sense, it just doesn't happen. I do think that there are ulterior motives to this micro-chipping, but what it is, I cannot say.   

Pretty much this.

Until the government starts doing things that benefit the interests of it's citizens, then I have no reason to trust them with such a device.

Read this:

Reading the entire obamacare is such a chore that I could understand why it was passed, no one actually read it so they didn't know what was in it!
Obama care is screwing the small business community greatly. I also think that it is ridiculous that people who can afford it are required to get health insurance, that is another cost added to the middle class working citizens and business owners. Why can't my family just pay the medical bill, in the end it would probably be cheaper then paying x amount per month, when you may use your insurance maybe twice a year. That extra .09% tax is bullshit. You can say "aw it doesn't matter to them" in reality if you look at the numbers for someone who makes 200,00$ a year, that's 1,800 extra dollars in taxes, not including what ever the current tax rate is. I say we shave .09% off of the welfare pay checks (excluding veterans and the ACTUAL disabled) and listen to the public out cry about unfairness. 
« Last Edit: August 20, 2014, 12:13:00 AM by [EG] Midnightspy007 »

Offline rBST Cow

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Re: Microchip Implant In 2017
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2014, 04:19:05 PM »
My opinion on the micro-chipping is this, had it not been offered to me by a government that has lied to me on numerous occasions I would be fine with it, it is a beneficial resource, that I do not deny. However, it WAS offered to me by my government who has lied to me. At a shame to say I do not trust my government. Since when have they made decisions that have directly benefited Americans in this sense, it just doesn't happen. I do think that there are ulterior motives to this micro-chipping, but what it is, I cannot say.   

Pretty much this.

Until the government starts doing things that benefit the interests of it's citizens, then I have no reason to trust them with such a device.

Read this:

Reading the entire obamacare is such a chore that I could understand why it was passed, no one actually read it so they didn't know what was in it!
Obama care is screwing the small business community greatly. I also think that it is ridiculous that people who can afford it are required to get health insurance, that is another cost added to the middle class working citizens and business owners. Why can't my family just pay the medical bill, in the end it would probably be cheaper then paying x amount per month, when you may use your insurance maybe twice a year. That extra .09% tax is bullshit. You can say "aw it doesn't matter to them" in reality if you look at the numbers for someone who makes 200,00$ a year, that's 1,800 extra dollars in taxes, not including what ever the current tax rate is. I say we shave .09% off of the welfare pay checks (excluding veterans and the ACTUAL disabled) and listen to the public out cry about unfairness.

Well, America is already fucked. The education system is a joke, the health care system is a joke(LOL OBAMACARE), the military is a joke, even straight down to our culture is a fucking joke. The post important thing of all, even our own fucking government is a joke. America is going to shit and has been for the past few decades. It's already over, we've lost the war.

Instead of focusing on shit that actually matters, our government only cares about social issues because it's better for PR. "whaaaa i want abortion rights and gay marriage". Holy shit, that is literally the least of our fucking worries. There are still people in America that go to sleep hungry and There are 610,042 people experiencing homelessness on any given night in the United States. We have bigger issues to worry about then your fucking GMO protest. Education is far more important than worrying about the unborn children you like to kill, yet our government don't see it like that and a large chunk of our citizens also don't see it like that.
abbot common stop bad for you if u watch anime all day nigga u fuckn weaboo

Offline [ACS Cpl.] Midnightspy007

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Re: Microchip Implant In 2017
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2014, 11:11:27 PM »
My opinion on the micro-chipping is this, had it not been offered to me by a government that has lied to me on numerous occasions I would be fine with it, it is a beneficial resource, that I do not deny. However, it WAS offered to me by my government who has lied to me. At a shame to say I do not trust my government. Since when have they made decisions that have directly benefited Americans in this sense, it just doesn't happen. I do think that there are ulterior motives to this micro-chipping, but what it is, I cannot say.   

Pretty much this.

Until the government starts doing things that benefit the interests of it's citizens, then I have no reason to trust them with such a device.

Read this:

Reading the entire obamacare is such a chore that I could understand why it was passed, no one actually read it so they didn't know what was in it!
Obama care is screwing the small business community greatly. I also think that it is ridiculous that people who can afford it are required to get health insurance, that is another cost added to the middle class working citizens and business owners. Why can't my family just pay the medical bill, in the end it would probably be cheaper then paying x amount per month, when you may use your insurance maybe twice a year. That extra .09% tax is bullshit. You can say "aw it doesn't matter to them" in reality if you look at the numbers for someone who makes 200,00$ a year, that's 1,800 extra dollars in taxes, not including what ever the current tax rate is. I say we shave .09% off of the welfare pay checks (excluding veterans and the ACTUAL disabled) and listen to the public out cry about unfairness.

Well, America is already fucked. The education system is a joke, the health care system is a joke(LOL OBAMACARE), the military is a joke, even straight down to our culture is a fucking joke. The post important thing of all, even our own fucking government is a joke. America is going to shit and has been for the past few decades. It's already over, we've lost the war.

Instead of focusing on shit that actually matters, our government only cares about social issues because it's better for PR. "whaaaa i want abortion rights and gay marriage". Holy shit, that is literally the least of our fucking worries. There are still people in America that go to sleep hungry and There are 610,042 people experiencing homelessness on any given night in the United States. We have bigger issues to worry about then your fucking GMO protest. Education is far more important than worrying about the unborn children you like to kill, yet our government don't see it like that and a large chunk of our citizens also don't see it like that.
That's because to our government we are nothing but votes, we aren't people.


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