Author Topic: <:: Unit 060's Private Logs ::>  (Read 7229 times)

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<:: Unit 060's Private Logs ::>
« on: July 18, 2012, 07:36:03 PM »
UNIT: 060
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<::|| I have created this log in hopes of examining my own personal psyche as well as those around me. I hope that this log will serve as an educational tool to units of the future when I am either dead, or my service to the grand Universal Union is deemed no longer necessary. I plan to mainly update it in accordance with my own thoughts on situations or events that strike me as personally amazing, or horrifying. Should this log ever come across eyes other than my own, or those of High Command, I request that the unit in question not take anything read personally, as these thoughts are my own, and not that of the union, or any High Command official (other than myself, if I ever make HC for some reason).

The first, and likely only noteworthy event I noticed today was that of an uncalled for amputation. Unit 121 of NOVA division was assigned to line duty during RDC today by myself. A citizen had become malcompliant, and refused to leave the line several times after having been asked to do so by 121 and myself. 121 apparently assumed that the appropriate action to respond with would be to pepper the citizen with MP7 bullets. Now, there are two main reasons that this action frustrates me. For one, he killed a citizen without authorization in front of all of his collegues. For two, the citizen stepped aside as he was firing, and one of the bullets nearly hit me. I am sure that should one of the bullets had stuck me, he would've been amputated. I am currently unaware of what his fate was, as I was instructed to leave before the NOVA division leader could administer the punishment.

I suppose I should've started this log sooner, so I could document my personal change on my path up the rank steps in the CCA, but it is too late for that now, and I thank myself for starting nonetheless. To all those reading this, remember that knowing a person's psyche makes you their master. If you are able to understand how a person thinks, and feels, you truly become their dominant figure. When they said that 'knowledge is power' in the days before the war, they were not joking around. Knowledge is the most dangerous thing these days, and it can either make you strong, or get you killed. ||::>

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Re: <:: Unit 060's Private Logs ::>
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2012, 09:15:39 PM »
UNIT: 060
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<::|| With each passing day, the opinions of both sides of the great conflict become more apparent. It is obvious to me that citizens fail to realize what all we protect them from. It is events like the one that took place today that really assist in demonstrating Civil Protection's true meaning in society. Citizens too often resort to seeing us only ass oppressors which are here to keep them down, and demean them, when in reality we DO actually provide them with numerous protections, as our name implies. This was made apparent today during a conflict in the streets.

From what I understand of the situation, two recruits were accosted by a free-roaming necrotic. The necrotic appeared to have come somewhere from behind the P3 HAP, and was assaulting the units when an 11-99 call for assistance came in. The area was soon flooded with units and as expected, most of the citizens had already fled the area in fear of the creature. Those brave enough to remain behind and watch witnessed that which Civil Protection provides to society: protection. Commander 03109 even responded to the situation, and was the only unit that directly confronted the necrotic. I assume all of the lesser units held fire for fear of striking the commander. We kept our guns trained on the necrotic, no less, and watched in awe as the commander battled with it. It is of no surprise that he was easily able to best the creature, and end its horrid life.

In other news, I have been watching the units below me. 017, 911, and 699 to name a few. They all follow the exact same path I did when I was of their rank. They are becoming colder, and less bothered by the constant screams of horror that fill the halls of the nexus. Personally, I feel that that is the true horror that floods the nexus. The lack of caring. As units rise in rank, they become used to horrible things, and nothing surprises them as it did when they were young. They grow used to the sight of blood, and rotting flesh. They are able to stomach anything, and become perfect followers of the Union, as all units will eventually. It is truly a devastating sight, but it is a circle of life that must always continue, or else society as we know it would fall apart beneath us.

As I write this, I recall a rather interesting situation that happened before I began writing this log. It was that of a rogue unit. I cannot recall the unit's exact digits, as it has been a while since he fled to P3. I was a TrO at the time, and I was the highest ranking unit in the room aside from a UED and an EU. The UED had purposed that the loser in a brawl between recruits would suffer amputation. I knew for a fact that this was a joke, as it is commonly used to scare RCT's anyway, and put them in their place. There was an 05 unit who had apparently never had this gag used on him as a recruit. He drew his weapon, and fired on the UED, accidentally striking an 01 in his attempt. Obviously upon doing this, he fled the room followed by a hail of gunfire. I alone pursued the unit. As we ran down the long hall outside of the medbay, he turned and fired an Mp7 at me. This was truly a shocking experience for me, because despite my time in the CCA, I have never actually been fired upon. I returned fire, maiming him with a shotgun blast to the midsection before he fled.

The SeC came out of stasis to witness the situation, and I assisted him directly in searching everywhere, high and low. We never found him, and from what I heard in the next passing days, the unit was caught, and amputated for high treason against the Union. Never in my time in the CCA have I seen a unit dare draw a weapon on another unit, and I hope I never witness it again. We are all brothers and sisters in the CCA, and we all reach for the same goal. We should never fight or squabble with each other, for all it does is show that we are weak, and capable of being defeated. ||::>

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« Last Edit: July 20, 2012, 03:29:35 AM by Sectus » - My Tumblr Review Page - My Twitter Page

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Re: <:: Unit 060's Private Logs ::>
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2012, 10:45:04 PM »
UNIT: 060
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<::|| I seem to have a bad habit of having only one noteworthy event occur a day. I suppose that is the fair trade off, anyway. With more power comes less time out of the nexus, and less time dealing with citizens. The time I do spend outside is mostly patrol proceedures and the like. It is rather ironic though. The higher in rank you get, the more the Union expects you to increase in strength and power. In turn, they remove you more and more from places you would be able to apply your new found strength and power. Nevertheless, I should proceed on to today's main topic, and the primary reason for me writing this log in the first place.

I was accepted into the elite division of APEX as a trainee today. Given the fact that I passed my first test with flying colors, I think SCYTHE is the right place for me. I have more than demonstrated my fighting abilities in a direct hand-to-hand confrontation with 211 in the past, and I feel that that would be the main reason she considered me in the first place. I feel like I have been able to sway even 158's opinion, given that he seemed mildly impressed with my ability to dispatch all of the available targets using every bullet in my clip. They express heavily that elitism is not something that is accepted when being in SCYTHE, and with good reason.

We must all remember that it is fear which makes us powerful, not our knowledge that we are strong. Elitism provides the feeling that you are untouchable, and will never be killed, which can sometimes lead to exactly that, your death. A person that fears all is the wisest person in the world, because he knows that no matter how strong, fast, or capable he is there is always something out there stronger, faster, and more capable than him. Even the most capable man on the planet can be caught off guard, and killed. The mindset of an egotist is the mindset of someone with a deathwish. ||::>

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Re: <:: Unit 060's Private Logs ::>
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2012, 08:45:45 PM »
UNIT: 060
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<::|| Most of my time since the last log update has been spent passively doing my duty to the Union. Again, for the seemingly millionth time I come forth with only a single noteworthy event. It's noteworthiness is even debatable. We had Union standard health checkups in the med bay today. Everyone seemed to check out perfectly fine. The only bump in my procedure was the urine sample I provided. The NOVA official that happened to be taking the sample declared that I needed to start consuming more water, or I may pass out in the plaza. I suppose that my duty has been causing me to neglect even my own self-care, which is a horrifying thought indeed.

While I know these health checkups are to keep us in tip top shape, and ensure that we are able to continue doing our duty to a standard deemed acceptable by the Union, I cannot help but be slightly irritated by them. Every time I hear a call for us all to report to the med bay for the checkup, I am reminded that the lack of units out in the streets may cause some crimes to go unnoticed. Honestly, I feel that a more efficient manner of doing this would be to call one or two units down to the med bay at a time, and inspect them thus. Despite this, we must truly give thanks to NOVA and GRID. While they are not the face of Civil Protection as APEX is, without them we would not be able to effectively do our duty for the Union. ||::>

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Re: <:: Unit 060's Private Logs ::>
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2012, 09:49:43 AM »
// Well done, keep up the good work. I love the excruciating amount of detail put into these. Whether or not you're getting the amount of replies you want, keep it up. I'll keep reading it.

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Re: <:: Unit 060's Private Logs ::>
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2012, 12:37:03 AM »
UNIT: 060
Elite Unit
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<::|| For once I come to this log with more than one story to share. To be exact, I have two stories. I will do you a favor, and share them in the order of which they occurred. The first notable thing that happened today was about half way through my afternoon shift. I was called to the HCMR by 158, one of the APEX officers. I had done nothing wrong in the past, so I figured that whatever it is they needed me for would be either something simple, and silly, or something wonderful. Thankfully it was the latter of the two. I stepped up, and delivered a firm salute as always. It was soon made apparent that my promotion application had gone through, as he pulled out an elite armband, and handed me it. I must admit that I will miss the friendly old trenchcoat that I had once donned as an 01, but this new uniform smells of new car, and I enjoy such a smell.

When I was a lower ranked unit, it always seemed that I would never be of caliber with the higher units, what with their different looking vocoders, and impressive uniforms. The title "elite" does not come without proper reason however. Most units will stop moving up at 01, and stay there for the rest of their lives. The rank that I am at is reserved for only the best of the division, and I am truly thankful for the honor of being bestowed such a title. I suppose I should stop the philosophical speeches, and move onto the second, and by far more impressive thing that happened to me today. As it has been made clear in previous logs, I am a member of APEX's elite sub-division, SCYTHE. My time in the division so far has been that of a trainee, and trust me, it is not at all easy. The entire lower section of the nexus was reserved for SCYTHE this afternoon as we trained. After a mission complete, I walked away with only a bullet wound in my leg. Allow me to remind whoever might be reading this, pulse rounds do not at all feel like regular bullets. Imagine being shot with an electrified knife, and you'll get an idea of what it feels like. ||::>

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Re: <:: Unit 060's Private Logs ::>
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2012, 02:57:59 AM »
UNIT: 060
Elite Unit
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<::|| These logs are becoming less and less an obligation and more and more simply a research project. I find it interesting to look back over my previous logs, as I notice some things that before had not irritated me, but now do. There are really only two reasons I can see that High Command would allow us to have these logs. The first reason is so that they can monitor us, and determine how best to make us afraid, so we will cooperate better. The second reason is to keep us sane. Most of our interaction with other people involves torture, and that doesn't really help a person stay sane, as is obvious. They want us to be a little out of it, but not completely cracked.

Change of subject, I have been with the Civil Protection forces for nearly a year now. When I joined, I was currently residing in City 38, which was stationed somewhere in Northern Canada. Since then, I was relocated to City 45 at the rank of 04 to replace a unit who had been previously amputated for reasons I do not know. I must admit, in all my time of being in this organization, I have not seen something so strange as what I did today. A request came in, something about an assault in the UCH showers. When we arrived, it was apparently a case of UPA involving three homosexual male citizens. I do find myself enjoying the ability to take out my pent up aggression by bashing a citizen in the back of the head with a shotgun handle. The occasion when this is allowed is definitely a rare one. Needless to say, all three were taken to the nexus, and shortly thereafter amputated.

I still have yet to see Baker in the streets since a short while ago. Perhaps he has given up on being so out in the open with his loyalist behaviors. To be honest, he was getting slightly irritating. Well, I suppose that is it for today. I will update this log in the future when I see fit to do so. ||::>

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« Last Edit: August 13, 2012, 01:57:50 AM by Sectus » - My Tumblr Review Page - My Twitter Page

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Re: <:: Unit 060's Private Logs ::>
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2012, 06:34:19 PM »
UNIT: 060
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<::|| I find training units within my squad to be a rather interesting pursuit despite the dullness it provides from repeating the same lines over and over again. I find myself enjoying the small reactions I get out of lower ranked units, especially when the lessons are involving combat or weapons. They always seem so surprised to be so easily defeated by a senior unit, and I find it quite amusing. I honestly wish that units could always remain at the mindset of a recruit. Eager, hopefully, excited. I do deeply enjoy teaching them, but it does become rather ... dissapointing to see them advance; to watch their humanity fade as mine did long ago.

Among today's events was something rather entertaining. I happened across two units in the H2H center, 017 and 404 respectively. They put up a good fight, but I express my ... deeply retained irritation ... at the fact that 017 came out the victor in the conflict. 404 being an APEX unit, I expected more from him. He lost the brawl with a dislocated jaw. I personally feel that the unit should have apologized to 017 for not being able to hold his own, but I kept myself quiet and merely instructed the NOVA units to standby. One of them snapped his jaw back into place, and I told them they were no longer needed. If you are in APEX, you must show your strength, and live with your failures. ||::>

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Re: <:: Unit 060's Private Logs ::>
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2012, 12:17:51 AM »
UNIT: 060
Elite Unit
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<::|| Several noteworthy events struck me today, some more irritating than others. The first event that took place was a rather large outbreak of an acidic fluid of some sort from the sewers. I was posted on guard duty at the UCH whilest the rest of my division was out rounding up citizens and directing them to me. Everything went smoothly, and radio traffic suggests that GRID got to use its APC for once. Apparently the water cannon on that thing is capable of clearing up such slug with relative ease. I was impressed to see it all cleared in a matter of minutes.

The second, and slightly more irritating issue was that of a triveal, CCA related one. A female citizen of a rather promiscuous nature was authorized by Unit 717 to give "mask cleanings". I formally express my disgust with the situation, but allowed it to carry on. Afterwords, when exiting the shop later, I found 717 standing on top of a citizen's shoulders in order to peek into the shop we were just in. Honestly I would have expected more upstanding behavior from an ex-OfC of ZEALOT. I spoke with the female citizen afterwords, and I feel she understands what she did wrong. ||::>

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Re: <:: Unit 060's Private Logs ::>
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2012, 04:27:10 PM »
UNIT: 060
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<::|| Twice in my time in the CCA I have faced the reaper. Man does not do well when facing death, and I am no exception. I was ordered to come down to the HCMR a while ago. If it was a few days or even a week, I cannot recall. I stepped into the meeting room only to be greeted by several UED units, and a commander. I fail to recall any of their digits, as the entire situation is merely a blur to me even as I type this log out. I was informed that I had been called down to face judgement for treason against the Union. Many of the charges brought against me I neither recall, nor specifically performed aside from sitting on a bench in the plaza. I had assumed that because higher units do it, I would have been allowed to.

The feeling, when I approached the podium ready to die ... there is no description for it. I knelt, and closed my eyes. As I felt the weapon press against the back of my head, I set my last thoughts in place. What I saw as I readied myself for death, I prefer to keep to myself. It felt like ages as I waited to hear the order to fire. I waited, and waited, and what came struck me like a punch to the face. The commanding UED ordered the executioner to stop. I was lifted to my feet, and told that I had a guardian angel watching over me by the UED leader. For a second, I had assumed that I was dead, and this was an afterlife of some sort. I do not know why the UED decided to spare me, but I am eternally thankful for it. The feeling as I was allowed to leave the HCMR was ... indescribable. Every positive emotion that a man can feel swelled inside of me. Happiness, pride, love ... all of it, just burst forth. I did my best to contain it, but it was all I could take to do so. I had to sit in the firing range and rest merely to contain my emotions. I am not a man that sheds tears easily, and I doubt many are. I have never cried tears of joy in my life prior to this point, but that day in the firing range I did. For some reason, I walked out of that room with my life where many would not have.

Many lesser units these days think with an arrogant mindset. They do not appreciate the gifts they are given, those of life and happiness. They do not know of what awaits them for their arrogance, and they would only repent when they faced death. I have always been a person to appreciate life, and respect my betters and superiors. For whatever reason, or from whoever the order came to spare my life, I do not know. All I know is that I am thankful. I am thankful for all, and I truly loved everything that night. When I stepped out of that room, I felt such love for life, and everyone. As I have said, it is a feeling that one cannot describe with such a limited vocabulary. It is a pity that others cannot feel such a thing without an outside force acting to activate it.

I was ordered back to the HCMR later by a commander, 03109 specifically. I suspected the worst, but apparently I had failed his aptitude test. As punishment I was demoted to 03, and had to turn over all of my items that only 01 or higher can hold. I understand, and fully respect the decision he made to do so. All I can do is work harder to better myself, and make the Union proud of my effort. I faced death today, and somehow walked out alive. We must all appreciate the lives we are given, and thank the Union for letting us keep them, for they are truly the best gift one can receive. ||::>

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Re: <:: Unit 060's Private Logs ::>
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2012, 10:23:52 PM »
// haha your lucky, they just tossed me without giving me a proper chance to say "Give me one more chance." :(

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Re: <:: Unit 060's Private Logs ::>
« Reply #11 on: August 10, 2012, 01:00:56 AM »
// haha your lucky, they just tossed me without giving me a proper chance to say "Give me one more chance." :(

// They were not supposed to do that. They follow out only under the orders of the SeC. - My Tumblr Review Page - My Twitter Page

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Re: <:: Unit 060's Private Logs ::>
« Reply #12 on: August 11, 2012, 09:34:54 PM »
UNIT: 060
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<::|| In the past few days, I have noticed a slight change in the attitude of the citizens of City 45. The city appears to have become overwhelmed with fear of the unknown. The rumors have been flying around, and all I can gather from the situation is that anti-citizen Rhodes has returned. Many people, myself included, had assumed that he was dead up until this point. The part that puts me on edge is not simply the fact that he has committed murders, it is the fact that people seem to be encouraging the fear of him, rather than ignoring it. In the short few days that I have heard of his return, people have been giving him titles other than simply 'Candyman'. They are calling him things like 'The Reaper' and 'The Courier of Death'. This killer's name is being spread far and wide, and this isn't something I think is good. Quite the contrary, these titles are only giving him what he wants; fame.

In my time as an officer, I witnessed the execution of an anti-citizen known as 'Reaver'. I had assumed he was the last of the large resistance groups, but even he did not measure to the infamy that this 'Candyman' has called up. From what I have seen, two or three people have been killed for association, yet the killer's name continues to echo around the plaza now and again. Hopefully we will be able to capture this maniac before he can cause harm more directly against the Union. ||::>

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Re: <:: Unit 060's Private Logs ::>
« Reply #13 on: August 11, 2012, 10:12:28 PM »
self stroke

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Re: <:: Unit 060's Private Logs ::>
« Reply #14 on: August 15, 2012, 08:26:03 AM »
UNIT: 060
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<::|| Today was rather interesting I suppose. There was a pretty bad storm, so bad so that the outer doors to the nexus were stuck sealed. I don't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing, but I was trapped inside with several others units. As the storm raged on the emergency alarm continued, and we kept receiving alerts about system failures and power being lost to certain systems. Eventually the storm subsided, and Overwatch support moved into the area. I do not know what happened past this point as my shift ended and I left to the barracks for some sleep. It is rather interesting to think how each person reacted to such a situation.

One of the City Administrators had been moved down with us. While I do not exactly favor the presence of the Doctors, I understand why he was moved down, for his own safety. He told us all a story about when he was a boy, and unfortunately drew the room's attention to me when the Doctor asked me to tell a story. All the stories I have to tell are ones that are either unsuitable to tell, or are about my life prior to the war. I do not often find myself willing to discuss my life from before the war, and hopefully I won't have to soon.

Sometimes I find myself wishing for times before the war. I remember that those times were simple. With the Union, my life has new meaning. The Union gave me purpose, and for that I thank them. Even without the direct elements of friendship, or kindness, I am renewed by the Union's control over Earth. They gave me the discipline that my life lacked before the war.  ||::>

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