Author Topic: Sexy Frog's Authorization Application  (Read 1859 times)

Offline Sexy Frog

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Sexy Frog's Authorization Application
« on: March 23, 2014, 11:26:38 AM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Sexy Frog
How long have you been roleplaying? (can be any game): 4 years
How long have you been playing Garry's Mod serious roleplay?: 3 years

Character Section

r flags for rag doll spawning
Expert sewing and doll making knowledge
Professional Sewing/doll making kit (needles, various spools of thread, scissors, loupe, buttons, eyes, paint, fabric, etc)

Name: Lee Xiao'pi
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Affiliation: N/A

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Spoiler for Musical Accompaniment:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
“Lee? Lee, are you there?” inquired a dainty, almost mousy voice that seemed to trail off occasionally before starting up again like a broken record.

 The voice, fading into incoherent ambience in the head of the man who sat in a gloom ridden, dusty room behind a workbench. All around him were an off putting array of dolls which littered the room, varying in size and appearance. Many sat in place with expectant glimmers in their impeccably flawless porcelain eyes as if waiting for someone to pass by in order to snake their arms around them and never let go, while some simply gave off the illusion of constant watching; never once blinking for fear of missing a single movement. The short Asian man who sat at his station wore an overbearing jeweler’s loupe as he fed a thin piece of thread through the head of a needle, tying it in place with ease and began to busily poke about with dazzling expertise as he made quick work of suturing on a delicate looking life sized arm onto a child sized doll. As he moved to make the final stitch to complete the arm, the voice pierced the gloom once more. The sudden noise had startled him, causing him to flinch and yelp in pain as the need bore itself into his finger; a single droplet of bright scarlet oozing out before dripping onto the fabric of the dolls clothing.

“Argh! Damn it! There’s blood on the fabric now! That will take forever to get out! No!” he wailed in horror as he darted to and fro, gathering materials to take out the stain with a maddened glint in his eye that likes of which are common place of those who are obsessive with their professions and hobbies.

 Soon enough, the owner of the voice skirted the corner, lead along by his shouts of frustration. It was a fair skinned Asian woman whose hair was tied in a small pony tail. Upon seeing him, her expression immediately darkened as she spotted him rabidly toiling away, noting his disheveled hair, unkempt beard and piled of empty dishes and food containers strewn about his workspace, while in contrast, his works which he went so far as to call his children, were perfectly and neatly arranged in cases and on chairs. Anyone would be able to tell this man essentially lived to work on his dolls with little regard for anything else.

“Lee, this isn’t healthy, you need to do something about this. Look, I talked to Mother and she thinks its best that we trying…erm….” The woman faltered for a moment as she braced herself for the torrent of insults and disbelief she knew would come, “that we try selling these dolls.”

Just as the woman had predicted, he turned towards her after plucking his loupe off with unsettled, shaking hands which trembled from the rising anger at such a suggestion. His naturally squinted eyes had widened to the point of seeming near unnaturally round, only going so far as to emphasize the dark circles under his eyes and blood red veins lining the whites of his eyes; clear signs of sleep deprivation.
“Are you stupid? I would NEVER sell one of these works of art! These dolls, Leone….” He stopped for a moment as she spread his arms wide to gesture to all of his creations, “These dolls are my life! My livelihood! Without them, I’m nothing! I’ve been doing this for 25 years, ever since I first learned when I was a boy back in Beijing; I would never give these up, as my daughter, you have to understand that!”
The word daughter seemed forced, almost as if he had wanted to avoid saying it, but the word manifested its resentments and tore its way out of his throat. As he ravenously searched his ‘daughters’ face for some semblance of understanding, he found only blatant, unsuppressed disgust and resentment.

“Lee, we’ve been over this before; don’t call me your daughter.” She reminded him sharply, any previous attempts at polite airs which she held when she initially addressed him having long since gone. “And I don’t care what you say anymore, this isn’t good for you. You may be a neglectful piece of shit, but you’re still my father and I’ll be damned if you’re going to living this way!” as she said this, she carelessly snatched at one of the nearby dolls, grabbing it by the leg and moving to march past him. “I’m going to be putting these up online by tonight! I’ll trash them if no one buys otherwise!”

“No! You can’t! I won’t let you!” he hissed through bared teeth, his brow furrowing as he stood in her path. Raising a hand, he flattened it before sending it sailing towards her as it sliced through the air with an inherent swoosh. Before Leone had so much as a moment to react, the numbing sound of echoing flesh against flesh shot through the air as she stumbled backwards; the doll clattering to the ground in a heap.

As she clutched her hot, reddened cheek in a jarring stupor, Lee scrambled towards the side of the now cracked and twisted doll, shivering with grief as watery hot tears spilled onto his cheeks, yowling in pain. “Nooooooo! Th-this was my first! My fiiiiiirst one I had ever made! How could you, you witch! My baby, noooooooo!”

“You’re a sick man, Lee! You need help!” Leone stammered before turning about and marching away, slamming the workshop door behind him. He was alone yet again, only this time, he would stay that way. Alone…with his dolls.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
+ Ability to make "fake corpses"
+ Possible hire with the Hospital for "practice dolls"
+ Various acts of deception
+ Source of profit for someone who wants one (Sex dolls anyone? Or just normal scapegoats)

- Time consuming
- Can be mistaken for carrying a corpse if seen carrying the doll
- Possibly counting as contraband? I think?
- varying in quality

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I plan to make dolls, simply put. I want to use them for various things, be it fake corpses for pranks, scapegoats for getting out of tight spots, selling the dolls to people for whatever they want to use them for, or selling my services to the Hospital to make them dolls to practice medical procedures on.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Extra Notes (optional):
First Auth app in a while. Please be gentle.

(Deleted post from thread and made own thread since apparently that's the things now.)

>No matter what happens, no matter how old I get.
>I'll never forget...
>Fats Mcgee. And his Retard Three.

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Re: Sexy Frog's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2014, 06:08:54 PM »
I will give my support for this. Sexy Frog has a demonstrated capability in the past through previous RP to handle this so I can't see why not.

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Re: Sexy Frog's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2014, 11:30:58 PM »
Consider this accepted.


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