Author Topic: Adrian Fasjovik's Authorization Application  (Read 8603 times)

Offline Frolie [Jellykid]

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Adrian Fasjovik's Authorization Application
« on: April 02, 2013, 04:08:34 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Frolie
Age: Fifteen
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): About Five years.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: A little over Two years.

Character Section


Undiagnosed case of High Functioning Autism, specifically Aspergers Syndrome
     - Never openly discussed in the backstory; symptoms and features manifest themselves throughout the story

4/4 Violin and Horsehair Bow (as well as accessories)
     - Hard Violin Case (Damaged and Burned in Several Places, Repaired with Duct-Tape)
     - Set of Pitch Pipes
     - Thin Wood-Polishing Cloth
     - Bow Rosin

Skilled in both Internal Medicine & Surgery
     - Graduate of Uppsala University (studying surgical sciences)
     - Moderate familiarity in internal medicine (reading, sitting in on seminars, etc.)
     - Experience as a surgeon and medical consultant
     - Three years’ experience as a black-market surgeon & Organ Trader

Moderately Extensive Collection of Surgery & Internal Medicine Equipment
     - Rudimentary Surgical Instruments (Forceps, Scalpels, Retractors, etc.)
     - First Aid Utensils (Bandage Materials, Bleeding & CPR Tools, Wound / Blister / Burn Care, Suture & Syringe Tools, Fracture & Sprain Tools, Rudimentary Dental Tools, etc.)
     - Large Supply of Prescription & Over-The-Counter Drugs
     - Some medical attire & sanitation supplies (surgeon’s mask, medical apron, latex gloves, soap, isopropyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, etc.)
     - Gathering of Sedatives (Barbiturates, Analgesics, Etorphine, etc.)

Familiarity in both Swedish & English languages
     - OOCly something like this: [SWEDISH] blah blah blah

Name: Adrian Fasjovik
Age: Twenty-Nine
Gender: Female
Affiliation: None

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Dalia Bjork and Linus Fasjovik were married as quietly and humbly as possible, before a judge in the City Hall of Stockholm. Linus had come from poverty: his parents had managed to get along on minimum wage jobs, but after Linus’ father was diagnosed with cancer, the medical expenses had put their family into irreparable debt. The difference between Linus’ family and Dalia’s is what made the bride’s parents disapprove of the coupling. Martin and Agneta Bjork, Dalia’s mother and father, were wealthy and illustrious; however, their contempt preceded their extravagance, and they broke off both financial support and communication with their daughter after she married against their wishes.

With only feeble monetary support from Linus’ parents, and complete neglect from Dalia’s, the newly-weds found supporting themselves to be very difficult. Nonetheless, with Linus’ job at the local auto-body shop, where he had worked since he was fourteen, and the job Dalia had managed to attain as a cashier in a downtown grocery, they got by, for a time. That all changed after the couple discovered that Dalia was pregnant- with twins.

After accumulating a mountain of debt in prenatal exams and basic necessities for newborns, Adrian and Lisbeth Fasjovik were born on the 17th of November, in 1989. Just after the twins were born, Linus was made aware of a serious complication that occurred during the delivery; the nurses had called it Amniotic Fluid Embolism, but that meant nothing to Linus. After hours of dicey treatment, it became apparent to Linus that Dalia was not going to make it. She managed to cling to life long enough for Linus and his parents to be with her before she passed.

Suffering from Postpartum Depression and crippled by debt as a result of costly medical bills, Linus lost his job at the auto-body shop and was evicted from his and his late wife’s apartment. Humiliating though it was, Linus moved back in with his parents, relying heavily on his mother to care for the newborn twins while he grieved for his wife. It took two whole years before Linus found himself capable of work again, two years within which his mother had passed away, and left raising Lisbeth and Adrian to Linus’ father, who’s cancer had grown so aggressive that he was barely present at all. Linus found his vigor to work again in caring for his daughters and father, finding a new job at a different auto-garage, and taking a second job at a magazine kiosk outside of a downtown subway terminal.

Lacking in parental figures, Adrian and Lisbeth grew up largely under the guidance of their exhausted and dull-witted grandfather. Adrian became an obvious problem child from a young age. She would terrorize her sister frequently, subjecting her to emotional abuse that would stick with Lisbeth for most of her life. When she turned five and began Kindergarten, her reception to other students was just as bad. She would stick among a small group of friends, and would often act horribly mean to anyone else, sometimes growing so possessive of her friends that she would beat anyone who tried to talk to them. The most trivial action could set her off like a powder-keg, and without warning, she would go into fits were she would yell at her teachers and physically hurt other individuals; on one occasion even putting a classmate, a six-year-old boy, into the hospital with a cerebral hemorrhage. Linus loved his daughter dearly, but realized that his limited experience as a father could not handle such an issue, and with lacking time and money, he found it difficult to do much of anything.

The signs of Adrian’s intellect and predilection to the illicit began at age eight.  Adrian had listened (often with irritation) to the neighbors child, who was 13 and in the school orchestra. She played the violin, and in Adrian’s opinion, she played it badly. One evening, the neighbors found that the instrument had disappeared. When it’s absence was discovered, the neighbors had searched for it furiously, to no avail. On the third day, the neighbors heard the familiar screeching of an amatuer’s bow across strings from the Fasjovik household.

Linus made his child turn over the instrument the instant he found out of this lunacy, and took a few days off work to both ridicule and support his daughter. He made her understand that what she did was wrong, both with her actions at school and with stealing from their neighbor. Upset at disappointing her father, the blubbering young child confessed that she had taken it because she was certain she could play it better. Nonetheless, Linus demanded that she behave herself at school, and to never, ever, steal again. Adrian quickly agreed.

The problems in school disappeared almost immediately afterwards, with Adrian’s behavior and attention in school taking such a sharp curve that Linus saw it fit to reward her. After scrimping and saving for weeks before the winter holiday, Linus gave Adrian a Violin on Christmas Day. Delighted with the magnanimous gift, Adrian began to play it immediately, and poorly. Her frustration at her immaturity in playing the instrument turned into motivation to learn how to play it better. By 11, she was a proper artist with the bow. When she reached the pinnacle of her skill with the instrument, Adrian began taking up other scholarly pursuits. When Adrian set her sights on graduating from high school early, her intellectual venting was pushed into something much worse. Linus came home from a tiring day at the auto body shop to find his daughter dissecting a gerbil. When questioned about it, Adrian admitted that she had stolen the class pet after it had died, and wanted to, “know what it looked like inside.” After that, she’d bring home more animals, once even dissecting a dead alley cat whose corpse she had found in the garbage behind their apartment. Linus had trouble enough holding down two jobs to support his two daughters and father, but did manage to find a healthy way to vent this growing enthusiasm in anatomy; he suggested that she should volunteer at the local hospital.

Delighted with the idea, Adrian immediately applied as a volunteer at Danderyds Sjukhus, a large Hospital in central Sweden that she had to use the subway to reach after school. Between her volunteer work, her studies in school, and her music, Adrian hardly had any time to terrorize her sister, or wreak havoc in school.

Adrian graduated from her high school at the age of Fifteen, top of her class. She insisted to her proud father that she wasn't smart, or incredibly gifted; only motivated to escape the people she frequently described as boring, stupid, or annoying. Her resolve to graduate early granted her many offered scholarships, only one of which she took up. When she reached the required age of 16, Adrian almost immediately enrolled in Uppsala Medical University, with her scholarship paying for most of it. She found the other students there more tolerable, but, her being 16, she was dramatically differentiated from her classmates, most of whom were in their mid to late 20s and up. Without much of a social life and a dorm room all to herself, Adrian turned again to her studies, her music, and her solidarity.

Adrian chose Surgical Sciences as her distinctive field of study, though her interest in medicine was very broad to say the least. She chewed through magazines like Lakartidningen and the Central European Journal of Medicine easily, and could absorb the material of a 500 page Internal Medicine textbook within a week and a half. Adrian even taught herself English using an online program, so that she could read European and American journals as well. She advanced through premed within a year and a half, and earned her degree in Surgical Sciences after 3.

It was about this time that Adrian’s closest confidant, role-model, and father, Linus, began to show the earliest signs of Alzheimer’s. Distraught, Adrian promised to take care of him if it ever got worse, as Linus’ work at the autobody shop could never cover the care he would need. Linus shrugged off the doctor’s words for Adrian’s sake, claiming that he was sure this was nothing, and that it would not pan out. Unfortunately, this was not the case. As if the time wasn't stressful enough, Lisbeth graduated from High School and immediately set out for America, to be as far from, what she considered, a 'sociopathic' sister. With a dead wife, a dead mother, a dying father, and a sudden absent daughter, Linus only had Adrian, who was preoccupied with school.

Adrian’s uncanny advance through her studies earned her dozens of recommendations from her professors, a few of the less arrogant ones even suggesting that the remarkable 19 year old had possessed knowledge in the fields of medicine that combated even their own. With the recommendations of her teachers, and a familiarity with the administrator of Danderyds Sjukhus (the same prominent hospital in Stockholm where Adrian had volunteered on her free time in high school), Adrian earned an installment as an unpaid intern.

When the hospital staff learned of a 19-year-old who was widely acclaimed as a borderline-genius, they imagined something far from what the girl behind all the praise actually was. She sported a bizarre and impersonal appearance, with a temper and attitude to match. Within a few weeks of her stay at the hospital, it was obvious that she was intelligent and insightful, but her bedside manner and courtesy left much to be desired. She had a bad habit of verbal berating patients and even other doctors when they made even inconsequential mistakes.

But, much as she was behind the bow of her violin, Adrian was a professional with a scalpel. Her concentration, dexterity, and focus in the operating room impressed her peers, and her intellectual prowess, while constantly annoying, was striking nonetheless. Adrian took many great strides during these years at the hospital. She moved her father out of his apartment and into a nursing home, where he could get better care, and applied the entire apartment to herself; with the money she made at the hospital, she could keep her father in excellent care.

A great opportunity came when Adrian was asked to participate in a career-making operation: an experimental heart procedure, utilizing lab-grown heart material to replace the damaged material of a 30 year old man. During the procedure, a serious complication occurred, and two options were made apparent: A, the operation could be stopped and the incision closed up, ensuring that continuation of the man’s life (at least, for a while). B, the operation could continue under serious risk. Adrian’s hubris took the best of her, and she chose option B, a choice which resulted in the patient’s death.

The case was reviewed by the Medical Board of the Hospital, who judged Adrian to be at fault for the patient’s death, putting her career and her pride before the patient’s life. She was suspended from her job, and ultimately fired, as well as having her medical license was revoked. Furious that she had failed the operation, furious that she had been fired, and furious that she could no longer provide for her father, Adrian had to find another way to turn her talents into revenue.

With no medical license, legal work was impossible to obtain- desperate to keep her father in good care, Adrian resorted to illegal, black-market plastic surgery. Compared to other ‘doctors’ in this prohibited profession, Adrian was far more qualified: most others were veterinarians, retired nurses and EMTs, and god-forbid some curious amateur with no medical experience at all. The money paid the bills, and more importantly, paid for Adrian’s fathers care, but Adrian hated the work. There was no thrill in stuffing a woman’s chest with plastic and saline, there was no fun in collagen and Botox; Adrian’s hand wasn’t married to the scalpel so she could make women look more attractive. Her skill wasn’t without notice: when Adrian performed Botox injections on a young woman, she later discovered that she was the girlfriend of a man named Henrik Dahlgren, a native Czech, and middle-man in the drug and prostitution industries. Blackmarket surgeons of such skill were few and far between, so Henrik made sure to float Adrian’s name higher up the food chain. It wasn’t long before someone made an offer to her.

Her new job would involve working heavily with people who had been wounded and couldn’t go to a hospital, people who needed some sort of illicit surgery performed, or people who were brought into the country to work. Over the next few years, Adrian would burn off fingerprints, treat bullet wounds, evaluate the health of illegal aliens, and consult privately on other matters, on occasion even on torture, which she shamefully enjoyed most of all. She thought of it like a game: the right touch, the right way, with the right tool, only then would the unfortunate victim reveal his secrets.

Adrian had inadvertently nailed a lucrative niche market. Her years of medical practice and fascination, not to mention her unique personality and border-line sadistic nature, made her exceptionally able in performing high to low profile medical tasks in the criminal demographic. Her practices were bizarre and varied, and she enjoyed most every one of them. Although she knew how horrified her father would be if he knew the source of the money that was keeping him in such good care, Adrian continued her illicit work with a pleasure that made her feel guilty.

Her being something of a workaholic, the Seven Hour War occurred, predictably, while she was at work. Her pager, cell-phone, and home phone had all gone off almost simultaneously that morning, at 2:00 AM. Her expertise had been called upon to treat the very man who had roped her into the business, Henrik Dahlgren. Henrik had been knee-deep in a touch-and-go transaction of human trafficking, but while brokering a deal for the exchange of foreign prostitutes, a rival industry a sent a hired gun to kill him. He had suffered eight bullet wounds, mostly to the upper body, but had somehow managed to stay alive.

A car came to pick her up, and brought her to a small safehouse within the city; an old, underground fallout-shelter, renovated and disguised as a garden shed. Her tools had been brought to the safehouse from her place of work, including her violin, which she played whenever she had time off. It was there in that bomb shelter , while wrist deep inside of Henrik’s stomach, that the first signs foreshadowing the 7-Hour-War began. First it was police sirens; then, the first explosions. Panicked and confused by the sounds coming from the surace, Adrian gave up on her patient and left Henrik to perish on the operating table. Without knowing what was going to happen, a gun was put into every man’s hands: even Adrian took Henrik’s Czech pistol from the holster inside his jacket, though she’d never shot a gun in her life. The next Seven Hours were populated with screams, gunshots, the screech of tires on pavement, and sounds of helicopters; a myriad of sounds blended together into the orchestra of war, the greatest war in human history.

They stayed in the shelter for days, desperately searching for accurate news over the radio and on the tiny 12 inch black-and-white screen TV. They learned as much as anyone else did in the first few days of the combine occupation: Most of man-kind had been extinguished, and an alien occupation had begun. Some scientist named Wallace Breen had become representative of earth, and had managed to quell the extermination of the human race; now the remaining population was being abducted, to be brought to occupied cities until further notice.

Four of the seven inside the bunker went out, firearms quivering at their sides, and never came back. The only things inside the shelter were Adrian, two others, Henrik’s corpse, and a very modest food supply. Inevitably, argument made it’s way into the conversation like an insidious worm. Adrian’s rationale was that if they went it, they would be killed or taken. If only one or two went out, they would be made to talk until they gave up the location of the other. When the other two had resolved to go to the surface, Adrian made a kneejerk decision. With Henrik’s Czech pistol in hand, she murdered both of them when their backs were turned. Without remorse, she waited for days inside the shelter, with nothing but three dead bodies and a dwindling food supply for company.

After her eighth day inside the shelter, it became apparent that if she didn’t go to the surface for more provisions, Adrian would starve. However, on the surface she would inevitably be captured. With these two important points in mind, she made an important decision. The tools of her trade had to stay behind, and she had to go to the cities if she wanted to survive (with her food supply dropping, she would starve if she didn’t go to the surface). She had heard over the radio that these aliens, now widely known as the Combine (compliments of Wallace Breen), were still searching for any humans in hiding. She stashed all of her medical supplies inside the empty cardboard food boxes, as well as Henrik’s gun, and hid all the boxes under blankets in the corner. She searched the corpses of Henrik and his body guards, luckily finding the metal key to the shelter door inside of one of the corpses’ pockets. Key pressed between her teeth, Adrian climbed the ladder out of the shelter up to the surface.

Before she left to be found by the Combine, Adrian made sure to hide the shelter door in the shed. She flipped a table over onto the door itself, and covered that with a blue tarp before surrounding it all with other furniture and boxes she found spotted around the interior of the hut. Content that the shelter was well hidden, Adrian went out into the world for the first time in days… only to find that the world she knew was gone.

The city that she knew, the one she had grown up in, the entire world as she had known it, had withered and died. The skies were smeared with the thick smoke of industry, the skyline cracked with destroyed buildings and the glow of fires. Queer looking helicopters cut through the sky, search-lights frantically dissecting every inch of the land for signs of life. With the key to the shed still pressed between her teeth, Adrian ran as fast and for as long as she could, breathing only through her nose; when she was found, she wanted to be as far from the shelter as possible. It wasn’t long before she was abducted, only two miles from the shelter.

She was transported by helicopter, with about twenty others, to the camp erected inside of Stockholm, and briefly examined by a medical official. When asked to open her mouth for an oral exam, Adrian called upon all of her pain tolerance to swallow her key without being discovered. The sharp ridges of the key cut at her esophagus as she swallowed, but she did manage to gulp it down. When she was moved into an apartment, she immediately vomited the key up into the toilet bowl, and hid it under her bed.

Many months passed before she left the city again. She carefully, slowly climbed up the side of a building from a fire-escape, then jumped from the roof to a small catwalk system lining train tracks. The blue shields of the combine razor trains hadn’t yet been implemented, so all that stood between her and freedom was only a long, 20 mile walk adjacent to the tracks, and passing razor trains. Many more days were spent getting her bearings outside the city before she found the shelter again.

Adrian removed the key from her shoe, where she had hidden it before she fled the city, and pushed open the shed door, relieved to find that the whole place was, more or less, untouched. She pushed away all that covered the shelter door, and then opened the door itself. A half-year of rotten air, the air of the bodies escaping all at once, was so overpowering that she had to leave the shelter entirely, leaving both doors open overnight to let the reek air out overnight. The next morning, with a cloth tied over her mouth, she ventured down into the shelter again and again, each time bringing up a little bit of her supplies.

With Henrik’s pistol tucked in the waistband of her denim jeans, and her prized medical collection carefully loaded into a large grocery cart, Adrian took to wandering. Many, many months would pass before she would arrive in the Rodna mountains.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
Undiagnosed Aspergers
  + Extreme focus on certain areas of study makes the character very intelligent in certain studies

High Skill in both Internal Medicine & Surgery
  + Can use talents with surgery & medicine to earn food, tokens, or other supplies
  + Can treat most injuries inflicted on other people
  + Can treat small or moderate injuries on herself

Collection of Surgery & Internal Medicine Equipment
  + Equipment, coupled with tools, allows the character to treat injuries (her own or otherwise)
  + In dire situations, the character could sell some of her equipment for food, tokens, or other supplies

Violin and Talent in Playing it
  + Allows the character to entertain herself and / or others
  + Violin is something of a healthy escape; allows the character to vent excess frustration or enthusiasm

Familiarity with both Swedish & English
  + Might allow the character to converse with other individuals in her native language

Undiagnosed Aspergers
  - Impersonality can make the character seem rude or difficult to associate with
  - Character has special sensitivity to certain sounds and lights
  - Character possesses certain quirks and 'pet-peeves' that might annoy or disturb others

High Skill in both Internal Medicine & Surgery
  - Skills could make her an asset, and thus a possible target
  - Should the character screw up during a procedure, then the patient or patient's friends could seek revenge
  - Failing in medicine can send the character into deep states of fury

Collection of Surgical & Internal Medicine Equipment
  - Owning valuable equipment can make the character a target for robbery

Violin and Talent in Playing it
  - Violin is valuable to the character; were it damaged or broken, the character could go into an uncontrollable rage
  - Violin could seem valuable to others, and make the character a target for robbery

Familiarity with both Swedish & English
  - Character doesn't have complete fluency, and speaks in broken English; communication could be an issue

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
This character spawned off of a picture I saw online, of a female-version of the Team Fortress 2 medic (silly, I know). Nonetheless, the image got me thinking of a sort of punk-doctor, or a psychopathic surgeon. The idea seemed intriguing... but lacking at the same time. I put a lot of thought into the character, time which culminated in the character featured in the backstory; one motivated by family and passion, a sadist and sympathizer at the same time, someone who's both protective and apathetic. With these perks and defects, I hope to roleplay this character in the unique way I intended.

Obviously, a good deal of this means Passive Roleplay (the medical supplies and violin specifically). Routine things like giving checkups on refugees, or entertaining rebels with her violin, they all contribute to the atmosphere of the Outlands.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
No one else will need these authorizations, just Adrian.

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):

I felt a bit nervous with the story when I posted it, like I might have left something out or made some kind of blunder (even though I reviewed it many times). That being said, if you've got any issues, post them below, and I'll amend the backstory accordingly.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2013, 08:36:26 AM by Frolie »
I'm a fag

Offline Yak

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Re: Adrian Fasjovik's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2013, 07:45:30 PM »
Did you make this character because of Glenn

Currently, anyone may post in an authorization application thread as long as what they are posting is valid, constrictive and not just a post stating whether or not you support the application.
Please remember the rules Yak -KJUN
« Last Edit: April 03, 2013, 01:02:59 PM by KJUN »

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Re: Adrian Fasjovik's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2013, 07:48:44 PM »
You've written this well and though it through, I can tell you want this character.
My only problem with this is that you're wanting a pistol, which is supposed to be gained through IC purposes - unless this pistol is meant to have some sort of sentimental value - I can't support the pistol aspect of it. The only reason I do not want your character to have a pistol is because I believe pistols and all weaponry that can be supported through item trade (shotguns, pistols, anything that is an entity on the server).
Moderately Extensive Collection of Surgery & Internal Medicine Equipment
     - Rudimentary Surgical Instruments (Forceps, Scalpels, Retractors, etc.)
     - First Aid Utensils (Bandage Materials, Bleeding & CPR Tools, Wound / Blister / Burn Care, Suture & Syringe Tools, Fracture & Sprain Tools, Rudimentary Dental Tools, etc.)
     - Large Supply of Prescription & Over-The-Counter Drugs
     - Some medical attire & sanitation supplies (surgeon’s mask, medical apron, latex gloves, soap, isopropyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, etc.)
     - Gathering of Sedatives (Barbiturates, Analgesics, Etorphine, etc.)

You need to list these, I can't stand it when people do this. Writing 'a supply of medicine' is arguably the worst thing you could do on an authorization application. I'd like to request an exact list of the items and the quantity of them.

All in all, get rid of the pistol  and list the medical items you want to use and how many of there you have and you will have my undoubted support - but for now you have none from me.

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Re: Adrian Fasjovik's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2013, 08:20:13 PM »
You've written this well and though it through, I can tell you want this character.
My only problem with this is that you're wanting a pistol, which is supposed to be gained through IC purposes - unless this pistol is meant to have some sort of sentimental value - I can't support the pistol aspect of it. The only reason I do not want your character to have a pistol is because I believe pistols and all weaponry that can be supported through item trade (shotguns, pistols, anything that is an entity on the server).
Moderately Extensive Collection of Surgery & Internal Medicine Equipment
     - Rudimentary Surgical Instruments (Forceps, Scalpels, Retractors, etc.)
     - First Aid Utensils (Bandage Materials, Bleeding & CPR Tools, Wound / Blister / Burn Care, Suture & Syringe Tools, Fracture & Sprain Tools, Rudimentary Dental Tools, etc.)
     - Large Supply of Prescription & Over-The-Counter Drugs
     - Some medical attire & sanitation supplies (surgeon’s mask, medical apron, latex gloves, soap, isopropyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, etc.)
     - Gathering of Sedatives (Barbiturates, Analgesics, Etorphine, etc.)

You need to list these, I can't stand it when people do this. Writing 'a supply of medicine' is arguably the worst thing you could do on an authorization application. I'd like to request an exact list of the items and the quantity of them.

All in all, get rid of the pistol  and list the medical items you want to use and how many of there you have and you will have my undoubted support - but for now you have none from me.

I agree with hogs in that the application was well written and that there needs to be a more in-depth description of the types and amounts and what not. I do not, however, fully agree with the pistol part. I just wanted to let you know, though, that you won't be given the OOC pistol item for the pistol you're applying for, or at least that's what I gathered from this. If you can supply a bit more detail on the medical supplies, I'll give you a +support.

Current Characters:
Abdul Sadek - Unregistered citizen, currently near City 18.
Monica Halleway - A seemingly crazy woman roaming the plaza.

Former HL2RP-Characters:
Jennifer Hanson - Former trader now involved with the Lambda Movement in City 17.
'091' - A former rogue medical unit now on the Combine Homeworld. Or is she?
Michael 'Y' Eloriga - A wanted criminal located in City 17, frequently spotted on rooftops.

Offline Frolie [Jellykid]

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Re: Adrian Fasjovik's Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2013, 09:29:57 PM »
Did you make this character because of Glenn

No, I've had this character in the works for a few weeks.

You've written this well and though it through, I can tell you want this character.
My only problem with this is that you're wanting a pistol, which is supposed to be gained through IC purposes - unless this pistol is meant to have some sort of sentimental value - I can't support the pistol aspect of it. The only reason I do not want your character to have a pistol is because I believe pistols and all weaponry that can be supported through item trade (shotguns, pistols, anything that is an entity on the server).
Moderately Extensive Collection of Surgery & Internal Medicine Equipment
     - Rudimentary Surgical Instruments (Forceps, Scalpels, Retractors, etc.)
     - First Aid Utensils (Bandage Materials, Bleeding & CPR Tools, Wound / Blister / Burn Care, Suture & Syringe Tools, Fracture & Sprain Tools, Rudimentary Dental Tools, etc.)
     - Large Supply of Prescription & Over-The-Counter Drugs
     - Some medical attire & sanitation supplies (surgeon’s mask, medical apron, latex gloves, soap, isopropyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, etc.)
     - Gathering of Sedatives (Barbiturates, Analgesics, Etorphine, etc.)

You need to list these, I can't stand it when people do this. Writing 'a supply of medicine' is arguably the worst thing you could do on an authorization application. I'd like to request an exact list of the items and the quantity of them.

All in all, get rid of the pistol  and list the medical items you want to use and how many of there you have and you will have my undoubted support - but for now you have none from me.

I gave an approximate list of what would be involved because to list all of it would take a very long time. I figured that if I included which areas of medicine and a brief idea of what tools were involved there, then I could get by without limiting myself and without pouring writing up another two pages of a Word Document.

As to the pistol, I understand your angle, but I'm going to wait on the opinions of other admins before I make any amendments.
I'm a fag

Re: Adrian Fasjovik's Authorization Application
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2013, 11:16:45 PM »
I would like to point out, the drugs that frolie is most likely applying for, only fourth year and beyond medical students know every name for the drugs, you can't exactly blame him for not listing if he doesn't know the exact names him self.

I've RP with Frollie many of times and I know he can handle this type of roleplay better than some of the best RPers I know +support.
1:23 PM - Pvt. Emory[113thCav]: I think 604 is a cat :3

2:07 PM - Juggernaut: Monkey with a gun
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: + Chunkeymonkey79
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: =
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: CHUNKYMONKEY WITH A GUN69
2:07 PM - chunkeymonkey79: YOU SIR ARE GOD

9:52 PM - Rory Phelps: gosh god damnit fuck my ass

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Re: Adrian Fasjovik's Authorization Application
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2013, 11:26:15 PM »
Frolie has exceptional skills in Medical RP. So I have no problem accepting that part. But like hogs said, the handgun, you can call it CZ-97B once you find an actual USP entity in-game. So that part is pending.

As for the medical equipment, feel free to write it up in a spoiler. If you have more items then your duffle bag or whatever is holding it can hold, then there's a conflict so pick and choose wisely. List your items and I'll review it. If everything is in order, I'll give full support, minus the handgun part which should be pending till you find one in-game.

Offline raged

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Re: Adrian Fasjovik's Authorization Application
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2013, 01:17:44 AM »
   - OOCly something like this: [SWEDISH] blah blah blah

please can you just use google translate or something having [swedish] next to it looks awful and unprofessional

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Re: Adrian Fasjovik's Authorization Application
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2013, 01:26:04 AM »
   - OOCly something like this: [SWEDISH] blah blah blah

please can you just use google translate or something having [swedish] next to it looks awful and unprofessional

or be even more realistic and learn swedish yourself

Re: Adrian Fasjovik's Authorization Application
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2013, 01:56:49 AM »
I think there's only two people who knows Swedish, google translate doesn't fix the grammar not to mention it can be a hassle to get all of the proper characters to properly type it out(Which is why you'll never  see anyone spell Jalapeno correctly).
Using the [Swed] or [latin] or something like that has been used many places for many reasons, one is because its fairly easily to ID a lot of languages with out knowing them fully, and it helps if someone is abusing it figuring out what they're saying and so fourth.
1:23 PM - Pvt. Emory[113thCav]: I think 604 is a cat :3

2:07 PM - Juggernaut: Monkey with a gun
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: + Chunkeymonkey79
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: =
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: CHUNKYMONKEY WITH A GUN69
2:07 PM - chunkeymonkey79: YOU SIR ARE GOD

9:52 PM - Rory Phelps: gosh god damnit fuck my ass

Offline raged

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Re: Adrian Fasjovik's Authorization Application
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2013, 02:16:27 AM »
its called copy paste and using "[swedish] no sir u r scum" looks immature and bad for a community

you're not supposed to understand what they're saying so the whole bracket stuff defeats the purpose of it

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Re: Adrian Fasjovik's Authorization Application
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2013, 02:19:30 AM »
its called copy paste and using "[swedish] no sir u r scum" looks immature and bad for a community

you're not supposed to understand what they're saying so the whole bracket stuff defeats the purpose of it

some people are mature enough to know that they don't ic know what's being said, not using the english language just makes things difficult for everyone

Re: Adrian Fasjovik's Authorization Application
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2013, 02:21:37 AM »
its called copy paste and using "[swedish] no sir u r scum" looks immature and bad for a community

you're not supposed to understand what they're saying so the whole bracket stuff defeats the purpose of it
Again, google translate doesn't often translate things correctly and it won't fix the grammar(Translate a sentence with more than just a verb and a noun from English to Latin, it won't correctly arrange it)
And Frolie won't go "[swed] lol u r scum".
What you're basically demanding is that Frolie learn a new language/have to translate EVERYTHING instead of just doing something thats easier to both say, and moderate, not to mention if hes taking to anyone in swedish.
1:23 PM - Pvt. Emory[113thCav]: I think 604 is a cat :3

2:07 PM - Juggernaut: Monkey with a gun
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: + Chunkeymonkey79
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: =
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: CHUNKYMONKEY WITH A GUN69
2:07 PM - chunkeymonkey79: YOU SIR ARE GOD

9:52 PM - Rory Phelps: gosh god damnit fuck my ass

Offline hogs

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Re: Adrian Fasjovik's Authorization Application
« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2013, 02:27:57 AM »
its called copy paste and using "[swedish] no sir u r scum" looks immature and bad for a community

you're not supposed to understand what they're saying so the whole bracket stuff defeats the purpose of it
Again, google translate doesn't often translate things correctly and it won't fix the grammar(Translate a sentence with more than just a verb and a noun from English to Latin, it won't correctly arrange it)
And Frolie won't go "[swed] lol u r scum".
What you're basically demanding is that Frolie learn a new language/have to translate EVERYTHING instead of just doing something thats easier to both say, and moderate, not to mention if hes taking to anyone in swedish.

then why even bother having [swedish]

why not just say '/me mumbles something in swedish' or '/me rambles a sentence in swedish

Offline raged

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Re: Adrian Fasjovik's Authorization Application
« Reply #14 on: April 03, 2013, 02:31:47 AM »
What you're basically demanding is that Frolie learn a new language/have to translate EVERYTHING instead of just doing something thats easier to both say, and moderate, not to mention if hes taking to anyone in swedish.

no i'm not demanding anything, if his character isn't communicating with anybody else that can actually understand the language then why not put it in the appropriate language? if he's communicating with another character on a one to one basis it couldn't hurt to either repeat what he said in a PM in english (like what vortigaunts do when we communicate) or through steam

don't take my words and twist them you scrub.


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