Author Topic: Kenny 'Red' Riley's Authorization Application  (Read 2089 times)

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Kenny 'Red' Riley's Authorization Application
« on: January 22, 2013, 06:57:03 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Red yes
Age:  15
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game):
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?:

Character Section

Fishing rod
Fishing lure
Three pounds of fishing bait
To have met a character before arriving in Ineu pass
Moderate hand-to-hand skills
Skills in agriculture

Name: Kenny 'Red' Riley
Age: 36 (going on 37)
Gender: Male

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.

Kenny Riley was born on May 8th 1981, in a hospital room at Mexico, Missouri. Kenny was the third out of five children, three daughters, and two sons. His father was a farmer turned store clerk, and his mother would stay home with the children, seeing to their needs. His father died when Kenny was eight, and all of the children inherited something from their father. Their family was poor, so most of the children only recieved pieces of clothing, or jewelry, save for the oldest sibling, who became the man of the house. It was then that a red baseball cap came into the young Kennys possession, and he hasn't given it up since.

Growing up, Kenny was a promising young man, who willing did things such as babysit, help with crops, and even pick up trash wherever he found it, all for free. Living in a small community, the man learned that money wasn't everything, that people and the connections he had with them were more important. Of course, that didn't stop him from doing the bad act everyone now and then. His peers weren't of the kind sort, and he would often be forced into wrong doings. From shoplifting, to pick pocketing, his list of dark deeds grew more and more.

Kenny moved to Florida at the age of nineteen, with stars in his eyes and big dreams, he hoped that a life in Flordia would be exactly what he hoped for. He was only partially correct.
Kenny frequented a small bar that was to his fancy, by the name of Poppa Topp's. The drinks were good, the people better, and the women to die for. One night, during one of Kennys mingling, he met a woman by the name of Justaine. She was a singer at the bar, and had started working there the night before. Kenny fell head-over-heels for the gorgeous woman.

Three months had past since the two met, and as luck would have it, Justaine decided to introduce Kenny to the owner of the bar, Derrek. Derrek was a man whose actions often lied on the other side of the law, and he saw potential in Kenny.

Derrek had brought Kenny to a small warehouse a few miles off the coast, and inside, a group of men and women were waiting. All of them look beaten up, some muscular, some skinny. In one corner of the building, men were smoking what seemed to be weed, and in another, two men were exchanging blows, surrounded by a group of people cheering.

"What in the name o- What is this, Derrek?"

"This here, is a whole lot of opportunities, man."

Kenny was brought into the circle of meth heads, fighters, and other questionable types, before he even noticed it. Despite his reluctance, Kenny found that he was a natrual fist fighter, and he would participate in the fights regularly. He got so good at the fights, that it soon turned into a guaranteed means of earning some money, with bet earnings, and the crowds simply paying him in respect, Kenny got a taste of the violent life.

He gain quite the reputation in the little circle, and he made friends left and right. One of his sparring friends made a comment about his hat once.

"Hey Riley, why you always wearing that there hat?"

"Huh? Oh, this old thing belonged to my pa, once upon a time."

"Yeah? It looks neat on you man. Red's a good color for you."

"Thanks, I always get that though."

"Heh, maybe it's your name, Riley. Y'know, like, Red Riley."

"Ha, what kind of name is that?"

After that, most people started refering to him as 'Red Riley'.  The only people that used the name Kenny were Justaine and Derrek. The name Red Riley stuck.

Of course, with his peers being of the wrong sort once again, it wasn't long before Kenny was back doing not so legal things. And on one particular night, he nearly ruined the rest of his life. A man, whose's hair had almost fallen out completely, with yellow rotten teeth and bloodshot eyes, talked to Kenny.

"Y-Yo man, i'm a huge fan, y'know."

"Is that right? Well, i'm glad you like my fighting then."

"Yeah man, word... S-Say man, my friends n' I been thinking, maybe you would like something to help make you a bit stronger, huh?"

"Now, what might you be refering to?"

The man held in his hands a small plastic bag, many white crystals litter it within.

"I don't know what them T-TVs say about this stuff man, but... But, it's like, the bomb."

Curious, Kenny accepted the meth. A foolish mistake, for that was when his drug habbits began.

Around Kennys twenty fourth birthday, Derrek took notice of Kennys fighting abilities, and hired him as a bouncer at his bar. It worked well for Kenny, what with Derrek being rather lean on what counted as work and what counted as slacking off.

Around the same time, Justaine moved into Kennys apartment soon after he was hired. They had been seeing each other for quite a few years, and they were very close. One day, Kenny woke up to see Justaine standing in the bathroom.

"Ahh... Hun, what's the matter?"

For the longest time, she didn't reply. She was much too focused on something she had in her hands.

"Ken, baby, listen to me..."

Kenny rustles himself out of his comfortable postion in the bed, and stares at Justaine.

"Hun, what's wrong? Are you alright?"

She shakes her head up and down in a nod.

"Ken, sweetheart, I'm... I'm... I'm pregnant, Ken."

Kenny slowly gets out of the bed, and walks towards Justaine. With a grin on his face like you wouldn't believe.

"Hun, th-that's wonderful!"

Kenny hugs Justaine tightly, all the while Justaine never even smiles. Only a frown rest on her face.

A month passes, and Kenny celebrates his wifes pregnancy in his own way - by shooting up heroin into his arm. It usually makes Justaine upset, but with her being pregnant, he brushed most of her anger off as hormones. On a fateful night, Kenny snorts up a gram of meth, and gets angry. He yells at Justaine for all the times she has scolded him about his habbit.

"I don't need you to tell me what to do, fuck!"

He yells all the while for the entire night, until he passes out. He awakes the next morning, not remembering the events of the night before. He feels like his head is going to split open at any second. He rushes to the bathroom, only to find it locked. Fortunately for him, he keeps a set of keys to every room in his apartment on him at all times. He slides the key into the lock, opens the door, and looks down at the floor.

Justaine lies on the ground, skin as white as snow, with a terrible stench filling the room. She's dead.

Kenny screams at the horror that lays before him, and runs back into the living room, dialing 911 on his cell.

Kenny learns that at sometime during the night, Justaine swallowed a large quanity of pain killers, and died. Kenny, shaken up by the event is devastated. Derrek tries to help Kenny calm down, but to no avail. Kenny, being a broken shell of a man thanks to his lovers death, is driven down to a local rehab center by Derrek. He drops Kenny of at the entrance.

"Now listen here pal... You just take it easy, okay?"


Years pass, as Kenny lives in the rehab center. He thought his teacher was nice, and helpful. The other people at the center claimed to know the pain that Kenny had felt. But he knew that they didn't. While he lived there, he had taken part of a agriculture class, where he would plant various crops. Wheat, corn, pumpkins, you name it, he probably planted and harvested it. Sure, he felt like sometimes they just did that class to taken advantage of the rehab students, but he didn't care. He didn't like the class much anyway.

Most of his classes had a morale of "accepting" yourself. He took the lessons to heart, and came out as a better person for it. Odd, that it took his unborn child and the women he loveds death to become nicer.

Eventually, Kenny left the center, returning to his home with a small token which stated "Three years". That was how long he has been clean. Three, long, years.

As soon as Kenny got home, he started to pack his bags, clothes, momentos, and pictures. Nothing else. He gave everything else he owned to Derrek. Then it was, that he decided to fly across the ocean, to a place he was unfamiliar with. To Romania. He didn't know anything about Romania, but he didn't care. He just wanted to be away from Florida. Away from America. Just, away. He moved to a small town, by a river. He couldn't speak a word of their native tongue, but he managed. The town didn't offer much in the way of work, save for fishing. Kenny took up fishing almost as soon as he got there, and he found that he enjoyed greatly. It was like farming, but it didn't take several weeks at a time and he would feel a sense of accomplishment for fish he managed to catch.

Kenny lived like this, until 2015, the year the world changed. It was a normal day, like any other. Kenny had just finished packing his gear onto his pickup, then it happened. The sky erupted and seemingly exploded, letting out a mass of flying machines roaming the skies. Kenny nearly had a heart attack when he first heard it, and it wasn't soon after that the ground started to shake. Scared and shaken, Kenny rushes into his pickup and speeds down the road. As he goes, he sees people running around in all directions, screaming in horror and panicing. He continued to drive past them all, out of town.

Hours pass, and so far he hasn't seen a thing as he drove. He counted himself lucky on that regard. Still unsure of who or what was out there, he pulls up to a gas station on the side of the road. It was clear that the people who worked here fled quite recently, but he couldn't find out what caused them to do so. He spent about two months here, living off the snacks and drinks that cluttered the small station. Much to his dismay, he ran out of food before he knew it. So far he had been eating and drink in small quanities, but even so, the food was all gone. Soon after, he filled up his gas tank, and once again set off onto the road in his pickup. Days he spent driving, and every so often he would come across a body, rotting along the roads.

"What in the hell is going on around here?..."

On the eightth day of leaving the gas station, he came across a lakehouse. A car sits out in the driveway, but other then that, there are no signs of anyone.

"Maybe this place has got some food, or something."

He parks the pickup near the home, and takes a walk inside. To his suprise, the house is full of food. Surely a score, he thought. It wasn't long, however, before he heard a strange hissing noise. He turned around, to spot a small crab like animal on the ground. The beast lept towards him. He paniced, and dived out of the way.

"Wha-What the fuck!?"

He looked around the room, and saw a kitchen knife on the counter. He quickly ran over towards it, and grasped it in his hand. The creature once again lept towards him, but this time it was greeted with a sharp blade. The creature lept right into Kennys knife. It fell down to the ground, and let out a weaker, pitiful hiss. Kenny dropped the knife on the ground, thinking I got to get out of here, damn! And so, Kenny rushed back to his pickup, with little food in hand, and was on the road once again. The only way forward from this point on was through the forest. He was fortunate that there was enough room for his pickup to pass through, but it wasn't long until he found another body. This time, however, it blocked his path. The scene of another person dead made Kenny rather unsettled.

"Ah man... think positive now Ken... C'mon..."

With that, he pushes open the pickup door, and walks towards the body. As he gets closer, he examines the body, and thinks Poor thing... Lost their arms it seems. But as he stares at the body he notices that there is no blood. He can't see how they died. He gulps, and a silly idea pops into his head. Is this person still alive? Kenny now stands over the body, and starts to speak.

"Uh... Hello? You alive?"

The girl slowly gets herself up, as Kenny simply stares. She is a younger girl with beautiful red hair, and a checkered green shirt, tied at the knots. Her sad eyes meets with his. Kenny is somewhat thankful that his face is dirty, else she might have seen him blush a bit. He offers his hand out to the girl before thinking Ah, Ken you idiot... He quickly retracts his arm as he notices his mistake.

"Are you hurt? Do you need help?"

The girl replys, sounding as if she is on the verge of crying.

"I'm.. I.. "

And with that, the girl falls over towards Kenny, her stuby arms wrapped around him somwhat. It's then that he realises that he needs to get the both of them out of there - there might be more of those things that were in the house lurking around. She cries into his chest, and he does his best to try and soothe her.


He wraps his arm around her shoulder, and says in a smooth tone:

 "Its okay, shhh. It's okay. Come on, let's get you out of here."

Kenny guides the girl to the passenger seat of his pickup. He lets here go, and makes his way over to his side, getting in. He looks over towards the girl, remembering - Oh, uh, she might need some help. He gives the girl a guility expression before getting out, walking over to her side, and opening the door.

"Uh... S-Sorry about that..."

Once the girl is in safely, Kenny looks around the surroundings. Everything is clear - no monsters, no nothing. He then glances over back at the girl. She is still crying, silently, which sends another bolt of guilt up his spine.

Half an hour goes by, and the girl has stopped crying. The two are on the road once again, and he looks over towards the girl as he drives. He thinks to himself Well, might as well get acquainted...

He begins to mutter "Hey, I'm Kenn--" before stoping. He thinks back to his days in Florida, then starts to speak once again.

"I'm Red... Red Riley, uh... What's your name?"

The girl looks over towards Kenny, her face red and poofy from the extensive crying. She replies to Kenny, speaking so quietly he almost missed it.


"Well, Kal... I-I won't let anything happen to you, alright?"

Kal goes quiet after Kenny speaks, and goes back to looking towards the road.


Eventually, the pair are forced to leave behind Kennys pickup. Upset as it makes him, he decides to push on with Kal, instead of whining about it. Kenny found himself taking care of Kal pretty regularly, due to her disability. She was a quiet girl, and more often then not when Kenny tried to talk to her he was just talking to himself. When she did talk, she would always try to make a joke. As time went on, she would talk to Kenny more and more, and oddly enough, it made Kenny happy. It wasn't long until Kenny noticed he had a strange attraction to Kal. Hell, he even thought she was kind of cute.

Kal and 'Red Riley', as he was known by once more, traveled from town to town in search of a safe haven. More often then not, these 'Safe Havens' where either filled with murders and cut-throats, or were filled with OTA squads. Red did his best to keep the two safe from harm, and would usually force the two to leave at the slightest danger. This way of thinking prevented Kal from getting too comfortable in one place, he knew this, but it also kept them both safe.

Years pass, and the two are still traveling from place to place. No town safe enough, no person kind enough, no nothing. That is, until about a month ago. Red heard from a man named 'Earnest' that a small settlement by the name of Ineu pass had survived the onslaught of the OTA, and the people there were kind and helpful. Earnest might have been exaggerating quite a bit, but it still got Red intrested. So they headed North, towards Ineu pass.

Soon enough, the two were there. Safe and sound.

"Hey Kal, I'm going to head towards the river here and see if there any fish settling around. Want to go to the town first, and meet the people?"


"Alright, be careful though. Don't know any of these people."

He always said that after getting to a new town, but it didn't matter, she was gone the moment she responded to his question. Red went to the river as he said he would, and started his favorite pass time. So much time passed, that he didn't even notice that it was night. He only managed to catch two fish, but it was good enough - he knew Kal was starving, and tonight she would eat well. So he set off to the town, ready to meet the people and experience all they had to offer.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?

Fishing gear - A means of gaining IC food, a good passiverp for a character who's hobbie is fishing.
Kal - A companion/friend to travel the lonesome roads with.
Hand-to-Hand - Moderate self defence.
Agriculture - A mean of gaining IC food.


Fishing gear - the rivers in Ineu pass aren't particularly known for their abundance of aquatic life, and getting food this way might prove difficult/time consuming, also, considering the greed of some people, having this gear may make him a target for theft.
Kal - A dear friend, which upon her getting hurt/killed, would send him into depression and/or a  senseless rage.
Hand-to-Hand - Before Red can even think of fighting at his best, he is going to need food. Lots of food.
Agriculture - Crops take a long time to grow, and it is uncertain if they will grow at all. Also, food is a vaulable resource in the Outlands, and everyone will want some.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?

I plan on doing something that I haven't really done before, trying to survive in a hostile enviroment. I plan on Red growing along with Kal as the outlands prove to be more and more unforgiving.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

(OOC) The 11th Doctor
(IC) Clara "Kal" Kalvins

Which server does this apply for?


Extra Notes (optional):

Offline Airborne1st

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Re: Kenny 'Red' Riley's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2013, 07:55:25 PM »
Fishing rodAcceptable
Fishing lureAcceptable
3lbs of fishing baitAcceptable
Knowing Kal before arriving in Ineu PassAcceptable as long as Dallas agrees to this
Moderate hand-to-hand skillsAcceptable, given your backstory
Agricultural skillsAcceptable

Everything is fine with me, but I'll let a few other admin's give their input just in case anyone objects to anything. If no other administrators have replied to this thread within 2 days from now, I'll count it as accepted myself. I'll also speak with Dallas about his character knowing yours and verify if that's okay with him.

Nice backstory though, I liked the whole, "underground" borderline mafia style of life your character had.

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Re: Kenny 'Red' Riley's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2013, 08:07:43 PM »
Fishing rodAcceptable
Fishing lureAcceptable
3lbs of fishing baitAcceptable
Knowing Kal before arriving in Ineu PassAcceptable as long as Dallas agrees to this
Moderate hand-to-hand skillsAcceptable, given your backstory
Agricultural skillsAcceptable

Everything is fine with me, but I'll let a few other admin's give their input just in case anyone objects to anything. If no other administrators have replied to this thread within 2 days from now, I'll count it as accepted myself. I'll also speak with Dallas about his character knowing yours and verify if that's okay with him.

Nice backstory though, I liked the whole, "underground" borderline mafia style of life your character had.

Actually, Dallas made his a few days before mine:

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Re: Kenny 'Red' Riley's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2013, 10:18:18 PM »
Everything looks good to me. This is the second time I've seen someone use the "Will anybody else use these authorizations?" function. Hope you and Dallas get some excellent RP out of this!

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Re: Kenny 'Red' Riley's Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2013, 02:58:14 AM »
I won't offer any + or - support because bias~ but I can confirm that I did agree to this and Kal's has been granted auths to know him in her application.

**Insert poorly made signature with fire, lens flares and obnoxious text**

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Re: Kenny 'Red' Riley's Authorization Application
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2013, 04:03:29 AM »
Ill support it, you arnt asking for much and its all passive RP. Your story is quite long too, no doubt you've put time into it. I also know that you can RP well.

Overall nice application, I dont see how accepting this will b able to cause any problems, so..

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Re: Kenny 'Red' Riley's Authorization Application
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2013, 04:29:46 AM »
Counting other administrators opinions through and my own, I support this.
Interesting story, you have taken your time to write it and shows basically; You want this to happen.
I don't see how these authorizations would affect people's RP much, mostly only passive RP.
I'll go ahead and accept this.

Accepted - Locked - moved.


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