Author Topic: Ella Swire's Civil Worker Application  (Read 3183 times)

Offline hogs

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Ella Swire's Civil Worker Application
« on: September 15, 2012, 08:58:35 AM »
Full Name: Ella Swire
Citizen identification(CID): 49901
Last Assigned Apartment Number: UCH Apartment A3.
Total Loyalist Points: 2
Sex: Female
Age: 23

How long have you been in City45:
I was transferred from City 6 as of February 24th, 2017 and arrived in City 45 as of February 26th, 2017. Obviously, this means I have been in this city for 202 days, or 28 weeks and  6 days.

Why do you want to join the CWU?:
Because I think I can help benefit the community of City 45 and I wish to help accomplish this. I believe that this city can be changed in a way that can benefit the Civil Workers Union, the citizens of City 45 and the City as a whole. I wish to join the Civil Workers Union because I want to help out with the efforts that the Civil Workers provide for the city, I wish to gain information and knowledge about how to help people whether it comes to medical aid or just helping out somebody in need.

Have you ever been detained before?(If so why):
I have, I'm afraid to say. I have been detained three times, I believe:

Twice of which I was detained for Level Three tresspassing, I walked past the barriers without realising it, so then I was re-educated and I have since learnt my lesson.

The third and final detainment has been for a mobility violation, I jogged down the stairs and onto the pavement, then I was detained and re-educated.

I have learnt my lesson from these mistakes and I hope this does not effect my application for the Civil Workers Union.

Past experience with work/labor:
The only real past experience with work or labour has been working in a fast food chain before the war. Other than that the only real jobs I've been given as a citizen is to help work in a dry cleaning store. This excludes the jobs the Civil Protection give you occasionally such as cleaning the pavement, cleaning windows, raking up leaves and things such as that.

Name 4 things the CWU Can possess, and 4 things we cant. Also state why.:
The CWU can possess a number of items that the general population of citizens cannot, but this does not mean they can possess everything.

The CWU CAN possess:
A radio for communication with other workers and to check in.
Medical supplies so they may be able to run medical clinics or to perform medical treatment on an injured citizen.
They may also possess computing systems to help sort and manage jobs, schedules, injured citizens in a clinic, etc.
Civil Workers may also possess any branded UU equipment or food/beverages.

The CWU CAN NOT possess:
Any form of non-UU branded items, this includes food, beverages - such as alcohol, etc.
ANY form of weaponry, it is unauthorized for ANY Civil Worker to carry a weapon on them or to even own any form of weaponry, this includes; guns, knives, swords, etc.
Narcotics of any kind, this excludes medicine and medical equipment used in clinics, but any form of illegal narcotic strictly cannot be possessed.
The Civil Workers Union and and it's workers cannot posses published writings, books, or novels that are not authorized as legal by the Civil Authority.

Tell us about what you can do.:
Although I'm not that experienced in anything the Civil Workers Union does, I believe that I can do whatever I'm told to as long as my mind is set to it and I've had the proper training to. I can stick to a task if it's given to me and I will strive to complete said task. I also believe that I am a very sociable person who can talk to people easily.

If a citizen asks for help and is new to the city, what would you do?:
I would be as polite and friendly to the citizen as possible, letting him know who I am and what I do - I would then offer the citizen of the city. On the basis that the citizen accepts the interview, I would show him the various locations around the city, being sure to note where the ration terminal building is, where the Nexus is located, where the CWU headquarters is found, where the UCH building is and lastly, where the district three area is. I would warn he/she where it is trespassing to go, and how precinct three is very dangerous and how he should not go there. I would also note how the ration terminal building and the sewers are non-authorized areas for citizens to enter and would warn him not to go into those areas.

After the initial tour I would offer the citizen a request device. I would teach him how to use it and how it can benefit him in times of strife or struggle, and that how the Civil Protection help you out after using the device. I would also inform him of what contraband is and what isn't and would also inform him of how you cannot be in possession of any drug/narcotic related item that is not authorized by the Universal Union.

After the initial briefing, I would then answer any questions he/she may have had.

~OOC Section~
Name: hogs
Timezone: GMT +10
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:29141734
Roleplay Experience: Around about three years.
Serious Roleplay Experience: One and a half years.
Detail a regular day as a worker of the CWU?:
Early in the morning, the worker would have to wake up - ready for a day working for the Union. He or she would change into a fresh, clean Civil Workers uniform and approach the Civil Workers Union building.

The first thing he or she would do is most likely check the noticeboards to see whether there were any updates or such. They would then decide what they would be doing for the day, such as opening a little shop or working in a clinic, perhaps even just assist another Civil Worker in doing whatever task they wish to accomplish.

After the regular working day the worker would obviously return to their home/apartment and spend the rest of the time doing whatever it is they do in their free time.

Character Backstory:
Born in the city of Bern, Switzerland; Ella Swire grew up to a childhood without a father, she was an only child and lived only with her mother. She did not grow up in the most wealthy of lifestyles, but her mother whom worked as an accountant in a small business earned enough to scrape by and afford Ella private schooling and university.

Ella grew up happy, she loved her life and couldn't think of life any other way, that was - until she got a job. She dreaded it, she hated fast food chains; she always did. She was practically forced to work there seeing as her mother would nag her over and over to get the said job, and there was no other jobs open for application. She decided to deal with it though, seeing as the money she was receiving from working there was above the average pay for a student.

After Ella left school, she continued to live with her mother. She decided to take one or two years off before going to university. She wanted to pursue a career of medicine, particularly becoming a pharmacist.

After a year of no work, no school and no getting up early, the great war was fast approaching. Soon, the clock ticked to August 11th, 2015. The seven hour war had begun. Ella had never thought violence was any means of settling things, so she and her mother stocked up on as much food, water and medicine they could and hid in their home. They were expecting the war to last for days, if not years. They were hoping that somebody came knocking on the door, telling them it was over. This happened, but not how they expected it.

It had been seven hours, the fighting seemed to of stopped, Ella and her mother did not dare look out the windows or open the door to see if the war is over or not. Ella looked to the door, she could hear the sound of boots, slowly crunching in the gravel. She pressed her ear to the door, listening for the boots, they were approaching the door. She heard a slow knock, it happened three times. She moved away from the door, not daring to open it. Suddenly, the door burst open with a sudden thump, Ella and her mother trembled in fear as the soldier walked into the house, it's AR2 was raised, searching around for any signs of life. Three more entered the house, their AR2's raised, also. After finding Ella and her mother, they took them away. To be located into what is now known as City 6.

Ella did not like City 6 one bit, she hated how it was filthy almost all the time, she hated it's smell, she hated everything about it. She wanted to leave, so she decided after nearly two years of living in City 6; that she would leave. She said her goodbyes to her mother and her friends - not that she had many in that terrible city - and then left.

She was transferred to City 45 - a safer place.

EDIT: Oops, forgot to show what I edited yesterday. I added on another sentence I forgot onto question 12.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2012, 06:12:39 PM by hogs »

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Re: Ella Swire's Civil Worker Application
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2012, 06:51:46 PM »
Accepted for interview

Please seek out a Organizer to conduct your interview for the Civil Worker's Union


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