Author Topic: Konstantyn Nowak\'s Authorization Application  (Read 2214 times)

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Konstantyn Nowak\'s Authorization Application
« on: January 28, 2013, 06:35:23 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Ricky
Age: 14
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 3 or 4 years, I'd say.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 2 and 1/2 years

Character Section

Second World War Era Polish Officers' Uniform (olive drab officer's uniform, with darker green overcoat)
Spoiler for Reference Picture:
Polish Officers' Sabre with Sheathe (less stylish than the reference picture; rusted)
Spoiler for Reference Picture:
Basic Rifle Skills
Hunting and Tracking Skills
Antique Compass

Name: Konstantyn Nowak
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Rebel; Vigilante

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Spoiler for Part I:
Konstantyn Nowak was born on a snowy day in the winter of 1984 to two political dissidents of whom there is not and shall not ever be a record of. Left without parents after them having been arrested by Polish communists and sent to Siberian gulags to never return, Kosta was raised by his grandfather, a Second World War veteran of the Polish Government-in-Exile. Kosta was intelligent as a child, but his grandfather refused the prospect of public education, and therefore Kosta remained largely uneducated until he was eleven or twelve when he decided that he would start studying Polish history and military tactics by himself. His grandfather vehemently disapproved.

The death, or rather disappearance, of his parents led to Kosta becoming largely independent, but also lacking in the necessary teachings of parents early in childhood. His grandfather had taught him of vengeance and anti-Nazism, as well as anti-communism. But Kosta's study of great Polish artists like composer Frederic Chopin led to him embracing the concept of peaceful resistance against government. Often, these differences in opinion led to heated arguments between Kosta and his grandfather, but more often arguments within himself.

In his studies, Konstantyn took great interests in the acts of the Israeli Mossad in hunting down Nazi war criminals. His grandfather had strong opinions against the idea that Mossad captured these "monsters" and put them on trial. He believed they should all be lined up and shot. Kosta, however, believed in the due process of the law.
Spoiler for January 5th, 1989:
“Dziadzia! Dziadzia, come here!” The young child yelled with a voice of glee and a fervor for inquiry.

“What!?” an old man grumbled, “What is it?” The old man hobbled into the room, angry from all the yelling. He stopped in his tracks at the sight of his grandson wearing a cold helmet that ate the child’s head.

Seeing the pain, and the fear, and the anger in his grandfather’s eyes, Konstantyn asked, “What’s wrong, Dziadek? Did I do something wrong?”

“No, no. You did nothing wrong, my little Kosta,” he replied. He slowly limped over to the chair in the corner and pulled Kosta up onto his lap, and said in a calm voice, “Would you like to hear a story?”

“A story?” Kostantyn was giddied by the prospect. “Yes, yes please, Dziadzia!”

The old man coughed and began speaking, “The year is 1943. The Second World War has set in, and your old Dziadek is a young, inspired officer in charge of operatives working in the Polish Government-in-Exile. See, these talented young men were spies, Kosta. But they didn’t wear tight, black suits, they didn’t fall in love with beautiful Russian women, and happy endings never existed. They wore plain, torn clothes and all of the men around them in the cities of our glorious Polish fatherland wanted to kill them. Why? Why, would they want to kill carriers of the Polish banner? Because these operatives, Kosta, knew the truth. They knew that Adolf Hitler was a puppet, and Heinrich Himmler a fraud. I am getting off track, though. There was a traitor in Wroclaw, working for the Nazis and lying to the Government-in-Exile. We sent in a task force. They all died. Kosta, do you understand what I am saying?”

The child look up at his grandfather, “I don’t know, Dziadek. What did you do?”

“Well, young Kosta, I learned a good lesson that day. If you want something done, you have to do it yourself. Many years later, in the 1950s, a fired a bullet through that Nazi scum’s head. Bam! Bam! Bam,” the old man yelled.
Kosta began crying and ran into the other room.

“Kosta! I didn’t mean to scare you, my grandson!” Dziadzia laughed.
Spoiler for Part II:
Konstantyn's grandfather had goals of grandeur for his grandson, wanting for him to become the next vigilante hunting down Nazi war criminals. Throughout the early teenage years of Kosta's life, Dziadzia constantly and vehemently attempted to indoctrinate him into the ways of anti-Nazi Poles; he never gave in. Then one day, Dziadek sat Kosta down and told him about all his relatives killed in the Nazi death camps. He showed him pictures, and told him great stories of heroism, and stories of grand cowardice among the Nazi killers. From this day on, Kosta was set to hunt down Nazis. But he was only a kid, with no skill...
Spoiler for August 19th, 1999:
An older man stood in the sunlight smoking a pipe, and wearing the garb of avid golf. He held a rifle on his back with a sling. To finish off the interesting fashion statement, he wore black aviator sunglasses.

To the man’s right was a teenager, about fifteen, wearing an American t-shirt, jeans, and an old, Polish helmet. Further down the field they stood in was a bulls-eye shooting target. Gramps stepped forward and unslung the rifle and handed it to Konstantyn.

“Are you ready for your lesson, Konstantyn?” Gramps asked with a raspy voice. Without Konstantyn having said anything, Gramps continued: “Welcome to your firearm training session. The rifle that you are holding in an entirely unsafe and stupid manner right now is a Polish reproduction of a Mauser 98 rifle,” he said and then held up an item. “This is a stripper clip,” he laughed as he threw it on the ground. “Don’t use these. With weapons these old, the stripper clip functions fail all the time. In that ridiculous fanny pack, you will find twenty cartridges for this rifle. Hold the weapon up, properly, and load five catridges…”

Konstantyn held the rifle up, stood firmly, and then struggled for the next five minutes with the bolt.

“We’re going to be here for a long time,” exclaimed Gramps.
Spoiler for Part III:
Over the next few months, Dziadek spent day and night teaching Konstantyn how to fire and maintain a rifle. It was a test of everyone's patience, but one day, Kosta was an okay rifleman. His grandfather was very proud, but disappointment was bound to come. Having been set on Kosta being a Nazi hunter, Dziadzia insisted he learn how to hunt and track. Until this point, Kosta had only learned how to shoot an inanimate target.

However, after years of practice, Konstantyn was a skilled hunter and he was able to track.

Dziadzia died soon after. Kosta took his uniform and all of his gear from the Second World War and set out on a mission.
Spoiler for Part IV:
After the takeover of the Combine, Kosta stayed in the home deep in the forest that once belonged to his grandfather. He had with him the skill, the journals, and the tools and uniform of his grandfather. The Combine oppression had given rise to neo-Nazis, and Kosta vowed to find them, and change them or kill them. It was a rather simple task, and he felt it had to be done.
Spoiler for January 2nd, 2018:
A tall man wearing a green uniform stood over a footprint in the mud. He crouched down, and inspected it carefully. He sighed in discomfort, and pulled out his compass to reset his bearings. He figured he must be somewhere near Romania, and his elevation was high. He jumped down from the short peak he was on, and onto a decimated road. He slowly, in a stately manner, walked down the road and found a road sign labelled "Belle." Past it was a long winding road, leading to what looked like a small town. Kosta made the hike up the road, and eventually reached an inn. Inside, he met a man with whom he had a long discussion regarding a conspicuous man in a black uniform. Once he had heard enough, he abruptly ended the conversation and began to walk away. The old man begged him for food, and continued bothering him. The man no longer breathes.

Today, Kosta roams the forests and the plains in search of those with whom he is in an eternal feud with. He is the hunter of the Outlands.
What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
Authority - The uniform displays an aura of authority as someone who should be both trusted and inspected carefully.

Skills - Kosta's training in hunting allows him to find and conquer his enemies.

Defence - The sabre allows for Kosta to defend himself.

Direction - The compass allows for Kosta to remain on track.

Target - A foreign uniform in a foreign land makes Kosta a target, and those who he is chasing will know he is there.

Emotion - Kosta's obsession with hunting neo-Nazis clouds his ability, even in his hunting skills.

Target - The sabre and compass are both items others may wish to have.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Well, idealistically, I plan to roleplay with Dallas and introduce this cat-and-mouse hunting game in Outlands to spice things up. I hope to have this character also be a helpful ally to those who fight for good in the Outlands.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
Some people may think that the backstory is a little skimpy, but I believe it is sufficient for these authorizations. If accepted, I hope to roleplay this character with all of you.

Post Auto-Merged: January 28, 2013, 06:37:20 PM
Hold up...I forgot to paste a part into this.

Edit: Forgot to paste a part.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2013, 06:38:16 PM by Ricky »
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Re: Konstantyn Nowak\'s Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2013, 06:50:07 PM »
Just going to say that it is clear Ricky is capable of not abusing these auths as he has shown time and time again, extending back from before I even joined CG, that he can be trusted with things like this. I won't be adding or subtracting support however as it would appear bias of me.

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Re: Konstantyn Nowak\'s Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2013, 06:56:13 PM »
The only problem I have is in Part III where you mention your characters hunting and tracking skills. If you were to expand on this; "However, after years of practice, Konstantyn was a skilled hunter and he was able to track." I wouldn't have any problems personally. Maybe give an actual account of a few experiences your character had during his years of learning to hunt a track? You don't necessarily need to write a book, but just add a little more than one sentence to explain hunting and tracking skills.

Other than that, I don't have any objections to anything.

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Re: Konstantyn Nowak\'s Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2013, 07:01:40 PM »
The only problem I have is in Part III where you mention your characters hunting and tracking skills. If you were to expand on this; "However, after years of practice, Konstantyn was a skilled hunter and he was able to track." I wouldn't have any problems personally. Maybe give an actual account of a few experiences your character had during his years of learning to hunt a track? You don't necessarily need to write a book, but just add a little more than one sentence to explain hunting and tracking skills.

Other than that, I don't have any objections to anything.
You know, I was just discussing with Smt how this whole process of writing backstories is ridiculously stupid for authorization apps. Yes, you need to be able to have somewhere written a clear reason for why your character has these authorizations. However, we often use the quality of the backstory to grade someone's ability to roleplay and to ensure they won't abuse the authorizations. I know plenty of people who are highly capable roleplayers who cannot write longer pieces to save their lives.

If you're going to withhold your support because of Part III, I'll add to it. But otherwise, I refuse to on the grounds that it goes against my principles regarding roleplay.
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Re: Konstantyn Nowak\'s Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2013, 07:09:46 PM »
I know Ricky is a capable roleplayer so I don't see why this should not be accepted, unless any admins have any objections as to why..?

If no one posts any objections in this before 10am, GMT +1, consider this accepted
« Last Edit: January 28, 2013, 09:56:03 PM by alexanderk »

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Re: Konstantyn Nowak\'s Authorization Application
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2013, 08:26:44 AM »
I know Ricky can handle it and I won't deny this over a sentence in part III, purely because of a sentence. The biggest reason I had objections with that sentence in the first place is because I'm not in the business of giving exceptions due to reputation very often. But its clear Ricky can handle this given his proof of RP kills and maturity over time here at CG.

Accepted.-Locked. Moved.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2013, 01:19:11 PM by Airborne1st »


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