Author Topic: UU.NECROTIC.72729's Authorization Application  (Read 5643 times)

Offline Delta1116732

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UU.NECROTIC.72729's Authorization Application
« on: April 10, 2013, 09:11:13 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Delta1116732
Age: 14
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 2-3 Years.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 2-3 Years.

Character Section

- Head crab Character
- Normal Head crab Model

Name: UU.NECROTIC.72729
Age: ??
Gender: Male
Affiliation: None

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
A cold, misty, and dark night came over the mountains of Romania. One klick away from broken down motel is an Over Watch FOB set up in a small church, overlooking the town. As the night became steady the doors of the church creaked open, two OTA units stormed in as they walked over to a large machine mounted into the side of the wall. The machine was large, and it was full of empty head crab canisters. Beside it was a large tube that could fit a water melon. Below the tube was a surgical table leading to the loading mechanism of a head crab canister. One of the units walked up to the table leaning over, and waving his hand over a bio lock as the lights turned green. The machine came to life with it's insides running. The second OTA unit walked over to a window where a small binocular station had been set up. The unit adjusted the binoculars as a small beep came from the machine. The unit standing at the table pressed a small button on the table followed by a thud. Uh human squealing was heard from the tube, and a head crab fell from it onto the table. The unit quickly grabbed it, and began to study it. The head crab attempted to run, however the unit held it in place. The unit studied the head crab quickly before talking five paces to the left. The unit pushed the head crab into the canister. He then walked back over to the table as he continued to load the head crabs in.  The OTA unit hit the button below as a head crab dropped down tagged on the leg of 72729. The head crab squealed. Quickly the unit grabbed it checking over, before he stuffed it into the machine. The unit finally got to the last one, before pressing down on the button. The machine made two beeps, and flashed green lights as it did. All the head crabs had been loaded inside, the unit moved over to a small control panel off to the side speaking from his vocoder. "Coordinates of canister land site?" The unit looking through the binoculars began to read out the two coordinates. "F61…K19" The unit at the panel entered in the coordinates as a loud clank was heard. The shell locked into place ready to fire. The machine-made four beeps as the head crabs inside began to squeal, and with 727 near the top being squished by the other head crabs inside. The canister then gave off a loud boom as the shell went hurling up into the air. The  head crabs inside panicked unsure of what to do, and attempted to run though all they did was dig into the head crab below. The shell reached the right height, and it began to go directly down aiming for the motel. The dim, dusty lights in the motel began to flicker on as the citizens inside easily heard the loud explosion of the metal shell being fired. Within seconds the canister holding 727 aimed directly at the motel it slams into the roof going right though the second floor, and landing on the first with a loud thud as smoke fly's around the room. Screams would be heard as the canister gives two quick beeps as the three retractable arms of the canister spread open. The head crab above 727 saw the dim light above quickly climbing out as the room was full of three to four kids no older than twelve. The head crab saw one of the kids, so he backed his legs into the canister making a screeching noise as it jumped towards one of the kids. The rest of the kids screamed, running into the nearby bathroom shutting the old wooden door. The head crab that had jumped first landed on top of the kid's head. The child did not offer much resistance with the head crab began releasing toxins into the brain taking control over it slowly.

   Not soon after the crash 727 crawled out of the steaming canister jumping down to the floor as the sound of footsteps could be heard running towards the door. Two more head crabs jumped out of the canister. Shortly after as both head crabs made their way to the bathroom door scratching on it with their legs trying to get in. Silent sobs could be heard from inside the room as the door was kicked open a teenage boy armed with a cold glock ran into the room yelling "Lucy?!" the boy froze in fear as he saw the head crab canister had blown into the room. He then took notice of the head crab climbing out. The teenager took aim towards the creature firing off three shots. The head crab fell to the floor, and was hardly alive giving out a small squeak before 727 made a quick lunge at the teenager while he was distracted. As 727 grabbed onto the boy's head, 727 released the toxins into the skull slowly. The boy panicked holding down the trigger as he fired off multiple shots into the room attempting to defend himself. As ten shots flew through the room, ripping into the wall the kids in the bathroom screamed as another loud bang was heard followed by gun fire. Within seconds another canister had landed just outside in a dried up old pool which was overgrown slightly. One of the kids panicked, they pushed open the door squashing a head crab against the wall. The head crab beside the door took a jump at the child only wrapping itself around the leg of the kid. The kid yelled as the girl fell to the floor completely unsure of what to do. The rest of the kids ran out of the door only worried about them. The cold head crab on the child's leg took a jump at the head as the head crab dug into the kids head, and within seconds after the first head crab who had gained control over a child was raised. A new host for the head crab. Soon after 727 rose with the teenager's body, and began shambling over to the door. With a child just closing the door, and locking it. 727 swung it's arm as it bashed on the door attempting to break it down in the slightest attempt.

   In the small, musty room the door had nearly been broken apart, and with the third zombie rising slowly walking over to the door as well. With the two other dead head crabs inside, the door was bashed down as the outside revealed the second canister lodged into the pool with broken tiles around it. The head crabs had just took control of four other adults. What was left of the humans wasn't much as the nearby garage opened. Two beams of light struck out from the door followed by a large pickup truck driving out. The back was filled with food mostly of oranges, and there wouldn't be room for many other people. The zombies began to shamble towards the truck, two families quickly ran out of their room. Both of the families had guns as a man holding the back of the truck yelled "We can only have five people one of you has to go on foot!" The three humans armed with guns began to take aim through he cold iron sights at the zombie. The shambling dead zombies began to take fire. What remained of the kids got on board the truck as a man aimed towards 727's host body. The man pulled down the trigger on his MP7, watching the body get blown to pieces. 727 ejected from the host landing near the front of the truck. 727 turned around as one of the zombies swung towards the father armed with the MP7. The father got slashed across the knee cap falling down with two zombies from the room jumped on top of him beginning to beat him to his death. The man screamed when 727 jumped on top of the truck with 727 sliding to the back. 727 landed in an empty laundry basket as a kid sitting right next to it screamed "Crabby thing!" as the man holding onto the back turned around, and saw 727 falling into the basket. With the man unarmed he reached over to the basket flipping it over with 727 inside. The basket slammed to the floor of the truck 727 with it. Trapped under, the man yelled "Kids keep your feet on that basket don't let go!" The kids lifted up their feet a the basket putting pressure onto the basket holding it down. 727 squealed when he was completely trapped watching three more members grab onto the truck, and climbed in. The truck drove away, and what was the rest of the family had been slaughtered by the zombies. Some of the humans which had been taken over as a host attempted to chase after the truck, but had no luck. The truck continued to drive into the day which was now dawn.

        It was early in the morning, the bright, red, hot sun was hard to see. The truck continued to drive for hours with 727 trapped inside. The adults bickering about what to do with the head crab. The kids inside kept their hands on the basket, and some of them leaned over to look at the head crab studying it. The day was shining with the sun, and it was now morning. The truck made a sudden halt as 727 slid to the back of the basket squeaking as it hit the rough plastic. The man in the back yelled "Why have we stopped?" The driver yelled out from the front "There are mines up ahead...Combine from the looks of it." The man from the back grunted, climbing out of the car to find three Combine mines set on the road as he scratched his beard. The man scratching his beard, pondering of what to do. Traces of blue beams came from the hill-top above, and one beam went straight up to the drivers head the other to one of the children holding down the head crab. The man beside the truck looking up to the blue beam aiming at the man's head yelling "Snipers!" Though his voice was muffled with the two shots that came off. One went straight through the drivers skull falling on the truck's horn. The other shot going straight through the skull of the child, and the man beside the truck yelled "Everyone get the hell out!" The kids began running out with one of them almost tripping off the truck. The kid almost falling off the truck kicked over the basket while doing so. The group of four ran over to the rocks, and the blue tracer went in front of another child. Another shot was heard, and the child fell to his death sliding along the gravel. 727 felt in front of him as there was nothing more blocking him, so he jumped off the truck. The head crab turned around quickly facing the opposite direction of the humans. It ran off into a small, dark, and wet cave which happened to be near where the Combine snipers had been hiding. Within days of traveling 727 had found dead bodies, most of which from the Combine raid. The bodies provided good food as the head crab soon reached a valley by the name of Ineu. The little creature began running off into the forest of Ineu, and the place seemed peaceful, and calm.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
+ New character that is not human. Though playing vortigaunt is fun a create who doesn't have a big mental capacity would be fun to play as.
+ Having being attacked, and attacking when he first reached the motel he would be mostly hostile for a while.
+ Being a normal head crab the color of his skin would help him blend into the wilderness.

- Wouldn't take much to kill the character.
-  Being hostile citizens could take it as a threat, killing the head crab.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
With the perks, and defects I plan to basically wing it. In basic terms I plan to try, and hunt for food maybe even possibly get in trouble by attacking someone. I really have no plans for the character other than that I will make him mostly hostile at first, and see where the story takes him.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
Nope, just me.

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
There may be some errors in the paragraph as the format screwed up multiple times when I was writing it.

-Edit: Fixed up the age as it had the ??? symbol instead of a ?
-Edit Fixed spelling error.
-Edit Fixed more errors hopefully.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2013, 01:50:29 AM by Delta1116732 »

Out of Character for OOC:
Colombo Beniamino: i'm honestly contemplating joining NOVA even though i don't like medical RP because it actually has active DvL

Offline raged

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Re: UU.NETROTIC.72729's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2013, 10:45:17 PM »
you wrote necrotic wrong

Offline Reaver

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Re: UU.NETROTIC.72729's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2013, 10:51:58 PM »
As you stated, there are multiple errors in grammar and sentence structure. Usually I would say that that is a pretty good indicator that the player is incapable of fulfilling such a role, but I've RPed with you countless times. You have not once demonstrated the same errors in grammar during RP, and I'll assume that it was a simple case of a large body of text being more daunting than a few lines typed in-game.
The story makes sense, and I didn't find anything wrong with canon or logic.
If you go back and fix the errors in the authorization, I'll happily offer my support.
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Offline Delta1116732

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Re: UU.NECROTIC.72729's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2013, 01:52:05 AM »
Fixed it hopefully. Got rid of the use "as." I didn't noticed I used it so much though I hope I haven't made it worse. Minor story alterations too. Adding onto the detail, and what not.

Out of Character for OOC:
Colombo Beniamino: i'm honestly contemplating joining NOVA even though i don't like medical RP because it actually has active DvL

Offline Reaver

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Re: UU.NECROTIC.72729's Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2013, 02:40:16 AM »
Read through it and it's more visually pleasing. Most of the errors have been fixed.
+support from me.
A Freudian dick is when you say what's really on your mind instead of what you intended to say

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Re: UU.NECROTIC.72729's Authorization Application
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2013, 07:22:11 AM »
The backstory is sufficient for the authorizations being applied for, so I'll support this.

Offline shrimp

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Re: UU.NECROTIC.72729's Authorization Application
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2013, 08:05:43 PM »
All looks good, good job with the Backstory.
Delta1116732 has earned NinjaShrimp's +Support on this application.
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Re: UU.NECROTIC.72729's Authorization Application
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2013, 11:21:09 PM »
Backstory and canon looks fine with me.


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Re: UU.NECROTIC.72729's Authorization Application
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2013, 11:27:11 PM »

Delta has the experience and knowledge to hold such a character. I doubt he'd abuse it or something of the like.
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Re: UU.NECROTIC.72729's Authorization Application
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2013, 02:21:09 AM »
Cant see why not. Good enough story, good RPer. Support here aswell, would be interesting

Offline Airborne1st

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Re: UU.NECROTIC.72729's Authorization Application
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2013, 07:00:17 PM »
Accepted. Locked. Moved.


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