Author Topic: The Thirteen Survivors\'s Authorization Application  (Read 6759 times)

Offline Reaver

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The Thirteen Survivors\'s Authorization Application
« on: April 10, 2013, 09:55:06 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Reaver
Age: 19
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): Multiple years.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: Multiple years

Character Section

Alright, this is a bit of an odd application.
I'm fully aware that some people have problems with me pumping out authorization applications like a fucking factory, but this application has a rhyme and reason behind it.
Basically, it requires the existence of several characters from Dark Chapel Site Alpha. All but two of these characters will be on reserve for other people to pick up. Naturally, these people will have to be trusted RPers who may or may not be required to make their own authorization application for their respective skills. Skills they had acquired BEFORE their assimilation into Dark Chapel. Their equipment, Dark Chapel knowledge and experiences, and movement into the Outlands will be covered by me. Again, their back-stories regarding the acquisition of their skills MUST be covered by the player that takes on the role of each character.
Character-list wide hand-to-hand, weapon use, and weapon accuracy auths.
Director Tinnese:Black Dark Chapel Bullet Proof Vest, 9mm pistol, advanced hand-to-hand
John Harper: Dark Chapel Security Chief. Dark Chapel Security Vest, Advanced Hand-to-Hand skills. Bulky physique. Kind hearted.
John Harper's equipment- Dark Chapel Security Vest, (Some type of shotgun), Bowie Knife, 9mm pistol.
Tom Barringer: Very large physique. Six foot three.  Shotgun. Metal bat.
Tim Barringer: Twin brother of Tom Barringer, equal in appearance and equipment.
Christopher Thompson: Surgical and medical consultant, white DCSA lab-coat. Surgical equipment within a duffle (List will  be given by the player who chooses this character).
Maka Shipuren: Xen 'expert'-Obsessive to the point of disgust by others. Advanced knowledge of Xen creature anatomy. DCSA lab coat.
Carol Garnes: Information Broker and consultant for Eastern European Cities, transferred from Dark Chapel Site Omega. Access to all Dark Chapel resources.
Michael Rhodes: Information Broker and consultant for Western European Cities, transferred from Dark Chapel Site Fox-trot. Access to all Dark Chapel resources.
Marquise Masque-Ex-CCA. (I'm going to be giving HEAVY guide-lines for this character regarding exactly how he managed to cut himself away, exact details will be given by chosen player) DCSA bullet proof vest, Standard Issue Civil Protection Face-Plate. Access to most Dark Chapel resources.
Black and White- Infiltration experts, exacts not given due to the fact that their true nature may be meta-gamed. Used to infiltrate groups of 'at risk' individuals in the areas surrounding Dark Chapel's 'sites'.

Name: The Thirteen Survivors
Age: Ranging
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Resistance

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
"Isn't that cute, sweetie?"
Carol cupped her hands over the toddler's cheeks, puffing them together to give him a comical expression, much to his glee. She smiles warmly, retracting her hands to run the back of her right over the child's soft features. She stares at him longingly, tears swimming in her eyes as her vision grew misty. The woman cleared her throat, kissing the toddler on the forehead lovingly before turning him on his heel, giving him a playful pat on the behind, "Alright, get along and wash your hands, dinner will be ready soon." Carol sighed apprehensively, clutching her right arm against her side as the child skipped off happily, carefree.
He didn't understand the world.

Carol slumped inward, a sudden force sending her jerking forward. She whipped around, scowling, ready to chew out whoever checked her. Instead of the random inconsiderate teenager she was expecting, she was greeted by an aging male with a goofy grin on his face. If you didn't know him, you'd probably be quick to avoid him. He was a muscular man, and however old he was, he was still intimidating. But Carol knew better.
"John, you're an ass hole." Carol snipped, thumping him on the head.
"Yeah, but I'm a pretty ass hole."
"That's disgusting."
John Harper looked down at his feet with a placid expression for several moments. He sneered, nudging the woman in front of him with his elbow, "I should probably think before I speak more often. Not exactly a strong suit of mine. How's Jared?"
Carol's expression waned, looking over her shoulder to stare at the path the toddler had run along moments prior, "I don't think he understands."
"He's a kid, I don't expect him to. But it's terminal and we can't treat it. We've got resources, but we don't have everything. We can only hold onto a semblance of our old lives. I don't even think Jared understands the implications of the situation at hand." John sighed, placing a hand on Carol's shoulder consolingly.
Carol snapped her attention back to Harper, pursing her lips, "He's still so young. He doesn't understand that he's one of the only children alive on the entire planet. I've tried to tell him, but he's so carefree. I worry about him night and day."
"You aren't his mother, you don't need to do that." John cooed, running a hand through Carol's curly brown locks affectionately.
"If I don't, who will? His real mother? She's more interested in those head-humpers." Carol turned from him again, crossing her arms over her torso, staring at the building at the far end of the cavern, the one which Jared had run into.
John sighed, raising a hand to scratch at his neck, "Her research is useful. I'm not condoning her treatment..or..lack there of, towards Jared..but she's a busy woman. The Director probably doesn't want.."
"I don't give a bother about the Director and what he wants! I.." Carol broke off, burying her face into her hands, "I'm sorry, just..spending so much time around those traitorous swine in the 'Civil Protection' is messing with me. Civil Protection my eye." She whipped around to face him once more, "Do you know what they do to people they deem 'trouble individuals'? Last month they hooked a boy up to life-support and forced him to remain conscious and alive while they removed his organs. They let him die on a surgical table. Slowly. As his body failed without his kidneys and liver. He was subjected to the worst possible torment."
John enveloped her in a hug, shushing her, "It's better than turning him into a Stalker. Anything is better than that. It's horrible, but it's nothing new."
Carol sighed, lifting her head up from John's barrel-like chest to wipe away a tear. Her mourningful, sad expression quickly switched to a grimace as another man sauntered passed them. She eyed him up and down, scowling.
He wore a leather jacket, zipped up to the centre of his rib-cage. Accenting this was a pair of dark jeans. His face remained unseen, hidden behind some sort of metallic mask, designed to resemble a daemon. His presence alone was disconcerting, and she wasn't the only one who thought so. She spat on the ground as she saw the Civil Protection face-plate dangling precariously from one of his belt-loops.
John noted her expression following her gaze. Rolling his eyes, he looks down at Carol again, pressing his fingers against her chin, bringing her face level with his, "You need to realize that he's with -us- now. He's done more for Site Alpha than most of the people here, including myself."
Carol jerked out of his grasp, taking several steps back, "I think it'd be best that you go for now, John."
He sighed, inclining his head, "I'll be back. Don't do anything you'll regret, right?" He pursed his lips, sighing as he ran an open palmed hand over his roughly shaven jaw-line. He'd never understand that woman, or any woman in general.

Right hook.
Michael stumbled back, gripping the side of his face. His opponent was bobbing about on his feet, both hands raised protectively over his face. He wore the standard tank-top-shorts combo that was required during sparring matches. He eyed the male, grimacing. He could see beads of sweat dripping down his ebony skin, his nostrils flaring, and unflaring. He was getting tired.
Michael Rhodes took the first chance he could, bolting forward, swinging a powerful left hook forward before feigning, sweeping out his leg in an attempt to send his opponent sprawling. Luckily, it contacted, and his opponent swung to the ground, his face making contact with the padded floor. From behind him, Michael heard a voice.
"He took a tumble, Tom."
"That he did Tim, that he did."
The two voices chuckled in unison, the one on the left elbowing the one on the righ playfully in the ribs, "Hey, Tom. I don't think White's getting up. Is this still called a black out, or would that be racist?" Tim throws his head back, releasing a boisterous chuckle.
"I think it'd be a White Out, Tim." The twin said, shoving a hand into a pocket on his suit. He produces a small tube of liquid paper, tossing it at the fallen male in the ring.
The twins give each other a short simultaneous glance before doubling over in laughter, clutching their sides. After a few more moments of this, one of them speaks, "I made a funny, Tim. With a prop. I'm Carrot Top."
"Carrot Tom."
The two promptly fall to their sides, kicking their legs in the air as they contiue into a fit of unadulterated hilarity.

In the ring, Michael kept his guard up. White wasn't the kind of man to go down so easily, he's been in and out of stickier situations than that, but technically they both worked in the same field, White's job was just a bit more sensitive. Michael masqueraded as a casual citizen, while White and his partner would go under-cover with resistance, weeding out the bad eggs, putting them into a situation where they would be summarily wiped out. However, it was rarily by his own hand. That would complicate things a great deal.
"Alright." A voice mumbled through padded flooring, "I'm getting too old for this shit."
White raised himself to his feet, running the back of his hand over the trickle of blood oozing out of the corner of his mouth, "I understand the neccessity of daily sparring exercises, but half of the people who are subjected to it never have to use the skills they learn." White flares his nostrils again, rolling his neck as several popping sounds are heard. A moment later, he began moving towards the door, turning his head mid-stride to spit a globual of saliva and blood onto the ground. He was through the door-frame and gone before you could blink twice.
Tim and Tom were on their backs still, but they angled their heads to face the doorway in unison as White dissapeared through the door.
"White seems a little booty bothered, Tim."
"He got a little close to us on the way out, Tom. I could nearly see the Whites of his eyes."
"I think that's a bit off, Tim, he's a-" The two's regular banter was interupted but Michael groaning loudly, "Tim, Can you shut up?! Jesus Fucking Christ, it's all day with you two."
"I'm Tom, he's Tim." One of them quipped, "You can tell because I'm the better looking one."
"No, I am."
"We'll just call you visually pleasing, Tim." He throws his head back again, snorting.
"Can you two shut the fuck up, k-thanks. How does anyone even tell the difference between you two? Especially the Director."
"Well, Mikey. It's actually quite simple." One of them began.
"Yeah," the other interjected, "Tom here has three more  hairs on his head than I do. Open your eyes, Mikey. Jesus, it's  like you don't even know us."
The two rolled over again, kicking and laughing as Michael stormed out the door, throwing his hands into the air.

The man peaked over the rocky crags over-looking the steaming pool hidden behind it. It floated up elegantly from the sparkling body of water, each individual refraction of light a wonder to behold, but that was the least of the man's interests. Not far from the peeping tom stood an exposed woman, running a sudsy hand over her shoulders, washing herself. Her back was turned the the man.
He could make out every contour of her back, every mound on her spine and even the two dimples hovering beautifully over her full bottom. His mouth hung open as he drooled piggishly on his stoney hiding place. The woman seemed to take notice of this, as she turned to face him ever so slowly. Her face was without flaw. No pimples or blemishes at all. Her button nose turned up as he canted her head, her oddly dry locks of hair cascading down her shoulder. From his hiding place, he could see every detail in her eyes. Eyes that any man could get lost in; a deep, swirling pool of blue that mirrored the body of water perfectly. He slumped forward, sliding down the rocky crags until he landed on his chin, still drooling. The woman giggled, raising a hand. The mist rising from the water swirled around her in a way that shrouded her more sensitive parts from his view, much to his disdain. He tried to silently will them away to no avail. This seemed to only amuse the woman further as he clasped either hand in front of her navel, leaning forward precariously. The mist began to dissipate around her chest as she did this. Her areolas were submerged in the water, hiding them from sight, however, her large bust was visible between her arms, which pressed either breast together seductively.
"Black.." She cooed, her pouty lips seemingly inviting him ever closer. He began to crawl, pawing at the water as he submerged himself in the same pool that she occupied. The woman continued to mutter his name softly, beckoning him closer. He waded through the water until he was directley in front of her. His hands outstretched as she slowly stood up..her arms moving away from her breasts..
His finger twitched, his palms hiding the image from his view, but it wouldn't matter, he would be touching them soon..
His eye-lids fluttered as she spoke again, this time more directly, "Black.."
He nodded slowly, completely entranced by the enchanting figure in front of him. his hands finally made contact with her wide bust, groping the flesh longingly as the woman opened her mouth a final time, her voice a deep, snapping boom, "Black, get your fucking hands off of my chest."

His eyes snapped open, the wonderful scene he was in moments prior long gone. He looked around the room for a moment, blinking.
Medical Bay.
He slowly turned his attention directly above him, where his hands were outstretched, clutching another man's chest tightly, his fingers intertwined in his white lab coat.
"I'm literally going to cut off your hands if you don't let go." Christopher snapped, staring down at the bed-ridden male sternly.
Black ripped his hands back, his neck muscles tensing as  he looked at the opposite side of his bed. An Asian woman hanging over the bed-pan was attempting to hold back laughter, cupping her hand to her mouth.
"Fuck you, Maka." Black spat, his face flushing red.
"Awh, Chris. We embarrassed him." She placed either hand on her hips. turning to the doctor who was straightening the pens in his chest-pocket, patting away the creases the patient had left on his lab-coat, "I'm going to say it's a pretty good assumption that Black is fine now."
Christopher sighed, swiveling back on his chair, halting himself by pressing his heels against the ground in front of a counter. He swiped a clip-board from it, spinning around on the chair's axis before wheeling back to Black's bed, "He's fine. He's  had enough bed-rest. Wounds are healed. Full recovery. Boom." He clapped his hands as if smacking some unseen substance from them, "Try not to get shot up next time you're doing your job, Black. The Director isn't going to keep you around if you fuck up more."
"This was literally the first time. It's not my fault that the idiots who ran that stupid group let in some nasty bugger who turned out to be a head-case. How was I supposed to know that the second he walked into the room, he'd start firing at everyone inside. I'm lucky I got out alive in the first place. Good thing the Seekers were dropping shit off for Price, or I'd be dead." He sighed, raising himself to his feet, "So, I'm going to make a point in saying that if any of what just happened leaves either of your mouths, I'm going to have to kill you."
Christopher scoffed, nodding slowly as he turned to his clip-board agian.
Maka wheeled her own chair towards a separate counter which held a half-dissected head-crab. She didn't respond in the slightest, instead, snapping on her surgical gloves, she picked up her tools once more as Black stormed out of the room.
A man in a tightly fitting sweater ran his hand over his face, pinching the bridge of his nose as he swiped away another piece of scrawled on paper.  Leaning back on his chair, he swiveling around on it's axis, bringing both hands up to cross behind his head. The sound ofa  door opening caught his attention, but he didn't move from his position.
"Hello there, sweetie." A male's voice rang out. There was a hint of a snicker in his voice, so he oquite obviously wasn't being serious.
"Price Masterson.." The man in the chair began, "You're an idiot. I can already feel a migraine beginning to form. You have a special talent for annoying everyone and anyone. Did you know that?"
"It's a gift, really." The suited man at the door began, running a single gloved finger over the lower strings of his balaclava, "I'm never going to understand why you're ditching Site Alpha. You lot got an amazing set up here."
"Because," The seated man quipped, "You yourself have said that more and more people have been noticing our Seekers and their vehicles picking you up and dropping you off. If people have noticed, Overwatch has as well. We're going to be moving out by the end of the week. The Security Force and the twins will be accompanying me to your last location, Noul Rodna in the Ineu Mountains. We'll set up an impromptu Site there. It's going to be something new, and we won't be as safe. All of the civilians will be sent to Site Gamma."
Price sighed, nodding slowly, "So I basically killed Seymore for nothing. That's awesome. Now I feel like a prick. It would've been nice if you lot told me about this -before- Harper had me kill Seeing Eye."
"Seymore was a liability to begin with. You did what you were told, and there's nothing to be ashamed about for such a thing. But that's not why I had the Seekers pick you up and bring you back to Site Alpha. You told me that there was a group who you wanted to give information about."
The suited male clapped his hands, "A-yup. The guy up top is named Fixer, I think. The other is some black guy. Never caught his name. They have a vehicle and are well armed. But I'm going to assume the situation is going to be handled on it's own without us needing to intervene. They've killed people in the past for equipment for what I hear, and I'm pretty sure one of them is a rapist."
"I will -never-.." Director Tennise began, "-understand how people can act so maliciously towards their fellow man in these times. If anything, we should all be working together. But no, they're all seperated cut-throats more interested in holding power over others. It's sad, really. If they're not dealt with by another, then I'm going to have a talk with them personally. Or we'll use Black and White, I'm sure they can deal with something like that with ease."
"Black got shot in his last operation, right?" Price mumbled, clearing his throat.
"He's a good man. He won't let that happen again." Tennise snapped, crossing his arms over his torso, raising himself to his feet. "I need you to go tell Marquise and Harper that everyone needs to gather at the Plaza in fifty minutes."
Price nodded once, his facial expression softening as he turned on his heel, exiting the room.

The echoing sounds of scores of people muttering filled the cavern. The stage in front of them was empty, save for Tom and Tim, who, uncharacteristically, were standing quietly, arms crossed in front of their torsos.
Carol looked to her right, nudging John, "I doubt the civilians are going to take the news well. They've grown attached to this cavern, and the other sites aren't nearly as well equipped as Alpha."
John shrugged, staring plainly at the stage, "We're about to find out. Look."

Up on the wooden platform, a man in a black suit sauntered between the twins, raising both hands up to call for silence. His facial expression was tight and complacent. The wrinkles in his face defined by the shadows cast by the artificial lighting.
"Quiet, please." He boomed. The cavern immediately fell to a murmur, then silent. The Director wasn't someone who was ignored easily. And he easily deserved the respect he was given.
"I'm sure you've all heard the rumors," He began, "That Site Alpha is going to be left behind for another location."
Muttering was heard from the crowd.
"It's true."
The muttering exploded into protests, random people yelling out in despair.
"QUIET!" Director Tennise yelled, easily drowning out the other's yelling, which all stopped at once.
"Remaining here is no longer safe!" He boomed, "Our position will soon be compromised, if it hasn't been already! Overwatch is always looking for bases like this, and we were not once promised never-ending peace. We all knew in our hearts that one day it would end." He looked down at his feet, throwing a hand towards the way towards the Cavern Entrace, "But today is not that day. We're leaving before that can happen. We will be sending you all to Site Gamma. Those of you who wish to accompany myself and Site Alpha's specialists to Noul Rodna are welcome, but mind you that we will be in an exceptional amount of danger. Our move will begin next week. Most of our auxillary resources have already been transported by the Seekers, as you have already been made aware of. You will be equipped with a small Security Force during your transport to Site Gamma. You will be removed in groups of ten and will take seperate routes in order to deviate attention from you. This trip may or may not be safe, but for every three citizens, there will be on Task Force member. They are well armed and trained individuals as you well know, and they will keep you safe if it costs them their lives. To speak to another subject; I'm aware that you've all also heard rumor of DCSA being spoken of within the cities. Seymore, the man who spoke of us, has been dealt with. He was a traitor, do not mourn him. He could have easily killed you because of his ramblings. However, word has -not- reaches the cities, which means Overwatch has most likely also not learned of our existence yet. Saul and Third Eye have assured me that where their influence is felt, Dark Chapel's existence is unknown. This is backed up by both of our City Specialists, Carol Garnes and Michael Rhodes. They have worked hard for all of you to keep you safe, and you should be thankful. I ask that you all move back to your respective homes and pack your things, but only take what is necessary. Other amneties will be provided at Site Gamma in the forest. Now, please clear out of the Plaza, it is needed for material and resource transport.."
'This isn't going to be easy', Tennise thought to himself as he turned on his heel, walking off of the stage.

"Only take what is needed for the initial move." Tennise ordered, finishing wrapping himself in his vest, "We don't have enough vests for everyone. The Task Force needs them more than us. If we die, then Noul Rodna doesn't receive our aid. They've lived like that for this long, and we lost a possible new site. If they die, then countless innocents will die."
Tom and Tim looked each other over, a somber expression on their faces, something entirely uncharacteristic.
"I presume you've all prepped with extra firing practice and sparring. There's no telling what we will be forced to deal with when we arrive at Noul Rodna." He said as he slams his pistol into it's holster.
"Alright, let's move."
The thirteen men and women in the room turned on their heels respectively, exiting the room into the Plaza Cavern. The armoury was now bare, all of the auxillary weapons and ammunition long since gone, transported out. They used a small cavernous path away from the cave's 'plaza'. It wasn't long before each of them had exited the base all-together, journeying towards a mountainous peak to the north.

“Overwatch!”, a female voice rang out. The exclamation was cut short, however; the last syllable absent from the rest of the sentence, so all that was heard was ‘Overwat-‘. Regardless of this fact, the denizens of the cavern went into frenzy. What was originally a calm and collected group of refugees, getting ready to leave in groups for their next destination, became a stampede of frantic men women and children, running for their lives. Discernible amongst the screaming was the tell-tale sound of a Pulse Rifle’s secondary firing capabilities. A high pitched drawl rang through the air, slowly rising in decibel. The sound’s origin was an imposing figure at the mouth of the cavern. He (or she) donned a set of thick white armour emblazoned with several insignias. Its face was covered by a gas-mask coupled with a helmet that mirrored the design of the rest of its suit.  In the gargantuan’s hands was clutched a polished grey weapon with an long angular barrel, the mouth which was emanating a bright iridescent glow. The sound continued to rise before it changed tone dramatically. The sound that was heard now was reminiscent of the one prior, but it sounded as if it was being heard through a long metallic tube. On cue, the second this new note offered itself to the horrifying plethora of screaming voices, a blinding light issued forth from the terrifying man’s weapon. A perfectly round ball of pure energy shot through the cavern, making contact with several people in its path. As if in a science fiction movie, these people immediately rose into the air, their forms dissipating into individual particles. The second the ball made contact, they were already dead. The ghosts of their forms, an outline and nothing more, was all that was left. But a matter of seconds later, and that was gone as well.


               The weapon’s wielder had slunk back behind the gate it had come upon firing the weapon, and for good reason. The second the destructive force it had unleashed made contact with a solid surface, it rebounded, cutting a swathe through the cavern, disintegrating men women and children indiscriminately. After what felt like ages, the ball finally ceased to exist suddenly in mid-air, a wave of energy exploding from it, sending scores of refugees flying in different directions. From the fallen bodies, the invader could be seen once more. He was slinking back into the room, sweeping his rifle around. From behind him, three more similarly dressed, but darkly coloured, soldiers came into view. They held identical rifles, save for one, who held what seemed to be some modified form of a shotgun. It seemed as though the one in white was at the helm, as he lead the group forward. Said soldier raised his rifle a second time, the same sound bringing forth a new set of screams from the crowd of people that still breathed.

               From the right of the sound came another, even louder one. A man draped in a darkly coloured Kevlar vest released a loud, booming cry as the weapon in his hand discharged. He seemed to have jumped out of cover moments prior, as the white Overwatch soldier was caught completely off-guard. It had little time to react as it’s central visor shattered, the white material on it’s face being replaced by a deep crimson as the bullet entered and exited it’s skull. Grey matter coupled with blood cascaded to the side as the soldier fell. The two immediately behind it suddenly brought their own weapons up, discharging them in the man’s direction. He was lucky enough to narrowly avoid the first string of bolts, but was struck in the calf mid-leap in his attempt to move back into cover. He slammed against the wall, slumping down as countless numbers of shots were fired upon him, rending flesh from bone and covering him and his surroundings in a coat of blood.

               The two soldiers clutching automatic weaponry immediately went about arching their weapons over the remaining group of refugees, raining hell-fire upon their still screaming forms. Scores died this way, men falling dead atop wives and mothers fruitlessly shielding their children from the bullets. This continued for several long minutes, only a choice few making it away from the assault....


From high atop one of the rocky crags, a man sat crouched over an overhang, watching as countless Overwatch soldiers poured into the cavern that he had once called home. His heart hardened as hideous tripedal creatures bounded into the mouth of the Site, releasing terrifying mechanical screeches which only added to the sounds of screaming still echoing from the cave-mouth.

“You knew, didn't you?” The shaky voice of a woman bit out in a hushed tone. From this height, there was no way they would be heard, but the threat was immediate and the fear of detection was high. “You knew the whole time that they were coming, and you let this happen.”

Tears spilled from Carol’s eyes as she buried her face in the man beside her’s chest. John wrapped a hand around her shoulders, his face stoic. He had known as well. It was only a few days prior that reports of Overwatch movement were sent in from both Price and the Seekers. The information was kept from a vast majority of the Dark Chapel Site Alpha community. John bit his lip, the distinct feeling of a lump in his throat causing him to cough loudly, attempting to hide his own anguish and drown out the echoes of the raid in one go.

There was a choice few others with them in their mountainous hiding place, the rest already sent into the Ineu Mountains under the cover of night. The others accompanying them seemed to have the same emotion and response as Carol did. Despair.

“It..” The man watching the scene bit out, “It was something that couldn’t be helped. Call me a monster if you must, but..”

“You let all of those people die!” Carol cried, ripping herself from John Harper’s grasp, “You knew that this was coming and you didn’t warn anyone!”

The Director whipped around, scowling as he attempted to keep a tight facial expression. He was not a man to show weakness, and this was no exception. “I said, think what you want. But consider what would have happened if I had told them. Panic. They would have ran out into the wild and either died or been picked off by Overwatch either way. Or captured and tortured. There was no way for us to send them out to the other Sites. If we had, Overwatch would have tailed the path they took and found them. There were sacrifices made today. Necessary sacrifices. It was unavoidable. If I hadn't let this happen, then countless more lives would be lost, and the Dark Chapel Initiative would be razed to the ground in one fell stroke. By allowing Overwatch the think that this was a single community, and not linked to other similar sites, we’ve allowed all other areas to continue peacefully for now. Do not patronize me. You would have made the same decision in my shoes.” He grabbed his bag from the ground, aggressively pulling the strap over his head, letting the sack dangle from his side as he sauntered off.

The few men and women behind with Carol and Harper stood in place for several long moments, watching him in silence as Tennise disappeared behind a large spire of mountain rock.

John pursed his lips, clearing his throat as he grabbed his own supplies, taking a few steps forward before turning his head, looking at the rest of the group solemnly, “We’d better catch up. Come on.”

He turned on his heel, taking a moderately quick pace after the Director, the other refugees in tow.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
The creation of RP, and hopefully calming down Outlands a bit.

The presence of such a large new group will cause fuss and surely bring about Overwatch's ire.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
The whole reason I've created Dark Chapel is to bring RP to the Outlands in the field of Passive RP and general non-violent RP. The Outlands currently is a place where players who want to tote guns walk around shooting eachother. Which is bullocks. Basically, no administrator should worry about us being elitist or waggling around out e-peens because the whole reason I crated Dark Chapel was to do away with that.

I'm fully aware that this doesn't specify each character and their back-grounds. To reclarify, each player who takes a character will require an authorization application regarding their obtaining skills that would have made them useful to Dark Chapel Site Alpha. The site, weapons and existence is already authorized by a member of the Super Administration team. Most of the supplies will be random things, such as food, tables, and other useful resources needed for survival and RP.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
Yes, but each player who wishes to take up a character will require both my blessing, due to the fact that these characters can NOT be abused, and the blessing of the Administration Team.

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):

Post Auto-Merged: April 10, 2013, 09:57:41 PM
Also, as each character is taken over, I'll be writing an outline for the character, basically fleshing them out and explaining them for each player.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2013, 09:57:41 PM by Reaver! »
A Freudian dick is when you say what's really on your mind instead of what you intended to say

Offline Sexy Frog

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Re: The Thirteen Survivors\'s Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2013, 10:06:00 PM »
I haven't read this yet, but I looked through the authorizations you requested and holy Jesus lord, Reaver you have done it again. lol

However, I have a specific problem with one thing I saw.

Marquise Masque-Ex-CCA. (I'm going to be giving HEAVY guide-lines for this character regarding exactly how he managed to cut himself away, exact details will be given by chosen player) DCSA bullet proof vest, Standard Issue Civil Protection Face-Plate. Access to most Dark Chapel resources.

This is not allowed according to the Auth app rules, unfortunately. As quoted below:

No authorizations will be given via authorization applications for be the following:
  • Stalkers
  • Any NPC besides headcrabs. Antlions and Zombies may be authorized as event only characters.
  • Any canon character - Alyx, Eli, Gordon, etc
  • Black Mesa employee/Black Mesa knowledge
  • SYNTH Units - hunters, striders, etc
  • V and m flags.
  • Any weapon besides shotguns, SMGs, and 9mm pistols. Melee weapons such as knives can be acquired ICly.
  • Special/Psychic powers
  • Anything related to the CCA/Combine
  • Characters under the age of 14

Sorry, mate. :(

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Re: The Thirteen Survivors\'s Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2013, 10:08:54 PM »
How the fuck did I miss over that bit.
That's a derp on my part.
I'll uhh alter Marquise's character slightly. Disregard the bit about him. There will be a list of each character with several paragraphs each describing them, so the updated Masque will be put there.
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Re: The Thirteen Survivors\'s Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2013, 10:12:17 PM »
Wouldn't it be a better idea to let players create their own characters from Dark Chapel and discuss where they can slot into the overall structure of the group with you? I mean, giving them strict guidelines for how to play certain characters and determining their backstories in advance doesn't allow for a lot of creative scope, and frankly I'd find playing a 'premade' character very dull and restricting.

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Re: The Thirteen Survivors\'s Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2013, 10:16:26 PM »
The only characters that will have strict guide-lines are Marquise and Harper.
The others have a general personality.
Like I said, the backstories are PURELY up to the player who chooses each character. The only thing I set-up is a general out-line.
For example, Tim and Tom are obviously humorous, but that's all that I require. If you mean what their Job in DC was, these characters have those outlines for a reason, which is setting up in the new Site.
Eventually, players who want to make their OWN character, (After DC is set up in OL) from other Sites, will be capable of doing so. These are just the required characters to make Dark Chapel capable of being a useful resource for the Outlands refugees in their debut.
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Re: The Thirteen Survivors\'s Authorization Application
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2013, 10:48:33 PM »
sounds like you're asking for auths to form the a-team

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Re: The Thirteen Survivors\'s Authorization Application
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2013, 10:54:38 PM »
A Freudian dick is when you say what's really on your mind instead of what you intended to say

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Re: The Thirteen Survivors\'s Authorization Application
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2013, 11:19:26 PM »
did you know the best rebel group needed hardly any authorisations at all and their name is third eye

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Re: The Thirteen Survivors\'s Authorization Application
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2013, 11:22:34 PM »
did you know the best rebel group needed hardly any authorisations at all and their name is third eye
except their secret base and NVGs and wetsuits and SAM FISHER

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Re: The Thirteen Survivors\'s Authorization Application
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2013, 11:23:35 PM »
Please dont post unless its useful to this auth.

In regards to the auths, I dunno. I mean if yuou an find a group of players who are ready and you want to get a group auth, thats fine but this, doesnt make any sense. You'd be better off recruiting them then going "uh yeah theres actually 10 other guys here. we jsut haven't filled the slots"

I mean like really. Find some players who you want in. Once you found them all, discuss it as a group and decide what you want, need, plan to do, and did for a backstory. Once you've done that, come back and make a group auth.

For now, I wont support this.

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Re: The Thirteen Survivors\'s Authorization Application
« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2013, 11:30:49 PM »
Please dont post unless its useful to this auth.

In regards to the auths, I dunno. I mean if yuou an find a group of players who are ready and you want to get a group auth, thats fine but this, doesnt make any sense. You'd be better off recruiting them then going "uh yeah theres actually 10 other guys here. we jsut haven't filled the slots"

I mean like really. Find some players who you want in. Once you found them all, discuss it as a group and decide what you want, need, plan to do, and did for a backstory. Once you've done that, come back and make a group auth.

For now, I wont support this.

I talked with Reaver and the only reason he won't go out and find people is because he wants to basically do what most of our other factions do and thats through an Application of their own so he can really see the amount of effort and Roleplay/Canon they will put into the characters. The only difference is, the Application is an Authorization Application. The slots are filled by the people who will make the auths. The players will be able to make the past and the background of the provided character. This is basically an Auth App for players to make an Auth App related to this group which is being Auth'd for.

So I will +Support as these stories are quite the interesting read and I got good basis off of most of their personalities.

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Re: The Thirteen Survivors\'s Authorization Application
« Reply #11 on: April 10, 2013, 11:51:23 PM »
I've set up all of Dark Chapel's dealings, regulations and what-not before hand with others. The reason why I made the app is simple. I've spoken with people I want to have in Dark Chapel before my posting of this app. By putting characters on reserve, I give other players I haven't expressly spoken with a chance to join. I don't know everyone in the community, although I do know a great deal. Not allowing said other players to take part would be unfair. Just because this is a new way of going about it doesn't make it wrong. I'm not new to group leadership, as I ran the unified resistance movement Big Brother during Sinclair 'Reaver' Williams' time. I already have Dallas, Kronos, Sexy Frog, Sectus, (I spoke to Eliona briefly about it), Ozjackal  and Recon interested in it. (Ozjackal solely in connecting Third Eye and Dark Chapel canon) By the time that Dark Chapel officially debuts, all roles will already be taken. I need to make an auth app for John Harper and Director Tennise's back stories, and the other players who take on the roles will have to do the same. By the time that is done, a problem concerning "10 people kinda being here" wont be in existence. This auth app is simply one of the last steps of Set-Up. I in no way plan to begin RP before everything is in order and set up.

So the put it simply; nothing will be done iCly until we have each character claimed.
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Re: The Thirteen Survivors\'s Authorization Application
« Reply #12 on: April 10, 2013, 11:59:28 PM »
Though you do have a good point, there's one major issue I dont like about this.

In our other applications, you're making a character who has a backstory and unless they have auths, dont know anyone in whatever they're getting into ICly. With this, the people applying are doing the opposite. A backstory has already been made for them. The HUMAN personality that goes into the characters, the one you and I and everyone else has, is based off Reavers mind. Nobody elses. One character ICly may have been able to tolerate another one, however once their spot is filled by a person, they may change.

Point is, this ruins the basis to character creation, that being originality. Still no support because of this.

-Add cause reaver post-

If you'll be doing that, then why not instead of forcing players to fill roles, let them create their own characters to work into the backstory. I'm sot saying you shouldn't have a group head start. No. I've done that before and it's very successful as long as you have the right people. I'm saying let people make the characters themselves so shit actually works in accordance to their own personality.

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Re: The Thirteen Survivors\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Authorization Application
« Reply #13 on: April 11, 2013, 12:13:19 AM »
I may have worded it incorrectly somewhere along the line. The characters I have set up for this batch are based around the premise that Dark Chapel needs specialists in order to be successful. Teir personalities are up to them. I would like for Tim and Tom to be comical, but it isn't required. Someone made the point earlier that this halts character development. Which is why I added the part that John and Tennise let the Raid happen without warning everyone. This development would force the characters to deal with a contreversy (while not breaking DC up) that would throw off the character's personality to some degree, giving each player elbow room to fit each character to their choosing. There will be room for character development because each player gets to make their own backstory to WHATEVER specifications they desire (within reason of course). Meaning that character development is still possible since all I set up was how they acquired their equipment and their auths in DCSABasically each story in te with app is just Character Introduction.
I hope this explains my reasoning to some degree, as I've worked with this way of debuting DCSA for a hair under two months.

Post Auto-Merged: April 11, 2013, 12:16:53 AM
Oh and to speak to your latest edit, after this batch of specialists is created, I'll allow people to make auths for original characters transferred from other sites.
My whole reason behind setting up a character list is to make sure that this is successful, as I would really like to see OL be more than bandits.

Post Auto-Merged: April 11, 2013, 12:41:56 AM
Also, I'd like to say you're making very valid points and its my fault for not elaborating in the first place to make sure my full intentions were understood.

Post Auto-Merged: April 11, 2013, 02:00:48 PM
I read through it again and noticed I switched between past and present tense multiple times.
I'm incapable of fixing it currently.
So disregard that hiccup pls yes
« Last Edit: April 11, 2013, 02:00:48 PM by Reaver! »
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Re: The Thirteen Survivors\'s Authorization Application
« Reply #14 on: April 12, 2013, 11:02:30 AM »
Read through the application, and honestly I have to support it. The entire idea of a group based off a well thought out back story just makes interested into what it will do in Outlands. It's pretty obvious that Reaver  can handle the authorization, and i'm sure he will pick the right people to play the roles. There is also the fact of a new group in the outlands as lately there hasn't been many. Along with that the fact of giving a player to make their own story with him is actually very nice which leads out to more authorizations, and better development. So you got my support.

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Colombo Beniamino: i'm honestly contemplating joining NOVA even though i don't like medical RP because it actually has active DvL


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