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Topics - Pielolz

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 8
Fixed Bugs / Sirens cannot be heard
« on: April 21, 2013, 02:30:40 PM »
What happened when the bug occurred? I tried to turn on my sirens (Q while the lights were on)

What was supposed to happen? The sirens did not turn on, and other people had this issue.

Picture/Console Errors: N/A

Support & Help / Problem with Gmod
« on: April 03, 2013, 11:00:14 PM »
Whenever I start Gmod it shows the back ground for the menu and no menu options. Please help.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / quick rant
« on: January 12, 2013, 10:27:58 PM »
The stickied threads above is a massive clusterfucky derp. Please organize it by length of title, or remove a lot of the useless threads (I;e, most of them). Like the threads Alexanderp made that are literally 2 sentences, can we not, make those 1 thread? And the threads that say "Apps r open k thnx bye." Can we, put this in one thread?

clockwork menu sucks. Please fix so characters dont fly across the screen, and make it like the old one, or perhaps in some sort of grid? It looks weird.

Tat's about it.

Social Discussion / End of the world?
« on: December 20, 2012, 06:22:53 PM »
Do you think the world ends tommorow? Personally, I don't.
The 'mayans' didn't say it would, and whoever thinks it will is a scare mongering cock bag.


Creations / Escape (Creative writing)
« on: December 15, 2012, 01:15:54 PM »

Social Discussion / LDH Kidney-Cancer Fundraiser
« on: December 11, 2012, 04:58:37 PM »
LDH Kidney-Cancer Walk

The LDH Kidney-Cancer Walk was started by the teacher at a local Scottsdale school; whom tasked all the grades to participate in the operation of the fundraiser as their semester project. Her father was diagnosed abruptly a few weeks past, (I am pleased to inform that he made a full recovery). But she wants to give back; and she started this fundraiser in his honor. The entire school is behind it (Admittedly, not much.) And support is appreciated.

Location of the walk: *WIP*

Fun Facts: Did you know... 5280 feet is in a mile?
If seven where to go around the circuit of the walk four times, one mile would be walked, but if we were to convert those miles into INCHES 443520
Did you know, if 27 people were to each walk one mile, 1710720 inches would be walked.
1760 yards are in a mile, and four laps around a track would equal to 1760 yards.

Related links

Support & Help / Steam is broken
« on: December 08, 2012, 12:02:19 AM »

Support & Help / I got a question for the owners
« on: December 06, 2012, 04:13:57 PM »
I have been trying to contact you guys for 3 days and none will reply, so I am going to post a thread.

Can I advertise in SD/GD a thread about a kidney-cancer fundraiser? Will you let the rule slide for fundraisers?

Note: I have links to the official site.

General Discussion / Scenario, tell me the most logical solution
« on: November 27, 2012, 06:35:32 PM »
Okay, say you control a powerful nation. With technology around WW2.
Say some other nations have the same tech, but not as powerful. Let's say three others.

But one BIGASS MOTHER FUCKER whom has ruled the region for a long time, with nuclear bombs, an army that dwarfs all, and a home fort that cannot be broken in a siege without massive casualties, say they get a new guy on the throne.

He clearly says that he doesn't want people speaking out or shit like that, and threatens violence. But he promises no government interference in daily life if you do as you're told.

What do you do, avoid bloodshed and genocide, or rebel and enter a war which hundreds of thousands will die?

Suggestions / Inter-Server economy
« on: November 24, 2012, 03:44:37 AM »
I think, you should be able to sell item A on OCRP, for eg; a gun. and buy said item on HRP, this will obviously be more expensive for the gun dealer,  but will have some stat boosts and be labled as 'high quality weapons'. The supply of "High Quality Arms" varies on the supplier on OCRP making them, and selling them. This will all pool together, and the OCRP players would get a share. A supply and demand type of thing. The higher quality guns would have a higher price, and demand, and if demand outweighs the supply, price goes up. And the players on HRP can sell fish on the inter-server economy, to be bought on Space Build and OCRP. In the latter, for some health boost, in the former, to feed a hunger bar to survive. If the former is established in such a manner, then they can sell space ore to lessen the price of metal in OCRP and the price of standard 'cheap' weapons and fishing equipment?

Well there's my few cents, I think it'd be FUCKING AWESOME.


Look, we can do so much with this. Encouraging playing on every server (save for HL2RP). For people to start companies and gangs to help support this sytem, this could create intresting RP.

Support & Help / Arma II Bad serial key in startup
« on: November 22, 2012, 08:41:03 PM »

"Ask Me Anything" / Ask me anything
« on: November 22, 2012, 05:54:54 PM »
Kay, go.

shameless necrobump due to it being a ghost town

Support & Help / STALKER X-ray engine error
« on: November 22, 2012, 04:09:00 PM »
X-Ray engine 7.6 has stopped working

is the error my friend gets whenever he starts up Stalker Misery Mod, solutions?

Social Discussion / Game Reviews >>>PLANETSIDE 2<<<
« on: November 19, 2012, 12:26:34 AM »
I am hardpressed for money this year, so if you want to donate a game for me to review, it would be much appreciated.Max Payne 3 is one I hope for/i]

HALO 4 11/18/12

The progression of the Halo series has mainly been about adding to a great formula, in Halo 2 it was new weapons, sweeping exotic locations and titanic boss fights. In halo 3, it was bombastic boss fights, an exciting campaign, new weapons and better graphics. In Halo ODST, it was about exploring the world through the eyes of a normal human with new abilities, weapons and a complex story. Also, the addition of Fire Fight. In Halo 4, by contrast, they severely limit the number of new human weapons in favor of some utterly pointless and gimmicky For Runner weapons. Which are all massively over powered. Only one or two new weapons is introduced to the covenant, and for the poor UNSC, they get some new weapons but it wasn't worth deleting the massively fun grenade launcher. The new sticky detonator and SAW, the former is crap and the latter is over powered.

As for vehicles, the covenant get even less. The revanet is deleted in favor of nothing new. The banshee got a speed boost, but the grace and agility of the rolls and flips has been drastically reduced. Which makes it difficult to perform such maneuvers, without risk of slamming into something. The UNSC has nothing new, and in fact no flying vehicles. Yes, we have been made spoiled by the Hornet and Falcon, which have kindly been replaced with a walker vehicle, which in close combat; and let's be fair about this, is shit. You get a slow kick... Thing but it takes so long to recharge that the enemy have already jacked you, sent you to hell, and is now teabagging your corpse.

343's philosophy seems to be "Let's reskin a few things, change a couple sounds and make the armor look like an hyper active autistic child made it, then knock off for lunch." The weapons are practically the same, with few differences. However the shotgun sounds like God slamming his car door and is powerful enough to send a 1000 pound 8'0 spartan flying across a room. Other then that, some vehicles have new skins, the lobby system is confusing and intuitive.

The campaign is a MASSIVE waste of time, it's short as fuck, and let me tell you, when I'm around, fucks are legendarily short. Barely 5 hours in all. And the final boss fight was with some vampire dude, and your entire contribution to the boss fight is to watch a cut scene then do some quick times events. I was waiting for the cut scene to end, and to kick his ass in a bombastic fight like every previous Halo game, but he cutscene didn't end and he got pushed into a gypsy vortex thing. Did I just win the boss fight? Yay me! oh, but lest us forget that Cortana is the one that actually kills the final boss. She makes 6 clones of herself and jumps onto him long enough for you to jam a bomb in his chest, in a cutscene of course.

The game play was linear and padded, and I couldn't go 20 minutes without tripping over another damned CUTSCENE.

In summary, Halo 4 is the worst of the series and I would sooner recommend jerking off with sand paper.


When I was notified of the release of a game about Space Marines I was elated. 'Oh goody,' I thought, picking up the box 'Time to purge xenos in a world deprived of this terrible realism and gritty graphics.' After I rushed home to play it, about 20 hours later I beat it. A few questions leaped to mind 'Why was Chaos pulled from a sweaty ass, why is a space marine captain taking on an entire invasion by himself, why is this just the same enemies copy and pasted throughout?' The developers missed golden opportunities for titanic boss fights with enemy Super Heavies, or indeed fight other alien races than the most generic ones. Yes, the canon of this game does get on my plums. But it's still a fun game, I found myself becoming entertained in the gunfights and beating the shit out of hapless Gretchen.  But that is undermined some what by the poor characterization, the poorly told story and the repetitive gameplay.

But we'll get on the characters later, for now, let's talk about the combat. The combat flows nicely from firing to hacking and slashing. The fights can get fairly tipped in the enemy's favor when they wheel out big armored lads that can take 50 shots to the face and refuse to FUCKING die. Then swarm you with the smaller fuckers until you cant even see your damn character amidst a sea of working class xenos.
In Warhammer canon, the bolter can blast orks apart with a single shot, thus Space Marines take accurate single fire shots. But in this game, you have to empty a good 4-5 shots before they go down. So you burn through ammo fast, and sense this game is linear to he point of being prohibitive, you are constantly running into more damned orks. But this is relieved some what by the AI being legendarily thick and tripping over ammo and life upgrades ever alternate step.

I said all I could on the combat, so let's take the piss out of the story before we close this, alright? The three main characters is Captain Titus, and two different generic Space Marines. Whom you see only about 3 times. On an unrelated note, WHEN THE FUCK DID A CAPTAIN DECIDE IT WAS A PEACHY IDEA TO TAKE ON AN ENTIRE ORK INVASION BY HIMSELF WITHOUT SUPPORT AND REINFORCEMENTS? WHEN THE FUCK DID THIS SHIT SLIDE? He didn't even have the FUCKING company champion with him, who's job is to protect the FUCKING captain wherever he FUCKING goes. Oh, I understand why you're alone, because your partner AI in any fire fight is as much use as hiding 5 snickers behind your toilet to get hot water. Titus has no personality, he responds to everything with a blank expression and monotone words.

In summary, Space Marine was a good idea that was poorly executed. With no more options to tackle a threat with "Charge, or stay in cover and shoot." It was still fun, but you kind of forget about it once it's done.

PLANETSIDE 2 11/22/12

I recently received a mail from a reader saying he would like me to review a game called 'Planetside 2'.
After downloading to see what all the fuss was about, I quickly found out that Planetside 2 is an MMO. Unlike most MMOs, there is no questing or RPG elements. Which has been replaced with face pass shooting.
Actually, that's a pretty fucking awesome change. But what sets Planetside 2 apart from other FPS's, or MMOs? Well, the game map is penis deflatingly huge and so are the teams. But it's too big. You can walk around for hours trying to find your team mates and where the fun is at.
And that frequently annoyed me while playing Planetside 2. I couldn't find the damn fun. but when I did find the DAMN fun, it was fucking awesome. There was this one time, me and about 30 team mates were pinned in a protracted fire fight, it was intense and fun.

Oh, you want a story? Well shut up, there isn't one! Actually, there are these snippy little back ground texts that over below the faction you want to select. Which is like the text scrolls in Doom.
So yea, there is a small frame work for the violence. Not much, but still a half assed excuse for one.
Now, I actually liked Planetside 2, it is one of the few games that's more organic then a brick in a tumble dryer.

I can't really knuckle down and talk about one topic in this review, it's because Planetside 2 is so insubstantial. The combat is standard class-based FPS. The territory conquering is a modified version of King of the Hill, with the world map owing something to Hex Empire.
The story is practically none existant, the graphics engine has a lot of blurry textures and cheap sprites. The upgrades are poorly balanced, with some weapons being an insta kill.
However, despite all this, I find Planetside 2 weirdly compelling. It does have some bugs, like one time my camera was fixed looking at the floor like it was being scolded by it's fucking mum.
I started playing this game at 7, and stopped at 1 in the fucking morning. So yes, it can drag you in and once it does it's immersive.
The endless tug of war between factions keeps you plaiyngas you're ferried from one intense battle to the next.

all in all, I enjoyed Planetside 2. And even when I was done reviewing it I keept playing, and that's fucking unpresidented.
So yes, I highly recommend Planetside 2. It might even be in my top 5 this year.

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