Author Topic: David Collins Character Sheet  (Read 1462 times)

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David Collins Character Sheet
« on: April 14, 2014, 12:58:49 PM »
David Collins's Character Profile

Gender/Sex: Male

Character Full Name: David A. Collins

Known aliases: Dave

Citizen Identification Number (If Applicable): 30415

Character background: David was born in Dublin, Ireland in 1987 to a middle class family.  He moved to the United States of America when he was around the age of 15 and lived in Manhattan, NY.  [OOC will finish later]

Physical description: David is of average height with short black hair and blue eyes.  He wears his dirty standard blue jumpsuit with worn boots.  He is slightly malnourished from his below average diet.  He is more on the skinny side and is of a fairly average muscular build.  He speaks in a slight Irish accent.

Eye color: Blue

Scars: Has no visible scars

Hair Style & Color: Short black hair

Approximate age: 32

Country originated from: Dublin, Ireland

Current location: City 8 Tokyo, Japan

Accent: Slight Irish (Dublin) accent

Mental good and/or bad skills:
+ Introvert (Can live on his own for extended periods of time, doesn't need to rely on others)
+ Atheist
+ Former EMT-B knows first aid and a few other skills
+ Can keep calm under stress

- Has slight anxiety
- Introvert (Harder to make friends, sometimes hard to trust)
- Atheist (Religious extremists may outcast or harm him)
- Has lost most medical skills above first aid over the years

Physical good and/or bad skills:
+ Average muscular build
+ 20/20 vision
+ Skinny (able to fit or hide in smaller places)

- Skinny (weaker)
- Reduced strength
- Not as good stamina as when he was younger

Character look-a-like image:
Spoiler for Character Look Alike:
Coming soon

Character fitting music and/or song:
Spoiler for Character Theme:
Coming soon

Clothing and/or protective armour and markings (bruises, scratches, etc) on the limbs: Standard Blue civilian jumpsuit.  Has some minor cuts and bruises from cut fences in the city.

Head: Just hair (doesn't like hats)

Torso: Old backpack

Arms/Hands: Torn work gloves (almost unusable condition)

Legs/Feet: Standard work boots

Weaponry: Fists

Lost and/or replacement limbs or parts?: N/A

Skills, perks and/or traits of the character: Physically just about average and is able to blend in with other citizens.  Mentally is reserved but open to people at times.  Has left organized religion and is now an atheist.  Has some knowledge of medicine but has vastly deteriorated over the years without practice.  Doesn't need to rely on others and can survive on his own for extended periods due to his introverted nature.  Tends to take things seriously and doesn't like to mess around to much (unless he is drunk).  More of a "realist" than an optimist.

Weaknesses and/or severe flaws:  Can be seen as "shady" or someone not to trust due to his introverted nature.  Religious people may try to convert him or in the extreme harm him.  Can be seen as paranoid and suffers from anxiety.  Malnourishment and insomnia has weakened him. Seen as a pessimist due to his "realistic" tendencies.
Half Life 2 RP Characters

-David Collins | Citizen Healthcare Provider | Alive
-Hanz Schnider | Citizen | Alive
-C45.MPF.NOVA-04.634 | Alive
-Dan Shepard | Citizen | Alive


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