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Messages - -¤lζ|2�§§¤-bandcrsh

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Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: My reaction towards the SeC or CmD
« on: August 11, 2012, 04:35:31 AM »
This is extremely accurate. I've seen KMP's CmD go through a lot. It takes a hell of a lot of effort to even get a CmD+ to fall to a knee. The most they could take, as I see it, would be like, one Antlion guard, or several people with guns.

Or for one to be electrified in a pool of water...

Would be interesting to see a cmd try to take on an antlion guard with nothing but his fists.

Guides / Re: Vortigaunts!- The Common Misconceptions
« on: July 31, 2012, 01:57:18 PM »

Even though the Vortigaunts in Half Life 2 were decent, sensible beings we here at Catalyst Gaming are not and will not try to be simply because Vortigaunts in Half Life 2 were. We will be assholes, we will eat all of your potatoes and if you don't have them we'll eat you. We are not infinitely wise like Half Life 2 may have led you to believe and we won't try to be. Don't like it? Disconnect and go to TnB.

That sounds horrible lol, I dont want to be an ass hole I like to play a good whole hearted vort sage. Give some hope into this hl2 themed dark rp. I mean it ruins the seriousness of the roleplay if were acting like retards, literally saw one doing that lol was funny but still, and being racist, stealing potatoes and eating them ridiculously then we aren't giving the vortigaunts as a group a good name, atleast be more serious when you go and steal your potatoes.

Guides / Re: Vortigaunts!- The Common Misconceptions
« on: July 31, 2012, 12:48:38 AM »
Man every one seems to have been like hurt from humans in this roleplay lol. Every human I meet is quite nice and has my back haha. Feels good, quite good.

Guides / Re: Vortigaunts!- The Common Misconceptions
« on: July 30, 2012, 10:14:46 AM »
I am also avid vort roleplayer and its lovely to see discussions about stuff like this. Each vort is entitled to playing their vort how they wish but I want to discuss some of the things you brought up.

Like previously stated every is vortigaunt entitled to playing their vort how they want so in technical terms saying that every vortigaunt has a deep respect for life is false is technically true. Lets analyze this though like you said the vortigaunts as a species have been fleeing ever since the combine started chasing them. Even being enslaved during this time under the nihilanth being forced to invade earth when they were backed into a wall on Xen. I feel that all things considering being faced with their constant enslavement and pursuit by the combine they that they would definitely have a deep respect for life. Having this respect for life and freedom to live it, would make it way more likely for them to like humans because they both share the want for freedom they both want to break their common shackles that they share. Also the vortigaunts connection with the vortessence and their pantheistic that come with it also really help with the notion that they have a deep respect for life. Which they state that there exists a fundamental life-force which connects all, a "tapestry." It is due to this belief in the Vortessence that the vortigaunt species have an almost universal respect for life, in all its forms. Not only is life precious in and of itself, but it is implied that the source of the Vortessence's power lies in living things. Back to them liking humans, vortigaunts see humans as brothers in arms with the same purpose in mind this "Unity of purpose" to drive back the Universal Union. "We take our stand beside you, here, upon this miserable rock."
"Unity of purpose, the shattering of common shackles, a single road we tread."

So yeah thats how I feel about that.

When the humans they have encountered have assaulted, abducted, starved, insulted and been in general racist towards a Vortigaunt he isn't exactly going to class them as 'brothers in arms'.

IMO, it all depends on the circumstance.

Of course of course, very valid point. Though they would be wise to stay away from those humans as there are a lot more out there that greet them with open hands as allies. Though its all circumstance, Even though they may have been hurt by those humans its hard to take a general hatred towards the humans entirely because vortigaunts are all interconnected so we share in the pain that those vortigaunts have endured but they also share in the good we see from all of those we have encountered that showed it.  Its all up on on the roleplayer though how to feel/act.

Yes, but the problem is Vortigaunts are always going to be a troublesome subject due to the limited knowledge and in-game speech that can really only be interpreted personally, I think people should just roleplay them how they wish to, within reason of course.

Of course it is thats why its great to talk about it! Get many different views on the subject. But yeah been saying that from the beginning that they can play their vortigaunts how they want, not like I am going to impose on them or something haha.

Guides / Re: Vortigaunts!- The Common Misconceptions
« on: July 30, 2012, 09:53:58 AM »
I am also avid vort roleplayer and its lovely to see discussions about stuff like this. Each vort is entitled to playing their vort how they wish but I want to discuss some of the things you brought up.

Like previously stated every is vortigaunt entitled to playing their vort how they want so in technical terms saying that every vortigaunt has a deep respect for life is false is technically true. Lets analyze this though like you said the vortigaunts as a species have been fleeing ever since the combine started chasing them. Even being enslaved during this time under the nihilanth being forced to invade earth when they were backed into a wall on Xen. I feel that all things considering being faced with their constant enslavement and pursuit by the combine they that they would definitely have a deep respect for life. Having this respect for life and freedom to live it, would make it way more likely for them to like humans because they both share the want for freedom they both want to break their common shackles that they share. Also the vortigaunts connection with the vortessence and their pantheistic that come with it also really help with the notion that they have a deep respect for life. Which they state that there exists a fundamental life-force which connects all, a "tapestry." It is due to this belief in the Vortessence that the vortigaunt species have an almost universal respect for life, in all its forms. Not only is life precious in and of itself, but it is implied that the source of the Vortessence's power lies in living things. Back to them liking humans, vortigaunts see humans as brothers in arms with the same purpose in mind this "Unity of purpose" to drive back the Universal Union. "We take our stand beside you, here, upon this miserable rock."
"Unity of purpose, the shattering of common shackles, a single road we tread."

So yeah thats how I feel about that.

When the humans they have encountered have assaulted, abducted, starved, insulted and been in general racist towards a Vortigaunt he isn't exactly going to class them as 'brothers in arms'.

IMO, it all depends on the circumstance.

Of course of course, very valid point. Though they would be wise to stay away from those humans as there are a lot more out there that greet them with open hands as allies. Though its all circumstance, Even though they may have been hurt by those humans its hard to take a general hatred towards the humans entirely because vortigaunts are all interconnected so we share in the pain that those vortigaunts have endured but they also share in the good we see from all of those we have encountered that showed it.  Its all up on on the roleplayer though how to feel/act.

Guides / Re: Vortigaunts!- The Common Misconceptions
« on: July 30, 2012, 09:38:17 AM »
Vortigaunts!- The Common Misconceptions

Hello, I am an avid Vortigaunt RP'er; I play on both the Outlands server with my free vort, and city for my conscript. In my short time, I have noticed a lot of people tend to have some misunderstandings about Vortigaunts, in this guide I will run by some things that are true and others that are simply not.

The Misconceptions

-All Vorts like humans-
False. This is an idea I have come across multiple times. Considering the Vortigaunts at this stage (one year on from the War in CG's Canon) the race are basically stranded on Earth, hunted by the Combine, surrounded by these Humans. This does not mean they will like you, it may be quite the opposite.

-Every Vortigaunt has a deep respect for life-
False. Think of it this way; the species has been torn untimely from it's home world by the Combine, forcing them to flee to Xen then the species is shoved into the frontlines to invade Earth, after the war they find themselves surrounded by creatures with no moral code (Humans). In short, Vortigaunts are only as obliged to a moral compass as we are, it is now an optional burden given the circumstances.

I am also avid vort roleplayer and its lovely to see discussions about stuff like this. Each vort is entitled to playing their vort how they wish but I want to discuss some of the things you brought up.

Like previously stated every is vortigaunt entitled to playing their vort how they want so in technical terms saying that every vortigaunt has a deep respect for life is false is technically true. Lets analyze this though like you said the vortigaunts as a species have been fleeing ever since the combine started chasing them. Even being enslaved during this time under the nihilanth being forced to invade earth when they were backed into a wall on Xen. I feel that all things considering being faced with their constant enslavement and pursuit by the combine they that they would definitely have a deep respect for life. Having this respect for life and freedom to live it, would make it way more likely for them to like humans because they both share the want for freedom they both want to break their common shackles that they share. Also the vortigaunts connection with the vortessence and their pantheistic that come with it also really help with the notion that they have a deep respect for life. Which they state that there exists a fundamental life-force which connects all, a "tapestry." It is due to this belief in the Vortessence that the vortigaunt species have an almost universal respect for life, in all its forms. Not only is life precious in and of itself, but it is implied that the source of the Vortessence's power lies in living things. Back to them liking humans, vortigaunts see humans as brothers in arms with the same purpose in mind this "Unity of purpose" to drive back the Universal Union. "We take our stand beside you, here, upon this miserable rock."
"Unity of purpose, the shattering of common shackles, a single road we tread."

So yeah thats how I feel about that.

Suggestions / Re: Vort Chat
« on: July 28, 2012, 12:33:56 PM »
Man who needs a wep that hurts anyways. If anything just a like an item/swep that just emits a green light from your hand or something. I feel like that would be enough for us vortigaunts to roleplay with. We don't need to pew pew. Also love the idea about vort chat that sounds like it could go somewhere =D.

The sewers is a nice place, but not nice enough to have good stationary rp there. Coming from a sewer dweller on my vortigaunt I always set up my usual spot under a dimly lit red light, just to have enough light to work with what I have. My suggestion is cut down some unneeded rooms in the sewer. Without a light source they are almost not even being used. Also that partially submerged room which came with the newer map is nice but, is too dark and also wet. Wet meaning my char and others don't feel like standing in stagnated water for hours. So if keeping that room instead of cutting it, I suggest raising it a little so that its not under water.

I was trained by Sheo, and I must admit that I was face palming the whole way. When he tried to teach us interrogation he didn't even give us information on ways how to do it, but just defined what interrogation was and proceeded to show how he did interrogations. It was a nice attempt but did not cover most of what was posted in jury forums. I felt like I knew more then he did on how to interrogate, which I probably did because all you have to do is read one post and you have the jist of it.

When ever I played my Character Aden I always imagined him as the Sniper from tf2. Well you know without the Sniper rifle and the cool clothes.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: The Half Life Saga.
« on: April 02, 2012, 04:47:42 AM »
We must also remember those portal storms, I don't know about you but head crabs and other xen creatures materializing any where don't help those baby survival rates. Though we can assume it only really hampered them and couldn't really be a big dent in baby population lol.

Yeah had some good medical role play within first days of join, even though it started by getting hit in the head by a shovel. Still the roleplay was a nice twist with the kind CWU medical lady, even though a different person came around and hit us both in the heads with the shovel. (in front of the nexus even.) So that limp across town and the medical rp in the CWU medical place was really nice especially compared to the usual romp around town talking to citizens.

Civil Workers Union / Re: More Hospitality
« on: March 28, 2012, 09:49:50 PM »
Obviously we cant always refer to the cannon when it comes to rp aspects. Because half Life 2 is a game and you don't see much of citizen life before you get into Anti Civil stuff and escaping to outlands. So really Canon should only be really enforced when its something that would obviously be mentioned in the game. Like Cloaking technology if the combine were that advance they would have obviously used it against Gordan and especially the White Forest base. Since city life is not as flushed out then we have lee way on what happens in  the cities, if we obeyed all we saw then when ever a citizen would go up to a civil protection officer they would give em one warning before beating the crap out of them which indeed is how an oppressive government might act, but wont help with RP experience..

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Loyalist Points System
« on: March 25, 2012, 03:33:10 PM »
Real loyalists are loyal not because of the reward, but because they sympathise with the Union and their goals.

90% of units are ICly most likely joining for the benefits. Would you join an extremist group that beats and kills people in front of you daily, just because you believe in it? Nope, its because of the rewards in it.

Yeah if you play the first level of Half life two before exiting the train station you can talk to some of the citizens getting their rations from the machine and they say stuff like " I might join the Civil Protection so I don't have to eat this crap" not a direct quote because I forgot some but they all mention because they all share the same lines that they would join the Civil protection for the benefits.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Chose you're side
« on: March 22, 2012, 07:38:36 PM »
Ehh its really hard for me to choose one. They all have their strong points and I enjoy all that they have to offer, excluding citizen that would be the low one on the totem pole for me rp wise. I passive rp a lot in my apartment when I do play them and I don't mind but not the quality or experience of role play I get from the others =D.

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