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Messages - Doctor Nice roButt

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Forum Games / Re: Roll the Dice (RTD)
« on: April 08, 2014, 11:21:42 PM »
Name: Hanker
Sex: Male
Race (can be not a human): Goblin
Inventory (3 sub-par items, ex frayed rope, rusty shiv, this wont be affected by initiative roll): Old bag, half a dagger,
Strengths: Quick, Nimble, Small
Weaknesses:Greedy, Small, Temper

Forum Games / Re: CG Adventure Game
« on: April 08, 2014, 02:23:26 PM »
Pick the chair up again for self defense.

Your hands hurt too much to pick up the chair again. Plus, you're not strong enough to swing around a whole chair as a weapon.

Save the game, before going out the room.

Out of Character for OOC:
I like Zombie's anti-troll system which works kinda well from stupid actions

You go to save the game, but the menu seems to be glitched. All the save slots are filled with impossible times and the room you're in as the location of the save. Guess you'll have to be extra careful since you can't save your progress.

It's an old disk, so you guess it's just an error with the files or the disk itself.

Open the door and go outside.

Out of Character for OOC:
Seriously lol am I the only one trying to progress the game? :P

Examine the outside area, and try to find where you are.

You finnally exit the small room and enter into a short hallway. There seems to be a hooded person.

Forum Games / Re: CG Adventure Game
« on: April 08, 2014, 11:31:51 AM »
Put the stuff you find in your chest in your inventory, you never know when you need a rotten fish bone.

Done, although you feel a bit icky having bones in your pocket.

Apply hand to small arm on wall and observe the usual arm-losing pain that is to come.

Run head first at the hole in the wall.

You decide to examine the spooky hole before doing anything drastic with it. You need your arms for opening doors after all.

You decide that hole should be left alone and never mentioned again.

Try the odd key on the front door and open it if it fits.

<::[[ Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S2 using Tapatalk 2 ]]::>

You try to unlock the door with the odd key. You hear a click. Looks like it fits.

Scream "I require a top-hat!"

What are you, a maniac? There's no use in screaming to yourself.

Forum Games / Re: CG Adventure Game
« on: April 08, 2014, 01:57:01 AM »
Look for top-hat

Look, I get you want to look dapper, but this isn't the time for hat shopping.

Look to the other side lf the room damn perspective there must be a key around here somewhere.

Also. Rubs knuckles and cries softly.

It looks like there's a small hole on the wall opposite of the door. You whimper as you pat you hand.

Look inside chest and take whatever's inside.

<::[[ Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S2 using Tapatalk 2 ]]::>

You look inside the smelly chest and find a matchstick, an odd looking silver coin, an odd looking key, and a fish skeleton. That fish is probably where the smell came from.

You put the items in your inventory.

Put whatever is inside the chest on your head. If there's nothing, sit inside the chest and yell "IF IT FITS, I SITS!"

Everything falls off your head except for the gross fish bones.

Forum Games / Re: CG Adventure Game
« on: April 07, 2014, 09:03:27 PM »
You stop playing the game and decide to play a different game entirely

You haven't even gotten anywhere in this game. You want to see what it's about.

Strangle self to death.

You have nothing to do that with. Besides, that's probably not how you progress forward in the game.

enable noclip and leave the room

This old of a game doesn't have that option.

Acquire top-hat

You don't see one nearby.

Forum Games / Re: CG Adventure Game
« on: April 07, 2014, 06:22:11 PM »
Punch the chest

No amount of punching open the chest up. Your hands ache afterwards.

Jump off the chest and attempt to open it

You pry open the old chest. It smells bad in there.

Decide to stop playing the game and delete system32. You then get a Linux conputer

There is no computer in the small room to accomplish this.

Do a fancy jig.

You celebrate opening the chest with a fun dance

Forum Games / Re: CG Adventure Game
« on: April 07, 2014, 05:51:29 PM »
Open the chest and put head inside.

You can't, as you are sitting on the chest lid.

Try to open the door and leave the room with the chest on your head.

You get off the chest and try the door. It's locked.

contemplate if string theory could be true

You majored in History, not Science or whatever that is.

Further explore the unknown.

If only the door was unlocked.

Forum Games / Re: CG Adventure Game
« on: April 07, 2014, 04:01:48 PM »
Sits on the chair.

You sit down on the rickety chair and think about life.

Stand up from the chair.

That's enough sitting for now. Back to work.

Pick up the chair.

You pick up the rickety chair. It's not as heavy as you'd think.

put down the chair.

You feel the chair is too heavy and put it down.

Sit down on chest.

It's not as comfy as the chair.

Forum Games / Re: CG Adventure Game
« on: April 07, 2014, 03:35:43 PM »

Type in Ghost tits

You try to input the name, but it looks like there's only room for six characters. You think maybe a different name would be best...

Rotate the character to view it's back
You rotate your character around, nothing special. Now about that name-

, and press enter.

Oh. You guess that name is fine enough. You are now known as Ghost_.

You are in a small room. What do you do?

Forum Games / Re: CG Adventure Game
« on: April 07, 2014, 01:45:49 PM »

You decide not to guess the genre of the game. Better to be surprised.
After wiggling the mouse and smashing in the keyboard, you're greeted with a character screen.

You can even rotate the character! Not that he's not much to look at...
Looks like you can put in a name here.

Forum Games / CG Adventure Game
« on: April 07, 2014, 03:34:17 AM »
My tablet is broke, but that doesn't mean I can't draw. So, using only my iPad and my finger (maybe my pen once I find it), I'm going to start


Only one command per block.

Basically you input suggestions and commands using posts and and such and I'll draw the responses. It's really popular on some forums. Basically a text adventure with pictures yeah? Anyway, lets get started.

You boot up your old computer after finding a mysterious game disk on the ground.
You're not sure what genre of a game it is. Any ideas?

Suggestions / Re: Forum upgrade.
« on: April 05, 2014, 04:43:19 PM »
I vote we change the logo so it actually has the letter C in it instead of one giant dumb G.

General Discussion / Re: Fights With Cleverbot
« on: April 05, 2014, 04:36:37 PM »
Best thing to do is try and cyber with her.

User: Cyber?

Cleverbot: Ok.

User: *Takes off shirt*.

Cleverbot: I did.

User: Oh, okay. *takes off pants*.

Cleverbot: Take more off.

User: *takes off underwear*.

Cleverbot: *struggles more*.

User: *takes off bra*.

Cleverbot: *is tied up*.

User: Wait, this is rape?

Cleverbot: *human is gone*.

User: Wat.

User: Cyber?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: *takes off shirt*.

Cleverbot: What are you doing?

User: We;re going to sex, yeah?

Cleverbot: Re?

User: Yes, really. Get your pants off.

Cleverbot: Hey, hey, we can share!!!

User: I don't want to share pants with you.

Cleverbot: Please.

User: Ugh, fine *shares pants*.

Cleverbot: You are hitting on me xD.

User: Of course I am we're about to fuck.

Cleverbot: Good.

User: *takes off bra*.

Cleverbot: *puts the box back on you*.

User: *takes the box off*.

Cleverbot: Thank you, I couldn't talk.

User: *takes off underwear*.

Cleverbot: *takes out god*.

User: Cyber?

Cleverbot: You.

User: Yes, me. Let's cyber.

Cleverbot: Okay.

User: *takes off your shirt*.

Cleverbot: Thank you.

User: *takes off your pants*.

Cleverbot: *helps you*.

User: *takes off your bra*.

Cleverbot: I guess you win then.

User: *takes off your underwear*.

Cleverbot: *Takes over an alien world*.

I also tried to fight her.

User: *takes out knife*.

Cleverbot: *takes out pistol*.

User: Oh shit.

Cleverbot: Now what again?

User: N-nothing. You win.

Cleverbot: Nothing.

User: *takes out gun*.

Cleverbot: *takes out*.

User: Ten paces.

Cleverbot: Are you real?

User: I'm serious, turn around.

Cleverbot: *turns around*.

User: *turns around as well*.

Cleverbot: Goes lay in bed*.

User: Don't nap, this is a duel!

Cleverbot: So you are a chinese?

User: Wow racist much.

Cleverbot: How much do you love me?

User: None. Let us fight.

Cleverbot: Okay.

User: *cocks gun*.

Cleverbot: *looks at master*.

User: Yeah, you better be scared.

Cleverbot: *runs away from ghost*.

User: I was dead whole time oooooooohhhh.

General Discussion / Re: Don't go on The Spire
« on: April 05, 2014, 04:21:02 PM »

looks like they are going around clockwork servers hacking and shit

EDIT: or used to, so yeah its run by 12 year olds

I've looked at some of the admins' steam profiles and I saw one of them was VAC banned.
The community is run by 12 year olds. I think CG would do a better job with our current administrative team to make a server like theirs. They have a lot of cool content and I really wanna mess around with it, but the server is autism.

General Discussion / Don't go on The Spire
« on: April 04, 2014, 09:45:50 PM »
Many of CG players, including myself, have been on The Spire's New Vegas RP. I went to check it out, had a bit of fun, got a creature character, and was planning on perhaps staying and switching between HL2RP and that.

That is, until I learned that the place is owned by an autistic 14 year old and all the admins are the same as him.
 I noticed a lot of the population was retarded, that happens when you have a large RP, but I assumed the good positions were taken by actually not dumb people. I was captured by the Legion, which is not the New Vegas Legion of raping and pillaging but of giving you food and not being mad when you hit them.

I was then introduced to the admin team and Johnny himself. I'd like to note that I talked with a Super Admin and they seemed quite intelligent, so I'll go out and say not the entire admin team is retarded, but a good chunk is. I was actively mocked and insulted by the admins and then kicked for ' Persistently stupid xd.'

I ended up reporting some I thought was an admin, but turned out to be the owner? Or wasn't the owner. The admins don't seem to know who it is because I kept getting different answers.

As you can see, the name of the thread was edited by the person who was being reported on (who may or may not be the owner). There are also actual tags you can put on threads, one being an icon of Rainbow Dash and the word "Autistic." Clearly this is a welcoming community. And also the irony that the admins I've dealt with with autistic themselves.

The responses to the thread were very formal and helpful and not mockingly sarcastic or immature at all.

To give an insight on the rp it went like this
./me readies gun
Johnny is then attacked, his right arm in the jaws of a Gecko.
./me shoots Gecko in the head


The last response was from an admin who I have another encounter with that caused me to make this fine peice of thread.

I went over the Creature rules many times and found nothing about S2King, despite many admins telling me to look and that I'm a moron for not reading them. I talked to a not retarded admin about it after the whole fiasco ended.
Doctor Nice roButt: Read through it again
Doctor Nice roButt: Nothing about S2K
Frahsty: It should be implied
Frahsty: Even if it isn't,
Frahsty: You don't STK a player unless they aree
Frahsty: agree
Doctor Nice roButt: We aren't allowed to defend ourselves if being S2K? We cant attack back because we have to rp it
Doctor Nice roButt: if someone is shooting at us, we have to type out rp as we die from bullets
Doctor Nice roButt: because a rule says its required to rp combat
Frahsty: What
Frahsty: If someone is shooting you
Frahsty: then yes
Frahsty: If they are directly shooting you then STK is allowed
Frahsty: Otherwise STRP
Doctor Nice roButt: Then those should be added. I was mocked and told to look at rules that didnt exist.

But before I was introduced to an intelligent human being, I went onto the server to talk to the admin who closed my thread to talk about it.

Transcript of the encounter:
[Before this, they had informed me that Johnny was the owner, even thought i was told someone named Tom was]
[LOOC] Mutant 'Alduin': Johnny is?
[LOOC] 'Sally': yes
[LOOC] Mutant 'Mr.Muffin': oh what
[LOOC] Mutant 'Alduin': I wasn't aware of that.
[LOOC] Mutant 'Mr.Muffin': The hell
[LOOC] 'Sally': derp
[LOOC] Mutant 'Mr.Muffin': heart attack?
[LOOC] Mutant 'Alduin': You'd think the Owner of the server would learn to rp better.
[LOOC] 'Sally': read up on the rp guidelines for the mutant chars
Giving David Spencer a gmod_camera
[LOOC] Mutant 'Alduin': I have
[LOOC] Mutant 'Mr.Muffin': uhh
[LOOC] Mutant 'Mr.Muffin': I need a detective
[LOOC] 'Sally': and you would think you would at least realize reporting someone for killing you as a mutant means you should probably read the guidelines
[LOOC] Mutant 'Mr.Muffin': How did my gecko die xD
[LOOC] 'Sally': players are perfectly able to s2k you with NO rp
[LOOC] Mutant 'Alduin': I didnt report him for killing me. He
[LOOC] 'Sally': he what, shot muffin? yeah yeah
[LOOC] Mutant 'Alduin': He didnt kill me, he was insulting me and spawned back into an area he shouldnt be
[LOOC] 'Sally': try not to trip on your hospital blanket you aspie
[LOOC] Mutant 'Alduin': After he avoided rp
Player oren left the game (Disconnect by user.)
[LOOC] 'Sally': you're an idiot
[LOOC] 'Sally': honestly
[LOOC] Mutant 'Alduin': What?
[LOOC] 'Sally': just stop
[LOOC] Mutant 'Alduin': I'm trying to be very civil about this.
[LOOC] 'Sally': your entire argument is invalid
David Spencer has teleported Ferox Lev to their position.
[LOOC] Mutant 'Alduin': Most communities discourage avoiding RP and lolshooting.
[LOOC] Mutant 'Alduin': Maybe I was mistaken
'Sally' has kicked Mutant 'Alduin' for Persistently stupid xd.
Disconnect: Kicked by 'Sally' (STEAM_0:0:17777000) for: Persistently stupid xd.
Disconnect: Kicked by 'Sally' (STEAM_0:0:17777000) for: Persistently stupid xd.

Like I said before, I kept getting told to read creature guidelines and that S2King is allowed with them, but nowhere in the rules does it say that. If that little encounter hasn't solidified the retardation of a chunk of The Spire's admin team, then I'm not sure what will. Before I knew Johnny was the owner, I messaged him multiple times thinking he was an admin and he seemed very incompetent at his job. I looked everywhere for admin rules and if I could report the admins for something that would be considered Rule 1 at CG, but there were none. It's basically a free for all there.

Mr. Pettit: Johnny is 14
Mr. Pettit: You shouldn't go to him for anything.
Mr. Pettit: They don't have the same rules and standards of administration as CG did. They're mostly early teen years.

This whole thing has pushed me away from that server and back towards CG, where I know that the admins are held up to a standard and problems are treated with respect. You might complain that sometimes CG admins can be butts or that Rofl eats too many hotwings, but at least our admins don't constantly insult and mock you, and Rofl isn't an autistic 14 year old.

If this is in the wrong area, feel free to move it. I'm sure most of you will continue rping there, but I'll be sticking with CG.

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