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Messages - GeneralTrivium

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We're not playing this like the HL2 videogame, we're playing as characters in the Half-Life 2 universe bar the features that were present in the game so that the player could win it. (e.g. Enemies being weak, you being overpowered.) I'd use the word "realistically", but I understand the flags that would arise if I were to use that word.

If you didn't want to play as an underpowered, beaten down and weak resistance that is constantly under the threat of being squashed by the Union's boot, then you shouldn't have made a resistance character. Similar to if you didn't want to play as a cog in a huge war machine that has strict rules and requires you to have your humanity stripped away, you shouldn't have made a Combine character.

Simple as.

Not sure if this has been mentioned in this thread yet (too lazy to read through all of it). But we have new protocol for OTA outland patrols. If you attempt to attack us, and do not retreat when fired upon, you will be S2K'd.

End of story.

We are the Overwatch Transhuman Arm, you piss us off enough and you're going to have hunters, shells, choppers, gunships, striders all shoved up your asses so hard you'll be tasting plasma cannon. I have no issue with little hit and runs, but you would be terrified of an all-out assault from the Union because you wouldn't stand a chance of surviving. Just let us do our job, we're not allowed to assault positions, and we're not allowed to kill anyone unless...

A) You follow us.
B) You fire at us.

So to reiterate my point, you hear of Overwatch in the area you fucking well hide your kids and your wife and yourself.

City Administrator / Re: <::|| Adrian Holmes' File ||::>
« on: May 29, 2012, 05:32:53 PM »
Speech Diary 4
Good morning this is Dr. Holmes again.
Guess i'll read this letter out whilst you're munching your rations.

"Dear Dr. Holmes,
I was a little bit curious about our scientific research program and if-any space exploration.
I was curious if there even is a Science program or Space program. I'm very interested in both subjects.
I'm not sure what else to write, so, goodbye.
Signed, and unconcerned citizen."


I'm just kidding, he's concerned, apparantly.
To answer your question, yes there are scientific research programs going on.
If you are interested in taking part in these then apply for the Civil Protection and aim towards either NOVA, the biochemics division, or GRID, the technology and mechanics division.
As for space programs, i'm not aware myself of any, but your best bet is joining GRID.
I hope this assisted you in your search for science.

City Administrator / Re: <::|| Adrian Holmes' File ||::>
« on: May 29, 2012, 05:17:41 PM »
Speech Diary 3
Good morning this is Dr. Holmes.
A subject that i've recently heard echoing around the Nexus is that of religion.
Hence I decided to touch upon the issue and shed some light on it.
Now, no doubt there are those among you who either were or are religious, and if you are, not stupid enough to be open about it as you understand faith is not bulletproof.
I could obviously address every single religion that's been in existance and break them down into the superstitious nonsense they are.
But I would be here all day.
So let's simply break down what "faith" is...
It is defined as "noun: belief that is not based on proof."
Anybody with a reasonable IQ will have alarm bells ringing, having a belief system without any proof is empty.
And yet there are still those who try to peddle ignorance as a good thing, and are willing to cause loss of life over it.
"Oh no, I won't take my dying child to the doctor because God is protecting us." Ring any bells?
Some try to excuse their faith because they had a "personal experience" with God.
I can tell you now as someone who has dedicated their life to Psychology and Psychiatrics that the mind is a very fragile thing.
A many number of things can cause hallucinations, or altered perceptions. It's all just electrical impulses and chemicals rushing around a highly complex muscle. Everything you see, feel, hear, smell is because your brain is processing it.
Your brain can get things wrong, and even simulate things that aren't happening. Anyone who has ever had a dream will know this.
So ask yourself, if your entire perception of life is through this fragile muscle, how can you possibly know if this "personal experience" with God is nothing but a hiccup in the balance of chemicals in your brain?
Science is slowly backing mythological deities into the corner of superstition as we discover more and more about our universe.
I shall be accepting letters and personal meetings, either about this subject or anything else you wish to discuss.
You have no excuse to be ignorant.

Not Oz's map, it's Kaz's map that's been edited by Oz.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Changing the Combine Civil Authority
« on: April 28, 2012, 05:57:29 AM »
I could understand a system like this being in place at the very beginning of the CCA's creation, and bit by bit the humanity of it being stripped away to be replaced by digits.

But this is just going backwards.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Changing the Combine Civil Authority
« on: April 28, 2012, 05:46:54 AM »
Combine Nation is a comedy series by Lit Fuse that failed due to hard drive failure.

And we're basing our entire structure on it.

... Seriously?

Universal Union / Re: Vocoders: A Guide
« on: April 20, 2012, 03:22:28 PM »
Indeed. Your mask should only be off within the Nexus, and only when you are in the break room consuming food/drink.

Universal Union / Vocoders: A Guide
« on: April 19, 2012, 02:22:57 PM »
Prompted by a short debate I had with a unit. An issue that most commonly pops up about Union vocoders is: "You can't hear an accent through a vocoder." However, as I am about to demonstrate, this is not the case, or cannot be assumed.

The Purpose
The aim of vocoders is to mask someone's voice so that they will not be individually identifiable if they removed the vocoder. Hence, due to the job Civil Protection uphold, they require a vocoder for the following reasons.

  • To appear more intimidating. - A masked individual with a deep-sounding voice sounds very threatening and therefore helps Civil Protection maintain order through fear.
  • To further help mask their identity. - It is possible for Civil Protection units to take off their uniform and go off duty. Due to the violent nature of their work, if a third party can identify them whilst they are off-duty, this could endanger the unit.

What It Does
Basically it's a device fitted into the frontal part of the mask that applies certain filters on to the user's voice as they speak into it. More specifically it:

  • Reduces pitch
  • Uses a formant filter
  • Adds various filters that further garbles the voice

Accents are not defined by the warping of these things. It is the fashion in which a dialect pronounces phonemes/vowel sounds etc. For instance, in the English accent(s) the "schwa" sound is most pedominant (For more information on schwa see this video.)

As an example, take a listen to the audio in this video, even with vocoders the voices have their own distinct accent, they may be harder to make out, but they are still heard, the more predominant the accent is, the easier it is to identify.

Arguments Against
A common argument made against this is that all Civil Protection and Overwatch sound American in Half-Life 2. This is because Valve only had American voice actors for the English version of the game. Just as like the Russian version of the game only has Russian voice actors of which you can hear their accents clearly.

An argument I managed to come up with is that the user's voice could be being fed back through a text-to-speech translator, with the translator detecting what words are being said and re-saying them out of the mask. In this case, everyone's voice would have the same accent. However the voice would be completely monotone all the time. Through listening to Overwatch and Civil Protection throughout the game, they express panic and visciousness in their tone e.g. "That's a grenade!" and "Take him down!" If the mentioned method was being used, their voices would show no emotion whatsoever.

The final argument I hear is that the Combine's technology is vast, surely they can mask an accent. You could use that argument for anything to justify anything. I could say the Combine's technology is vast, surely they have an ion cannon in space, we don't know there isn't an ion cannon, and they just haven't used it yet, however we assume they don't unless evidence is put forward that suggest they do, because that's how burden of proof works.

Yes, accents can be heard through vocoders. Does this present a threat to the anonymity of units? Not really, accents are shared by thousands of people and you wouldn't be able to distinguish between two of the same accent, or be able to distinguish a unit speaking without a mask via the sound of their voice through a vocoder due to the effects the vocoder puts on.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Character Profile: Marcel Huber
« on: April 05, 2012, 02:03:53 PM »
// Belongs in IC chat really.

Accepted PK Appeals / Re: PK Appeal (To much hilarity..)
« on: April 02, 2012, 06:44:46 AM »
You were offered the chance to fight back. Alex said we would head back to the canals and you could go wherever, and then we would sweep for you, giving you a fighting chance. However you insisted we just shoot you there.

Right now my opinion is neutral on this matter.

Social Discussion / Re: Are you truly safe and free from fear?
« on: March 30, 2012, 11:42:07 AM »
I concur with many points that have been made here. However it's pretty obvious that Americans generally do live in fear. Just compare yourself with Canada and you'll see what I mean.

Social Discussion / Re: Are you truly safe and free from fear?
« on: March 30, 2012, 03:30:34 AM »
I never saw this before in person, as I do not live in a city so I'm guessing that's why. I also even thought about moving to a different country, possibly Canada, in my opinion I think the US is going to get nuked sometime soon because we pissed off some many different countries and the US isn't like before. It kind of feels like were being ran by a dictator, if citizens are beaten like this for no reasons it's like they rule us.
Its not for "No reason" half of those videos the people attacked the cops and the cops are defending them selves but every fucking time a cop does some thing in self defense its called brutality don't even think for a moment this is any were close to Libya or Russian's crack downs The worlds media will always be bias to a single party to get more views.

And another thing no one on this earth now is dumb enough to use a nuclear device ANYWHERE because people are worried that people will use it as a reason to hit people they don't like then you get world war three.

The final video has some compelling evidence that proves your point otherwise.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Chose you're side
« on: March 27, 2012, 03:30:21 PM »
Chose your* side.
not chose you are side.


Choose* your side.

City Administrator / <::|| Adrian Holmes' File ||::>
« on: March 26, 2012, 04:51:14 PM »
<::|| Minister of Ethics ||::>

Title: Doctor
Name: Adrian Holmes
Qualification(s): Psy.D. and Ph.D. in Psychology
Height: 6'3"
Gender: Male
Age: Early 50s
Nationality: English
Steam Name : GeneralTrivium
Timezone : GMT
Activity : Active

<::|| Speeches ||::>

Speech Diary 1:
Good morning, this is Dr. Holmes.
Despite this letter being addressed to another administrator, I thought i'd give myself something to do and reply to it myself.
It reads...

"Dear good looking administrator person," Hmm, perhaps it was addressed to me.
"The real Resistance is nice to regular citizens. The Resistance has not mugged me. The actual criminals are the ones who should not have guns. The ones that are actual gangs. The ones that are against both Resistance and CCA. Signed, an idiot."

Nice how you think they may be, they are resisting against something they do not fully understand.
Humanity was in a mess beforehand, governments were fighting invisible wars whilst other nations fought over land and superstitious beliefs.
The earth was overpopulating, and life would have been an unfixable mess by 2050, perhaps sooner.
Then the Union arrived, established global order and put a regime in place to fix humanity.
This regime is a harsh one, yet it is necessary. The weak and criminally minded will be weeded out of society, whilst at the same time our reproductive cycle will be suppressed.
With this combination, earth's population will be brought down to manageable levels, and we will be left with strong, civil people who want nothing but the best for their species.
Then the suppression field will be taken down, you will be able to start families again and we will be able to harness the power of transhumanism and start new societies among the stars.
Also, no one but enforcement officers and military should be having firearms.
As they are the ones properly trained, and in the correct mind-set to use them.
We don't want any psychopaths walking through the streets, gunning down innocent civilians.
As always, we will be taking in letters.
You have no excuse to be ignorant.

Speech Diary 2:
Hello citizens, I am Dr. Holmes.
I am here to address a question that seems to be on the lips of most, if not all of you.
Why should I trust the Union?
I understand that on the surface that the current living conditions are unfair, perhaps even some of you may exacerbate and say they are barbaric.
Those of you who have heard my broadcasts before may or may not know the following, depending on if you were listening in the first place.
I would like you all to cast your minds back to a time before the war.
Most of you might be yearning for those times back.
You had nice clothes, you perhaps had a family, maybe a car and your own house, a job.
These all kept you happy, in the short term. However, there was a much grimmer picture for the future.
The human race was swiftly reaching a critical mass on this tiny planet.
Closing in on 7 billion human beings. This is far too many.
On top of this, governments were having invisible wars behind the eyes of the public sphere.
We were fighting over land, resources, religion, it would only take one lunatic to press the button and cause a nuclear holocaust.
And while you all sat comfortable in your designer jeans, Earth was on the brink of destruction.
That was... Until the Union arrived. They created a world government. Meaning no warring between nations.
They destroyed religion, meaning no more fighting over superstitious beliefs.
They are requisitioning our resources, and putting them into something better and more sustainable.
Next question may be, why so much death?
The Union are weeding out the weak and criminally minded to deal with the overpopulation issue I mentioned beforehand. Harsh? Yes.
Necessary? Most definitely. This coupled with the suppression field will guarantee that our planet may reach manageable population levels again. When this happens, we may be able to reproduce again.
And new technologies and opportunities will be opened to us beyond the stars.
This is a real chance to better ourselves, our species, to prosper in the long run.
If you still have concerns, send us in your letters, or request a meeting if you want to talk with us personally.
You shall not be arrested for concerns expressed.
Resisting against this cause would be resisting our very own survival.
You have no excuse to be ignorant.

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