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Messages - The Soul Blades ?TSB?

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Okay, I will admit those are true Bluff, I sorta had one thing in my mind when I posted that, "FUCK C18! NO! THIS IS SHIT, ALL I REMEMBER HAPPENING THERE WAS GETTING THROWN OFF A BIRDGE TEN TIMES!" Okay, calm again. And Bluff I never said antis flood the map, their area does a bit though. Normal citizens can't go in slums cause they can get arrested, but that is true. The shop never gets used cause there was and is never any merchants on the server.

No. No. No. Fucking NO! City 18 is fine for small or medium populations, but CG is too large to work AT ALL on C18. It has the bare minimum of almost everything we'd need. The nexus there is fine, three shops, one being EXTREMELY unpractical, and the other two having no room to store shit without props. Anti-citizens take up half the map easily and about 2/3 realistically. (8/10 not counting Nexus) Normal citizens only have the plaza and apartments for RP, not counting the stores and a small warehouse like place.

I have to agree with Racoon, this thread needs to refocus on civi RP and improving it, now shitty models and stuff. I'll get the ball rolling here. One idea I had focuses on the loyalist side of things and its citizens organizing community events in the city, like a community clean up or something.

Introductions / Re: Hello catalyst
« on: November 07, 2012, 06:43:16 PM »
Ugh... Reason one of why I left... too much fuckin' drama. Oh well. Well Bluff seems we're both back, and I agree, better now than later. Well it's nice to see you again man.

Introductions / Guess who's back
« on: November 07, 2012, 06:38:46 PM »
Yeah guys, TSB's back. Well yeah I'm back after roaming a bunch of servers and finding nothing with good RP lasted long enough to actually do much. I'm sort of returning due to a friend, getting me to realize the reason I left is mostly corrected.

Non-official Groups / Re: JURY - By the people, for the people
« on: April 11, 2012, 04:24:11 PM »
Demoting myself, (Grim) he kinda died.

IC Chat / Re: EmU.099 Private Logs
« on: March 14, 2012, 04:05:05 PM »
UNIT: 099

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Subject: Promotion

<::|| Well, I've been neglecting my logs again, so I'm going to write one now. I've been promoted to EmU, they had me go to stasis from something once I was promoted. The past few days have seemed normal for the most part, but I've been noticing units going without proper training... and I spoke with a unit without any training because he was seeking medical treatment, it had been cleared up by the time I found him. I'm not sure why he needed the treatment however, I may look into this later. There has been a few changes to NOVA recently, and I'm thinking of joining one of the subdivisions.

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Accepted Authorizations / Re: Jason Led's Authorization Application
« on: March 12, 2012, 07:27:11 PM »
Looks good, but I disagree with the camera (Iris). I've seen your RP and looks better than some of the people I see out there, I must say I +support the rest of it, and the guy above me, you're good as long as you provide something useful when it comes to posting in auth apps.

« on: February 11, 2012, 09:17:04 PM »
IC Name:  Jason 'Grim' Eckley (IC'ly only Grim is known)
OOC Name:  The Soul Blades (TSB)
Group:  Clinic
Rank:  Member (Ex co-leader)

Non-official Groups / Re: Alliance Headquarters Public Board of Information
« on: February 11, 2012, 09:14:38 PM »
Ignore this, my bad.

IC Chat / Re: 01.099 Private Logs
« on: January 25, 2012, 08:18:46 PM »
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Subject: <Promotions>

<::|| It's been too long since my last log, so I'll write one now. I've been promoted twice now, I think it took me a good 4 or 5 months to become an 02. When I got 01 at the correct time, I was honestly surprised, but indeed ready for the challenge. I now have heavy kevlar, a shotgun, and an elite vocoder. I trained at least a dozen things after my first few days of having a training permit, if only some recruits had gotten the welcome I got when I was RCT.

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// Gonna add on to this later, can't think of anything right now.

EDIT 1:  Alright, I added a bit of backstory as to why he used the spaz-12 and 12 round pistol, should be good now I hope.

EDIT 2:  Backstory additions have been made and applied, please tell me anything you want to change.

Accepted Authorizations / Jason 'Grim' Eckley's Authorization Application
« on: January 24, 2012, 11:31:14 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: The Soul Blades (TSB)
Age: 16
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): Over 3 years, mostly in darkRP.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: One full year and a month.

Character Section

Excellent knowledge in medical.
Slightly improved accuracy in pistols and shotguns.

Name: Jason 'Grim' Eckley
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Resistance

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
My character Jason Eckley was born into a family of hunters. His father taught him how to shoot and skin an animal, then cook them properly from an open fire made by hand by the time he was 12. He also learned basic firearm maintenance, meaning he could clean, not over-heat, and un-jam a firearm. This was all done on his first REAL pistol, it only had a 12 round magazine capacity but was accurate and more effective at longer ranges than most other pistols at the time. This pistol was also pretty durable as long as you take time between shots. Jason went hunting with his father; Jacob and sister; Keriah, Jason was usually the one patching them up whenever they got hurt, knowing very basic medical from his mother. Jason began using shotguns at the age of 14, his first being his father's old shotgun, a spaz-12. Ever since Jason got it, it played a major part in his life, he never wanted to leave it. Jason always his father's shotgun when hunting since that day, trying to keep it in extremely good repair at all times. He still used his pistol when hunting however, the shotgun and pistol quickly became the two most precious items he possessed at the time.
When Jason turned 15 he learned that his father had been abusive to Keriah. Once Jason learned this, he ran to where he kept his father's shotgun, enraged, he broke the spaz-12. He soon tryed new shotguns, but he always found the spaz-12 worked best for him. Jason's relationship with his sister improved greatly in the months that followed, but he resented his father with an un-dying passion, making him hate those that raped or abused others. (Clearly in the sexual manner) Behind his father's back, he'd always use 'hobnocker' to refer to him, a highly derogatory term in Britain. When Jason graduated from high school he went to college, enrolling in medical classes, giving him something to fall back on if hunting were to not go well, do something you like over something you don't, right?

Jason was at home when the combine invaded, his home being a small settlement that was created once the portal storms began. He heard yelling from outside, so he went to investigate, it being rare that people yelled in the settlement. When he walked out he found out what was the source, either more creatures from the portals, or something else that wanted to fight, he did not care. He ran for where they hid out when there was an attack, finding that he was locked out, he ran towards the sewers. He made it, hoping he was not seen enter, he stopped for a moment, trying to catch his breath when he heard footsteps, knowing the emergency tunnels were built close to the sewers, he thought it was them. Even though he knew this, Jason ran until he reached the end of the sewers.

After the combine arrived Jason and his sister Keriah were attacked by rebels for trying to and tell a CP about them. Keriah walked off with a scar going down her right eye, Jason was put in a coma and hidden by the rebels who thought they'd killed him. After two days Jason awoke from his coma with nothing to his name and a large limp when walking, preventing him from running very fast. He fled to the Outlands thinking that if a CP found out about this, it would count as a physical defect, meaning the end for him. Jason scoured the Outlands for two years thinking his sister was dead, then finding out a year and half later that she actually became a CCA unit, C45.CCA.NOVA-01.099. He began thinking about suicide, but never did, he then joined the Clinic, Kira was the only member at the time. He was the guard captain once jobs were assigned, he quickly picked back up on how to treat basic things, but he slowly learned from Kira on the more advanced things, he slowly but eventually learned the more advanced things from Dr. Kira 'Wasp' Salander.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
Highly increased knowledge in medical.
Better accuracy with shotguns and pistols.
Can handle and maintain a firearm.

Slow firing time with pistols.
Reloads at 12 rounds rather than the 9mm's standard 18.
Bad social skills.
Easily saddened by people talking about their family.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Be better at treating injuries others attain.
Teach others how to handle a firearm safely and keep it maintained.
Increased chances of lining up a hit at close range to a near always hit, medium range to a 25-50% chance, and long range to a 0-5% chance.

Be selective when firing, taking time to line up a shot.
Reload earlier, meaning I have less time shooting, and more time reloading.
Not talk much, or talk poorly.
Be easily moved when others talk about their families, mainly when they're alive.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
Grim is the only one in need of these auths.

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
Willing to remove and clarify/change some things if needed. The college part I thought about later on, when I was like, wait... What the fuck is Jason doing between high school and present day?

IC Chat / Re: 03.099 Private Logs
« on: December 28, 2011, 01:10:14 AM »
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New Log Started:0006
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Subject: <Training>

<::|| Well I sopke to 031 today, we were both 10-100 and I told him a bit about my past. He was surprised I could feel anger, aswell as joy in killing a 647E. Afterwards we began to practice hand to hand combat. I was stupid enough to go for his left. I paid for that rather quickly. I then managed to hurt him, surprised myself with that. Sadly the SeC had entered and began to watch, at this he said, "Then you have failed 031." He then said I was going to train with him. I looked to the OfC, my eyes just yelling, 'fuck my life!' The SeC gave me first attack, I bloody failed that, he kicked me straight to the other side of the room! When I had gotten up I could feel myself somewhat unsteady. The SeC had begun to try an perform a leaping kick to my face, I dodged it to some effect, he hit me glancingly. I began to try and jump up, kicking him in the back of the head. He tryed to sweep kick me. he went flat to the floor, dodging my kick, and the-... I honestly don't know how to say the next part... He sent his kick straight up at my... 'weak point', yes, that will work. I fell to the floor, motionless, I could only feel pain and I honestly thought not getting back up would be the best idea by now. I knew that if I did the SeC would order me to keep trying to HIT him. That would end badly for me. I eventually slipped out of conciussness, a single hit from the OfC, and 2 from the SeC, lovely. When I awoke, it was to 107 giving me a bloody needle. Aswell as to a massive migraine. So now I leave a note to myself: Don't hurt the OfC of APEX when the SeC is in the room.

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IC Chat / Re: 03.099 Private Logs
« on: December 16, 2011, 06:18:56 PM »
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New Log Started:0005
Send to:Self
Subject: <No Sucject>

<::|| Today was rather... annoying, no surprise there to be honest. An RCT had reported that a citizen was asking for a permit. So I began to interview him, he apperantly did not know there were two kinds of business permits, one for general goods, and one for literature, this disheartened me about the whole thing. So when I asked him a question I thought everyone should know, do you know what the legal books are? He answered me with a, I don't know... By then, I just lost all hope in the citizen and denied him. He later asked me again, at the time I was unaware it was the same person. So I began the interview again and by then I had noticed he had no loyalist points... between the two interviews, I found a citizen at the age of what looked to be 16. I had to get him amputated, my first amputation in a while. Looking back at these logs, I think I was too soft back then, I think I might be getting soft once more too... Either way, a citizen ran away from a unit, he managed to run into some hidden room, we were unable to figure out how to open said room. In all, I think this day was a waste of time. Which reminds me, they ran a sweep in S6, not sure what they found though.

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