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Messages - SkeptiK

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General Discussion / Re: Max Payne 3
« on: June 08, 2012, 08:35:23 PM »
I found it boring as fuck on Xbox, so I'm getting it for PC. I'm a PC man so I believe it's going to be a shit ton better.

General Discussion / Re: Chuck norris incarnate
« on: June 08, 2012, 09:49:45 AM »
Old news to you, new news to me. Was only released today.

General Discussion / Chuck norris incarnate
« on: June 08, 2012, 07:55:13 AM »


I just can't believe so many kids are so dumb to actually still buy these games.
They aren't dumb, don't be an asshole. They still play it because they like it. I still play MW3 from time to time.

It's just ridiculous that so much kids pay $60 for another online FPS while the old ones are JUST THE GOD DAMN SAME.
So you're saying you want a sequel to a game to be completely different? No, MW3 is SUPPOSED to be similar/the same to MW2/MW because it follows the same damn story. I hate it when people say this.

I probably won't buy it, just because I'm losing interest in FPS. I really want to play a WW2 FPS but just have been too lazy to find one.

ok, fair point, but when they reuse the same engine, the same textures, the same models, the same sounds, i don't see why you'd buy it when you've already played it, before it was even released


more copy paste than ocrp

LMFAO!!!?!?!?!?!?!?! Dumb fucks should be shot for a fuck up like that.

I'd rather shit in a sandbox and play with that then even look at BO2 for 3 seconds.

TBH any FPS now days except for BF3 I get bored of.

I hope all bronies burn in the fiery depths of hell.

Introductions / Re: Hello Everyone!
« on: May 14, 2012, 09:22:17 AM »
You "Came" on the servers, that's just disgusting!

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: CG HL2RP Wikia Page (OFFICIAL)
« on: May 14, 2012, 09:18:55 AM »
"Fractions" Lel.

Social Discussion / Re: Dream Jobs
« on: May 12, 2012, 04:38:24 AM »
People need to understand (I'm not in the American army or even American for that matter) is that it's not all fun and games. Including being a police officer, most of the time you're pushing pens at a desk for your entire life and most likely wont see any action. The Army is different and you gun hoe Americans shoot anything so I can't really speak on your behalf, but I can assure you if you're one of those kids who are like "I jus wana shoot some1" then you're an idiot and need a reality check.

If you're black, got a gun, got heaps of cash or don't have any, live in the ghetto, live with your mother, got a brother named "Deondre", have cornrows. Then you a gangsta, if you're none of that then your a fucking white nerdy faggot looking for attention by acting black.

Stay in school mother fuckers.

SkeptiK: I find it funny we are talking to penises and you're looking at child porn restrictions? Odd eh?
Today at 08:44:40 am

SkeptiK: Fuck! I'm moving to new york.
Today at 08:43:56 am

MP6767 - ?POOTIS2012: [link]
Today at 08:42:39 am

Today at 08:42:34 am

MP6767 - ?POOTIS2012: yeah, my penis is pretty broken.
Today at 08:41:36 am

SkeptiK: Not as broken as your penis.

OP is pedo.

Social Discussion / Re: Dream Jobs
« on: May 11, 2012, 11:39:01 AM »
Male porn star. Bang hot chicks on a daily basis and get paid for it? You fuckers are looking in the wrong job section of the newspapers.

It'd be extremly close, Master Chief has been given extensive training since he was a child, about six or five years of age. However, Shepard, if I remember right, is part of the special forces of the Alliance (I think). Master Chief has been physically augmentated to a point where he could inflict a lot of damage to an average human being. Shepard, as far as I know, hasn't recieved physical augmentation. Master Chief wears a special set of armor, made out of a special alloy (I think) that includes energy shielding. Shepard, in meduim armor, lets say, has armor made out of a strong material, with energy shielding as well.
So, in a hand-to-hand fight, alone against Shepard, Master Chief, in my opinion, would win.

Obviously you haven't played the second mass effect or didn't pay attention to Shepard being fully reconstructed (He died) receiving augmentations that allow him (Depending on his class) to use special abillitys. A biotic Shepard could take down master chief I believe.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: A question about authorizations
« on: May 04, 2012, 04:43:07 AM »
Please forgive me if this is the wrong place to ask, I didn't see a "help" section or whatever so I thought this would do.

        I just thought I'd try to learn a little more here instead of just winging it in a auth app and potentially getting denied. I'm wondering exactly what is available. I've seen people request some interesting things and get accepted and thought "Do they really have those in the server?" or "Is that even possible?". I'm building a back-story to a resistance character, and I'm trying to get my hands on some sort of melee weapon, whether it be a knife, a baton (not a stun stick just a baton) or something like that. The reason I'm not sure is because I don't know what is possible on the server. I was thinking of something like a rusty old knife that I found and sharpened and cleaned up, but, will I actually end up with a knife in-game should my auth-app be accepted? Just not sure how that works if any of this makes sense?

Could I request access to very light, melee weapons to supplement my already present light black-market flags? I honestly would not sell them to random people or even normal resistance members, It would just be available should a really relevant RP event take place. I'm just trying to gauge what is too much to ask. I don't mean to sound like a noob but I'm just trying to learn more before I actually try to take on responsibility and hope that it would be seen as humble :P Thanks

Post count = 6.

Probs want to get that up a bit buddy. People will get to know you more and in turn will trust you more.

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