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Messages - Ordnas

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An example would be Minecraft, for instance. Why? It opens up creativity.

Minecraft was also milked to hell. The transiction from beta to Release: A useless feature, a broken and unfinished game, a lot of unfullfiled promises, and a 20 euro tag

Imo, games were NOT made for the gameplay...

Maybe they were, back in the days where I was too young to play computer, but the demand for proper games has made old games like CSS useless crap.

You say that CSS is the foundation of all games? Well, I don't think so. Maybe CoD is basically a CSS ripoff, but BF3 is definitely not. BF3 has tactics, many gamemodes, vehicles, and proper graphics. Therefore, IMO, BF3 is the REAL foundation of FPS games. Even though all FPS games DO include a certain CSS element, its still limited how much you take from that old game.

Man, you are giving BF3 too much credit.
"The REAL foundation of FPS"?, If anything, it should be Doom. The first Really-Well-Known FPS. It's LAN games were amazing for that time, it was the perfect timewaster.

Also, the Tribes series. It had multiple gamemodes, and vehicles, even different classes, all of this in 1998, years before the first BF

So, BF3 is not the real foundation, it is founded on - Well... - the REAL foundation that dates back to 1998 or even before of that.

Media / Re: Post Hardcore Metal
« on: May 18, 2012, 01:30:37 AM »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Those greedy cunts should stop making the games too expensive

Skyrim for 60 dollars? Well, people say is the most dumbed down TES and is really dull. Of course is going to get dull after 500 hours in a week!. I gadly pay 60 dollars for skyrim, because you get more playtime than another AAA title like CoD 3(a 8 hour campaing and a multiplayer that has not changed since modern warfare). PLUS the thousands of mods out there

Why does Piracy exists? Because it offers more than the original.
Take any media. Videogames? why pay 60 hours for a mere 8 hours of single player if you can download it from the internet?
They did this with the music industry right after the compact disc came. Before that you could buy the single in 7" vinyls, then after that...
"oh so you like only one song of that album? Too bad, you must buy the whole album first"

Compact disk piracy came because nobody wanted to pay the whole price of a CD album or a LP because they didn't wanted to buy the whole album, just a pair of songs from it.

Introductions / Hi there
« on: May 18, 2012, 12:56:42 AM »
I like your community.

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