Author Topic: Citadel Weekly, News for You!  (Read 4587 times)


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Citadel Weekly, News for You!
« on: January 09, 2012, 05:19:29 PM »
Due to the dissolution of the Red Union, I have a lot of extra time on my hands. I have given myself the task to create an in-game newspaper. Here's what I have in the expanse of a day.

What it is:
This is currently an IC newspaper, whose contents will be made with Word Publisher and posted in General. I believe the greatest aspect of a newspaper overall, is the passive RP it creates, while the newspaper is simply the product. It is lead by me; the character I will be creating will actually not necessarily like the CCA. Rather, my character wants to get brownie points with the CCA and this is a good opportunity to do it. He is manipulative in this sense. He would also enjoy having conversations and the sort with CA's and the others. He also has either a Masters or PhD in Political Science (an auth I will make later).

The paper will be, of course, heavily censored by the CCA. I will ask that the CCA take charge of printing the paper as well. The value system of the paper is summed up in the sentences - "The Civil Protection is here to help us citizens."

I want a total of 6 to 8 members of the news team. The number in parentheses is how many there are to be. I will be making an application system once I take care of the skeleton work.
Senior Editor (1)
Junior Editor (1-2)
Head Journalist (1)
Journalist (3-5)

Composition: (Names are not finalized)

What Happened this Week - Around 2 to 3 paragraphs of what happened this week. This is the main bread and butter of the paper. It will be composed of several topics that happened that week; with interviews with those involved, whether it'd be citizen or CP.

Advertisements - For a price, your store can be featured in the paper. I have no definite price, but for a fee of X tokens per letter, you can have your shop be the talk of the block.

CP of the Month - An exclusive title, you will be featured for your values and dedication to serving the human cause. This will take up maybe 3 to 4 sentences to sum up an interview with your greatness.

CA Interviews - I am so happy that this is available now. Certainly gives the CA some more stuff to do. This will not be in every weekly paper, or it could be. It all depends on the availability of the CA. This will be the total of 2 paragraphs at most.

Who is Anti-Citizen 1? - Not weekly, maybe bi-weekly. This I only see doing if the CCA asks the paper to. It will simply consist of a picture of his model (perhaps looking as if took from a scanner), a physical description, and a sentence of complete over exaggerated crimes against humanity.

Obituary - Send the paper somebody who died this week. At max, we will do five of these, but I don't see myself doing many at all. This is for your characters that you loved and you think would be missed. I'm not very sure if the CCA would allow this.

Talk Around Town - A 4 or 5 paragraph section in which will communicate any rumors around and put a CCA friendly answer to it. Like a rebel group spreads some posters around - we would say something like they murdered some people and most of the their memebrs have been caught. This is just another mechanism of control.

A general feeling of what it would look like -

What I would like suggested in this thread:
Anything wrong with the current plot.
Anything you feel would be great for our paper.
An actual name for our paper (Citadel Weekly is just a placeholder).
How to differential us from the other citizens (I currently say a pin).

Edit: Interview Applications

Want to be featured in the next weekly paper? Want to have others know of your accomplishments or give information on an important event? Then YOU can apply to be interviewed! After application you probably will be accepted for an interview. You will be cited for the information you give and could gain a nice amount of prestige for your character or group. This is the bread and butter of the paper and so I would wish for a great deal of interviews, that don’t even need to be of high importance. And I assure you, if you can type a complete sentence, then you will most likely be accepted.

The interviews ICly go: Everybody understands where the newspaper HQ is. You come walk up and knock there. You say you want to be interviewed for so and so. We interview you. You leave. Paper has the stuff you talked about.

So how to apply for an interview: Apply here on the forums.

Code: [Select]
Interview Application

What information do you want to communicate:

When's the best time in the next 1 to 4 days to interview you:

Wait for my acceptance on the forums and I will post you when we are available for applications.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2012, 02:13:43 PM by |NRK| »

Offline RapidJuice

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Re: Citadel Weekly, News for You!
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2012, 03:25:51 PM »
This is an amazing idea.
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Stephen 'Kane' - ANTI-CITIZEN 1 - Alive.

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Re: Citadel Weekly, News for You!
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2012, 03:28:59 PM »
This is beautiful, and this WILL most likely be a very worthy successor to the original C45 paper. When applications open, I'd love to write a little for it.


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Re: Citadel Weekly, News for You!
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2012, 05:33:46 PM »
Added a new section "Talk Around Town"
Anyways, I'm glad you guys like this and all, but I would love for some ideas. Let's do this thing right. ANY suggestions at all will be looked at. Still need that name. I am really busy with school this week so I can't say when applications will be up. They will be up by at least this Monday, but until then I'd like some suggestions.

Offline wag1

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Re: Citadel Weekly, News for You!
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2012, 06:05:45 PM »

Thank you NRK, this is amazing :>

If you need any writers (OOC and IC) I will gladly help!

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Re: Citadel Weekly, News for You!
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2012, 05:24:55 PM »
Ur think is awesome.U should make it!
Trolololololol yeyeyeyeye....
HL2RP Characters:
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Citadel Weekly Applications
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2012, 08:28:51 PM »
Ur think is awesome.U should make it!

My think is superior to all other thinks. Thank you.

"Haikus are easy.
Sometime they don't make sense,

Alright. So applications right? A few things you should know before you apply. The basis of the application is not on your character. Your character doesn’t need to be a loyalist. He doesn’t have to be a hard worker. Your character can be anything you want. They could be a rebel out on the lamb, a person on the line for some token or a legitimate loyalist wanting to make an impact on the community. The main component of your application is the quality of work. I don’t want to read an essay; I’m too busy for that. It is about the quality. The application is completely OOC. The RP situation that will be the IC component is the following scenario – My character set out a few posters. You 6 to 8 people show up to his apartment on the date and time specified. My character wanted a much higher turnout, but he didn’t get it. So therefore, he can’t be precisely picky. I don’t see me turning anybody at all down at this, even though it is an IC test. Keep in mind that I will be doing one on one interviews in my apartment while the rest of you are out in the hall. This paper is passive RP, I expect seeing it.

Just notes on the characters. This is the time to make your female character. Seriously. People will be getting interviewed. Diversity is the key to RP. I’d much rather RP be diverse in our interviews – which is the biggest component of the paper. Interviews – that is the way you get the information. I don’t want to see fifty females applying, though.

Evaluating the application will be an odd story. If I see anything I haven’t liked from you in the past, I will have you justify it. I don’t particularly like anybody in this community, so I hope to myself bias will not be an issue. I will probably jus questioning everything about you.

As the group goes, I don’t see this group being an everyday deal. I’m not sure how difficult it will be to find the interviewies, but I’m sure with some searching it’ll be easy enough.

Remember, anybody and everybody is able to join this group. It is simply all dependent on your writing skills on this application.
So here is the application – write me anything from a sentence to a small novel about your character. There is nothing definite you have to write about. You don’t have to do character development. You don’t have to do your characters personality. It can be as informal as you want or we can go super professional. It does however need to be about your character and that’s all this application is – a simple free write. All applications are due 4 PM EST Monday. I do heavily suggest you post the application before as I will tell you what you can improve on and you can edit it and I will critique it as follows. You can actually do this as long as you want, but when the clock strikes 4, that’s it.

Format is as follows:

Code: [Select]
[center][size=16pt][b]My Free Write Application[/b][/center]

[b]1. Write about your character. One word minimum, million word max.[/b]

Thank you. Also, the general section doesn't get too much traffic. You guys ought spread the word.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2012, 08:37:23 PM by |NRK| »

Offline wag1

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Re: Citadel Weekly, News for You!
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2012, 09:46:55 PM »
My Free Write Application

1. Write about your character. One word minimum, million word max.

Well, where to start; Adrian is yet to be a man, personality wise that is. As a young boy, he spent much of his time working on poems, literature and drawing notebooks. He was born in the city of Ottawa, in Canada. He lived with his Brother, Joel and his mother and father, Teresa and Roland. He was raised there in a middle-class home for quite a while, running a weekly paper route whilst going around the neighborhood doing Odd-Jobs. There's not much to say about the boy (yet) except for  He didn't have much going on in his life, except for things he didn't know about. Such things ranged from his parents working on a divorce behind the family's back, to selling the house. Of course as I said earlier, Adrian didn't know that.

So, the real part of his life starts around... Here. His parents had finally settled a divorce, both parents moving out of the house, setting off on new lives. The mother took the kids, moving to Vancouver, the father settled elsewhere, only soon to be meet his fate in a motoring incident while riding his motorcycle. Quite a tragic incident, although the family didn't know for quite a while. Not months later did the news get across the country and they figured out about it. The entire family was shocked, Teresa felt so much guilt, seeing as if she hadn't divorced none of this would've happened.

It took years for them to move on, but after all those years is when the portal storms occurred, not much interesting there... So let me go back to those years and go into a little more detail about what happened. After the incident, Adrian had a tough time at school, let alone that he was still only breaking into the school. Not many people were open to diversity or difference, so Adrian had spent most of his time lonely as the corner boy. No one really noticed him from then on, except a few jocks that picked up on his existence. Every now-and-then they decided to mess around with him, nothing much really. He seemed like a boring child. He never really had the chance to shine, and if he did, boy he'd be made a mess out of those jocks.

Anyways, he mostly spent time writing, or working on drawings. They weren't the best, but he was a imaginative boy - young man. Yes, finally he was of age to hit puberty, growing a thin mustache that would eventually grow out of it's form, into a rough stubble. Well, moving on he'd have his first meeting with crime. Many years later, fresh out of high-school he had finally turned eighteen. The thing was is that he had recently sent in a poem of his to a compilation of poems. Of course, they'd chosen his to be in the book. Rejected by his family, none of them caring about this glorious achievement, he went out drinking. He eventually decided that he would urinate in public, soon getting caught by the police.

Sent to jail for a night, he came out clean. About a year later, the first portal storm occurred. He had lost his family quickly, they were all killed except one, his brother; Joel. The ones they call Combine were swift to their  rescue, both sent on a train to City 45. After weeks of riding a train, they'd finally arrived. They tried explaining who they were, but they were told to be quiet and face forward, although one of the Civil Protection officers had came and pulled his brother out, not knowing where he went, Adrian had never seen him since. The only thing he had left was... Writing...

inb4 one word app


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Re: Citadel Weekly, News for You!
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2012, 05:23:36 AM »
A comprehensive look at Bluff's application

Re: Citadel Weekly, News for You!
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2012, 06:07:43 AM »
A comprehensive look at Bluff's application
Put it in your dropbox, so we can listen to it, instead of downloading it..
Not downloading a 500mb draft.


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Re: Citadel Weekly, News for You!
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2012, 06:48:07 PM »
A comprehensive look at Bluff's application
Put it in your dropbox, so we can listen to it, instead of downloading it..
Not downloading a 500mb draft.
If I wanted you to listen to it then I'd call it Mertineer's draft. I understand what you're saying though. I'd be glad to try anything anybody thinks to be more efficient if they would show me.

Edit: Remember, I am accepting the TOP applications, around 6 to 8. If 5 people write one sentence and nobody else applies, those five will be accepted.

Edit: Added interview application format. I am currently accepting said applications.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2012, 09:38:07 PM by |NRK| »

Offline TheKrusader

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Re: Citadel Weekly, News for You!
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2012, 10:25:53 AM »
This looks pretty good, but I have one question about it. How would you, ICly, implement the interview process?

Offline SoapANator

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Re: Citadel Weekly, News for You!
« Reply #12 on: January 16, 2012, 10:31:20 AM »
Interview Application

What information do you want to communicate:I wish to tell the people of the good news of the CCA and make a better trust between Civil Protection and us citizens! We need to communicate more openly!

When's the best time in the next 1 to 4 days to interview you:Today is good, but if you can't today maybe tomorrow?
Former Characters:
Jimmy Valtizno - Civil Protection memeber for six months. Highest rank achived: EpU in APEX. Cause of Death: Shot, for attempted suicide.
Konstatine Ivanov - Held in prison cell for Anti-Civil activity for several months. Unkown if he's dead or alive.

MIA Characters
Gregory 'Death' Nikitn- Last seen wondering acorss the Outlands, in a critical state.
Zoe Kriyake - Has not been heard in weeks. Possibly re-located to C-18

Alive Characters
Pavalo Anodov - Wondering C18, unsure

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Re: Citadel Weekly, News for You!
« Reply #13 on: January 16, 2012, 01:24:54 PM »
I demand the paper have more desu.

Serious part:   I like the idea, sounds great for passive RP, and there is barely anything the citizens can look forward to besides RDC until now.
5:28 PM - wakeboarderCWB: swastika really?
5:28 PM - Lone Wanderer: we made it to riemer
5:28 PM - Lone Wanderer: he's the holy ghost
5:28 PM - Lone Wanderer: we makes sacrifices there

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Re: Citadel Weekly, News for You!
« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2012, 02:05:22 PM »
My Free Write Application

1. Write about your character. One word minimum, million word max. Niall Evans was the rebel of life, but he wants to stop from that path. Instead, he wants to try and help the Union, which he considers a lot better than hindering its ideas. If the newspaper were to hire him, they could see his softer, smarter, more helpful side. Growing up in rough cities really affected his life, so maybe this would bring out the more protective side he had always burrowed. In all, Niall wants to do this to stop his devious ways and become a better man, as his rebellious side originates from long ago in his life.

Niall's father was jailed when he was 3, for several cases of murder, child and domestic abuse and attempted rape with a teenager at the age of 15. Niall grew up having to look after his disabled mother, tending to her every whim, and she was mostly grateful for this. He even wrote for his local paper in a child-designed column called 'Kidz Korner'. He drew a comic every now and then, or even gave jokes, reviews on local movies to see and other such things. The reason for his career in this ceasing was because firstly, they stopped his salary and the whole paper eventually failed, meaning 'Kidz Korner' was over. Niall tried to get some more occupations in other newspaper businesses, but his degrees were all in construction work, meaning they didn't think he was a viable candidate. During his prolonged periods of unemployment, Niall wrote for an underground magazine called 'Rise'. He wrote his opinions on current politicians, and even a segment where he would respond to letters written in. He got payed the decent amount of $50 for every paper, meaning he could afford the bare necessities. Niall eventually stopped the magazine after some unhappy officers who were bribed by the local mayor destroyed the office that the writers were working in, but it was only a feeble warehouse. A new company hired Niall to do some more film reviews, which really began his career for the better. His other segments included poems he wrote for those in the obituary section, food criticisms, and interviews with low budget celebrities. The best they could do was a one time interview with Thomas Wiseau, voted second in the worlds worst director awards. The paper never got cut, until the war. Niall just had nothing to do, so... what next? 

Niall's traits would be impatient, excitable, daring and prepared.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2012, 05:23:25 PM by AntiTrolls222 »
im bach


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