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Messages - Cat With A Mustache

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Vortigaunts / Re: Vortigaunt Applications
« on: April 04, 2013, 12:21:27 PM »
Player Information
Steam name: Cat With A Mustache
Steam ID: STEAM:0:033916409
How long have you been roleplaying (any game)? About mid-2009
How long have you been playing serious Gmod RP? Around one year.

Why do you want a Vortigaunt character? (1 paragraph minimum)
The reason why I would like to have a Vortigaunt character, is so I can try something new in the City 17. After playing as a citizen, and CCA unit for hours upon hours, and days upon days, I thought that everyone and a while, it would be nice to try something different. A Vortigaunt will allow me to explore new dialogue speech, and movement of a character, other than the normal human speech and movement. It will open a large section of Role-playing that I have never tried before, because of being limited to ordinary human ways, and knowledge. This will allow me to stretch my own knowledge of Role-playing, trying a never before used species, and as a whole, become a better role-player myself.

What do you envision yourself doing on your Vortigaunt character? (1 paragraph minimum)
Since the Vortigaunt that I apply for will be a CONSCRIPT, I envision myself doing some passive Role-playing. This Passive-Rp can be cleaning, examining foreign objects, or helping units or CWU workers move supplies, within the CONSCRIPTS strength range of course. Of course there are many examples of Role-playing that could come along, such as citizens or other units that despise the Vortigaunt species, in where I must reenact Fear-RP, for the fact that the CONSCRIPT would know that any defense against the citizen or unit will lead to a heavy punishment. 

Using your Vortigaunt character, how will you enhance the roleplay of those immediately around you? (1 paragraph minimum)
My Vortigaunt character can help 'spice' up the Role-play in the area near and around the character. Just being a Vortigaunt by it's self will change the Role-playing situation, as a non-human species character might change conversation tactics and actions. This will make other players think about their actions and speech to others in the area, and the Vortigaunt itself. Also, being a CONSCRIPT will allow others to do actions that they could not do if it were another citizen. This could be offense language, actions, and treatment against the CONSCRIPT.

Using your Vortigaunt character, how will you enhance the roleplay of the server as a whole? (1 paragraph minimum)
Although it might be difficult to help enhance role-play to the entire server, and can still be possible. This can be done in any size of event, making others have to change their role-playing due to a specific event that could take place. Although an event with a CONSCRIPT is limited, it may change what citizens and units alike have to do, to cope with the situation.

Have you played as Vortigaunt character before? If so, state the community, length of time you had the character, and a description of roleplay situation that your character was involved in.
 Never had a Vortigaunt character, everyone has to start somewhere.

Will your Vortigaunt character take priority over your other hl2rp characters?
Although it will be quite cool to play as my Vortigaunt character, it will not take priority over my other characters. My unit and citizen characters play a large part in my HL2RP experience. Adding another character to my limited selection of characters will make my Vortigaunt a bit of a priority, it will not be over my unit and a few of my citizens.

Character Information
Name: Kuk'Lon
Age: 165 Years Old.
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 194 lbs.
Description of physique:Kuk'Lon is much thinner, and has less muscle strength than other Vortigaunts, relying more on movement and speed, over brute strength and intimidation.
Description of intellectual traits: Kuk'Lon has a limited vocabulary, due to lacking the interest of learning human languages. He is liable to make mistakes on the first trial of doing a new activity, but can quickly pick up on his mistakes, and correct them.
Description of personality: Kuk'Lon is a shy, seclusive Vortigaunt. Although he enjoys the company of other Vortigaunts, he keeps to himself when other humans are in the picture. He only speaks up when he disagrees strongly with a subject.
Miscellaneous information: N/A

1.  Summarize the history of the Vortigaunt species (2 paragraphs minimum).
Little is known of the Vortigaunt species before the Combine invasion of their home planet. After the Combine enslaved a number of Voritgaunts, a large majority of them escape to another planet. The planet's name is Xen, and is a home planet to other organisms and a another slave, known as Nihilanth. Nihilanth, is a large intelligent organic organism, which enslaves the Voritgaunts. However, Nihilanth is a slave it's self, and enslaves the Vortigaunts due to orders from an undisclosed master.

After a rift opened up in Xen, that leads to Earth, Nihilanth instructs the Vortigaunts to attack Earth. Vortigaunts were used as a ground force against the people of Earth, and fights against the humans in Black Mesa. After Nihilanth is slayed, the Vortigaunts are free from their enslavement of Nihilanth. Many of them flee to Earth, and are once again enslaved by the Combine. For those that did not become enslaved, work alongside the humans, in their resistance against the Combine hold on the planet.

2.  Detail the advantages and limitations of Vortigaunt physical structure (2 paragraphs minimum).
Vortigaunts share many physical structures to that of a human. This includes legs, waist, torso, neck, and a head. They are also bipedal, which allows them to stand up, and walks around using only two feet. They also share a distinctive stance, however they are hunched over, and their neck extrudes at about a 90 degree angle from the top of their spine. They also have hands, however they consist of only two, long finger like, limbs. Their feet also are a bit different, having a small 'toe' extrude from the back of their foot, and the foot looking like a hoof of some sort. They also have a small 'hand' extruded from their chest, that they use to feed. Their 'knees' are bent backward, instead of like a humans, which is faced forwards. They also have one large, red eye, that takes up are large majority of their head.

However, with these structures, come many disadvantages in movement. The 'hand' on their chest allows them to eat, however if this is damaged, eating can be rather difficult, as their hands only consist of two fingers. On the same note, the two fingers limit movement, and what they can hold effectively. Their backward facing knee makes running at a reasonable speed difficult, and limits the distance of which one can travel in a reasonable amount of time. The large eye on their head make an easy target for attackers, which can easy blind, and disable the Vortigaunt.

3.  State what is known about Vortigaunt culture (1 paragraph minimum). Voritgaunts enjoy music, poetry, and other forms of activities and such that define a culture. Another large part of their culture, is that they have been enslaved for a long period of time, whether it be the on Xen, or by the Combine. They also practice antlion husbandry, within their culture.

4.  In your own words, define the Vortessence and describe the nature of its relationship with Vortigaunts. (3 paragraphs minimum).
Vortessence is a special ability that is held dear to all Vortigaunts. Although it is an unknown force to many, Vortigaunts know how channel this energy, and use it for many different tasks. All Vortigaunts know this ability and is not passed down from generation, rather an instinct. Vortigaunts have learned to harness this power to change space and time itself. The possibilities of the use of Vortessence is almost endless, and can be used for things other than just passive ways.

Many uses of this power, is being able to heal other organisms, even ones that are deceased. However many Vortigaunts are needed to properly use the Vortessence power in times of great need, such as reviving another. This power can also be used to harm others, turning into a large bolt of green light that can hurt others, and even push things out of the way. On the same note, the power can also move things from a distance, within respectable boundaries of the Vortigaunt. Vortessence can also be used to power electronic, and mechanical equipment, it being a small hand-held device, or a large generator. However it depends on the number of available Vortigaunts that can help with the process, something that needs a large amount of power to use, requires a good amount of Vortigaunts to assist.

In the eyes of humans, this is a magical force that is not known how it works. Often many humans think that Vortigaunts can use this power when ever they feel like it, if the Vortigaunt is healthy or not. They also think that a single Vortigaunt has power beyond belief, but is known by others that many Vortigaunts are needed to power, even some simple stuff. Some even think that the Vortessence is a godly power, that Vortigaunts acquired from unearthly gods.

5.  Detail from a third-person standpoint how your Vortigaunt character would resolve the following scenario: Three angry rebels with weapons have cornered you inside the S6 XCCR and demand that you help them kill a loyalist citizen (2 paragraphs minimum).
As Kuk'Lon looks about the room, he notices the three rebels guarding the only exit out of the small building, talking among themselves and glancing over at Kuk'Lon every few seconds. After a few minutes of conversation, two of the three men walk over to Kuk'Lon, with their weapons, a small knife, and a small pistol. As they approach Kuk'Lon, the raise there weapons, and say, "You, Vort. We need you to kill a Loyalist that is right outside this door, do it, and we might let you live."

As Kuk'Lon looks about the room, he comes to a conclusion that there is not use in fighting the three men, and there is no escape. Instead, he comes up with a small speech inside his head, talking to the three men. "This one wishes not to assist in the innocent slaying of one that another does not like." The three men look at each other, confused of what the Vortigaunt was saying. "Kuk'Lon can not assist thee, for he is shackled, useless of all powers." Kuk'Lon says to the men. The three men then notice a large shackle about the Vortigaunts hands, and neck. One of the three men push the other man, and tempers flare.

As one of the men insult the other for their stupidity, in not seeing that the Vortigaunt is a CONSCRIPT, the man with a gun pushes the other man, and a shot from the gun is discharged. The bullet strikes a small piece of metal inside the room, and stops the bullet behind the sheet of metal. The three rebels look at each other, and quickly flee the scene, knowing that someone will come to investigate the site. As the three leave, Kuk'Lon looks about the room, understanding the men's haste in leaving. Kuk'Lon then also leaves the area, hoping that he will not be blamed for the crime, due to his species.

6.  Detail from a third-person standpoint how your Vortigaunt character would resolve the following scenario: You have just observed a refugee trick a fellow refugee in a vastly unfair trading deal. The conman is about to escape with the unjustly-obtained goods.
Kuk'Lon sighs, as he stumbles back up to his feet after his daily beating by the Units. He walks forward, to the UCH building, hoping to find some comfort there, out of the streets. As he approaches the building, he see's two men talking quietly in the alleyway near the ol' FOTO shop. Curious, he slowly approaches a wall near the two men, and casually leans on it awkwardly, keeping his head away from the two men.

As he listens to their conversation, he realizes that the two men are bartering goods, and that one of the men is getting a large majority of the goods for an unfair deal from the other man. Kuk'Lon makes what could be called a frown, and keeps his spot on the wall, letting the men finish their conversation. As the two men leave, Kuk'Lon tails the man that got the goods for a very unfair deal, until they reach a safe spot for the Vortigaunt in Predict 2. When the man is about to enter the Third Predict, Kuk'Lon speaks up, trying to catch the man's attention, "Human, hold!"

The man turns about, noticing the Vortigaunt, and raises his right eyebrow, a confused look on his face to why the Vortigaunt has stopped him. The speaks, "Huh? What do you want?". Kuk'Lon, approaches the man, and talks to him in a quiet voice, careful so others will not overhear the conversation, "Kuk'Lon saw this human trick another, obtaining goods for an unfair price." The man chuckles lightly to himself, "Oh? You saw that little deal? Not that I care, since you can't do anything. And if ya' do try anything," the man takes a small black device out of his pocket, "I can just call the units at any point."

Kuk'Lon takes a step back from the man, knowing that if the units are called, Kuk'Lon would be in a large amount of trouble. "This one only wishes for this human to listen to reason. If one obtains things unfairly, than how can the human be trusted, by it's fellow humans?" The man stops for a second, his eyes frowning in a bit of a thinking expression. He puts away the device, and scratches his chin using his right hand. "And how would other's know about my unfairness...." the man speaks, his eyes locked on the Vortigaunts large eye.

"You humans seem to be able to know a shady character from another. Kuk'Lon has no doubt that this human will never be trusted again. All Kuk'Lon wishes is a fair barter." Kuk'Lon speaks to the man, knowing that much of what he just said isn't quite the truth. The man scratches the top of his head, and moves back to Predict 1, Kuk'Lon following the man. The man searches the plaza for a quick few seconds, and spots the man that he took goods from unfairly sitting on a bench. As he approaches the man, they begin to converse again, and they work out a better deal, however the deal still leaned in favor to the man that Kuk'Lon spoke to, but it was better. Kuk'Lon made a satisfied grunt, and walk off in another direction, wondering what else was in store for him the same day.

7.  Create an original piece of writing which involves at least one Vortigaunt and at least two citizens. The scenario must include at least 30 lines of dialogue, of which at least 15 must be spoken by a Vortigaunt.
** As Kuk'Lon moves along the cities streets, he is filled with depression, as the shackles on his hands weigh them down.
** A male approaches the Conscripted Vortigaunt, and moves to a wall near him, and spits in his direction, the spit landed on Kuk'Lon's feet.
** Kuk'Lon turns the the man, and hisses at him saying, "Why does this one attack Kuk'Lon?"
** The man smiles, and replies back, "Because if I do it to someone else, I'll get beat."
** Kuk'Lon glares his one eye at the man, and slowly shakes his head, and continues walking.
"These one's only thought is power..." Kuk'Lon quietly says to himself.
** As Kuk'Lon nears the Nexus Barricades, he notices a unit on the barricade. As he approaches, the units faces the Vortigaunt.
"Kuk'Lon requests a device which allows one to request assistance from another." Kuk'Lon speaks to the Unit on the barricade.
The unit looks down at the Vortigaunt, his expression hidden behind his mask. "What? You think any of use want to help you?"
"One only requests another to bring assistance in a time of need." Kuk'Lon replies to the unit.
** The unit continues to stare at the strange Vortigaunt, and unzips a small pouch on his vest. He takes out a small Request Device, and chucks it very hard at the near-by Vortigaunt. "Here, catch."
** The device goes at incredible speed towards the Vortigaunt, and hits him directly in the torso area. Kuk'Lon sighs to himself, and mumbles, "These ones also love power..."
** Kuk'Lon bends down, and gingerly picks up the small device. The device is however broken, and is useless to anyone. Kuk'Lon looks back up at the unit, "This one requires another device."
** The unit shrugs his shoulders, "That's the last one, too bad."
** Another unit exits the Nexus, and appears next to the other unit, looking down at the destroyed device and the Vortigaunt. "Ah, destroying Union stuff, eh?"
** The other unit hops down from the barrier, and approaches the Vortigaunt, stunstick in his hand. He then pushes the Vortigaunt away, using much force, "Get out of here."
** From the force of the push, Kuk'Lon stumbles back a few steps, dropping the device on the ground, and turns around, walking away.
** Kuk'Lon looks at the Hardpoint between P1, and P2, ad walks through them, remembering that he was good enough to have access to the area.
** As he enters the P2 area, a group of citizens walk by him, chatting among themselves, when one notices Kuk'Lon. "Wow, look at that, an alien thing."
** Kuk'Lon sighs again, and replies back to the man, "This one is not much abnormal than you are."
** The citizen then stops, and looks at the Vortigaunt, "Oh my, look, it talks..."
** The groups that was with the citizen continues to walk, calling back, "Come on Jim!"
** The man, known as Jim, turns his head back to his group, and rushes back to join his small group.
** Kuk'Lon looks at the group, his body suddenly drooping, knowing that all the other citizens within the town do not care for him.
** A female appears out of one of the many alley ways, and notices the vortigaunt and walks over to him, attempting to put her arm around the vortigaunts neck.
** Kuk'Lon is startled by the action, for he was caught off guard, and stumbles back a few paces, facing the female, "Kuk'Lon wishes not to be touched."
** The female frowns, and replies back, "I was just trying to make friends with you..."
** Kuk'Lon stumbles a few paces back again, nearing the P3 entrance, "This one wishes not to be embraced by another..."
** The female pouts, and goes off in the other direction, away from the vortigaunt.
** As Kuk'Lon backs up near the P3 entrance, he turns around, noticing the few feet he was from an explosive death.
** Kuk'Lon peers inside of P3, knowing that he could not enter the area, "Why do these beings treat Kuk'Lon with no respect..."
** A female appears from inside P3, and notices the Vortigaunt on the other side of the entrance, "Why don't you come in...?"
** Kuk'Lon notices the female inside of P3, and replies back to her, "Certain death comes to this one if he enters."
** The female approaches the P3 entrance, and stands on the other side of the entrance from the vortigaunt, "What, you die if you come in here?"
"The female is correct." Kuk'Lon responds back.
** Behind the female approaches three men, all bearing a blunt weapon in there hands, and which the female and Kuk'Lon can not see.
** As the three men get near the female, Kuk'Lon see's them, and exclaims: "The female should turn!"
** As she turns, the three men are on her, and they pulls at her shirt, bringing her into deeper into P3.
"Ah! Get the hell off me!" The female screams, being pulled back from Kuk'Lon.
** Kuk'Lon notices the actions of the men, and stands still, fixed to his spot. He stands there, watching in horror as the female is dragged off into the depths of P3.
"The actions of those will go unpunished..." Kuk'Lon softly spoke to himself, knowing that he could do nothing.
** Deep within the depths of P3, a female's shriek pierces through P3, "Oh god! Oh god! Please someone help me..."
** Kuk'Lon shakes his head, hearing the scream echo from P3, and turns his body, walking away from the P3 entrance.
** As he walks forward, he notices a two units, doing a patrol about the area. As they walks by him, he opens his mouth, "This one wishes to report a wrong doing of another."
** The two units stop for a second, and turn to Kuk'Lon, "Oh do ya now? Well, we are busy doing stuff." One of the units reply.
** The other unit chuckles, and they continue off, yelling back, "Yea, busy not helping piece's of shit like you."
** Kuk'Lon remains silent, and stares at the two units, walking off in the distance, and silently curses them.

Extra notes:

This time, you did much better. I feel this is a very nice application and everything is pretty spot on. I don't have any real feedback to give you, but you are accepted. Enjoy.

Suggestions / Re: Ration booths in Plaza.
« on: March 30, 2013, 02:41:45 PM »
I don't know if I regret hitting that bind yet or not.
God we had the best time in the world, please, do that again.

However back on a serious note, what do others think.

Suggestions / Re: Ration booths in Plaza.
« on: March 30, 2013, 12:53:18 PM »
This wouldn't be possible as far as I know without making them in the map itself. Also, this idea came up in TS after 3.14 hit his bind for Keiji when he puts the key into the ignition of his car  ;D
Yes, I was there, and we had a hell of a good time when he hit that key.

Suggestions / Ration booths in Plaza.
« on: March 30, 2013, 11:57:21 AM »
So a bit back, me and a bunch of others were doing a ration cycle. However a few of us thought that the current ration building was just kind of a mess. No offense to whoever made it, but the fact that it has about ten exits/entrances and two lines and such really confuses the citizens sometimes, and then they just wondering about in the building confused. So I thought up of ration booths, that come out of the ground in P1. Now I don't even know if this is possible, however I thought it would be the same idea with the giant monitor thing that comes down over plaza, since it rotates and such and drop down. The booths would simply pop on up out of the ground by a push of a button, and a unit enters it, and gives out rations that way. Now I don't really now about the whole guarding thing and such, however if the booths are in the plaza, then units are already about the plaza and patrolling and such, so that is technically guarding. The units could enter the booth via a CCA only door, or maybe enter the booth from the ground before it pops on up. This will make citizens get rations faster, and make it a bit less confusing.

Vortigaunts / Re: Vortigaunt Applications
« on: March 21, 2013, 12:21:52 AM »
Player Information
Steam name: Cat With A Mustache
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:33916409
How long have you been roleplaying (any game)? About 2009
How long have you been playing serious Gmod RP? One year.

Why do you want a Vortigaunt character? (1 paragraph minimum)

The reason why I would like to have a Vortigaunt character, is so I can try something new in the City 17. After playing as a citizen, and CCA unit for hours upon hours, and days upon days, I thought that everyone and a while, it would be nice to try something different. A Vortigaunt will allow me to explore new dialogue speech, and movement of a character, other than the normal human speech and movement. It will open a large section of Role-playing that I have never tried before, because of being limited to ordinary human ways, and knowledge. This will allow me to stretch my own knowledge of Role-playing, trying a never before used species, and as a whole, become a better role-player myself.

What do you envision yourself doing on your Vortigaunt character? (1 paragraph minimum)
Since the Vortigaunt that I apply for will be a CONSCRIPT, I envision myself doing some passive Role-playing. This Passive-Rp can be cleaning, examining foreign objects, or helping units or CWU workers move supplies, within the CONSCRIPTS strength range of course. Of course there are many examples of Role-playing that could come along, such as citizens or other units that despise the Vortigaunt species, in where I must reenact Fear-RP, for the fact that the CONSCRIPT would know that any defense against the citizen or unit will lead to a heavy punishment. 

Using your Vortigaunt character, how will you enhance the roleplay of those immediately around you? (1 paragraph minimum)
My Vortigaunt character can help 'spice' up the Role-play in the area near and around the character. Just being a Vortigaunt by it's self will change the Role-playing situation, as a non-human species character might change conversation tactics and actions. This will make other players think about their actions and speech to others in the area, and the Vortigaunt itself. Also, being a CONSCRIPT will allow others to do actions that they could not do if it were another citizen. This could be offense language, actions, and treatment against the CONSCRIPT.

Using your Vortigaunt character, how will you enhance the roleplay of the server as a whole? (1 paragraph minimum)
Although it might be difficult to help enhance role-play to the entire server, and can still be possible. This can be done in any size of event, making others have to change their role-playing due to a specific event that could take place. Although an event with a CONSCRIPT is limited, it may change what citizens and units alike have to do, to cope with the situation.

Have you played as Vortigaunt character before? If so, state the community, length of time you had the character, and a description of roleplay situation that your character was involved in. Never had a Vortigaunt character, everyone has to start somewhere.

Will your Vortigaunt character take priority over your other hl2rp characters?
Although it will be quite cool to play as my Vortigaunt character, it will not take priority over my other characters. My unit and citizen characters play a large part in my HL2RP experience. Adding another character to my limited selection of characters will make my Vortigaunt a bit of a priority, it will not be over my unit and a few of my citizens.

Character Information
Name: Kuk'Lon
Age: 165 Years Old.
Gender: Male.
Height: 5' 10"
Weight:194 lbs.
Description of physique: Kuk'Lon is much thinner, and has less muscle strength than other Vortigaunts, relying more on movement and speed, over brute strength and intimidation.
Description of intellectual traits: Kuk'Lon has a limited vocabulary, due to lacking the interest of learning human languages. He is liable to make mistakes on the first trial of doing a new activity, but can quickly pick up on his mistakes, and correct them.
Description of personality: Kuk'Lon is a shy, seclusive Vortigaunt. Although he enjoys the company of other Vortigaunts, he keeps to himself when other humans are in the picture. He only speaks up when he disagrees strongly with a subject.
Miscellaneous information:

1.  Summarize the history of the Vortigaunt species (2 paragraphs minimum).

Little is known of the Vortigaunt species before the Combine invasion of their home planet. After the Combine enslaved a number of Voritgaunts, a large majority of them escape to another planet. The planet's name is Xen, and is a home planet to other organisms and a another slave, known as Nihilanth. Nihilanth, is a large intelligent organic organism, which enslaves the Voritgaunts. However, Nihilanth is a slave it's self, and enslaves the Vortigaunts due to orders from an undisclosed master.

After a rift opened up in Xen, that leads to Earth, Nihilanth instructs the Vortigaunts to attack Earth. Vortigaunts were used as a ground force against the people of Earth, and fights along side of other Xen organisms. After Nihilanth is slayed, the Vortigaunts are free from their enslavement of Nihilanth. Many of them flee to Earth, and are once again enslaved by the Combine. For those that did not become enslaved, work alongside the humans, in their resistance against the Combine hold on the planet.

2.  Detail the advantages and limitations of Vortigaunt physical structure (2 paragraphs minimum).
Vortigaunts share many physical structures to that of a human. This includes legs, waist, torso, neck, and a head. They are also bipedal, which allows them to stand up, and walks around using only two feet. They also share a distinctive stance, however they are hunched over, and their neck extrudes at about a 90 degree angle from the top of their spine. They also have hands, however they consist of only two, long finger like, limbs. Their feet also are a bit different, having a small 'toe' extrude from the back of their foot, and the foot looking like a hoof of some sort. They also have a small 'hand' extruded from their chest, that they use to feed. Their 'knees' are bent backward, instead of like a humans, which is faced forwards. They also have one large, red eye, that takes up are large majority of their head.

However, with these structures, come many disadvantages in movement. The 'hand' on their chest allows them to eat, however if this is damaged, eating can be rather difficult, as their hands only consist of two fingers. On the same note, the two fingers limit movement, and what they can hold effectively. Their backward facing knee makes running at a reasonable speed difficult, and limits the distance of which one can travel in a reasonable amount of time. The large eye on their head make an easy target for attackers, which can easy blind, and disable the Vortigaunt.

3.  State what is known about Vortigaunt culture (1 paragraph minimum).
Vortigaunts are known to be social among each other, and are very intelligent. They often work together to complete goal, that they all wish to help achieve. They can easily learn new languages and things that are foreign to them. When alone, Vortigaunts usually rely on wits, and not overall strength and agility to deal with a met problem.

4.  In your own words, define the Vortessence and describe the nature of its relationship with Vortigaunts. (3 paragraphs minimum).
Vortessence is a special ability that is held dear to all Vortigaunts. Although it is an unknown force to many, Vortigaunts know how channel this energy, and use it for many different tasks. All Vortigaunts know this ability and is not passed down from generation, rather an instinct. Vortigaunts have learned to harness this power to change space and time itself. The possibilities of the use of Vortessence is almost endless, and can be used for things other than just passive ways.

Many uses of this power, is being able to heal other organisms, even ones that are deceased. However many Vortigaunts are needed to properly use the Vortessence power in times of great need, such as reviving another. This power can also be used to harm others, turning into a large bolt of green light that can hurt others, and even push things out of the way. On the same note, the power can also move things from a distance, within respectable boundaries of the Vortigaunt. Vortessence can also be used to power electronic, and mechanical equipment, it being a small hand-held device, or a large generator. However it depends on the number of available Vortigaunts that can help with the process, something that needs a large amount of power to use, requires a good amount of Vortigaunts to assist.

In the eyes of humans, this is a magical force that is not known how it works. Often many humans think that Vortigaunts can use this power when ever they feel like it, if the Vortigaunt is healthy or not. They also think that a single Vortigaunt has power beyond belief, but is known by others that many Vortigaunts are needed to power, even some simple stuff. Some even think that the Vortessence is a godly power, that Vortigaunts acquired from unearthly gods.

5.  Detail from a third-person standpoint how your Vortigaunt character would resolve the following scenario: Three angry rebels with weapons have cornered you inside the S6 XCCR and demand that you help them kill a loyalist citizen (2 paragraphs minimum).
As Kuk'Lon looks about the room, he notices the three rebels guarding the only exit out of the small building, talking among themselves and glancing over at Kuk'Lon every few seconds. After a few minutes of conversation, two of the three men walk over to Kuk'Lon, with their weapons, a small knife, and a small pistol. As they approach Kuk'Lon, the raise there weapons, and say, "You, Vort. We need you to kill a Loyalist that is right outside this door, do it, and we might let you live."

As Kuk'Lon looks about the room, he comes to a conclusion that there is not use in fighting the three men, and there is no escape. Instead, he comes up with a small speech inside his head, talking to the three men. "This one wishes not to assist in the innocent slaying of one that another does not like." The three men look at each other, confused of what the Vortigaunt was saying. "Kuk'Lon can not assist thee, for he is shackled, useless of all powers." Kuk'Lon says to the men. The three men then notice a large shackle about the Vortigaunts hands, and neck. One of the three men push the other man, and tempers flare.

As one of the men insult the other for their stupidity, in not seeing that the Vortigaunt is a CONSCRIPT, the man with a gun pushes the other man, and a shot from the gun is discharged. The bullet strikes a small piece of metal inside the room, and stops the bullet behind the sheet of metal. The three rebels look at each other, and quickly flee the scene, knowing that someone will come to investigate the site. As the three leave, Kuk'Lon looks about the room, understanding the men's haste in leaving. Kuk'Lon then also leaves the area, hoping that he will not be blamed for the crime, due to his species.

6.  Detail from a third-person standpoint how your Vortigaunt character would resolve the following scenario: You have just observed a refugee trick a fellow refugee in a vastly unfair trading deal. The conman is about to escape with the unjustly-obtained goods.
Kuk'Lon ascends the few remaining steps to the top of the building. When he stands on the top of the stairs, he realizes that the staircase brought him onto of the building, with low walls surrounding the edges. As Kuk'Lon approaches the low walls, he notices two men below the side of the building. The men's voice are loud enough for Kuk'Lon to hear the entire conversation.

As the conversation concludes, Kuk'Lon realizes the unfairness of the trade, and rushes down the steps to the ground floor. When he gets to the floor, he then walks over to the door, leading outside. However, the man that made the unfair arrangement walked inside the building, walking past Kuk'Lon. The turns his head to the Vortigaunt as he passes, and continues walking. Kuk'Lon follows the man, and and talks to the man in a calmly, yet sharp voice. "This one does not approve for the arrangement you and the other have come to."

The man looks at the Vortigaunt, and raises an eyebrow, confused at how the Voritgaunt knew the deal that happened between him and the other man. He replies back to the Vortigaunt, "Now, this is none of your business, and besides, he agreed with the trade, it is his own fault." Kuk'Lon makes an almost inaudible hissing noise, and replies back, "Kik'Lon does not care for individuals like you, and wishes for you to return the unfair acquired goods."

Although the man is not fair by heart, he senses a tone in the Vortigaunts voice, that makes him back down from the Vortigaunt. "Wow, hold your bun's ol' Vort. I'll give him his stuff back, alright, just please, stay away from me." The man turns back to the door in which he came from, and finds the man that had been given the unfair deal. He soon apologizes, and returns the man's stuff. "Kuk'Lon watched over the entire transaction, as the man gave the goods back to it's rightful owner. Kuk'Lon then slips off back into the building, chuckling to himself.

7.  Create an original piece of writing which involves at least one Vortigaunt and at least two citizens. The scenario must include at least 30 lines of dialogue, of which at least 15 must be spoken by a Vortigaunt.

** As Kuk'Lon moves along the cities streets, he is filled with depression, as the shackles on his hands weigh them down.
** A male approaches the Conscripted Vortigaunt, and moves to a wall near him, and spits in his direction, the spit landed on Kuk'Lon's feet.
** Kuk'Lon turns the the man, and hisses at him saying, "Why does this one attack Kuk'Lon?"
** The man smiles, and replies back, "Because if I do it to someone else, I'll get beat."
** Kuk'Lon glares his one eye at the man, and slowly shakes his head, and continues walking.
"These one's only thought is power..." Kuk'Lon quietly says to himself.
** As Kuk'Lon nears the Nexus Barricades, he notices a unit on the barricade. As he approaches, the units faces the Vortigaunt.
"Kuk'Lon requests a device which allows one to request assistance from another." Kuk'Lon speaks to the Unit on the barricade.
The unit looks down at the Vortigaunt, his expression hidden behind his mask. "What? You think any of use want to help you?"
"One only requests another to bring assistance in a time of need." Kuk'Lon replies to the unit.
** The unit continues to stare at the strange Vortigaunt, and unzips a small pouch on his vest. He takes out a small Request Device, and chucks it very hard at the near-by Vortigaunt. "Here, catch."
** The device goes at incredible speed towards the Vortigaunt, and hits him directly in the torso area. Kuk'Lon sighs to himself, and mumbles, "These ones also love power..."
** Kuk'Lon bends down, and gingerly picks up the small device. The device is however broken, and is useless to anyone. Kuk'Lon looks back up at the unit, "This one requires another device."
** The unit shrugs his shoulders, "That's the last one, too bad."
** Another unit exits the Nexus, and appears next to the other unit, looking down at the destroyed device and the Vortigaunt. "Ah, destroying Union stuff, eh?"
** The other unit hops down from the barrier, and approaches the Vortigaunt, stunstick in his hand. He then pushes the Vortigaunt away, using much force, "Get out of here."
** From the force of the push, Kuk'Lon stumbles back a few steps, dropping the device on the ground, and turns around, walking away.
** Kuk'Lon looks at the Hardpoint between P1, and P2, ad walks through them, remembering that he was good enough to have access to the area.
** As he enters the P2 area, a group of citizens walk by him, chatting among themselves, when one notices Kuk'Lon. "Wow, look at that, an alien thing."
** Kuk'Lon sighs again, and replies back to the man, "This one is not much abnormal than you are."
** The citizen then stops, and looks at the Vortigaunt, "Oh my, look, it talks..."
** The groups that was with the citizen continues to walk, calling back, "Come on Jim!"
** The man, known as Jim, turns his head back to his group, and rushes back to join his small group.
** Kuk'Lon looks at the group, his body suddenly drooping, knowing that all the other citizens within the town do not care for him.
** A female appears out of one of the many alley ways, and notices the vortigaunt and walks over to him, attempting to put her arm around the vortigaunts neck.
** Kuk'Lon is startled by the action, for he was caught off guard, and stumbles back a few paces, facing the female, "Kuk'Lon wishes not to be touched."
** The female frowns, and replies back, "I was just trying to make friends with you..."
** Kuk'Lon stumbles a few paces back again, nearing the P3 entrance, "This one wishes not to be embraced by another..."
** The female pouts, and goes off in the other direction, away from the vortigaunt.
** As Kuk'Lon backs up near the P3 entrance, he turns around, noticing the few feet he was from an explosive death.
** Kuk'Lon peers inside of P3, knowing that he could not enter the area, "Why do these beings treat Kuk'Lon with no respect..."
** A female appears from inside P3, and notices the Vortigaunt on the other side of the entrance, "Why don't you come in...?"
** Kuk'Lon notices the female inside of P3, and replies back to her, "Certain death comes to this one if he enters."
** The female approaches the P3 entrance, and stands on the other side of the entrance from the vortigaunt, "What, you die if you come in here?"
"The female is correct." Kuk'Lon responds back.
** Behind the female approaches three men, all bearing a blunt weapon in there hands, and which the female and Kuk'Lon can not see.
** As the three men get near the female, Kuk'Lon see's them, and exclaims: "The female should turn!"
** As she turns, the three men are on her, and they pulls at her shirt, bringing her into deeper into P3.
"Ah! Get the hell off me!" The female screams, being pulled back from Kuk'Lon.
** Kuk'Lon notices the actions of the men, and stands still, fixed to his spot. He stands there, watching in horror as the female is dragged off into the depths of P3.
"The actions of those will go unpunished..." Kuk'Lon softly spoke to himself, knowing that he could do nothing.
** Deep within the depths of P3, a female's shriek pierces through P3, "Oh god! Oh god! Please someone help me..."
** Kuk'Lon shakes his head, hearing the scream echo from P3, and turns his body, walking away from the P3 entrance.
** As he walks forward, he notices a two units, doing a patrol about the area. As they walks by him, he opens his mouth, "This one wishes to report a wrong doing of another."
** The two units stop for a second, and turn to Kuk'Lon, "Oh do ya now? Well, we are busy doing stuff." One of the units reply.
** The other unit chuckles, and they continue off, yelling back, "Yea, busy not helping piece's of shit like you."
** Kuk'Lon remains silent, and stares at the two units, walking off in the distance, and silents curses them.
Extra notes:

Denied - Question 3 was not answered correctly. It called for a synapses on their culture, not a regurgitation of their social/tactical and physical limitations. Also, Xen life did not fight along side Vortigaunts when they were sent to Earth from Xen. Xen life is and always has been hostile towards Vortigaunts. On top of this, you provided many redundant and unnecessary points within your answers to questions that ultimately made me consider denial. Oh, also I want to say that it seems a bit unlikely that a CONSCRIPT would be able to convince a person who just swindles another person to give back the money/items just like that. Seeing as that person would likely know that the CONSCRIPT can't really do much against him or he would get in serious trouble.

Social Discussion / How much do you game?
« on: March 20, 2013, 01:09:27 AM »
Many people say gaming for too long is bad physically and mentally. Honstely I couldn't give a shit, so I game for a LARGE amount of time. At least 6 hours a day, and that's just the week days. In about 2.5 years, I logged over 1,000 hours on gmod, and 400 hours on CS:S. this dosent even include Xbox time and other shit. When is one called  addicted to gaming? I wouldn't really say I am, because there is litterly really nothing better to do in my rural city. Just a thought, I also kinda wanted to know how much others game, and what they consider themselves.

Creations / Re: Sexy Frog's Paper Art~!
« on: March 16, 2013, 10:37:03 PM »
Damn son, that is a mean drawing. I hope others than just me know what FirePaw is from. And as almost everyone knows, I leik da ponies. I also jizzed in my pants all over, please draw more.


No he is in a book, there is not a book just firepaw...

"Ask Me Anything" / Re: Ask turhral anything
« on: March 16, 2013, 07:59:26 PM »

Scale from 1-10, 10 being the coolest shit on earth, how stupid are you?

Ever fucked a snail?

Ever wanted to be a snail?

I killed myself once, it was cool, wanna join the club?

If you had one wish, what color would you erase.

If you had a turd in your pants, how would you 'Walk it off?'.

What do you think of my dick?

What do you think of me?

Ever crapped your pants above the age of four?

No good byes.


Smiley Face  :)  :)  :)  ;D
Yaaayyyy Yay
Hello Sup
MLP or PC? Uh, I don't understand this, but.... MLP
Proof that AppleJack is not the best pony: Calling Bullshit on this, I don't give a fuck.
Necromantastic Fantaslistic Pasmological Transparency. Sounds like glass, I dunno.
If we could play pokemon, but with my little ponies, would you buy the entire collection? Pokemon is the shit, and with ponies? Fuck yea, I'am train my lvl 100 Applejack Tree kick or some shit like that.
Am I cool? Eh... no? Just kidding, yes.
Am I awesome? Fuck no.
Are you cool? Hell naw nigger
Are you awesome? Once again, yes.
Are you Necromantastic Fantaslistic Pasmological Transparentisticly Awesomoniumly Metallistic? If I was, I would be dead.
Am I Necromantastic Fantaslistic Pasmological Transparentisticly Awesomoniumly Metallistic? Sure, why not?
Can you find out what that would mean? Bitch, you think I have all the time in the world? No I am not looking that shit up.
Am I weird? Fuck yes.
Steam chat. You are chatting with my right now actually.
I am designing my own pony. Yay. You want to see it? Nigger you send me that shit right meow.
I am going on and on and on about ponies aren't I. Would you like me to stop? Naw, it's fine dawg.
If the answer to that is no, then, TOO BAD. Well it was- wait, what?
Cat...Mustache...With...A...??? Fucking corndogs
How old are you. 92.5 (15)
What's your IRL name. What are you, my mom? (Brent VanderPol)
Pony horse pegasus unicorn fatguy. All the same to me. No, they are not.
VALAH Your mom.

Creations / Re: Sexy Frog's Paper Art~!
« on: March 16, 2013, 07:20:49 PM »
Damn son, that is a mean drawing. I hope others than just me know what FirePaw is from. And as almost everyone knows, I leik da ponies. I also jizzed in my pants all over, please draw more.

"Ask Me Anything" / Re: Ask madfurryrussianthing anything
« on: March 10, 2013, 03:30:57 AM »
If you had one day left to live, what would you do?

Why do you like techno? ( my opinion is that is sucks)

If you could go into one video game, what would it be and why?

Boxers or briefs? (yes, really)

Cats of dogs?

Any near death experiences? If so, how close to death?

Favorite movie genre?

Unicorns, pegasus, or horses?

Support & Help / Crashing upon joining Outlands.
« on: March 10, 2013, 12:49:54 AM »
So I haven't played Outlands for a bit, so i decided to give it another try. I joined the server, and it takes about 10 minutes of connecting, until I get the error: "(Name) lost connection to Server." This is normal, because my computer and internet it shit. Anyways, I connect back again, and after about 3 minutes of connecting, GMOD closes out, and brings me back to my desktop. I have tried joining 3 times. I have tried: Restarting computer, restarting Steam, and restarting GMOD. Can someone please help on how I can fix this?

Bug Reports / Armoury Window.
« on: March 04, 2013, 02:48:49 PM »
I don't know if this is really a mistake, or its purposly in there, but the window to the armoury in Nexus is big enough to were you can walk through it. The armoury is for 01+ ranking, but any unit can just waltz on in there, and then back out. I did notice that there was a metal blocker on the window, but I could just press "e" on it and it would open up.

"Ask Me Anything" / Re: ask that guy you all hate questions
« on: February 20, 2013, 10:35:45 PM »
1. What is your favorite word?

2. Do you like penises?

3. Ever ate horse?

4. What is 4+4?

"Ask Me Anything" / Re: Ask a person you have never heard of questions.
« on: February 20, 2013, 10:21:40 PM »
Do you play warthunder?

No, I have not. However, the day I heard about it, I saw it in an ad on a website, and it looked, well stupid. I assume the ad was not real gameplay of the game.

Post Auto-Merged: February 20, 2013, 10:22:28 PM
Can I tenderly caress your mustache with my toes?

Go ahead, I like toes in my mustache. I also love it when people touch my stache tenderly.

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