Author Topic: New World Order  (Read 6398 times)

Offline Pielolz

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New World Order
« on: October 09, 2013, 01:53:30 AM »
Yes I know you may assume "omg conspiracy theorist thread."

But I wouldn't make it without some solid evidence.

We all know the battle of Waterloo. The infamous showdown between Wellington and Napoleon. But there was more at play than two generals. Much more. An incredibly wealthy aristocratic family, the Rothschilds, had sent considerable amounts of money in support of both Napoleon and Wellington. When Wellington won, the Rothschild messenger made it back to London before the Army messenger. He proclaimed the British lost. Anticipating this, the Rothschilds sold their British stock that night. Every stock owner went into a frenzy and sold sold sold. Crashing the economy and making British money and stock worthless. But the next day, the army messenger arrived proclaiming victory. But the Rothschilds had bought back the "worthless" stock for mere pennies. When it went back up, they had an immense amount of wealth. The amount of money they loaned to the British government to finance their war effort has them in debt to the Rothschilds to this day. At present, the Rothschild family owns around 500 trillion dollars in assets. Almost half of all the money in the world. How did they amass this economic empire?

It is rather simple. First, they establish a private bank that controls a country's monetary supply. In our case, the Federal Reserve. This "Reserve" is unconstitutional. Don't let the name "federal" fool you. It is in fact a private bank that authorizes the mint of money. And loans it to our government, which in turn loans it to the banks, that loan it to the citizen. This paper money is literally worthless. They print it at 84 billion a month. "But then how does the Rothschilds and shadow bankers make their money?" By over valuing the currency and using the U.S. military stand point as backing for the currency in place of a precious metal. This gives them huge control of corporations, and in turn, our very own government. Alexander Halmiliton, a huge supporter of a centralized bank, (though Thomas Jefferson vehemently opposed this) was going to start up the fed. And it worked, up until Aaron Burr shot him in a duel.

Rothschild involvement in the assassination of JFK
JFK signed into law Executive Order #11110 which dismantled the Fed and put the control of the U.S. Monetary system in control of the Treasury. The fed and their Zionist overlords opposed this. Six months later Kennedy was assassinated and his Successor, Johnson, immediately repealed the executive order. Now why, you may ask, would he do that? Because he was a Zionist pawn.

What is Zionism? Zionism is not a sect of Judaism but is in fact a political ideology. Designed by Rothschild. There are many Jews opposed to Zionism. Zionism is what created Israel and funds the genocide against Palestine to this day. And Zionist followers hold sway over many governments to this day. The Rothschilds, being Jewish, liked the idea of a Jewish state to use as a launching pad for their operation. So, they bought the Palestine land, kicked them out, and gave it to their Jewish friends. The Zionist heads of Israeli government fund the destruction of Palestine to this day.

"Why do I not hear of this in the news?" Rothschild OWNS the Associated Press! Yes, and many other news outlets as well. They control our money, our media, and soon to be us. The more we know, the less power they have. I implore you to do research and to speak our against this "New World Order". It will be the death of our nation.

Fun fact: the Rothschild family owns enough money bail out every single country in the world, cloth and feed every person, with a shit ton of money to spare.

Offline Anzu

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Re: New World Order
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2013, 02:55:55 AM »
so where is this "solid evidence"?

All I've gotten from this is a massive conspiracy theory claiming a family owns the entire world etc etc

Offline Pielolz

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Re: New World Order
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2013, 06:27:57 PM »
look up Rothschild involvement in Waterloo and in global politics. There are tons of videos on youtube that explain this,

Offline rBST Cow

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Re: New World Order
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2013, 07:18:06 PM »

You can thank this man for trying to save the human race, to bad the rich/"people in charge" killed him so they could protect their yearly salaries and rule. "omg killed so many ppl" That is so funny because most of the 1% don't give to charity, give food to the hungry, help the education system which is going down the shitter, ect. Many, many people die from starvation every day even though the 1% could fix that so easily.
abbot common stop bad for you if u watch anime all day nigga u fuckn weaboo

Offline Teitoku Ippan

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Re: New World Order
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2013, 07:44:05 PM »
you say you couldnt make this thread with solid evidence, but you didnt even provide any solid evidence lol

Offline Reimer

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Re: New World Order
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2013, 01:47:25 AM »

You can thank this man for trying to save the human race, to bad the rich/"people in charge" killed him so they could protect their yearly salaries and rule. "omg killed so many ppl" That is so funny because most of the 1% don't give to charity, give food to the hungry, help the education system which is going down the shitter, ect. Many, many people die from starvation every day even though the 1% could fix that so easily.

Genocide and crimes against humanity aside, Germany would have done better for Eastern Europe than Communism would after the war ended.
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