Author Topic: Alexei Strelnikov's Character Sheet  (Read 1547 times)

Offline Constable Strelnikov

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Alexei Strelnikov's Character Sheet
« on: June 01, 2014, 02:36:36 PM »
Alexei Strelnikov's Character Profile

Gender/Sex: Male

Character Full Name: Alexei Borisnovitch Strelnikov

Known aliases: N/A

Citizen Identification Number (If Applicable): #43762

Character background:
Spoiler for Background:
Alexei was born in Vologograd, Russia in 1986 - the final years of the Cold War - to a poor family. Struggling to put food on the table, his father worked in a steel mill during the day and at a grain factory in the night, working both jobs to support Alexei and his sickly mother, Ludmila. All was relatively well for eleven years.

   In January of 1991, Alexei's mother passed away. Her lung cancer had finally claimed her life, and Alexei's father dropped his job at the grain factory as he no longer needed to support her as well. Alexei was traumatized by this, and slowly progressed from a raucous youth of eleven to a quiet, introverted bookish child. His father continually tried to re-engergize Alexei, to no avail.

   In August of 1996, Alexei's father managed to secure a transit visa and relocated from Volgograd to London, England. It was here that he learned that his father was HIV positive, and had contracted AIDS. He was dead by 2004. Alexei, at the age of 18 and no longer a legal minor, managed to avoid orphanage and used his meager inheritance to move his remaining possessions to a small homestead in the countryside village of Hexham. Here, he took up running and cartography as hobbies.

   When the Seven-Hour War occured in 2015, Alexei, now aged 29, managed to avoid most of the combat. Distant gunfire could be heard and the occasional aircraft passed overhead, but traffic had been suspended on the country roads during the Portal Storms and as such most military personnel stuck to the highways. He was eventually located shortly after the war's conclusion, and was transferred to the newly-established City 22.

   Having lived in City 22 for his entire Combine-ruled life, he was eventually transferred to City 45. There, he walked in the grey area of loyalism - neither friend nor enemy of the Union. Life has gone on ever since.

Physical description: 6'1" | 115 lbs | Early 30s | Dirty C45 Jumpsuit | Flashlight on belt | Fading Russian accent | Short hair | Backpack.

Eye color: Blue

Scars: N/A

Facial features: Short beard.

Hair Style & Color: Short, beginning to recede, light brownish-blond.

Approximate age: 33.

Country originated from: Soviet Union

Current location: City 45

Accent: Fading Russian

Mental good and/or bad skills:
+Relatively intelligent, a result of close attention in school and reading a lot.
+Can make maps.

-Traumatized over the death of both of his parents.
-Bad at decision making.
-Easily scared.

Physical good and/or bad skills:
+Decently well-built.
+Muscular legs, a result of running.
+Well-developed fine motor skills, from mapping.

-Upper body strength is lacking.

Character look-a-like image:
Spoiler for Character Look Alike:

Character fitting music and/or song:
Spoiler for Character Theme:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Clothing and/or protective armour and markings (bruises, scratches, etc) on the limbs: N/A

Head: N/A

Torso: Dirty citizen jumpsuit top.

Arms/Hands: N/A

Legs/Feet: Worn-down UU-issue workboots.

Weaponry: Flashlight, which can be used as an improvised blunt instrument.

Lost and/or replacement limbs or parts?: N/A

Skills, perks and/or traits of the character: Decent fast at running, relatively intelligent.

Weaknesses and/or severe flaws: Mentally traumatized, bad decision making skills.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2014, 03:24:41 PM by Comrade Strelnikov »

Alexei Strelnikov | Alive | Innocent. Or is he?
C45.MPF.NOVA-OfC.900 | In service


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