abbot common stop bad for you if u watch anime all day nigga u fuckn weaboo
So Catalyst-Gaming has a very robust infrastructure for a gaming community. Where most have one server to host an srcds server, web server, database server, and everything else; we separate these services in a high available and redundant fashion.The important thing to this network is that if any server goes down, there is an alternative available for a quick replacement.e.g. If the database server went down, a replica can be spun up in less than 10 minutes on the visualization server and restore the database from the daily backups. Downtime should be less than 20 minutes.ORGameserver, cow, goes down. A duplicate is kept, off, ready to be turned on. A gamemode can be cloned from a git repository on Ludus and be running again in a few minutes.The servers run CentOS7 with the exception of the virtualization server, which runs ESXi 5.5. All servers are controlled by a central policy server, Hogs, which handles authentication and security assignments for all groups of servers.This entire infrastructure is monitored by Yak which runs an Icinga2 instance monitoring including, but not limited to, the network connection, disk usage, update status, HTTP response, and users logged on.Staff with privileged access connect through a VPN to the firewall, SMT. This provides them access to the internal network. It's worth noting that none of these servers have any management open to the outside world.So to answer your question, the server names were chosen from a pool of annoying shitheads and assigned to servers at random. Why did I do that? Because it made my laugh that's why.
So you're saying roflwaffle is an annoying shithead too? It's really funny to see how advanced CG network actually is compared to most other communities.
i will still use low orbit cannon pls