Author Topic: "Innocence of Muslims" filmmaker arrested  (Read 4817 times)

Offline Hazard Time

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"Innocence of Muslims" filmmaker arrested
« on: September 27, 2012, 08:29:12 PM »

I just found this lying around my frontier email homepage.  Not really sure what to make of it, so I'd like to know your opinions.  I could go both ways with this one.  On one hand, it seems very coincidental.  After sparking riots across the Middle East and Asia, he is suddenly arrested for a relatively minor crime.  Perhaps there was a conspiracy to turn him into a scapegoat and, in the process, secretly rape the first ammendment?  Or perhaps it really is just a coincidence?  What's your opinion?

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Re: "Innocence of Muslims" filmmaker arrested
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2012, 10:30:59 AM »
There's probably more to it than just him and the film. If not then this doesn't really make much sense why they would do this.

Offline Reimer

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Re: "Innocence of Muslims" filmmaker arrested
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2012, 01:06:28 PM »
On behalf of all Californians I would just like to say......

Damn muslims you MAD, one man posts a fucking cartoon and you all flip a shit and start strapping C4 to your bodies. You don't see anything beyond a couple hippies bitching and meaning because Jesus is in South Park.

moslimz plz
5:28 PM - wakeboarderCWB: swastika really?
5:28 PM - Lone Wanderer: we made it to riemer
5:28 PM - Lone Wanderer: he's the holy ghost
5:28 PM - Lone Wanderer: we makes sacrifices there

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Re: "Innocence of Muslims" filmmaker arrested
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2012, 02:19:54 PM »
I've seen the film, I'm sure you guys have also. It is a little distasteful but I wouldn't go fucking ape-shit over it and start killing people. It really confuses me how people can get so damn mad over this shit when it's just a film.

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Offline Hazard Time

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Re: "Innocence of Muslims" filmmaker arrested
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2012, 04:56:57 PM »
On behalf of all Californians I would just like to say......

Damn muslims you MAD, one man posts a fucking cartoon and you all flip a shit and start strapping C4 to your bodies. You don't see anything beyond a couple hippies bitching and meaning because Jesus is in South Park.

moslimz plz

I'm not taking sides or anything, but you have to understand their religion.  For one, their prophet, Mohammed, holds more importance in their religion than Jesus does for the Christians.  Secondly, it is mentioned multiple times in the Koran (Or however the hell you spell it) that if someone defames you, then it is your duty to exact justice on them.  Which is why we hear about women being raped by someone and then killed by their own family members for staining their family name.  However, when you bring Mohammed into the picture...let's just say that Das BoSchitt has nothing on this.

(The following is copied from the video description of "The Tale of Dirty Renamon" by BoSchitt Productions)

Hello there DasBoSchitt.
I just wanted to inform you that I watch all of your videos, and I love all of them; while some are less funny and humorous than others, they all seem to play out well and fair on my end. While I cannot deny that I am a loyal subscriber to your channel and your "Garry's Mod Idiot Box" series is a brilliant video collection, I have some problems with your work. Now that I've gotten past all the sucking up and admittance of my love for your videos, it's time I presented this "problem" to you. The whole situation about you not hating furries, yet hating Renamon, is a paradox; by stating your hatred for Renamon in the "Tagged" video, you have also state a vulgar abhorrence for furries as well. Me and a collection of furry enthusiasts have agreed that it would be in our best interests if we asked you to cease and desist the use of Renamon in your videos, unless it is in a positive demeanor.

While I cannot deny that Renamon IS a child's film star, we all love and respect her as if she were a real, living and breathing person. Back when I presented this issue to my group, they were all completely unaware that you had ever posted anything harmful to the name of Renamon, and did not believe me at first; so I provided them the video as evidence; they were amazed at the result. As further support, we've contacted other furry support groups (Specifically Renamon based) and asked them for their advice and they fell in line with me, and my organization's thoughts and concerns. Anyway, the point is, a lot of people don't want you downsizing the name of Renamon. If you would be so kind as to stop posting videos with bad things concerning Renamon, we would be greatly appreciative.

A list of the things we do not want Renamon involved in:
Sexual Activities
Unnecessary Violence
Sexual Innuendos
Vulgar Language
Disobeying the Law

Thank you for your time,
Sectus and the Renamon Support Forum

Offline swag master spiderman

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Re: "Innocence of Muslims" filmmaker arrested
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2012, 05:24:32 PM »
(The following is copied from the video description of "The Tale of Dirty Renamon" by BoSchitt Productions)

Hello there DasBoSchitt.
I just wanted to inform you that I watch all of your videos, and I love all of them; while some are less funny and humorous than others, they all seem to play out well and fair on my end. While I cannot deny that I am a loyal subscriber to your channel and your "Garry's Mod Idiot Box" series is a brilliant video collection, I have some problems with your work. Now that I've gotten past all the sucking up and admittance of my love for your videos, it's time I presented this "problem" to you. The whole situation about you not hating furries, yet hating Renamon, is a paradox; by stating your hatred for Renamon in the "Tagged" video, you have also state a vulgar abhorrence for furries as well. Me and a collection of furry enthusiasts have agreed that it would be in our best interests if we asked you to cease and desist the use of Renamon in your videos, unless it is in a positive demeanor.

While I cannot deny that Renamon IS a child's film star, we all love and respect her as if she were a real, living and breathing person. Back when I presented this issue to my group, they were all completely unaware that you had ever posted anything harmful to the name of Renamon, and did not believe me at first; so I provided them the video as evidence; they were amazed at the result. As further support, we've contacted other furry support groups (Specifically Renamon based) and asked them for their advice and they fell in line with me, and my organization's thoughts and concerns. Anyway, the point is, a lot of people don't want you downsizing the name of Renamon. If you would be so kind as to stop posting videos with bad things concerning Renamon, we would be greatly appreciative.

A list of the things we do not want Renamon involved in:
Sexual Activities
Unnecessary Violence
Sexual Innuendos
Vulgar Language
Disobeying the Law

Thank you for your time,
Sectus and the Renamon Support Forum

Is that shit for real

Personally I think shit like this is just a clear example of why religion is such a terrible idea. It's too easy to provoke religious people and they normally overreact (e.g start rioting and killing people). Not to mention the negatives of it often outweigh the positives such as giant crusades which end up in large quantities of people dying.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2012, 05:34:42 PM by Turian Nigga ? Moon »

Offline Hazard Time

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Re: "Innocence of Muslims" filmmaker arrested
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2012, 05:33:50 PM »
Religion is all about interpretation.  The Muslims over in the Middle East and Asia are WAAAAAYYY more conservative than Muslims in America, whereas most Muslims over here are willing to accept the Bill of Rights as the supreme law of the land.  Over in the Middle East, they don't give a shit about the First Ammendment.  Freedom of speech isn't mentioned in the Koran, so they have no need for it.  They are very close minded and backward, which is why they cannot understand why we do not publicly behead this guy.  It's like that mission from Mass Effect 2, with the Krogan on the Citadel "Why would you have a lot of water and not store something to eat in it?"
« Last Edit: September 28, 2012, 05:36:52 PM by Hazard Time »

Re: "Innocence of Muslims" filmmaker arrested
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2012, 01:50:47 AM »
I hate it when people just call freedom of speech "The First Amendment" it makes me want to beat them off their high horses.

After getting that off my chest... The bill of rights aren't the law of the land, the constitution is(Ask ANY judge, the bill of rights is part of it one way or another.)
What you have to realize Hazard, is peoples religion is basically an opinion(most of the time) and calling them close minded and backwards is like calling any conservative here close minded and backwards because you don't agree with it. Look at it from their point of view, this guy just basically took a piss on their religious idol, in America that'd be like them beheading you biggest hero in front of you.
From what I can see from your view point is that you're failing to perceive what its like for them, One of the biggest nations on the earth, that's in the middle east for what we claim are peaceful missions(Not saying that they are or aren't) trying to improve their living and remove the militias causing the problems, and we're shitting on their religious idol while they're getting trouble from these militias because of them "Letting the devil" in their nations. To them it seems we're causing more problems then good and should get out(And add the fact that this might be used as "The people of Americas opinion of Muslims" thus causing more issues).
1:23 PM - Pvt. Emory[113thCav]: I think 604 is a cat :3

2:07 PM - Juggernaut: Monkey with a gun
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: + Chunkeymonkey79
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: =
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: CHUNKYMONKEY WITH A GUN69
2:07 PM - chunkeymonkey79: YOU SIR ARE GOD

9:52 PM - Rory Phelps: gosh god damnit fuck my ass

Offline Reimer

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Re: "Innocence of Muslims" filmmaker arrested
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2012, 01:16:30 PM »

(nah never mind)
5:28 PM - wakeboarderCWB: swastika really?
5:28 PM - Lone Wanderer: we made it to riemer
5:28 PM - Lone Wanderer: he's the holy ghost
5:28 PM - Lone Wanderer: we makes sacrifices there

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Re: "Innocence of Muslims" filmmaker arrested
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2012, 02:39:20 PM »
by killing people in retaliation is stupid. it just proves the film's point further. i'm not trying to say "all muslims are bad" but if they really want to keep their reputation of being good people, then they shouldn't do this shit. it's not even all muslims, it's the extremists bastards. a while back there was a report about these libyans protesting the militias that killed the ambassador to libya with signs like "this doesn't represent us!" and things like that. muslims are pretty cool people, but once you get into the extremism, it gets pretty shit fast.

Offline LG-IM.Swagger

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Re: "Innocence of Muslims" filmmaker arrested
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2012, 03:12:01 PM »
Would be nice for this not to be here but here goes, this whole thing is bullshit, will give you the biggest info, this video sparked so much outrage because of them portraying Mohammed the Prophet, who is never meant to be drawn or anything else it's naughty, fact is, fuck religion. They want to stop this video? Oh they are just going to go on rampage through the whole of their middle east homes because obviously it affected them terribly, someone on the internet PROVED that religion is retarded, even when they say that they are peaceful and consentful people. Idiots.

Offline NastyNinja

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Re: "Innocence of Muslims" filmmaker arrested
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2012, 03:55:25 PM »
i love this movie.
My favorit one

Offline Hazard Time

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Re: "Innocence of Muslims" filmmaker arrested
« Reply #12 on: September 29, 2012, 07:05:35 PM »
I hate it when people just call freedom of speech "The First Amendment" it makes me want to beat them off their high horses.

After getting that off my chest... The bill of rights aren't the law of the land, the constitution is(Ask ANY judge, the bill of rights is part of it one way or another.)
What you have to realize Hazard, is peoples religion is basically an opinion(most of the time) and calling them close minded and backwards is like calling any conservative here close minded and backwards because you don't agree with it. Look at it from their point of view, this guy just basically took a piss on their religious idol, in America that'd be like them beheading you biggest hero in front of you.
From what I can see from your view point is that you're failing to perceive what its like for them, One of the biggest nations on the earth, that's in the middle east for what we claim are peaceful missions(Not saying that they are or aren't) trying to improve their living and remove the militias causing the problems, and we're shitting on their religious idol while they're getting trouble from these militias because of them "Letting the devil" in their nations. To them it seems we're causing more problems then good and should get out(And add the fact that this might be used as "The people of Americas opinion of Muslims" thus causing more issues).

Did I ever once say that muslims should "grow up and stop being butthurt?" I understand that we are just as backward to them.  The western mind and the arabic mind may possibly never understand each other.  By calling them backwards, I am merely stating that they are backwards to western standards.  Close-minded, however, is a fact.  Are they any worse off because of that?  Well, I can name quite a few backwards and close minded people here in our nation who think that our tolerance of homosexuals is what is killing our troops in Afghanistan.

I'm really trying to play a discussion facilitator here, so please correct me if I do not stay unbiased.  On another side note, this discussion is supposed to be about whether or not the filmmaker was arrested legitimately or not.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2012, 07:35:43 PM by Hazard Time »

Re: "Innocence of Muslims" filmmaker arrested
« Reply #13 on: October 01, 2012, 01:21:46 AM »
I hate it when people just call freedom of speech "The First Amendment" it makes me want to beat them off their high horses.

After getting that off my chest... The bill of rights aren't the law of the land, the constitution is(Ask ANY judge, the bill of rights is part of it one way or another.)
What you have to realize Hazard, is peoples religion is basically an opinion(most of the time) and calling them close minded and backwards is like calling any conservative here close minded and backwards because you don't agree with it. Look at it from their point of view, this guy just basically took a piss on their religious idol, in America that'd be like them beheading you biggest hero in front of you.
From what I can see from your view point is that you're failing to perceive what its like for them, One of the biggest nations on the earth, that's in the middle east for what we claim are peaceful missions(Not saying that they are or aren't) trying to improve their living and remove the militias causing the problems, and we're shitting on their religious idol while they're getting trouble from these militias because of them "Letting the devil" in their nations. To them it seems we're causing more problems then good and should get out(And add the fact that this might be used as "The people of Americas opinion of Muslims" thus causing more issues).

Did I ever once say that muslims should "grow up and stop being butthurt?" I understand that we are just as backward to them.  The western mind and the arabic mind may possibly never understand each other.  By calling them backwards, I am merely stating that they are backwards to western standards.  Close-minded, however, is a fact.  Are they any worse off because of that?  Well, I can name quite a few backwards and close minded people here in our nation who think that our tolerance of homosexuals is what is killing our troops in Afghanistan.

I'm really trying to play a discussion facilitator here, so please correct me if I do not stay unbiased.  On another side note, this discussion is supposed to be about whether or not the filmmaker was arrested legitimately or not.
I'm sorry but you failed to state "Compared to western standards" in your post.

To be honest, I've never heard of not being allowed to be on the internet when on probation.. However it may be one of those things that they don't care about unless you piss someone off (Such as being arrested for sodomy in Texas) and chances are that its going to be changed really quickly.
However isn't he facing a few fraud law suits from the actors trying to cover their own asses?

Then chances are they're doing this to keep him in the USA.
1:23 PM - Pvt. Emory[113thCav]: I think 604 is a cat :3

2:07 PM - Juggernaut: Monkey with a gun
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: + Chunkeymonkey79
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: =
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: CHUNKYMONKEY WITH A GUN69
2:07 PM - chunkeymonkey79: YOU SIR ARE GOD

9:52 PM - Rory Phelps: gosh god damnit fuck my ass


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