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Messages - Highastheskyler

Pages: [1]
Events / (Suggestion) Tainted Water.
« on: June 22, 2012, 09:00:32 AM »
Maybe if we did an event were someone or somehow the water got tainted, rather it be by accident or on purpose. It could cause some symptoms like coughing, vomiting or sweating (The admins will probably choose.) The citizens infected could be forced into quarantine or something I am going to keep it rather simple and leave it at this.

IC Chat / Re: "The New Order" AKA "The Brotherhood"
« on: June 22, 2012, 06:28:27 AM »
// Would all members have access because if so, Harris is mindwiped.

IC Chat / The Diary of Sarah
« on: June 22, 2012, 04:00:30 AM »
// You can only know what is written by finding my journal icly.

I am having a hard time making friends I tried talking to a another girl today but all she did was slam a door in my face. Later that day I meet a CCA talking to that same girl, I can not recall what they were talking about I think it was about the evolution of man. Seconds after that another came to talk to us but, that was quickly ruined by the CCA breaking someone's nose and then leaving.

Introductions / Hello
« on: June 22, 2012, 02:36:55 AM »
Hi I have been playing a CG for awhile and, finally decided to introduce myself on the forums. I am not much for typing long sentences, so I probably will not be posting very often. I was just dropping to say hello sorry for this post being so short.


Pages: [1]
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