Author Topic: <::||C45.CCA.S1-RCT.773 Private logs||::>  (Read 4332 times)

Offline turhral=S=C=

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<::||C45.CCA.S1-RCT.773 Private logs||::>
« on: October 06, 2012, 07:49:22 PM »

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New Log Opened:

*A white skinned man with green eyes appears on the screen. He has short,brown hair, and a scar on his cheek. His facemask can be seen near the screen, laying down.*
<::|| Unit 773 here, first video log. Some TrO's recommended that I would do some, so I decided I will.
Today I had my second training session. Was pretty short, learning the radio codes and patrolling. However, Me, 716 and 654 were summoned to the HCMR, where 050 were waiting for us. He asked me and 716 a few questions, five for each. 716 was wrong at one, so 050 attempted to shoot his right foot, and missed. I have no idea why, but when 050 asked me what code yellow changes on my patrol, I said it is allowing us to patrol through the CWU... Because of that, 654 was demoted from TrO(A) to normal TrO. I feel bad for him now.

After these, me and 716 were patrolling, where we saw 909 with a female citizen, which was kinda dumb. She ran all over the place, and didn't stopped. Up untill 909 shot her in the knee cap. He then brought her to the cells, hoping to get authorization for verdict 1 on her.

That's all I can think for now, since being an RCT is kinda... Nevermind.
Unit 773, 10-7.  ||::>

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« Last Edit: January 12, 2013, 02:34:12 PM by turhral=S=C= [1-03] »
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Re: <::||C45.CCA.UNIFORM-RCT.773 Private logs||::>
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2012, 09:23:45 PM »
Out of Character for OOC:
TrO(A) stands for Acting Training Officer. So TrO(A) -> TrO is actually a promotion.

Offline turhral=S=C=

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.UNIFORM-RCT.773 Private logs||::>
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2012, 03:40:54 AM »
Out of Character for OOC:
TrO(A) stands for Acting Training Officer. So TrO(A) -> TrO is actually a promotion.
Out of Character for OOC:
My character does not know that. He will fix it in the next log.
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Re: <::||C45.CCA.UNIFORM-RCT.773 Private logs||::>
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2012, 07:51:49 AM »

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New Log Opened:

*A male appears on the screen, seems like he is white skinned with green eyes, which looks a bit red, and short, brown hair. He has a scar along his cheek.
You can see his facemask near the console.*
<::|| This is unit 773 here, with another log. 155 said that I should do this very often. Well then, let's begin.

I really messed up today... I was patrolling with 905 and 495, and after we finished a citizen called me. While 905 and 495 went in, I stayed outside to see what he wanted, which was a very big mistake... He claims that a citizen that I know very well attacked him and left him scars on the face. I went to see if it was true, and it wasn't. He was holding his suitcase very hard, which was very suspicious. Turns out I got hit by him, and fell to the ground. *sigh* Just an anti-citi- I mean 647E... After that, 050 called me to the HCMR due to the recent events, and I got punished... Two hits with the stun stick on his last level right below my kevlar, damn that hurts.

Oh right, and there was a new City Administrator, which looks kinda old, about 50-55 years old I would guess. I stood together with Triple-Seven, to check what's up with the citizens. Mostly CWU workers, so no sign of crimes were around. And after that, I- *He suddenly holds his mouth a bit, seems like he is about to throw up.* Sorry about that, I still can't get the looks of those bodyparts I had to clean. 360 made me clean a cell, which he shreded a citizen in there. Ugh, that was gross, I was about to throw up... Don't want even to talk about that...

After that, 131 trained me the Further Training, and I realized I was very close to catching up with 716. Me and him were thinking about joining GRID, mostly because of the Mechanical stuff and the SCN's. Haven't seen 716 around in the last time, come to think about that.

Later on, I was patrolling wit 155, which we then played a few games, such as I spy, or just talked. He was in a bad mood, I wonder what's up with him. *Suddenly, a door opens behind 773, revealing 155, and the barracks. 155 shouts "Oh for god's sake, just finish your log! I can't sleep with you talking that loud!" 773 turns to 155, saying to him "Alright, just let me say some last words!" He turns back to the screen.*
Anyway, that was about it. Oh, and I figured out that 654 was promoted, didn't got the thing of the Acting thing.
I should better get some sleep, my eyes hurts, and I still need to be checked about those two flashbangs... That's it for now, I guess.
Unit 773, Ten-Seven. *He then reaches to the console, pressing a big red button. The screen then flickers black, indicating the console is off.* ||::>

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« Last Edit: October 13, 2012, 08:11:24 AM by turhral=S=C= [1-05] »
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Re: <::||C45.CCA.UNIFORM-05.773 Private logs||::>
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2012, 05:34:15 AM »

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New Log Opened:

** A young-looking male appears on the screen, he has green eyes and short, brown hair. His facemask is visible near the console. **
<::|| Unit Double-Seven-Three here, Wanted to make a quick log.
So, I finally finished my training, and got promoted to 05. Due to my luck, Oh-Fifty did the test to me... I was /that/ close to fail, 89% of correct answers. Now that I'm an Oh-Five, I can get in GRID together with 716. I talked with an OfC about it, most chances I won't be in it due to the questions he asked me. *sigh* Guess NOVA is my second choice...
Nothing special happened in the last days, as I went 10-8 when a lot were asleep or 10-7, so had nothing to do beside patrolling.
I... Guess that's it for now, wanted to make a quick log about the promotion.
* He then reaches to his radio, talking to it.* Unit Seven-Seven-Three, Ten-Seven. ||::>
* He presses a button on the console, turning it off. The screen then turns black. *

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.UNIFORM-05.773 Private logs||::>
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2012, 04:27:46 PM »

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New Log Opened:Log3

** The young looking male appears on the screen once again, with green eyes, and short, brown hair. It appears to be an empty room, with a map glass on the floor. The room is kinda big, and appears to be the MoC.
<::|| Unit 773 here, with log number three.
So, a lot have happened in the past few days, me and 716 got into the GRID division, and he already got promoted to 04... Lucky. I still need to wait a day or so.
We did trainings together, Mechanical training, that is. GRID training are ok, more interesting than UNIFORM's one. Damn, those were /looooong/ ones....
a lot has happened, including transferring a citizen to Nova-Prospekt, and Commander 27070 amputating 736... Not much demotions, promotions and those stuff, but the one I will remember is... ** 773 then sighs, and waits a few seconds before saying anything**
One-Fifty-Five. He resigned to APEX 03, as he didn't really succeeded as TrO... I then figured out me and 716 were his only students, and that he had only one training session in his TrO career... He seems like an experienced TrO....
After that, 017 got on-duty, And... Let's just say she didn't reacted very mature for 155's resigning...
She made us patrol, which is ok. But then... She sang a weird song to 155... She sang, "Vale Drecem... Alis Grave... Ad Aderteruam... Something is wrong with her... I feel bad for 155, as know 017 will bug him for that... Although he was kinda mean, he was still a good person... Well, This is it for now.
** It seems like he is reaching for his radio, talking to it.**
Unit 773, Ten-Seven.||::>
** He then reaches for the console, turning it off.**

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.S1-05.773 Private logs||::>
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2013, 02:33:47 PM »
UNIT: 773
SECTION: Section 1

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New Log Opened: Log4

** A young male appears on the screen. He has green eyes, with short, brown hair. His facemask is visible on his shoulder. The room behind him is mostly empty, with a strange huge box of glass on the right side of the screen.**
<::|| Unit 773 here, with log number... Eh... Four? Yes, log number four.
So. a lot of strange things has happened in the CCA lately, as well as a mass demotion of almost everyone to either RCT or 05. It didn't effect me on the first days, as I thought I shouldn't be demoted. However, Twenty Seven-Oh-Seventy caught me, and I understood that it was just a small mistake, that I should have been demoted back when everyone were. So with me being an RCT again, it was a new window for me to try a different Sector. I thought about re-joining GRI- Uh I mean, Sector 4, however I talked a bit with Triple-Seven, she said she would like a Unit in her Sector with a bit of GRID knowlege. Heck, more action for me. So I decided that as soon as I get promoted to 05, I'll join S3.
I've seen a lot of other familiar units back to an RCT, including my old TrO, 155. I guess it is a new Era of students training with their old TrO. Haha. Anyway, other than that, nothing really special happen- Oh right. Somehow, that big gate near the CWU building opened, with it revealing the Embassy, where the CA's now stay. I think.
Well, I should be going.
** He reaches for his radio, pressing a button and talking into it.**
Unit 773, 10-8. Awaiting further directives.||::>
** He reaches for his facemask, putting it on. He pushes a button on the console, turning it off. The screen then flickers to black.**

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.S1-RCT.773 Private logs||::>
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2013, 11:57:13 AM »
UNIT: 773

Enter Password: ***********

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New Log Opened: "Dinner"

**The young male appears once again on the screen, with his bright green eyes, and short, brown hair. His facemask is visible in the bottom left corner, most of it is out of screen. He looks down for a bit, before raising his head and opening his mouth.**
<::|| Unit Double seven-Three, with log number Five.
In the past week I managed to complete three trainings, two of them were pretty exhausting. Well, at least 4 more, and on to the next block., but I need to catch Oh-Fifty or Six-Fifty-Four first.
I had the chance to train with One-Fifty-Five, he got some heck of muscles. I also met Oh-Fourty-One, Twenty-Two-Eight, and Nince-Eleven. Pretty nice persons, hope they will continue to stay in the CCA. Heck, 228 got Augmentations already. She went a long way through the CCA.
I... Also helped with the training of Nine-Eleven, I think. Oh-Seventeen tried to train her how to knock people down with hitting them in the Neck, however she missed the spot with less than an inch. I think. It just hurts a bit after, that's all.

I guess that is all for now, I should go back.
Not to self, remember to buy Oh-Seventeen dinner. *He chuckles for a bit, grabbing his facemask and putting it on. ||::>

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.S1-RCT.773 Private logs||::>
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2013, 08:31:12 AM »
UNIT: 773
SECTION: Section one

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New Log Opened: Newcity

**The young male appears once again on the screen, with his bright green eyes, and short, brown hair. His facemask is visible in the bottom left corner, most of it is out of screen. He looks down for a bit, before raising his head and opening his mouth.**
<::|| Unit Seven-Seven-Three, with log number... Six.

So. We have been relocated to City 17 about two weeks ago, kinda hard to get used to it after City Fourty five. a lot has been going on lately, including new manifests, patrol routes, situations, and what not. About a week ago, unit 582 was attacked and kidnapped, which tu- **You can hear in the background a female voice, sounds like 017, yelling  "<:: You fucking whore! How could you let this happen!?"**

I'll get to that soon. So, the citizen who kidnapped her released her, even gave us his details, but went to another city.

You probably heard the yelling- **Another yell is coming, by the same voice, this time saying "<:: Great fucking job!"**

Yeah, this one. Apperantly 063 or how I like to call her, New blood, and 624, were kidnapped too by a group of anti-citizens, which then me and 017 went to search for them, and found them half-naked. We brought them back here, and now 017 is- ** A third yell is heard, this time an off-vocoder, male voice. The voice says "Well how could I have fought it if I could not move? How was I to see them comeing up?!"**

And now she is yelling at them, but something is going on... I'd better check it.

Unit 773, end of log six.||::>
** The screen then flickers black, turned off.**
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Disconnecting Unit 773
Console Shut Down.
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