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Messages - Tapir!

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I think some people have forgotten what role playing is about. Let me remind you; It's about immersing yourself in a different reality while pretending to be the character that you are playing.

Immersion's definition:


an act or instance of immersing.
state of being immersed.
state of being deeply engaged or involved; absorption.

Half Life 2 Roleplay isn't about earning money, it isn't about gaining stats, it's not about achieving a certain goal, it's about developing a character's story within a different reality, and making your character survive a scenario.

This means, when you play Half Life 2 Role Play, you surround yourself in the world you are in. You're not in your safe little American/British/Danish homes or cities anymore. You're in a city run by the civil protection who are known to snap necks over curse words, and beat over running. They are to be FEARED.

-Here's a problem brought up earlier in OOC about failure to immerse in the game mode.

Combine: "Get out of here!"
Citizen moves back five feet, continuing to stare
Combine pulls out electric baton
Citizen stares

Not really sure what this means, if that is /me'd all of it, well then take it ICly, yeah theyre supposed to fearRP but fearrp can result in just standing still doing nothing (kinda like paralyse)


This is bull shit. It makes the game unenjoyable not only for the combine, but for other citizens spectating. Other citizens are supposed to see the compliance and control that the combine have over the citizens; It's all a part of the atmosphere of the game.

- Another problem that I constantly deal with; The CCA are talking, they chit and chat, I get involved with them trying to roleplay seriously, and then the LOOC chatter starts happening about something completely retarded, and it kills the mood of the game.

Combine: Citizen, I need to speak with you
Worker: Yes sir, what's the issue
Combine: This citizen is very hurt, and needs medical assistance
Worker: Right... uh, i'll get on that.

If someone asks for (L)OOC silence during RP, people should comply to that. Its up to the people involves/around if they want to chat meanwhile or not. If someone keeps talking looc while rp even after silence was asked, tell an admin


This is just annoying and bothersome. I don't like how often OOC is used in this game. OOC should be for explaining something that happened on accident in game or having to do with glitches within the game, not have a separate conversation with the person you're playing with, if you wanted to do that, go into SF and save the rest of us the mood kill. Maybe we should play with it disabled for a little while and see what it's like?

OOC is for people to chat with eachother, can be whatever. Rules, help, anything, dosnt even have to be (HL2)RP related, if you are so bothered by OOC chat, turn it off in settings.

-Dead bodies, STOP GRABBING THEM AS SOON AS YOU SEE THEM. First of all, you're all malnourished citizens, there's no way you'd be able to lift a body up off the ground and carry it. Second off, it's just plain stupid, dead or unconcious people don't get picked up and thrown around, think about how ridiculousness that would be in real life.

Grandma faints
Grand child 1 picks up grandma by back, slamming her around as he walks her up the stairs, placing her down in a weird positon
Grand child 2 jump crouches over the grandma, picking her up again and setting her down only to be annoying

Its already kickable/bannable to fling corpses around for no reason and specially without /me since its well powergaming. if you see this, again, call admin



For a roleplaying world to come alive, we need everyone's help and cooperation. Just stop being minges and trolls. When you see something different, be mature about it, look at it, gaze it, don't run up and steal it, or try to break it.

And truth be told, if you're under the age of 16, you shouldn't be playing HL2RP. You should be playing some other lesser game mode because without an established high school education, you can't have the maturity to appreciate this form of acting. That doesn't apply to EVERYONE, however, I'm sure most would agree that 18 year old and older are more serious than 14 and under...

Age dosnt have shit to do with RP-skill or anything. I was admin on hl2rp aswell when i was 14, got DvL  and was never banned. There are people 18+ that are bigger failures and dicks than people around 13. It comes down to the PERSON not the age. A 12yearold can be a better RPer than someone 18. Yeah it sounds unlikely but sometimes it does happen that a smart kid comes around

Sure, this was sort of a rant, but it's a rant that's been a long time coming, help the server get it's atmosphere back, and do your part. It only takes one idiot to fuck up the entire game for everyone.

My answers arei n red bold.

I agree with your responses, .apex.  It does seem like your out to shoot him down, but I totally agree with you, and here's why:

If someone asks for (L)OOC silence during RP, people should comply to that. Its up to the people involves/around if they want to chat meanwhile or not. If someone keeps talking looc while rp even after silence was asked, tell an admin

I was the CAs assistant yesterday, and I was upstairs transcribing conversations. I took the job waaaay to seriously,and would like format the pages and shit. This took a lot of attention. As I was doing this, the two OTA got into an LOOC conversation about some funny joke or some shit. Most people up there didn't care, the OTAs were joking, the CA was laughing, and the citizen was typing their next message. I was annoyed, because, my shit was getting buried. So i said "Okay, quit the fucking LOOC Chatter." and they shut RIGHT up. That is the way it should remain, no BS limits on LOOC or anything.

OOC is for people to chat with eachother, can be whatever. Rules, help, anything, dosnt even have to be (HL2)RP related, if you are so bothered by OOC chat, turn it off in settings.

I'm 50/50 with this one. On one hand, global OOC does deserve its right to have any discussion, however, my opinion is if your going to have a full-blown conversation, take it to PM, or find them IG-OOCly and take it to LOOC. The odd tits or cock in OOC is funny, and the server reactions as a high-ranked admin joins is funny too, as well as the odd small conversation or whatever. But remember, this is a text based game, so EVERYONES RP shouldn't have to suffer because a few of you wanted to CONSTANTLY put tits into the chat. *AHEM AHEM* If you wanna do that shit, or have a full blown conversation, take it to PMs is my idea now (thrust upon me by the oh-s0-smart admins)

Its already kickable/bannable to fling corpses around for no reason and specially without /me since its well powergaming. if you see this, again, call admin

This is probably the only comment i can say, Nothing can be done, or i've not yet seen anything creative enough to stop this. flinging corpses for no reason is a major problem. So is falling for no reason. One thing I could say we could do is make it so, to carry a corpse, unless you are CCA, you require two people. Minges never really work in groups, plus this would make Resistance RP more intresting. And mabye, one person could drag a corpse, but they'd be slowed to a slower-than-walk speed, that way, if they're a minge they can be stopped, and dragging corpses to hide them is still a viable solution.
But I digress.  My point is, although it's bannable for flinging corpses. the people who usually do it are minges who have nothing better to do than fling the corpse, than lolrun from the admin. I've seen experienced minges who can dodge a physgun like it's a laser from a walker in War of the Worlds. It's impressive, actually. Theres not much that can be done about that.

Age dosnt have shit to do with RP-skill or anything. I was admin on hl2rp aswell when i was 14, got DvL  and was never banned. There are people 18+ that are bigger failures and dicks than people around 13. It comes down to the PERSON not the age. A 12yearold can be a better RPer than someone 18. Yeah it sounds unlikely but sometimes it does happen that a smart kid comes around

YES. THANK YOU. I ACTUALLY FACE PALMED WHEN I READ WHAT HE SAID. Age does NOT equal maturity. I play airsoft, and the indoor field i play at created "over 16 only" midnight games, to try to give arenas that didn't have 12 year old codfags running around screaming and cussing because their mommys saw the yearly membership as an opportunity for cheap daycare. I've found, that more often than not, these midnight games are a PROBLEM. Immature 16 year olds are a much larger problem, both physically and communicativley, than immature 12 year olds. And boy oh boy, immature 16+, not in short supply. At all. Age is not the issue, maturity is the issue. It's not necisicarally true that the minges are immature, either. We all just need to understand what we are looking for in good RP, and to put leashes on everything we say and do, that's not good RP, that's creative stranglehold.

But yeah, anyway, i'll probably get warned for necropost supreme with this one. I just wanted to add my two cents, because i thought this topic needed it. That is all.

Post Auto-Merged: July 31, 2012, 08:00:28 AM
do you all think i'll be good at roleplaying? My main language isn't english :/

Well, i have to say, the first line of your response Klashy, made me feel like you were shooting this guy down.
He's saying he doesn't speak english too well, so that first line was like 0.o wut?

But yeah, its not really about having PERFECT spelling or grammar. Make your characters speak english the way you do, but be careful, the CCA could consider it an imperfection

It doesn't matter what you speak, it's how you speak it.

You can be good at role playing if you follow a few simple rules, such as.

PAIN RP - You have been shot, YOU CAN'T WALK. Most likely you're limping because of a beating or maybe just a small wobble to a scuffed knee.

FEAR RP - Fear the consequences of your characters outcome. You wouldn't walk up to a 6'0 super solider and tell him to go fuck himself if it meant you were getting the dog shit beat out of you.
Oh yes.

Passive RP - Nothing going on around you? Rp going up to a machine, putting in your tokens, and grabbing a can from the tray. RP sitting on the bench, reading a book. This opens opportunity for someone to notice your little details, to start a conversation expanding on the bigger ones. (No one really knows the power of this tool.)For me, trying to report 2 audio violators turned into them (pretending to) befreinding me, taking me to their apartment, us sharing some donuts and tea, and then getting the shit beaten out of me with a tea kettle and tossed out a window because "snitches get stitches."

Immersion - Act as if your screen was the view from your eyes. You are in the shoes of your character.
It's more than that. I like to give every voice a personification, in my head. If it says british, i read it with a british accent. I read the CPs like a Vocoder. It's why we use text, instead of voice chat. theres a lot more, but i feel like its too much to go listing out. XD

And most of all, remember the point of the game. It's to survive in an oppressive atmosphere with the fear of your life ending by a slip of your tongue.
That depends on what you do, and where you hang out.

If everyone just followed these simple steps, and incorporated them into one large picture, role playing runs effectively, smoothly, and is most importantly, enjoyable. It's not just the steps, its caring to do the steps right. if I were to half ass it, I wouldn't improve RP, i could actually damage it more heavily. It's about the effort that you put in, not the tactics that you use.
Necropost SUPREME.

I still liked Outlands better back when it was Canals. It has nothing to do with the map itself, but the Roleplay was generally more interesting then. Last time I made an Outlands character, I was raped three times in one day. I understand that in order to get to the good roleplaying in Outlands, you have to find a group of people to RP with, but I can't seem to make it ten steps without someone attempting to A. Mug me B. Rape me or C. Kill me.

lol this wasn't my experience at all. I went to the outlands, ran into an old friend, bought a flashlight off him, explored some places, and ended up finding the fucking resistance hideout. you know, the guys with the cool uniforms and sniper rifles who behave kinda like the CCA. Those ones.

After they told me to get lost, i followed their doctor to his hideout. then we tried to hop a cliff into water, but i flunked :(


Suggestions / Re: Vort Chat
« on: July 27, 2012, 02:35:20 PM »
Just make it a random-selector, choosing one of eight 4-6 word twenty character statements. so even if the vort puts in 1 Char, its 20 chars, and if the vort puts in 60 chars its twenty chars whatever.

Duly noted, purple. I'm incorporating my characters entire backstory into the app now, so yeah, thank you for giving me a second chance, if you do.

Post Auto-Merged: July 27, 2012, 12:54:54 AM
Player Section

Steam Name: Tapir!
Age: Seventeen
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): About Six Years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: About Four Years

Character Section

Having gone to College in Australia. Majored in Engineering, Minored in Social Sciences.
Slight Knowledge of Vortigaunts and Vortigaunt Society

Name: Harrison Smutson
Age: Twenty Five
Gender: Male
Affiliation: None

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Harrison was no super-genius, Nor was he dumb either. He could be considered, for lack of a better word, average. Before the Seven Hour war, Harrison was average in every way. He began his intelectual life, like all other children, in pre-school. He worked his way up to elementary, middle, and through high school without a hiccup. He passed with average grades, B's and C's. Harrison, in every way, was a normal child into his adulthood. Even his choice of majors in college were quite bland. Engineering, and Social Sciences. If Stephen Hawking represents the black, and Forrest Gump represents the white, Harrison was the perfect shade of grey. All this changed, when the resonance cascade began and the Seven Hour war came to Fruition.

Harrison lived in australia. Being an Island continent, it was among the last places to be hit by the Combine Invasion. Harrison, upon the combines arrival, was immediatley shoved into City 229, at the heart of what was once Sydney. Harrison found his stay in sydney, however, short lived. Some kind of computer glitch re-assigned Harrison to City 18. He was instantly shoved on a train, and spent the next few months moving from area to area, stopping for days or weeks at a time at cities. He stopped at City 186, in central australia. He was then taken to City 134 on the Northern coast. At each of these cities, he came to know, and on more than one occasion be rescued by, the officers of the town. Harrison had a nasty habit of being naieve to the world around him, and on more than one occasion, he was attacked by another citizen. The CCA always came to his aid, even though at times they themselves would attack him for infringments, like swearing or running.

After harrison spent 3 weeks on a shippment boat, loaded with goods headed for the coast, including dormant striders, hunters, stalkers, and OTA headed to africa. He was sedated and loaded onto a combine dropship, along with other supplies headed for City 62, his final stop before City 18. Before he made his way to City 62, the combine recieved word of City 18's collapse, and he was re-directed to City 45, after his stop in City 62. However, complications were encountered on harrisons trip. The Ship he was riding in malfunctioned, and, dropping its load, crashed over the Sahara.

After Harrisons alotted sleep time was completed, he awoke, rather than onboard a train headed for City 45, in the middle of the desert in a crash-zone. Alongside him awoke the only surviving CONSCRIPT, slightly injured, but most of its impact had been protected by the restraints on its body, rendered useless. Most of the Onboard Transhumans and Stalkers had survived the crash, but would not awake untill activated by the Combine, and therefore were ignored by Harrison and the now-free Vortigaunt. Harrison spent the next week with the vortigaunt, they helped to care for each other, and shared stories and conversations. The vortigaunt ended up getting killed by an antlion, saving Harrisons life, while he hid from the swarm inside the damaged Crate. Soon after, the Combine went to recover anything from the crash, and found 5/7 recoverable Stalkers and 8/8 Recoverable OTA. They also found all the CONSCRIPTS to be dead, and the human passanger to have survived. Eventually, Harrison was brought to City 62, and in connection, City 45, his final destination.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
Advanced Knowledge on Engineering
A minor understanding of Social Situations, being able to bend them to his benefit, and manipulate people
Engineering Experience, an edge on getting into GRID with the CCA
Small understanding of Vortigaunts, possible ability to Coax CONSCRIPTs into talking with him

A college education could attact negitave attention
My character could develop a holier than thou attitude, realising most other citizens havn't gone to college, or are too old for it to matter.
If the CCA ever found out he knew things about vorts, he could be deemed anti-citizen or have his Acceptance into the CCA revoked.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Join Grid, build things. I plan to manufacture things for my own use, makeshiftly. I plan to manipulate situations to my benefit, especially with officers

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):

Application HEAVILY touched up. Backstory Expanded, new auth added. Please reconsider?

*shrug*  i don't know what to say about that. I mean, it's rather useless to sit there and describe his life outside the city, before the war. It doesn't really matte to us WHY he went to college, it just matters that he did. and in Todays day and age, it's not like college is an uncommon degree. If i was asking for something more advanced, like a PhD. which takes 6-8 years of advanced education, i'd go into more detail as-per what drove him to strive for the PhD. I'd also make my character older. But, considering this all takes place in the near future, and i think the resonance cascade is supposed to have-happened this year, a college education would have been a pretty normative choice, no matter your economic or educational status (unless you were lower-class, which he clearly wasn't).

Post Auto-Merged: July 26, 2012, 10:36:03 AM
Backstory modified to add more depth.

Denied Authorizations / Harrison Smutson's Authorization Application
« on: July 26, 2012, 12:46:10 AM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Tapir!
Age: Seventeen
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): About Six Years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: About Four Years

Character Section

Having gone to College in Australia. Majored in Engineering, Minored in Social Sciences.

Name: Harrison Smutson
Age: Twenty Five
Gender: Male
Affiliation: None

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Harrison was no super-genius, Nor was he dumb either. He could be considered, for lack of a better word, average. Before the Seven Hour war, Harrison was average in every way. He began his intelectual life, like all other children, in pre-school. He worked his way up to elementary, middle, and through high school without a hiccup. He passed with average grades, B's and C's. Harrison, in every way, was a normal child into his adulthood. Even his choice of majors in college were quite bland. Engineering, and Social Sciences. If Stephen Hawking represents the black, and Forrest Gump represents the white, Harrison was the perfect shade of grey. All this changed, when the resonance cascade began and the Seven Hour war came to Fruition.

Harrison lived in australia. Being an Island continent, it was among the last places to be hit by the Combine Invasion. Harrison, upon the combines arrival, was immediatley shoved into City 229, at the heart of what was once Sydney. Harrison found his stay in sydney, however, short lived. Some kind of computer glitch re-assigned Harrison to City 18. He was instantly shoved on a train, and spent the next few months moving from area to area, stopping for days or weeks at a time at cities. He stopped at City 186, in central australia. He was then taken to City 134 on the Northern coast. At each of these cities, he came to know, and on more than one occasion be rescued by, the officers of the town. Harrison had a nasty habit of being naieve to the world around him, and on more than one occasion, he was attacked by another citizen. The CCA always came to his aid, even though at times they themselves would attack him for infringments, like swearing or running.

After harrison spent 3 weeks on a shippment boat, loaded with goods headed for the coast, including dormant striders, hunters, stalkers, and OTA headed to africa. He was sedated and loaded onto a combine dropship, along with other supplies headed for City 62, his final stop before City 18. Before he made his way to City 62, the combine recieved word of City 18's collapse, and he was re-directed to City 45, after his stop in City 62. However, complications were encountered on harrisons trip. The Ship he was riding in malfunctioned, and, dropping its load, crashed over the Sahara.

After Harrisons alotted sleep time was completed, he awoke, rather than onboard a train headed for City 45, in the middle of the desert in a crash-zone. Alongside him awoke the only surviving CONSCRIPT, slightly injured, but most of its impact had been protected by the restraints on its body, rendered useless. Most of the Onboard Transhumans and Stalkers had survived the crash, but would not awake untill activated by the Combine, and therefore were ignored by Harrison and the now-free Vortigaunt. Harrison spent the next week with the vortigaunt, they helped to care for each other, and shared stories and conversations. The vortigaunt ended up getting killed by an antlion, saving Harrisons life, while he hid from the swarm inside the damaged Crate. Soon after, the Combine went to recover anything from the crash, and found 5/7 recoverable Stalkers and 8/8 Recoverable OTA. They also found all the CONSCRIPTS to be dead, and the human passanger to have survived. Eventually, Harrison was brought to City 62, and in connection, City 45, his final destination.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
Advanced Knowledge on Engineering
A minor understanding of Social Situations, being able to bend them to his benefit, and manipulate people
Engineering Experience, an edge on getting into GRID with the CCA

A college education could attact negitave attention
My character could develop a holier than thou attitude, realising most other citizens havn't gone to college, or are too old for it to matter.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Join Grid, build things. I plan to manufacture things for my own use, makeshiftly. I'm going to use exceprts from Vortigaunt history and such to make easier friends with CONSCRIPTS, mabye secretley aid in an escape. :P

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):

Events / Re: Exodus
« on: July 26, 2012, 12:37:18 AM »
Could you forum PM me the date? or mabye your username so it can't be considered meta we'd meet IG. somehow. I have an outlands char who i'd like to have greet you guys when you come in. Don't worry, i don't mean ambush by greet. XD. He used to go to catsle, and he'd totally be in with the move, if he didn't bolt there in the first place.

Like i said, Gangplank. You can toss citizens off, shoot them and watch them fall, or set up a noose and let 'em hang.

I agree with that whole idea involving the CWU as well. Merge the CWU building with the loyalist building. and turn the old cwu into.... i don't know... lol (i'd remove that whole wing of the map. it serves rather no purpose, with the nexus garage being empty 100% of the time.

A gangplank on the nexus, for throwing people off.

Last april I RPed having a cough...

I was PKed due to infection, lost one of my best characters... to a cough...
Shoulda appealed it. Part of good RP is the officer asking you what you have. Nova don't just go 'HE'S SICK, EXTERMINATE!' and higher ranks cant just go 'HES SICK, EXTERMINATE!' without having a nova look at you, no matter what. even if they're a UU officer. That sounds fucking retarted to me. But i guess some people have hard-ons for PKing, amirite?

"Ask Me Anything" / Re: Ask Smt Anything
« on: July 20, 2012, 12:35:50 PM »
who is you?

Introductions / Hey Guys!
« on: July 20, 2012, 12:32:14 PM »
So, i found your RP server, sitting with like the highest populaton of any HL2RP server ever, and i thought, what the heck i'll try it. here i am, a meer 3 days later, and i've already purchaced VIP and am working my way up to the minimum post count to apply for the jobs and permissions i want in game. Thanks for giving me a chance to actually enjoy HL2RP again, and not have to deal with the dumb fail-rp minges at the servers i used to play at! And i'm excited to play so many more games in this community, and someday help it to grow and expand with even more monies, or help, or something. i dunno. wtva.

This looks really intersting, i don't know why it's so dead of a topic. I think we totally should get a server that runs this mod, it looks awesome.

Suggestions / Re: Arma 2 Server.
« on: July 20, 2012, 12:26:15 PM »
I don't like the 'life' RPs in arma. they aren't that great. They remind me too much of DarkRP or something like it that's not as smooth of a game.

We should definatley get a dayZ server though, and possibly even a Co-op server or something. mods like ACE, ACRE, and CBA, make for a fun, and very realistic experience.

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